Foster And Kleiser Outdoor Advertising Progressive Review (coni.) First National Bank Of Portland Ashland Brunch—M viii I mt Federal Reserve System Among the financial institutions of this community there are few which can show more substantial piogK'ss than this well known bank From the date of its organ­ ization up to the present time its officers have been noted for their sound, energetic and conservative business methods commanding in u marked degree the confidence of their depositors and the public at large, ii condition that Is the alm of any executive board Taken all In all, It Is an Institution In which people feel at home An ideu may have great potential value To get another’s point of view and secure a check on your irwn individual judgment, it will l>e worth while to discuss your plan* with your banker. A banker has no g rester fore­ sight than any other business man, but his contact with many business men In varied lines gives him a com|M>site view of condi­ tions that can be of value to his customers Hr acts as a distribut­ ing center of information regard­ ing business conditions In this Progress Review, we wish to direct your attention to the First National Bank of Port land In Ashland and to assure you that if you are looking for in­ creased bunking service you will find a consultation with the men in charge one of inspiration and confidence in the future Dr. Bertha Sawyer Dissertation on Osteopathy A few words of wisdom from Dr Bertha Sawyer, located In the I Pioneer Building, ‘phone 8061: 'The science of osteopathy Is an advanced scientific method for the prevention and cure of disease The human body has been endow­ ed by nature with all the remedial agents, such as the bl*Mxl and nerve force, that are necessary for the preservation of health, and recovery from disease providing the mechanism which distributes these agents is in perfect mechan­ ical adjustment Any obstruction to a normal flow of blood causes discus*- Remove such obstruction arwl health naturally follows "Osteopathy searches for and locates the structural abnormality and by these readjustments re­ stores harmonious activity to the I mechanism. This leaves the cura­ tive powers free to act. which an- sufficient to restore and rebuild health Osteopathy, strictly speak­ ing, Is anatomical corrective work, yet it employs such other agencies as dieting, nursing, sanitation, etc It also recognizes that surgical i interference is at times necessary and In well-selected cases is em­ ployed” We take pleasure in this Re­ view in referring all our readers to Dr Bertha .Sawyer as a repre­ sentative professional woman of tins section and call your atten­ tion to the trustworthy and untir­ ing efforts which have placed her service in demand. Elhart’s Book and Music Store At 270 East Main, 'phone 8011, is the home of the world's finest pianos and Instruments, The choice of the artist," and head- quarters for schisil texts and sup­ plies. By reason of the wide range of quality and price it is very diffi­ cult for the uninitiated in these days to select musical Instruments and get full value for their money unless they are dealing with some one in whom they have confidence For this reason there is a general satisfaction in doing business with this well-known concern which is considered music headquarters by the people of this community. The lines of their products have been endorsed by the leaders of the world of music. This Insures the customer of getting merchandise worth while and their policy of one price and easy payments in­ sures you of full value for your Hardy’s Hardware Carries lairge Stock money. During the time that Mr. H H Elhart, the proprietor, has been in business, hr has merited a re­ putation for fair and straightfor­ ward dealing. He is thoroughly conversant with all features of the music and book business over which he has direction and knows that when he makes a price that it denotes real and true value They will be pleased to show you and demonstrate their pro­ ducts whether you desire to pur­ chase Just at this time or not. See them compare them then Judge for yourself. They operate an institution which adds much to the efficiency of the community as a trading center and in this Review we are please• _ low at 7:30 o’clock. C. A service and choir practice 7:45 Tuesday evening. Heeond and B Streets NOTICE Everybody la cordially Invited Karl F. Downing, Minister to all services. If you don’t want to Hell —•------------- your property, don’t list it Bible school 9:45 a m clas hes J with us! for al) ages. L. U. Gresham, sup­ C. II U F F M A N ’ erintendent. For Real Estate Morning worship 11 o’clock Fourth and B Streets 65 N. Main A 345 E. Main High school and college C. E. Rev. Shearburn, Pastor V ——— --- - - - -. societies 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 10 a m. H. O Midweek service 7:30 p. m. Wed­ Butterfield, superintendent. nesday. AUTOMOBILE - FIRE Morning worship 11 a. m. CASUALTY - UFE Young People's meeting, 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m Week night services Tuesday Dependable Protection at and Friday evenings at 7:45. Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor KeaxoiMvtile Itatea Prayer meeting precedes these Fourth and C Streets :wo services. Young people in Church school 9:45 a m. Friend- charge of Tuesday service. —------------- Sunday. ON THE PLAZA Morning worship 11 o’clock. Departmental meetings, Junior, Young People, Adults, 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. WATCH REPAIRING Cor. N. Main and I-au rei Sts. Prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. Wed­ Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister nesday. Expert SwiM and American watch repairing. Your Match Sunday church school meets at timed and regulated FREE on 9:45 a. m. A brand new type of our Electric Time Michrometer. literature, all streamlined in ap­ pearance and revitalized with Bible Interest Is here and ready Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar RAMSEY’S JEWELRY for use throughout the sc»»ol. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. STORE Holy Communion 8 a. m. The pastor will give a brief Com­ Church school 9:30 a. m. Sweden burg Bldg. Avhlaad Holy Communion and sermon munion meditation, the congrega­ tion will observe Holy Communion, 11 a. m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a. m. and the choir will sing an anthem. Methodist Youth Council and Wednesday. Choir will meet 7:30 P m. Wesley League meet at 6:15 p. m. Evening sermon at 7:30 o’clock Thursday. You are cordially Invited to on the subject, “Look and Live.” Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m. worship with us. Wednesday, using the last half of -------- •— the fourth chapter of St. John for study. Physicians & Surgeons Dr. EarBPNt A. Woods First Presbyterian Church I Medford Office Medford Center Building Phone 2261 YOUR CREDIT RECORD — You Make It, We Record It! WHEN THE WEATHER IS UNSETTLED CALL 7771 » FOR WASH DAY RELIEF When washday and bad weather come together, your safest course is to send your laundry bundle to us. You will be delighted with the results and will find that it is really economical - especially when sent rough dry. ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Phone 7771 : 31 Water St “For the ideal washday— Just call, That’s all.”