Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, April 04, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, April 4, 1941
Off to Prison
Eleanor Roosevelt
Washington. D. C.
We dined on a recent night in the
Lafayette hotel in New York city,
FDR got a first-hand account of
where one gets, I think, into the
how British morale is maintained
proper mood for a holiday evening.
during the blitz when Surgeon Gen­
Then we went to see "The Doctor's
eral Thomas Parran. head of the
Dilemma," which I much enjoyed.
Civil Defense mission, reported at
How young and lovely Katharine
the White House.
Cornell looks! Though it is hari to
(Consolidated Features—WNU Sarvlco.)
Dr. Parran's mission spent a think of Kaymond Massey as any­
EW YORK.-When he made his
month in England studying the peo­ thing but Abraham Lincoln, he did
first million at the age of SO.
ple living under constant aerial give me a reminiscent feeling of be­
Bernard M. Baruch said he would
bombardment, and reported that one ing in Harley Street.
indulge himself from then on by be­
secret of Britain's splendid morale
George Bernard Shaw gives one
ing a sort of
is immediate government relief for food for thought, even though it is
Boost Baruch for doctor or di­
bombed victims.
not always pleasant thought. In this
As soon as "all clear" sounds over particular play at least, the weak­ Driver of U. S.
a beleaguered city, rescue workers nesses depicted are amusing, seri­ Defense Machine of politics,
are on the scene with hot food, med­ ous though their consequences some­
and finance, rather than a self-
ical care, arrangements for shelter times are.
interested participant Although he
• • •
and ready cash.
did gather a few more millions, as a
Repairs on damaged dwellings are
The next morning, after seeing a
begun immediately.
Furniture is number of people with whom I had speculator, as he has frankly said,
salvaged and stored.
Families appointments. I went to the British it was in the same mood of detach­
whose homes were destroyed are bil­ War Relief Society, Inc., offices. I ment with which he has appraised
leted at government expense, Com- was impressed by the variety and the social scene, and it is in this
pensation is paid for injuries, Pen- efficiency of the work and the num­ mood that he has been the adviser
sions are given dependents of killed ber of volunteers in the executive of every President since Taft.
Earl Browder (left) shown leaving
civilians and rescue workers.
Each day In the news brings
and administrative positions.
for Atlanta. <la.. en route to the
some new demand that the tall,
It seems to me that if all the va­
The mere fact that ready cash is
Under the watchful eyes of Pennsylvania slate troopers, C.I.O. pickets, federal penitentiary, where hr ia
pleasant, snowy-haired Mr. Ba­
paid promptly has tremendous psy­ ried organizations working for Brit­
some of them carrying American flags, demonstrate outside the Bethle­ scheduled to serve a four year sen­
ruch. surely our elder statesman
chological effect. Upon application ish relief could be joined under one
hem. Pa., plant of the Bethlehem Steel company. Work bound men. tence for passport fraud.
of such bottleneck urgency as
and without red tape, bomb victims head, the expense of administration
singly and in small groups, passed Into the mill unmolested. The strike Robert Minor, who succeeds him as
that of today, be given a free
can get a cash grant to buy cloth­ would be greatly reduced and more
held up the production of defense materials.
secretary of the Communist party.
hand. In the chartroom, or per­
ing. new furniture, and workmen's money would be available for the
haps the wheel-house, to steer
tools. Small shopkeepers can obtain actual needs of the sufferers in Great
onr emergency defense course.
up to 50 pounds to buy new stocks. Britain. I hope that the new com­
Some of these nominations come
mittee appointed by the President
Disguised Plants.
from the established school of
will succeed in doing this for all the
Dr. Parran's mission was particu­
Barnch men, such as Gen. Hugh
different groups working for various
larly impressed by the ingenuity of
8. Johnson, Herbert Bayard
countries. I went to see Mrs. Ker­
British civil defenses.
Swope and George N. Peek;
mit Roosevelt's division, which is
One scheme for protecting vital working with school and college peo­
others from those who remem­
industries is an elaborate system of ple who want to help the youth of
ber Mr. Baruch’s achievements
dummy factories to mislead Nazi Great Britain. I also saw some of
as head of the War Industries
bombers. These plants are duplicat­ the Greek war relief work. The
board, and his alert, specula­
ed even to position, color and mark­ next time I have a few minutes to
tor’s awareness of what has
ings. Old cars are towed to the yard spare in New York city. 1 shall go
been going on in Europe for the
of the fake plants to simulate work­ to their headquarters.
last few years.
ers' autos.
I had a chance to talk for a few
to this business of being a spec­
Some industrial centers even use minutes with Miss Rachel Crothers,
great smudge pots, emitting huge would have liked to go up to the ulator, Mr. Baruch says, "I make no
billows of black smoke completely theater division, which is also work­ apologies. I am a speculator. The
word comes from the Latin word
blanketing an area.
ing in this same building for BriV 1
Industry has been completely dis­ ish relief. I shall try to do that also 'speculari,* meaning to observe,
persed into hundreds of small plants the next time I am in New York.
Like all seasoned speculators, he
in Britain, each making separate
• • •
never pounds his desk or runs a tem­
parts for the war machine. Dupli­
I caught the nine o'clock plane' ’
cate plants are ready to take over back to Washington. We had a very perature or inclines to high blood­
pressure. although he is 70.
production of vital products.
pleasant flight which, as usual, be­
keeps fit by his own system of calis­
The American observers declared came a little bumpy a short time
that the famed balloon barrage has before we landed. However. I had thenics, pragmatically arrived at
been highly developed and forces already eaten my lunch, so I did like his financial operations.
Hevenleen-year-old King Peter of
As head of the War Industries
raiders to fly at great heights. Long not have to maneuver the soup and 1
steel cables dangling from the bal­ coffee carefully for fear of having I board, he tooled the 20-mule team of Foreign Minlxter Mslxuoka. Tbey dlscuwsed questiona confronllng thè Jugoslavia, who assumed power
loons are death traps for planes.
them land in my lap Instead of my labor, industry, raw-materials and Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis. Pletore shows Hitler Introduclng thè forclgn from his pro-Natl ministers, and
government deftly through many a mlnister to thè crowds. Matsuoka ia al thè lefl, then Hitler and Am- ascended the throne In a bloodless
British confidence in their defense mouth!
coup d'etat.
narrow defile and hazardous pas­ bassador Hlroshloshima.
is reflected in the big drop in the
number who go to bomb shelters.
I was much interested the other lic would like to see him again in
Fifty per cent of Londoners stayed in
the shelters during the blitz attacks day in talking with Mr. John Anson the driver's seat.
last fall, but only 5 per cent went Ford of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Ger­
Naturally a skeptic as to the
to public shelters in January and trude Knott of the American Folk
grand solution, like most specu­
about 20 per cent to private and com­ Festival. They are eager to have a
lators, he has stood
Pan-American folk festival in Los
munal shelters.
any false dawns,
He was a
Angeles this year. The idea seems
prophet of doom for the Dawes
to me to have merit and to promise
plan, from the first, In 1S27, he
predicted that it would be
Anything can happen in the tem­ something beautiful and interesting,
scrapped within two years. "A
pestuous Balkans, but it seems cer­ but as yet it is only in the stage of
demand might be morally rea­
tain that Roosevelt diplomacy and being planned.
I have just received a notice of
sonable as a business proposi­
the iease-lend bill were responsible
tion,” he said.
for delaying the Nazi attack on a book about the Quakers. It is
written by ex-President Comfort of
Greece for at least 10 days.
As a foe of paternalism in busi­
Haverford, and called, "Just Among
ness and a stanch states' rights
The big thing which the lend-lease
Friends.” It is designed to give in­
bill did for the British was to per­
Democrat, he has insisted that a
formation about this particular re­
mit tanks, anti-tank guns, and anti­ ligious group, their activities and means must be found to mobilize
national en­
aircraft guns to be landed at Saloni­
philosophy. I think it will be of in­ Pragmatic, Never
ergies with­
ka immediately. The British had terest to a great many people.
out taking on
only limited supplies of these, and
With Laughlin Currie, back from Emotional, aa the
the crushing
had to keep some in reserve for use China, the Generalissimo and Mad­
Good Speculator overhead of
around Suez and other vital Medi­ ame Chiang Kai-shek sent the Presi­
terranean areas.
dent and me two interesting seals. a crippling and self-destroying bu­
However, with passage of the I doubt if many would know if 1 reaucracy. He has expounded these
lend-lease bill, they knew they could used mine, that I was putting "Elea­ and kindred subjects in many eco­
get reserves later from the United nor Roosevelt's” seal at the bottom nomic treaties in dry-as-dust jour­
States, therefore threw al) their of my letter, or that the President nals, for here is a Wall Street specu­
present reserves onto the Greek put "Roosevelt” at the bottom of lator who also wears the golden key
his. Nevertheless, the Chinese char­ of Phi Beta Kappa. He is an able
evangelist of the school of prag­
This type of munitions is what the acters will make a very impressive
matism in government and busi­
Jugoslav army and the Turks have decoration.
ness—again the speculator, whose
especially needed. They have plenty
judgments, if he is a good specula­
of rifles, machine guns and a rea­ ■RANDOM HARVEST*
tor, are never emotional.
sonable amount of artillery; but few
I have
His early definition of his atti-
anti-tank or anti-aircraft guns to "Random Harvest ’’ In the play of
stop the advance of modern mech­ the imagination it reminds one a lit­ ‘tude as that of a diagnostician
might have denoted a sympa­
anized forces.
tle of “Lost Horizons." The man who
The East Indies situation Is be­
thetic identification with his dis­
Note—The Balkans has been get­ is always seeking his lost memories,
more tense esch day. Above
ting its American news chiefly from
is Eelco Van Kleffens, foreign min­
ruch of South Carolina, a widely
the official German DNB news agen­ of us, for most of us go through life
known surgeon and health author­
A striking photo of two powerful arms which go far towards making ister of the Netherlsnds in exile,
cy, which had played up all the seeking something.
ity who took a leading part In
onr navy the world’s greatest. The submarine Triton, sister ship of the shown on arrival In New York with
We do not always find it. so that
Wheeler-Nye speeches, gave the im­
developing the Saratoga spa.
Hqualux, and one of the navy’s newest underseas craft, Is seen from the his wife. He is on his way to dis­
pression that the United States was we can end our tale with the happy
Born In South Carolina, Bernard
navy Blimp, G-l, off Barnegat, N. J„ light. One of the blimp’s motors cuss East Indian problems with
against Roosevelt and that the bill cry: “It is not too late, ” Mr. Hilton
President Roosevelt.
M. Baruch took an earned de­
covers the upper part of picture.
could not pass. Final passage, how­ seems very familiar with the baf­
gree at the College of the City of
ever, could not be suppressed in the fling situation that faces most peo­
New York in 1889 and subse­
news dispatches and had a tremen­ ple, either because of some lack in
quently six honorary degrees
dous effect upon Balkan public opin­ themselves, or surrounding circum­
from various other colleges.
American stances which make the accomplish­
ion, which recalled how
entrance into the last war had ment of their desires unattainable.
For the last few years he has been
I have also just read through the calmly, but earnestly prescribing
turned the tables.
• •
scenario for a motion picture writ­ preparedness. Returning from Eu­
ten by Robert Van Sittert, an Eng­ rope In 1937, he said, "Europe is
It was expected that John L. lishman. It gives a remarkable pic­ hopeless.”
In January. 1939, he
Lewis’ retirement from the C.I.O. ture of Czechoslovakia before and offered to supply from his own funds
would bring peace to the toar-torn after Munich. Finally, it leaves you $3,300,000 which the army lacked for
ranks of labor. But this has not with the assurance that the peopj«« certain equipment. An adjustment
may be subjugated, but so long as of an appropriation bill made this
been the case.
A. F. of L. and C.I.O. leaders are the thing we call the soul of a people unnecessary. He has been friendly
working effectively together in the lives on, even in the hearts of its to the New Deal, but has chided and
defense administration, but other­ children, there is inevitably a day warned it on many occasions.
of resurrection and liberation.
wise they are still poles apart
---- ♦----
• • •
HIS reporter, on occasional trips
to Washington, has noted that
I hope those who came to dine some of the heaviest hitters there
At the left on his desk, Vice Presi­
dent Henry Wallace has a telephone with me recently in the interest of are the least publicized.
which communicates directly with the Young Men’s Vocational Foun­ today is the amiable Harold N.
dation, Inc., found the evening worth Graves in charge of the new defense
the White House.
No less than three secretaries— a while. The stories which were told loan drive, which will start May 1.
light blonde, a medium blonde, and by the various speakers, seemed to Mr. Graves, in his 33 years in the
a brunette—take stenographic notes give a very good idea of why we government service, has showed
of every word said at Steve Early’s should be interested in lending a singular ability in getting things
helping hand to boys who come out done without a lot of fuss and feath­
daily press conference.
Oail Grochowskl, fl!i-pound girl,
This Is a scene at the Roncon Annex post office In Han Francisco,
ers. He is assistant to the secre­
Many a government clerk knows of our training schools.
of Worcester, Mass., youngeat vic­
the Supreme court chiefly as an eat­
tim of the "upside-down" stomach
ing place. Its cafeteria, below the said seemed to emphasize the impor­ educated at Knox college andGeorge sisting of magazines, pamphlets and books. Officials have been watching
incoming propaganda for many months and thought It about time to malady on record. She Is now re­
court room, serves 7,500 persons a tance of knowing conditions which Washington university.
covering, following an operation.
consign it to the flames.
ths youth of our country face.
Hitler Greets Japanese Foreign Minister
Bules Jugoslavia
• • •
Arrive in U. S.
Foreign Propaganda Fed to Furnace
‘Tummy’ Victim