\ Papi *1kat Jlal ¿amaUtiny *7a ¿ay—And ¿ay¿ 9tl Uncle Nam has been a mighty I lenient landlord thus far, but we were rather glad he finally got around to kicking out those noisy neighboi x In the German connul Stea. i 111 Ashland'a weather la dilly-dally sort one day down in the 40’s and the dallyx up around IK* plus card our red flannels one welcome them back the Wonder if it Is a fight the Ice dealers anil the pewters7 i r Ttic rains this past week while welcome to some, are rather dis- couraging to the cherry harvesters who are trying to save their crop with the sun and showers playing hide and serk. 111 Tile unlimited emergency is hav­ ing far reaching effects In St Ix»uix society the debuts are be­ ing held thia spring rather than in the fall for fear that the draft will steal away all the eligible men. 111 Regnrdlexx of when- the bottle­ neck is. easterners are going to be sore if they have to accept gas less Sundays while we are still supplying Japan. 111 Daily hcaillines require little changing this week one day it was. "US Close« German Consul­ ates" and the next day they were changed to read "German* "Germans Close u K Consulates'' IT SI RE Wil l.! To the Editor: The newly appointed |*axtor of a colored church announced that his first sermon would be "Am They a Hell or Am They Not? An' I Will Prove That They Am.” The church wiut packer] ax the new (»anion arose to prove hl* assertion. "Brethren.” h<- xald. "The Ix>rd made the World round like a Imll." "Amen." crir> axles for thè world to | go round on. and he put one axle at thè north pole and one axle i at thè south pole." "Amen," agreed the congregation "And the fzird put a lot of oil and axle «Tea** In the center of the world so as tu keep the axles well gieased and oiled." "Amen." said I the congregation "And then a lot of sinners dig wells in Pennsyl­ vania and steal the Lord's oil and grease And they dig wells In Ken­ tucky. Liuixiana, Oklahoma ami Texas and In Mexico and Russia and steal the lxrrd'a grease and ..ll And some day they'll dig x<> many wells that they will have all of the Ixird's oil and grease and them two axles is going to get hot And then, that will be hell, brethren, that will be hell " OLD TIMER / Volume X C. OFC. FAVORS CONCERT SHELL ASHLAND, ORCION, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1941 Another P. .VI. Exam ' HUNTS Will Be Asked Another civil service examin­ ation for appointment to the Ash- i land postoffice, made n«!cessary by the resignation of John Fuller, will be asked, according to action tak­ en by the executive committee of ' the Jackson county democratic central committee. Only two persons passed the examination at the first civil ser­ vice examination, Millard W. Grubb and Theodore J. Guetzlaff According to word received from Ambrose O'Connell, first as­ sistant postmaster general, if a register contains less than three names, another examination may be called. Announcement of the action of the executive committee was made following a meeting held Tuesday night, June 17. I Approval of a tentative plan ; calling for th«- construction of u combination dunce pavilion-band. conceit shell wax voiced here yes­ terday by directors of the local chamber of commerce, in conjunc­ tion with a number of routine buxlncax mutters Although the plans are still In an unofficial stage, it was Mild that the present stand In Uthia park might lx- torn down and the new structure crecte«! in its place In view of the proposed canton­ ment. it wax emphasized that with pro|M*r supervision th«- dance c«xi- ceaaion would prove successful from a financial standjsunt and that the shell could b«- used for Ixmd concerts, open air rallies and other outd