Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, June 20, 1941, Image 1

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Papi *1kat Jlal ¿amaUtiny *7a ¿ay—And ¿ay¿ 9tl
Uncle Nam has been a mighty I
lenient landlord thus far, but we
were rather glad he finally got
around to kicking out those noisy
neighboi x In the German connul
Ashland'a weather la
dilly-dally sort
one day
down in the 40’s and the
dallyx up around IK* plus
card our red flannels one
welcome them back the
Wonder if it Is a fight
the Ice dealers anil the
Ttic rains this past week while
welcome to some, are rather dis-
couraging to the cherry harvesters
who are trying to save their crop
with the sun and showers playing
hide and serk.
Tile unlimited emergency is hav­
ing far reaching effects In St
Ix»uix society the debuts are be­
ing held thia spring rather than
in the fall for fear that the draft
will steal away all the eligible
Regnrdlexx of when- the bottle­
neck is. easterners are going to be
sore if they have to accept gas
less Sundays while we are still
supplying Japan.
Daily hcaillines require little
changing this week
one day it
was. "US Close« German Consul­
ates" and the next day they were
changed to read "German*
"Germans Close
u K Consulates''
IT SI RE Wil l.!
To the Editor:
The newly appointed |*axtor of a
colored church announced that his
first sermon would be "Am They
a Hell or Am They Not? An' I
Will Prove That They Am.”
The church wiut packer] ax the
new (»anion arose to prove hl*
"Brethren.” h<- xald. "The Ix>rd
made the World round like a Imll."
"Amen." crir<i thè congregution.
"And the Lord madv thè World so
it could go round and round."
"Amen," was thè responsi- "And
the lx»rd made tw>> axles for thè
world to | go round on. and he put
one axle at thè north pole and
one axle i at thè south pole."
"Amen," agreed the congregation
"And the fzird put a lot of oil and
axle «Tea** In the center of the
world so as tu keep the axles well
gieased and oiled." "Amen." said I
the congregation "And then a lot
of sinners dig wells in Pennsyl­
vania and steal the Lord's oil and
grease And they dig wells In Ken­
tucky. Liuixiana, Oklahoma ami
Texas and In Mexico and Russia
and steal the lxrrd'a grease and
..ll And some day they'll dig x<>
many wells that they will have all
of the Ixird's oil and grease and
them two axles is going to get
hot And then, that will be hell,
brethren, that will be hell "
Volume X
Another P. .VI. Exam '
Will Be Asked
Another civil service examin­
ation for appointment to the Ash- i
land postoffice, made n«!cessary by
the resignation of John Fuller, will
be asked, according to action tak­
en by the executive committee of '
the Jackson county democratic
central committee.
Only two persons passed the
examination at the first civil ser­
vice examination, Millard W.
Grubb and Theodore J. Guetzlaff
According to word received
from Ambrose O'Connell, first as­
sistant postmaster general, if a
register contains less than three
names, another examination may
be called.
Announcement of the action of
the executive committee was
made following a meeting held
Tuesday night, June 17.
Approval of a tentative plan ;
calling for th«- construction of u
combination dunce pavilion-band.
conceit shell wax voiced here yes­
terday by directors of the local
chamber of commerce, in conjunc­
tion with a number of routine
buxlncax mutters
Although the plans are still In
an unofficial stage, it was Mild
that the present stand In Uthia
park might lx- torn down and the
new structure crecte«! in its place
In view of the proposed canton­
ment. it wax emphasized that with
pro|M*r supervision th«- dance c«xi-
ceaaion would prove successful
from a financial standjsunt and
that the shell could b«- used for
Ixmd concerts, open air rallies
and other outd<x»r feuturys
Din-ctors ulso heard that ap­
proximately 20 new members had
been secured during lhe past three
weeks .th«* majority since the first
of th«* month.
It wax decider! that th«* cham­
ber offices would ts* kept open six
days weekly, closing
..... ———
Dr. It. L. Burdic, local dentist,
received a call this week to report
for army service tn the 40th <11-
virion, San Luis Obixjxj, July 1.
lie will take his physical examin­
ation tomorrow.
Early this month Dr. Marcus B.
W< xm 1 h , another Ashland dentist,
wax called to report for duty
the same place July l. Both
these men will hold lhe rank
Dr. it. E Walker wax the first
dentist from Ashland to receive
army call, leaving early in May
for Camp Murray, Wash. He is a
first lieutenant.
Derby Racers Get
Chance at Big Prize
Wrestling probably will be
Youngsters interested in enter­
started again in Medford shortly
ing the Soap Box Derby, one of
alter the Fourth of July, accord­
Frank Van Dyke, cantonment the July 4 attractions, must hurry
ing to Promoter Mack la Hard who
Ash land 2 ! coordinator. has this week asked if they expect to have their cars
spent u L_
_ - Um<*
__ Ln " ___------
that all persons having rooms or in shape for the big race, warns
TUesday afternoon
houses available for rent should Lloyd Selby, proprietor of the
Weekly matches probably will Immediately give this information Selby
Chevrolet company, which
I m - held at the Mediurd Craters' to the chamber of commerce in is sponsoring
the local race.
baseball park, the old Jackson Ashland or to Mayor Hart in Tal­
winner will be
county fairgrounds site, according ent. The coordinator pointed out
eligible tor entry in the state con­
to Lillard.
that it is highly important that
After a while Lillard also plans the housing survey be completed test in Portland with all expenses
to start the program off wl'h one at once in order that the coordin­ paid and the winner there is en­
boxing match which will be fol­ ating committee may know the titled to participate in the national
lower! by the regular wrestling extent of available lodging and derby where a four-year college
course is awarded as first prize.
the amount of extra housing that
Boys who are interested may
will be necessary.
get lull particulars and rules re­
If properly planned for, this garding the derby at the Selby
housing demand, resulting from Chevrolet company.
the influx of workers on the pro­
------------ •------------
Mrs. C. F. Tilton reports a fine
posed army cantonment and later
attendance at the pre-school clinic
from the army officers and others
held Thursday afternoon in the
with the camp, will
Civic club house Dr A. ~
E Merkel • Al toe annual school meeting benefit the residents of the valley;
was in charge, assisted by Nurses
otherwise government housing
Mias Helen Parrish and
Miss riicnots was elected director to may become necessary, according
(That lot Thomas
to Van Dyke.
A sad accident occurred at 7:45
Of the 27 children i who were i«iin expired. Mrs. Clarice Ander­
Van Dyke said the information last night when Merle E. eleven
In attendance, several 1 received son was reelected clerk.
should include house number 22 of Medford met instant death
diphtheria Immunizations and the voles were cast.
and street or road identification in a car crash. It was reported
balance complete examination
so that the place can be found that the car was traveling at a
Free literature dealing with child urday morning for Dunsmuir by a stranger; whether there is high
rate of speed when it left
can* was made available for the wneie she will be employed for an inside or outside entrance; the higihw
’ay one mile south of
Lhe next mon tn.
• Mrs. Lucy Detainer from Klam- whether the bathroom is attached i Phoenix striking a power pole,
uih balls spent Sunday with her to the room or separated from it; eleven was thrown from the car
daughter and lanmy, Mr. and Mrs. whether there is garage space; to the pavement receiving a crush­
fed Huff. Mrs. Delamer will leave and the number of persons that ed skull.
The other pasenger in the car,
soon for a visit with relatives ui can be accommodated.
R. Matteisen 19 also of
Cases to come tiefore the justice Oklahoma.
Anyone planning to construct Bernard —
court this past week were:
• Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Reynolds an auto court or trailer park may- Medford, escaped injury,
Huey Van Horn, guilty of driv­
ing with inadequate lights, fined Bell, Esther Wade and Nancy to their operation at the coordin­ Medford having come from South
King spent the week-end in Duns­ ator's office in the Medford arm­ Dakota six weeks ago. His bride
$l and costs.
William F Binkley, driving with muir. 1'ney visited with Mr. and ory. It was pointed out that a to-be followed and they were mar­
license is required to operate such ried in Grants Pass on June 11.
improper lights, fined $l and Mrs. Melvin Conley.
Mrs. eleven received word of
• Mr. and Mrs. Chester Yates camps and all plans must be sub­
In the police court Clayton Hide irom Pendleton spent last week mitted to the Oregon State Board the accident at the IOOF hall in
Kenon was charged with drunken­ with Mrs. Yates' mother, Mrs. of Health, 816 Oregon building, Ashland where she was attending
a meeting.
ness, a second offense, and fined Koxilina Jackson, and with Mr. Portland.
The body will be taken to his
$12 50 and costs Archie Nphar of and Mrs. Lester DeShaseh. They
home state for burial.
Talent received a fine of $2.50 and will attend the state convention of MANLEY M. BROWER
------------ •------------
coats for driving without an op­ VFW at Bend on their return
Funeral services were held Mon­
erator’s license
day afternoon at the Methodist
• The Frog Creek Sewing club church for Manley M Brower, LITHIA HOTEL MONDAY
• Dale A. Adams who recently met with Mrs. Albert Arnold last aged BS. Mr. Brower had lived
Mrs. M E. Clemenson took over
enlisted in the navy, left Ashland Thursday. The club celebrated the most of his life in Ashland and management of the Lithia hotel
for the naval training station in birthday anniversary of Mrs. Rob­ had worked for the Jordan Elec­ Monday. Mrs. Clemenson formerly
San Diego, Calif, on Friday.
ert Rosenbaum of Klamath Falls tric company for many years. He was manager of the Hotel Jack-
who was spending the week with was a member of the Methodist son in Medford and has had con­
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Hash. Those church and at the time of his siderable experience in hotel work.
enjoying the afternoon with the death was on the official board.
Most of the incumbent employ­
hostess and honored guest were
He Is survived by two daugh­ ees were retained.
and Companion
Mrs. Lanini, Mrs. Chester Apple- ters, Mrs. Kenneth J. Madden of
Charles R. Cooley, owner, made
gate, Helen Kruger, Pearl and Medford and Velma Brower of announcement of the new man-
Are Invited to Be Guests of the
Mary Jean Henry, Mrs. Carl
and one son, Carl, of agiement last week.
Southern Oregon Miner Henry and Mrs. Walter Hash. I Ashland
-------- •------------
Ashland; his mother, Mrs. D. M
• Mrs. Roxilina Jackson is spend­ Brower of Ashland; two sisters, ABEL-ROBBINN
To See Their Choice of
ing this week with relatives at Mrs. H. W. Hobbs of Albany and
the Following
Charlotte Mitchell Abel, daugh­
Klamath Falls.
Miss Voda Brower of Ashland; ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Mitchell
• Edith Turnbull spent the week­ two brothers, Harley R Brower of Ashland was married to Staff
Varsity Theater
end with her mother, Mrs. F. G. of Portland and Allan M Brower Sgt. Stanley Robbins of San Luis
Helm, in Ashland.
of Ashland.
Obispo, Calif., in the Presbyterian
• Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bohn and
(Friday and Saturday)
church of Ashland June 17. Rev.
son Mickey and Mr. and Mrs. Don MISS NORCROSS ENTERTAINS James H. Edgar read the mar­
Austin of Medford were dinner
The Martha Gillette guild was riage lines. They will live in San
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. entertained last Friday evening Luis Obispo where Mr. Robbins is
John Bohn.
bv Miss Alta Norcross assisted hv staff sergeant of the finance de­
(Miindny, Monday, Tuesday)
• Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Martin, Mrs. Virgil Jackson. Mrs. J. H partment of the United States
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Seibert Edgar led the devotions. Guest army.
----------------- •-------- ,---------
were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. speaker of the evening was Miss
and Mn. Donald F. Korth in Alice Wright of Bellview, former • Mrs. C. A. Smith and children
Please Call at The Miner Office Ashland.
missionary to Alaska. Miss Edith of Bly visited several days with
for Tour Ouest Tickets
• Sam, Charles, Edgar, Mary and Bork presided over the business Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and
Mis. R. E, Detrick.
(Continued on page 5)
Nichols Succeeds
Briggs as Director
Court Proceedings
The forum dinner in the dining
room of the Lithia hotel last Fri­
day evening attracted a capacity
crowd of nearly 150 persona- all
of whom were anxious to learn
more of the proposed army can­
tonment and its effects on Ash­
land as viewed by Myron Hunt,
architect of the camp, and Mrs.
Hunt, a veteran welfare worker
familiar with camp problems.
Preceding the featured speak­
ers. Toastmaster Theo J. Norby,
superintendent of city schools, in­
troduced Mayor T. S. Wiley who
extended a welcome to the Hunts.
Then Frank Van Dyke, newly ap­
pointed coordinating secretary,
commented briefly upon problems
facing Jackson county using dai­
rying as an example of one indus­
try upon which huge demands will
be made. He stated that one-
month bids must be made to sup­
More youngsters are needed to ply the entire needs of the camp
participate in the summer sports and delivery must be made in
program, according to Director Al one-half pint bottles.
Simpson. The program is open to
Others called upon for a few
all youngsters of the city and words included Mayor Deuel of
those interested are asked to con­ Medford, Glenn Jackson, president
tact Simpson at the junior high of the Jackson county chamber of
Also, Simpson stressed of commerce and Judge J. B.
that more girls especially are Coleman, all of whom recently
needed for the beginners' swim­ made a study of conditions in
ming classes and for golf lessons. California cities affected by Fort
The program for the week be­ Ord and Camp Roberts.
gins at 9:30 Monday morning with
Mrs. Hunt stressed the social
tennis at the high school courts effects of the camp and pointed
and continues until 11 o clock. out that the soldiers represent a
From 11 until 12 o'clock begin­ cross section ot the public and are
ners' swim classes will be held at really “your boys,” who are al­
Twin Plunges. From 1 until 3 most without exception homesick.
in the afternoon a baseball school Although a high standard of en­
will be held at junior high dia­ tertainment is provided within the
mond and from 3 till 5 Jean Eb­ camps, most of the men prefer to
erhart will instruct golf at the seek their recreation outside and
city golf course. This same sched­ are particularly appreciative of
ule repeats on Wednesday.
any personal contacts they may
On Tuesdays and Thursdays have with the home life of the
the day begins with tennis at the community. Concrete suggestions
high school courts at 9:30 a. m. offered by Mrs. Hunt were: an
From 11 until 12 volley ball and information bureau in each town,
horseshoes will be held at the a clearing house for homes which
junior high.
extend an invitation to the sol­
On Fridays volley ball and diers and clubs which provide a
horseshoes run at the junior high place for dancing.
from 10 o’clock until noon and I Hunt praised the friehdlinesB
from 1 until 3 p. m. will be the and Americanism of this section
baseball school,. Also on Fridays
southern Oregon and expressed
Simpson said there will be games of
hope that some of these good
scheduled for smaller youngsters qualities
might spread among the
who are too young to participate soldiers. He
then briefly reviewed
in the other sports schedules.
the progress of the surveying and
planning and remarked that ac­
cording to present plans the ap­
proximate 10,000 workers will be
employed on construction which
will be underway from September
Dr. William J. Dieckmann from until the first of the year These
the University of Chicago, who is migrant workers will be the first
a specialist in obstetrics and gyn­ problem to face the community
ecology, and Dr. Herbert Coe of and calls for advance planning,
Seattle, specialist in pediatrics, particularly in regards to housing
will present post graduate lectures and sanitation.
on subjects of obstetrics and pedi­
When questioned as to the na­
atrics at Medford today.
The ture of the camp, Mr. Hunt stated
meeting will be held in the audi­ that it would probably include
torium of the court house and some 30.000 troops above average
starts at 1 o'clock. The evening I in mechanization and indications
session will begin at 7:30. All are that it will be a permanent
physicians of southern Oregon camp.
------------ •------------
have been invited to attend these
Dr. Dieckmann and Dr. Coe are VOICE" HERE WEDNESDAY
making a lecture tour of the state
Miss Ethel Hubler, editor and
of Oregon. Their services have
been secured through the Oregon publisher of “The National Voice”
State Medical society and division lectured on temperance at the
of maternal and child health of Neighborhood Congregational
the Oregon state board of health. church Wednesday evening. Mrs.
Dr. Harvey A Woods of Ash­ John R. Poet, president of the
land is the president of the Jack- local WCTU organization, presid­
ed over the meeting.
son county medical society.
Rev. Ernest J. Wine, pastor of
the Church of the Brethren, gave
the invocation and Rev. B. F.
Peterson, pastor of the Church of
the Nazarene, read the scripture
lesson. The closing prayer was
"High Tor,” by Maxwell An­ given by Rev. J. R. Turnbull, pas­
derson, one of the few comedies tor of the First Baptist church.
written by this distinguished play­
Miss Hubler put forth a stir­
wright, has been selected for the ring appeal for Christian people
summer production at the South- to realize their responsibility in
era Oregon College of Education. regard to the curse of drink.
Commenting upon this selection
------------ •------------
of such an ambitious production, GROSS MA N- PETERSON
Director Angus L. Bowmer stated
Miss Dorothy Grossman. daugh­
that it had been made posible by
the unusually large number of ex­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl V. Gross­
perienced students. The most mi­ man of Ashland, became the bride
nor part has been cast by an act­ of Elmer Peterson of Lakeview
or who has had experience in June 14 in Klamath Falls. Since
Mrs. Peterson’s graduation from
several plays.
Oregon College of Edu­
The tentative cast in the order Southern
1933, she has taught
in which they appear in the play school in Klamath
is as follows: Indian. Woody Ma­
—--------- •------------
son, Grants Pass; Van van Dorn,
Don Darnielle, Medford; Judith, • Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Newbry Sr.
Corinne Howard, Medford; Biggs, visited last week with Mr. and
John Barker. Ashland; Skimmer­ Mrs Lester Newbry in Spokane.
horn, Duain Monroe. Ashland; • Miss Celene Morgan spent the
Lise, Helen Sperling, Ashland; week-end in Marshfield.
Asher. Bill Wilson, Medford: Pie­ • Miss Alberta Durham left this
ter, Chester Squire, Lakeview: a week for Washington, D. C. where
sailor, Cyril Sander, Medford; De­ she will be employed by the gov­
Witt. Angus L. Bowmer; Dope, ernment.
Harold Reedy. Ashland;
Elkus, • Miss Laura Billings is visiting
Bob Sharyon, Ashland; Buddy, this week in Portland with her
Frank King, Ashland; A
B. sister, Mrs. Kenneth S. Wood and
Dews, family.
Ash)«nd, and Budge. Cyril San- • Mrs. W. G. Sander and daugh­
ter were business visitors in
der. Medford.
The play is made hilariously Medford the first of the week.
fiinny bv mixing the remnants of • Miss Barbara Howall of Oak­
Henry Hudson's crew with modern land. Calif., is visiting several
bank robbers, shysters and state weeks with Shirley Cushing.
troopers. The date of production • Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Luchter­
hand and children of Klamath
is set for Thursday, July 17.
Falls were week-end guests of J.
• Subscribe for The Miner today. A. Kelts.
Dr. R. L. Burdic
Receives Army (’all
Wrestling To Begin
in Medford Soon
Number 25
Noted Doctors Speak
At Medford Today
SOCE Plans To Give
“High Tor” In July