Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, February 21, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, Feb. 21, 1941
About People You Know
• Mi and Mis Charles C. Rob-
«'..»<>11 visited with friends in
i>uiiMinuir Sunday.
«, Rev. and an R E. Schmidt
uml soil v«xit«*«l In Medford Mon­
v Member! of th«* Daughters of
Hue Amer lean Revolution, the uux-
i.laiy U> the VFW, the Women's
iveiiet Cui pa and the Daughleis
oi Union Veterans wete guests of
liie auxiliary to the American lai-
gion at a patriotic tea al the
palish house Saturday.
A fine
program was presented.
• mim Buford Howuid of Klam-
u«n rails vi»4ir<i Bunday wild nei
lather, J V. Wright.
• C C. Gilliam of Cottage Grove
visited his daughters, Mis. Bill
Kerr and Mia. Leonard Andiews,
• Dr and Mis. R L. Hurdle and
Dr. und Mrs Marcus Wtxxls re-
turned Sunday from Port lumi
wnere they hud attended a dental
• Ml «a Norma Ebnother of Pros­
pect visited a few days in Asti-
land with her pa rents, Mr uml
Mm. J. V.
F. Ebnother.
• Out-of-town people attending
the D. Perozzi funeral included
John H, Perozzi and Peter Pciozzi
«if San ijiis OMqNh Calif . P.
liraghetta and F Brag het ta of
Stockton, Calif, and Mr and Mrs
John 1-anini of Eugene.
• Mr and Mis Holt Wardrip of
/ Ireka visited with Mr. and Mrs
Allen McGee Sunday,
• • Mrs Hugh Barron' was the
guest of honor at a surprise din­
ner party Monday evening Guests
included Mesdames Allan Brower,
Frank Stratton, Sam Jordan, Gene
Rllzinger. Frank Barnthouse and
Viggo Lassen.
• Mr and Mrs Eamie Chlldreth
went t<> Yreka Sunday.
• Bob Pederson spent the week­
end in Klamath Falls.
• Paul Taylor of Redding, a for­
mer resident of Ashland, was here
on business the first of the week
• Mm Ix-onora Broili left Wed­
nesday for Portland to attend a
meeting of the Oregon-Washing­
ton state fraternal congress She
was accompanied by Mrs. Mar­
gery Pearson of Medford. Both
ladies also will attend a meeting
to arrange for the state KN A
convention to be held In Aurll.
tula Bl Olli is state supervisor of
tne Royal Netghbor xxlge and
Mis. i earson is district supervisor.
• mi », hxiwuid SkuHety wax
guest of honor at a shower given
uy iiiembeis of the hour Squats
cuuivo at Uie name ot Mrs. J. C.
WlistMi. At tne close uf the after-
noun i eli esiunenia were serv«*d by
mi » r.tta itiinon and Mis hl ' !
, j»in» Dorothy Pederson wiler-
amed mne mends al a valentine
|«ui«.y rnuay evening inletesung
gattoes weie played Retieanments
in keeping with the valentine sea­ I
son were served.
• Mis Augusta Wetties of Pons-
loiu, Minn, was a guea; ot Mr.
ana Mis. Roy Salo Bunday,
• Roy tutgiey ot Mount Shasta I
uitenued to business matters in
/tauiand Tuesday
• Mrs. C. V. Atterbury of Ger­ i
ber, Calif., a former resident of
Aanland, visited here Tuesday.
• Mi and Mra D. A Hlghtierger
Horn Pueblo, Coin., are visiting I
the latter’s mother, Mis. F. Zana.
who la seriously ill.
• Lynne DeMllle uf Klamath
Halls visited with his patents, Mr?
ami Mrs K. M. DeMllle, early this
• Mr and Mix O. N Wray left
Wednesday on a business trip to
Cot vallis
• Mrs. Dan Wall is visiting in
Dunsmuir with her two sons,
Lewis and Volorous Rosa
• Mi and Mrs Joe Neil and chil­
dren of Seat tie visited Sulday und
Monday with Fred N«ti "nd Mr. I
and Mrs. George W. Ixx^e.ey.
• Mr. and Mra Dick Trites and
children and Tommy Laird visited
in Marshfield Sunday with rela­
tives after attending the Roae-
urg game Saturday evening.
J Kenneth Damon went to Dead
Indian Tuesday on busineM.
• Mrs Violet Dixon was able to
t «-turn to her home Tuesday from
the Community hospital where she
i«*cently had undergone an oper­
• Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson
attended the game in Medford
Tuesday evening.
• Mrs. C. E. Converse of Lin-
coin visited with friends in Ash-
land Tuesday.
• Mr. and Mrs Pril Bryant vis-
ited in Medford Tuesday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Wtxxiy Turpin.
• Rev. Adrian Sias, CCC chap­
lain, was guest preacher at the
Christian church Sunday evening.
• L. S. Shipley of Grants Pass
«I»ent the week-end In Ashland
visiting with Mrs. E. C. Fortier
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clinger.
• Mr and Mrs. M. H. Yancey
who have been visiting in Ashland
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob VanVleet
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill VanVleet
have returned to their home in
• Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Patter­
son and daughter of Jacksonville
spent th«* week-end at the Cliff
McLean home.
• After spending the winter in
^U-verly Hills, Calif., Mrs. C. B.
\_lbert is now visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Hardy.
• Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis were
week-end visitors at the home of
Mrs. Jennie Coulder.
• Miss Helen Dunn who teaches
in Jacksonville spent the week-end
in Ashla'nd with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Edwin Dunn.
• Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gillespy
were guests of honor on their
I i
Page 5
Our Churches
29th wedding anniversary at a
dinner at the Plaza cafe given by
Mi and Mm. Ellis Randies
• G W. Crews celebrated his
«9th birthday anniveisaiy Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs A
O. M< Gee. A large group of rela­
tives attended the family birth­
day dinner and visited through­
out the afternoon.
• Mi and Mm William Kannusto
entertained the following guests
at dinner Saturday evening: Mr.
and Mrs Flunk DeSantis, San
Mateo, Calif.; Miss Helen Kannax-
lo of Burlingame, Calif , and Rich­
ard Quui'kenbUMii of Denver, Colo
• Mi und M ih Howard Hicks of
treka visited with Mrs. E. Hicks
mid Miss Ernestine Hicks Sunday.
• laiuien Etiret visited his tno-
tner in Yreka Sunday
• W A Snider went to Grants
I'uss Monday on business.
• Mrs W W “
Robinson returned
ounduy from a visit to her sister
in Portland,
• Mcndx-m of the Neigh bora of
Woodcraft held
meeting at the lOOF hall Monday
• Birthday unnivei sai iea
Hattie Moore. Mrs Virginia Shaw
and Mm Jennie Hammond were
honored at the February birthday
dinner Saturday of the Women s
Relief Corps.
Community Club Has
Valentine Party
• Tne Upper Valley Community
«.tub met Thursday at the ciuo
«<«>u»e, wiU.> a good attendance.
Members voted a 25 cents tax to
cover current expense. A context
was held al wmeh time Mra.
Willis Byrd won first and Mrs
Ureanam second. Acting hostess­
es were Mrs. Archte Kincaid and
Mrs. Vai In low The tablea were
ullractlvrly decorated I in valentine
colors and the color scheme was
wnich were served tu the ladies. 1
Mrs Heilmeyer, Mra. York. Mis»
Marie Walker were chosen to act
as hoxtexxes in March. Mrs. E<1
Gowland will be chairman of the >
health association.
• Miss Veda Williams was host- 1
ess to a group of 25 high school !
students last Wednesday evening,
entertainment being in the form .
of a scavenger hunt. At the clone
of the meeting refreshments of I
cake ami ice cream were served.
• John latnini is at his pa lent s'
liome h,re for a short time. He i
came hero from Eugene to attend
the funeral of D. Perozzi.
• Mrs J Z Walkii ictumed to
her home Monday from Talent,
where she has been caring for !
Mrs. Zitkesoose and her infant
<lau^ihter, Joyce Ann.
• Mt and Mrs John Walker ar­ i
rived yestenlay from their home
m Alamoea, Colo to make their
iiome with Rev. and Mrs. J. Z.
Walker and family.
• Mrs Walter Hash was honored
on her birthday anniversary by a
group ot friends who met in a
party at the Gladys Knotts home
in Ashland Guests included Mrs.
Roscoe Applegate, Mrs. Chester
Applegate, Mrs. Algert Arnold,
Mrs Vincent Lanini, Mrs Carl
Henry and Mrs. James Montgom­
• The sewing club met Monday
morning with their leader, Mrs.
L. Boe After the meeting, re­
freshments were served by Elea­
nor George
• Members of the seventh and
eighth grades of the Bellview
pleasantly surprised
group of students at s valentine
party last week. At the close of
the party, jello ami cookies were
dowt give your coffee
First Methodist
<wn Pars iMoun>
uttr catrrt
that notrer
cam ttu,
But neo
/A MlAtM
tn a Par
mot Atta
Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister
«v Mdxr/vö 'oofcr" stews
tn TH£ ewes, (HOC OIATE
SYRUP 'C $o,-ier/niSw.iD
to BeonestHr ruootj.'
9/ pant w/w a««
■ «r- ft
CARROTS HUI» YOU to SCE m the oaak !
<«* MMtttmor A'tTvinjrf ha ; hmm
to tAT Matta CAAMOtt Mt<nt 'Ht AtMour I "
toHttttttt At CAtrort cortAn Pttoatffì nnatt
rattan a"* ro m turrtA nt m paam !
exY pom ' t r
ÍMT mom OH
Sunday school 9:45 a m , Allen
O. McGee superintendent. “Search
the scriptures; for in them ye
think ye have eternal life: and
they are they which testify
j me.” iJohn 5:39).
Chui ch worship service 11 a
Sermon subject, "The Gates
Jerusalem.” The adult choir will
lead the singing and offer an
Vesper service at 5 p. rn Ser­
mon subject, "The Face of án
Epworth and Wesley Leagues
at 6.15 p. m.
Wednesday at 7:30 p m.. pray­
er meeting Scripture lesson for
next week is the 12th chapter of
the book of Revelations.
Miss Ruby Reed, daughter of
Mrs Wesley Reed, was married
to Mr. Arion Clements, son of
Mr and Mrs. George Clements of
Skaar, S D., Thursday, Feb 13,
in the Baptist church at Walla
Walla, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs Clements will
make their h/^le at Arlington,
"— , where
.-,----- » Mr Clements is em-
"This sure
beats driving
Church cf the
1AUMRM4 Tgf f 000 bud M t !
A mm O£ i/o PiMtMtts eArs~
APPBOKtMAteiy ¡ro popMtrs
OB pood 4 PfQttrn -('Atoar
2o<so POorrai oFfOODA rfAP.)
Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor
Fourth and C Streets
Church school 9:45 a ns
Morning worship 11 o’clock.
Junior, Young People and Peo­
ples meetings 6: 30 p. m.
• Mr and Mrs Earl Hamilton
Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m.
and family have been attending
Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Wed­
evening meetings at the Adventist nesday.
church In Medford this week.
• Mr and Mrs Roy Talbot were
calling on friends in Bellview
• Mrs John Farmer spent Mon­
Dr. Claude K. Sayre, Vicar
day visiting at the home of Mr,
and Mrs Elmer Byrd,
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
Church school 9:30 a. m.
Sermon and morning prayer 11
a. m.
Ash Wednesday (Feb. 26), Lit­
any. Penitential Office and Holy
from Communion, 6:30 a. m. After the
Washington, part of the $100.000,- service there will be a breakfast
000 allocated by the public roads in the parish house. It Is expected
administration will be used to that every communicant of the
straighten and remove bottlenecks parish be present for this service.
Choir practice 7:30 p. m. Friday.
in Oregon's Pacific highway. It is
You are cordially invited to
said tnai
that me
the state mignt
might nave
have to
match a small part of the funds. | worship with us.
------------- •
but that has not yet been de-,
“ --------------
This fund was set up to Improve
The war department announced
strategic highways throughout the Tuesday that among those ac­
nation. Highway 99 is an import­ cepting appointments as* second
ant route between Seattle and Los lieutenants in the officers’ reserve
Angeles, and In Oregon there are corps was William H. Leever of
some bottlenecks to be removed Ashland He is a member of the
and part of the roadbed strength- J infantry reserve.
ened to permit movement of |
------------- •--------------
military equipment.
Patronize our advertisers.
served by Ola May Grimm and
Eleanor George.
• Marjorie
hostess at a valentine |>arty Sat­
urday afternoon at her home, en­
tertaining Eva Moore, Marjory
Walker, Joan Helm, Beryln Flynn,
Inez Yockel, Clarice Brantley, !
Eunice and Maxine Wenaus, Edna
Yockel, Betty George, I*hyllis
Hollingsworth and Ruth Seitz
• Bellview P-TA members met
Friday evening at the school
house. Main feature of the meet­
ing was a pie social. The program
honored Founders’ day.
• Mrs O. G. Ayres is at the
Ayres home here for a short time
to arrange sale for their furniture.
• Mr and Mrs Walter Hash were
business callers in Medford Mon­
• Miss Helen Dunn .who teaches
school at Jacksonville, spent last
week-end at the home of her par­ '
ents here, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunn. I
• Donald Korth returned to his
home in Burney, Calif. Sunday af­
ternoon Mm. Kurth and Jimmie
remained here for an indefinite
stay with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
• H E Bell. Kenneth Bell and
Mr and Mrs R. E Bell Jr., all of
Klamath Falls, were here Wed­
nesday to attend the funeral ser- !
vices of J. H Williams.
• Miss Jane McCoy of Ashland
spent a few days last week visit­
ing at the home of Mm MaHnda
• Mrs G L Brock, who was
called heie by the death of J H.
Williams, returned to her home in
Tacoma Thursday of last week.
• Mrs. W. L Moore, Mrs. Adrian
Wolfe and son Roger were callers
In Bellview Saturday.
• Mr and Mrs Cliff Bartol of
Talent vitfted with Mrs Bartol's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W Wil­
lis, Monday
• Warren Siebert returned to
Burney, Calif. Thursday. He was
here to attend the J. H. Williams
• Miss Barbara Warren has been
ill at her home the past 10 days
and unable to attend beauty school
at Medford.
• Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Martin and
Mrs. G. L. Brock were business
callers in Medford Thursday.«
• Mias Susan Sykes spent the
week-end at her home in Bellview.
She teaches school at Shady Cove.
Federal Funds May
Improve Highway 99
This way you'll enjoy the
trip a lot more and you’ll
arrive rested and refreshed.
Low roundtrip fares are in
effect every day. Ask about
them today.
Ths Friendly
Southern Pacific
S«< your local S.P. agent or write
J. A. ORMANDY Gen Pass Aitar.
622 Pacific Building. Portland, Ore.
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See the exact condition of your motor with your
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actually see through the metal walls of your I
Every connection, every operation or
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A few minor adjustments and replace­
ments will eliminate costly and major
repairs at a later date.
FREE Motor Check
When you head south for
California sunshine, here’s
a tip: leave your carat home
and try the train. Relax and
take it easy while the engi­
neer does the-driving.
Trinity Episcopal
Certified TEXICO Service
Marfak Lubrication
Phone 3911
Mechanical Service
Main and Helman
Now on Display at your Dealer’s
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