Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, March 28, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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Friday, March 28, 1941
About People You Know ]
Page 5
• Tlie Bellview Cooperative Wa-1
ter assixiiatlon held a meeting at
the school house Monday evening. By KCHOOL STUDENTS
A resolution was adopted to turn
Friday evening at 7:30 the Un-
• Hid Heed recently returned the business meeting Mrs. Culvert the meter reading and collections coin P-TA had a hobby show.
ii oin u buxines» trip to the east, Anderson gave an interesting re­ over to the city water department Home of the hobbles brought by
lie reports that he nad an enjoy- port on religious conditions in Ger­ for a period of one year at a cost the children were marble collec­
nine tup and encountered little many Refreshments were served of »10 per month to the associa­ tions, match covers, dolls, racks,
Ixld Wvnthei Willie away III- also by tne assisting hostesses, Mrs. J. tion Homer M<x>. a also was au­ different kinds of money, model
Visited with hie mother in Mis­ Q Adams and Mis. Gerald Gunter. thorized to obtain legal advice on airplanes, glass figures and salt
• Mrs A A Hnyder of laxll, ac­ the transfer of a share in the as­ ami pepper shakers. Many people
• Mrs. I* II. Htansbury and Mri companied by her son, visited her sociation Mr. Glllmore and Horner came to see it.
Mai cum Wood* are alt moling the brother Bill Brown last week.
M<x>re were reelected directors
On Friday the children in the
Oregon stale tuberculosis meeting • Miss Jean Neil of the Univer­ ami J Q Adams was the newly- upstairs room» went to hear a
In Portland this week
sity of Oregon spent her spring elected dir«-«tor Rev J Z Walker talk on the Junior Re«l Cross by
• Mi ami M im O C line of vacation with her grandparents, and Mr Woodworth are the other Miss Carter. It was very interest­
Klamath Kalla visited with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George Looslsy.
ing Monday, March 24. Miss Vera
and M im C. O. Presnail Hunday.
• Mrs J. Ila vis or Vancouver, B. • Mrs E<1 Grimm spent Tuesday Humphreys came over from Med­
• Mr and Mrs. I rick Adams are C. visited several days with her visiting with Mrs. Anna Scheider- ford and showed us an interesting
building a home on Liberty street. aunt, Mrs. C. F Tilton.
eiter in Ashland.
colectlon of things which children
• Mi and Mrs Fred Gilbert have • Miss
Bergstrom, • Miss Betty Ring returned to in other parts of the world who
returned from a business trip to teacher at Corvallis, spent spring her sch«x>l at Umpqua Hunday af­ belong to the Junior Red Cross had
southern California
vacation with her parents, Mr. ter spending the week-end with sent to the American Junior Red
• MI mh June Brastad of the high and Mrs. C. L. Bergstrom.
her parents, Mr. ami Mrs, M A Cross members.
M-hiMil faculty »pent the week-end • Rev J. K Turnbull preached Ring
T he sixth grade visited the pub­
In Portland.
at the Baptist church in Medford • Miss Ijolita Pearson returned to lic library Friday, March 20. They
• Mi and Mrs Bill Johnson mov­ Hunday evening
Rev. W. A. Eugene Hunday after spending the t«x>k back the books they already
ed to Medford where he la working Dawes of Medford preached at the I spring vacation with her parents, I had read and brought back dif­
I Mr and Mrs. W E Pearwon
with the Pacific Telephone com­ lOMl Baptist church.
ferent ones Miss Mason, librarian,
• Born to Mr and Mrs. Henry • Mrs N B. Hull wax transacting helped them choose books by
• James McNair was guest of Wilcox of Vernonia. Ore March buxinexx in Yreka Tuesday.
showing them interesting ones. A
honor at a birthday dinner last 17. a son The child was named • Mrs. Arthur Hamaker spent lot of the pupils took out copies
Hunday. Those present were the Michael IXiuglas.
last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. of Arabian Nights.
host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs W. • ls-ster West of Trail was a bus­ R. Kincaid.
Room seven made murals of the
II McNair, tin- honored guest, iness visitor here Haturday.
• Miss Marie Walker. Mr. and Industrie and means of transpor­
James McNair and wife, Mr. and • Mixa D Virginia Hales and Dr. Mrs. Lewis Pankey and Mr and tation in the United States It is
Mrs. F M eleven, Phylis. Edward, Claude E Sayre were the speakers Mrs A R Kincaid attended a about three feet high and made
Alvin and Glenn eleven of Med­ at Trinity guild yesterday, Miss grange meeting at Roxy Ann last with colored chalk It was shel­
ford, Mr. and Mrs H. B McNair Hales spoke on "Bundles for Brit­ Friday evening.
lacked and hung above our black­
and Bill Hawkins.
ain” and Dr. Hayre on ‘'Deborah” • Henry Htenrud is employed at board.
It is very colorful and
• Jack Peterson, student at O8C, • Mis la-<- C Port and daughter Pinehurst this week.
makes our room very attractive
was among the students receiving Frances of Applegate visited with • Miss Helen Dunn who Is teach-
On March 25, room 6 went to
perfect grades for the past term Mrs A H Peachey last Thursday. i ing at Jacksonville spent the
the high school to Bee a moving
This Is the eighth time that he • The March child welfare con- week-end at her home.
picture on wheat farming.
has received perfect grades
‘ lerence at the Civic club house • Mr. and Mrs Arthur Hamaker
• Mr. and Mis l<eonard Warren last Friday was well attended. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid went to showed where the farmer plowed
ionic a buHiness trip to Portland Those conducting the clinic were Portland Hunday to attend the his ground and used a drill to
last week-end.
Dr. E A Merkel, county physi­ funeral of an aunt. While there plant the grain The grain grew
• Mr and Mrs Collin Mcxire vis­ cian. Miss Patricia Geiser. Ash­ they visited with Mrs. Kincaid's well and was harvested with a
ited in Central Point last Friday land school nurse. Miss Helen Par­ «laughter and husband, Mr. and combine. The farmer had a good
crop that was taken to the grain
• Ttw Home BuiMnre c I mb ol tin- ish, county nurse, and Mrs. C. F. Mrs Charles Redfield.
Methodist church met at the home Tilton, Ashland chairman.
• Eunice Kincaid, with a group of
Monday, March 24, room six
of Mrs J K Clary last Friday • Mrs N. V. Murray of Portland ».ama/id friends, went picnicking
evening with 14 present Mrs Ma­ visited several days with her at By Dee's bridge near Gold Hill elected new room officers. The
president is Harry Kannasto; vice
rion C. Carter was in charge of daughter, Mrs R E Walker.
president, Lorraine Hoodenpyle.
• Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Halbert
her early days here and attended have rented the O. G. Ayers home and secretary, Ronald Nance. They
appointed new room monitors.
the local school.
and recently moved there.
The fourth grade of Lincoln
• Talent grange met Thursday i • Mr. and Mrs. lands Erbes mov­ • Mr and Mrs. H. G. IXiwning of
night with various committee re- | ed from the Estes property to Grand Junction, Colo, visited at school has new student teachers.
Their names are Muriel Samuel­
ports and tax problems being the ' Medford Saturday Mr and Mrs.
the J Z. Walker home Monday. son, Betty Dano, Lillian Bair. Hel­
mam subjects for discussion R Chesnut will occupy the house va-
The two families are old friends, en Hough and Warren H. Foster
M Kent, manager of the Talent I
I by the Ertx-s
having known each other in Colo­ Miss Samuelson will teach arith­
irrigation district, spoke briefly • Tne senior class of Talent high rado.
on plans to be carried out during school presented Its annual play • Mr and Mrs. J Dodson of Ash­ metic and art; Miss Dano will j
the irrigation period The program 'Itiiosday evening in the gym The land are employed on the Arnold teach physical education; Miss
Bair will teach science and health; I
for the evening was under direc­ title of
was ranch.
tion of the home economics club, "ixiughing Gas." the cast as fol­ • Mr and Mrs R. D. Reynolds Miss Hough social studies and
opened by singing "America the lows. Virginia Keith, Tharon Hill, and family made a trip to Medford Mr Foster, reading The children '
Beautiful” The chairman, Mrs Bob Keith, Earl Sommers, Karl Hunuay where they were enter­ are very glad that they have |
Harvey Walters, gave a report on Slack. Audra Lockwood, Dorris tained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. come.
The fourth grade of Uncoln
her trip to Corvallis Mrs How­ • in He, Mabel Rominger, Marcus O. C. Dimick.
ard Holmes gave a piano solo. McKenzie, Alvin Fenton, Marie • Members of the 4-H cooking school had a violin program Wed­
nesday, March 9 The pupils that
The program concluded by all Schuler and Agnes Lacy.
club met Monday evening at the
singing an amusing song entitled • Sim Morris of Ashland was a home of their leader, Mrs. R.D. played were Venita Roberson,
Mary Jane Coleman. Ellen Swing­
"Georgia" and a quiz contest. The caller in Talent Monday morning. Reynolds.
next meeting will be centered • The Ladies Aid met at the • Mrs Haynes, who has been ill, le and Barbara I-ee Dotson The
children played "Reuben and Ra­
around the diamond Jubilee of the home of Mrs. Rush Thursday af­ is much improved.
grange and will be the 13th birth­ ternoon and sewed for the Red • Members of the Embroidery chel,” "Little Waltz In G,” "Fido
and His Master” and other selec­
day of this grange The affair will Cross.
club met Tuesday afternoon at the tions.
open with a covered dish dinner • Mr. and Mrs Don Hungate ol home of Mrs. Dora Conley.
Patricia Sollee took Croaky, the
at 7 p m. and an appropriate pro­ HiMhop. Calif arrived in Talent • A large group enjoyed the j second
grade s pet
gram is planned for the evening Saturday from Fox, Ore. where P-TA meeting honoring the dads , week-end. He go? ;t toad, home last
away She can-
• Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clark an­
Friday night. During the program I not find him.
nounce the birth of a granddaugh­
a group of AHS students gave mu-!
ter born to Mr. and Mrs I-athan Hungate. who accompanied them sical selections, with Mr. Tripp given in honor of Mrs. Heninger,
McDowell near Phoenix on March home to spend a ouple of weeks directing. The rhythm band gave who leaves soon for Chicago, at
16 Mrs. Clark is caring for her visiting in Bishop.
selections and several Bellview
• Sam Hamilton is reshingling students presented folk dances. the home of Mrs McKinnis, host­
ess. Those enjoying the afternoon
• Mrs
Ed Davidson returned j
During business meeting, Mr» M. included Mesdames R. E. Bell.
A Ring was elected president;
home Hunday from a six weeks
companied by Mrs Wayburn Ken­ Mrs. Wade, vice president; Mrs. Theodore Wenaus, J. Wade, Con
trip in the east visiting relatives
Austin, Arthur Dankworth. Luke
yon and children and Mrs Gladys
• A number of Talent ladies are Gale of Ashland, spent Sunday in Brantley, secretary, and Mrs. Seitz Willis, Harold Bohn, S. E. Kesler.
were Claude Moore. John Bohn, Vern
employed at the B««ar Creek pack­ Grants Pans with Mr. and Mrs. treasurer.
served by the men.
ing plant making baskets.
W Whitsett, the Sherards' son- • Mrs. O G. Ayers left last week Boe, Forman Boe. M Willis, G. W.
Willis, H Bohn and Mrs. Clarice
• Alva Smith made a trip to in-law and daughter.
to spend some time at Scappoose, Anderson. At the close of the day,
Portland Sunday with a load of • The Townsend club held its reg­ Ore.
gladiola bulbs.
ular meeting at the city hall Tues­ • Lynn De Mille of Klamath Falls refreshments of cake, tea and cof­
• Mrs Evelyn Johnson of Trail, day evening A covered dish lunch­ visited Sunday at the W. O. Mar- fee were served by the hostess,
assisted by Mrs. Anderson and
B C. calk'd on friends in Talent eon was served followed by pic­ tin home.
Mrs. H Bohn
Mrs Johnson formerly tures. A good attendance of mem­ • A handkerchief shower
was Evelyn Darrough and spent bers and visitors wax present.
Lincoln School
Funeral services for Mrs. Aus­
tralia Taylor, resident of Ashland
for 67 years, were held Monday
afternoon with Dr. George W.
Bruce of the Methodist church
officiating. Interment was in the
Hill cemetery. Survivors include
five children, Thomas and Noel E
Taylor of Ashland; Louise D.
Walker. Bend; Roy A. Taylor,
Klamath Falls, and Harvey A.
Taylor of Burlingame, Calif.
uur bnurcnesReturnstoSOC£
fini* Churrhoc
Trinity Episcopal
Dr. Claude E. Hayre, Vicar
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
Church school 9:30 a. m.
Sermon and morning prayer 11
a m.
Holy Communion 11:30 a. m.
Tuesday, after which there will
be a luncheon and a talk by Mrs.
Holy Communion Wednesday
9:30 a m.
Litany and address Friday 7:30
p. m. Choir rehearsal after this
You are cordially Invited to
worship with us.
First Methodist
Ollie Depew, assistant professor
of English at Southern Oregon
College of Education, who has
been on leave of absence since
September, resumed
her duties
March 24, which opens the spring
quarter at the college. Miss De­
pew has spent the last two quar­
ters in study and travel.
Forest Robinson, who has been
handling Miss Depew’s classes,
will re-enter the University of
Washington for additional ad­
vanced work.
Woody Mason of Grants Pass
has been hired as principal of the
Bridge e;ementary school in Coos
county. In addition to his duties
as principal, Maxon will teach the
seventh and eighth grades.
Mr. Mason is the first of the
spring graduates to receive a
teaching position.
Dr. George W. Bruce, .Minister
Sunday church sch xj J at 9:45 a
m with Allen O McGee, superin­
tendent. There is no better place
for one to let go his hold upon
material things and get a grip
upo nthe spiritual. Why not heg,n
reaching for God now?
Morning sermon at 11 o'r.lo.k
o.i the subject Gethsemane." The
choir will sing an appropriate an­
them and Mr Paul Byers will
sing "Jesus of Nazareth.”
Epworth and Wesley Leagues
at fi:J5 p m
Evening serr.ion at 7 30 o'clock
on the subject. "What Think Yc
of Christ?”
Prayer meeting is held each
Wednesday evjuu'ig at 7:30, with
tie ’7th chap;»r cf the book ol
Revelation as 'he scripture lesson.
First Presbyterian
James II. Edgar, .Minister
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Worship service 11 a. m. Dr.
John K. Howard, guest minister.
No evening services until fur-
ther notice.
• Miss Sue Marshberger of the
Medford high school faculty wax
a week-end guest of Dorothy
823 Siskiyou Blvd
Phone 6336
Mrs. H H Elhart, reader of the
Christian Science church, officiat­
ed at commitment rites held Mon-
i day afternoon at the Ashland cem- 1
etery for the late Mrs. Emma
Svenson. The deceased was a sis- .
ter of Mrs. Larkin Grubb and
Mrs Jack Beagle of this city. Al­
though a former resident of Ash­
land. she had resided in Oakland
for several years.
------------- •---------
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