SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Friday, April 4, 1941 Off to Prison NEWS THIS WEEK Eleanor Roosevelt THE DOCTOR'S DILEMMA* Washington. D. C. We dined on a recent night in the HOW BRITISH MEET RAIDS Lafayette hotel in New York city, FDR got a first-hand account of where one gets, I think, into the how British morale is maintained proper mood for a holiday evening. during the blitz when Surgeon Gen­ Then we went to see "The Doctor's eral Thomas Parran. head of the Dilemma," which I much enjoyed. Civil Defense mission, reported at How young and lovely Katharine By LEMUEL F. PARTON the White House. Cornell looks! Though it is hari to (Consolidated Features—WNU Sarvlco.) Dr. Parran's mission spent a think of Kaymond Massey as any­ EW YORK.-When he made his month in England studying the peo­ thing but Abraham Lincoln, he did first million at the age of SO. ple living under constant aerial give me a reminiscent feeling of be­ Bernard M. Baruch said he would bombardment, and reported that one ing in Harley Street. indulge himself from then on by be­ secret of Britain's splendid morale George Bernard Shaw gives one ing a sort of is immediate government relief for food for thought, even though it is Boost Baruch for doctor or di­ bombed victims. not always pleasant thought. In this agnostician As soon as "all clear" sounds over particular play at least, the weak­ Driver of U. S. a beleaguered city, rescue workers nesses depicted are amusing, seri­ Defense Machine of politics, government are on the scene with hot food, med­ ous though their consequences some­ and finance, rather than a self- ical care, arrangements for shelter times are. interested participant Although he • • • and ready cash. did gather a few more millions, as a Repairs on damaged dwellings are The next morning, after seeing a begun immediately. Furniture is number of people with whom I had speculator, as he has frankly said, salvaged and stored. Families appointments. I went to the British it was in the same mood of detach­ whose homes were destroyed are bil­ War Relief Society, Inc., offices. I ment with which he has appraised leted at government expense, Com- was impressed by the variety and the social scene, and it is in this pensation is paid for injuries, Pen- efficiency of the work and the num­ mood that he has been the adviser sions are given dependents of killed ber of volunteers in the executive of every President since Taft. Earl Browder (left) shown leaving civilians and rescue workers. Each day In the news brings and administrative positions. for Atlanta.