SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, March 28, 1941 About People You Know ] I HELI,VIEW NEWS Page 5 NEWN FROM • Tlie Bellview Cooperative Wa-1 ter assixiiatlon held a meeting at the school house Monday evening. By KCHOOL STUDENTS A resolution was adopted to turn Friday evening at 7:30 the Un- • Hid Heed recently returned the business meeting Mrs. Culvert the meter reading and collections coin P-TA had a hobby show. ii oin u buxines» trip to the east, Anderson gave an interesting re­ over to the city water department Home of the hobbles brought by lie reports that he nad an enjoy- port on religious conditions in Ger­ for a period of one year at a cost the children were marble collec­ nine tup and encountered little many Refreshments were served of »10 per month to the associa­ tions, match covers, dolls, racks, Ixld Wvnthei Willie away III- also by tne assisting hostesses, Mrs. J. tion Homer M. a also was au­ different kinds of money, model Visited with hie mother in Mis­ Q Adams and Mis. Gerald Gunter. thorized to obtain legal advice on airplanes, glass figures and salt souri. • Mrs A A Hnyder of laxll, ac­ the transfer of a share in the as­ ami pepper shakers. Many people • Mrs. I* II. Htansbury and Mri companied by her son, visited her sociation Mr. Glllmore and Horner came to see it. Mai cum Wood* are alt moling the brother Bill Brown last week. Mre were reelected directors On Friday the children in the Oregon stale tuberculosis meeting • Miss Jean Neil of the Univer­ ami J Q Adams was the newly- upstairs room» went to hear a In Portland this week sity of Oregon spent her spring elected dir«-«tor Rev J Z Walker talk on the Junior Re«l Cross by • Mi ami M im O C line of vacation with her grandparents, and Mr Woodworth are the other Miss Carter. It was very interest­ Klamath Kalla visited with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George Looslsy. directors. ing Monday, March 24. Miss Vera and M im C. O. Presnail Hunday. • Mrs J. Ila vis or Vancouver, B. • Mrs E<1 Grimm spent Tuesday Humphreys came over from Med­ • Mr and Mrs. I rick Adams are C. visited several days with her visiting with Mrs. Anna Scheider- ford and showed us an interesting building a home on Liberty street. aunt, Mrs. C. F Tilton. eiter in Ashland. colectlon of things which children • Mi and Mrs Fred Gilbert have • Miss Dorothy Bergstrom, • Miss Betty Ring returned to in other parts of the world who returned from a business trip to teacher at Corvallis, spent spring her sch«x>l at Umpqua Hunday af­ belong to the Junior Red Cross had southern California vacation with her parents, Mr. ter spending the week-end with sent to the American Junior Red • MI mh June Brastad of the high and Mrs. C. L. Bergstrom. her parents, Mr. ami Mrs, M A Cross members. M-hiMil faculty »pent the week-end • Rev J. K Turnbull preached Ring T he sixth grade visited the pub­ In Portland. at the Baptist church in Medford • Miss Ijolita Pearson returned to lic library Friday, March 20. They • Mi and Mrs Bill Johnson mov­ Hunday evening Rev. W. A. Eugene Hunday after spending the t«x>k back the books they already ed to Medford where he la working Dawes of Medford preached at the I spring vacation with her parents, I had read and brought back dif­ I Mr and Mrs. W E Pearwon with the Pacific Telephone com­ lOMl Baptist church. ferent ones Miss Mason, librarian, pany • Born to Mr and Mrs. Henry • Mrs N B. Hull wax transacting helped them choose books by • James McNair was guest of Wilcox of Vernonia. Ore March buxinexx in Yreka Tuesday. showing them interesting ones. A honor at a birthday dinner last 17. a son The child was named • Mrs. Arthur Hamaker spent lot of the pupils took out copies Hunday. Those present were the Michael IXiuglas. last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. of Arabian Nights. host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs W. • ls-ster West of Trail was a bus­ R. Kincaid. Room seven made murals of the II McNair, tin- honored guest, iness visitor here Haturday. • Miss Marie Walker. Mr. and Industrie and means of transpor­ James McNair and wife, Mr. and • Mixa D Virginia Hales and Dr. Mrs. Lewis Pankey and Mr and tation in the United States It is Mrs. F M eleven, Phylis. Edward, Claude E Sayre were the speakers Mrs A R Kincaid attended a about three feet high and made Alvin and Glenn eleven of Med­ at Trinity guild yesterday, Miss grange meeting at Roxy Ann last with colored chalk It was shel­ ford, Mr. and Mrs H. B McNair Hales spoke on "Bundles for Brit­ Friday evening. lacked and hung above our black­ and Bill Hawkins. ain” and Dr. Hayre on ‘'Deborah” • Henry Htenrud is employed at board. It is very colorful and • Jack Peterson, student at O8C, • Mis la-<- C Port and daughter Pinehurst this week. makes our room very attractive was among the students receiving Frances of Applegate visited with • Miss Helen Dunn who Is teach- On March 25, room 6 went to perfect grades for the past term Mrs A H Peachey last Thursday. i ing at Jacksonville spent the the high school to Bee a moving This Is the eighth time that he • The March child welfare con- week-end at her home. picture on wheat farming. It has received perfect grades ‘ lerence at the Civic club house • Mr. and Mrs Arthur Hamaker • Mr. and Mis l