Friday, Feb. 21, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know • Mi and Mis Charles C. Rob- «'..»<>11 visited with friends in i>uiiMinuir Sunday. «, Rev. and an R E. Schmidt uml soil v«xit«*«l In Medford Mon­ day v Member! of th«* Daughters of Hue Amer lean Revolution, the uux- i.laiy U> the VFW, the Women's iveiiet Cui pa and the Daughleis oi Union Veterans wete guests of liie auxiliary to the American lai- gion at a patriotic tea al the palish house Saturday. A fine program was presented. • mim Buford Howuid of Klam- u«n rails vi»4ir Yreka Sunday. • Bob Pederson spent the week­ end in Klamath Falls. • Paul Taylor of Redding, a for­ mer resident of Ashland, was here on business the first of the week • Mm Ix-onora Broili left Wed­ nesday for Portland to attend a meeting of the Oregon-Washing­ ton state fraternal congress She was accompanied by Mrs. Mar­ gery Pearson of Medford. Both ladies also will attend a meeting to arrange for the state KN A convention to be held In Aurll. tula Bl Olli is state supervisor of tne Royal Netghbor xxlge and Mis. i earson is district supervisor. • mi », hxiwuid SkuHety wax guest of honor at a shower given uy iiiembeis of the hour Squats cuuivo at Uie name ot Mrs. J. C. WlistMi. At tne close uf the after- noun i eli esiunenia were serv«*d by mi » r.tta itiinon and Mis hl ' ! Newbry. , j»in» Dorothy Pederson wiler- amed mne mends al a valentine |«ui«.y rnuay evening inletesung gattoes weie played Retieanments in keeping with the valentine sea­ I son were served. • Mis Augusta Wetties of Pons- loiu, Minn, was a guea; ot Mr. ana Mis. Roy Salo Bunday, • Roy tutgiey ot Mount Shasta I uitenued to business matters in /tauiand Tuesday • Mrs. C. V. Atterbury of Ger­ i ber, Calif., a former resident of Aanland, visited here Tuesday. • Mi and Mra D. A Hlghtierger Horn Pueblo, Coin., are visiting I the latter’s mother, Mis. F. Zana. who la seriously ill. • Lynne DeMllle uf Klamath Halls visited with his patents, Mr? ami Mrs K. M. DeMllle, early this week • Mr and Mix O. N Wray left Wednesday on a business trip to Cot vallis • Mrs. Dan Wall is visiting in Dunsmuir with her two sons, Lewis and Volorous Rosa • Mi and Mrs Joe Neil and chil­ dren of Seat tie visited Sulday und Monday with Fred N«ti "nd Mr. I and Mrs. George W. Ixx^e.ey. • Mr. and Mra Dick Trites and children and Tommy Laird visited in Marshfield Sunday with rela­ tives after attending the Roae- urg game Saturday evening. J Kenneth Damon went to Dead Indian Tuesday on busineM. • Mrs Violet Dixon was able to t «-turn to her home Tuesday from the Community hospital where she i«*cently had undergone an oper­ ation. • Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson attended the game in Medford Tuesday evening. • Mrs. C. E. Converse of Lin- coin visited with friends in Ash- land Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs Pril Bryant vis- ited in Medford Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wtxxiy Turpin. • Rev. Adrian Sias, CCC chap­ lain, was guest preacher at the Christian church Sunday evening. • L. S. Shipley of Grants Pass «I»ent the week-end In Ashland visiting with Mrs. E. C. Fortier and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clinger. • Mr and Mrs. M. H. Yancey who have been visiting in Ashland with Mr. and Mrs. Bob VanVleet and Mr. and Mrs. Bill VanVleet have returned to their home in Fresno. • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Patter­ son and daughter of Jacksonville spent th«* week-end at the Cliff McLean home. • After spending the winter in ^U-verly Hills, Calif., Mrs. C. B. \_lbert is now visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hardy. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Jennie Coulder. • Miss Helen Dunn who teaches in Jacksonville spent the week-end in Ashla'nd with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Dunn. • Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gillespy were guests of honor on their I i Page 5 Our Churches 29th wedding anniversary at a dinner at the Plaza cafe given by Mi and Mm. Ellis Randies • G W. Crews celebrated his «9th birthday anniveisaiy Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs A O. M< Gee. A large group of rela­ tives attended the family birth­ day dinner and visited through­ out the afternoon. • Mi and Mm William Kannusto entertained the following guests at dinner Saturday evening: Mr. and Mrs Flunk DeSantis, San Mateo, Calif.; Miss Helen Kannax- lo of Burlingame, Calif , and Rich­ ard Quui'kenbUMii of Denver, Colo • Mi und M ih Howard Hicks of treka visited with Mrs. E. Hicks mid Miss Ernestine Hicks Sunday. • laiuien Etiret visited his tno- tner in Yreka Sunday • W A Snider went to Grants I'uss Monday on business. • Mrs W W “ Robinson returned ounduy from a visit to her sister in Portland, • Mcndx-m of the Neigh bora of regular Woodcraft held their meeting at the lOOF hall Monday night. • Birthday unnivei sai iea Hattie Moore. Mrs Virginia Shaw and Mm Jennie Hammond were honored at the February birthday dinner Saturday of the Women s Relief Corps. HKLLVIKW NKWM Community Club Has Valentine Party • Tne Upper Valley Community «.tub met Thursday at the ciuo «<«>u»e, wiU.> a good attendance. Members voted a 25 cents tax to cover current expense. A context was held al wmeh time Mra. Willis Byrd won first and Mrs Ureanam second. Acting hostess­ es were Mrs. Archte Kincaid and Mrs. Vai In low The tablea were ullractlvrly decorated I in valentine colors and the color scheme was repeated in the I refreshments wnich were served tu the ladies. 1 Mrs Heilmeyer, Mra. York. Mis» Marie Walker were chosen to act as hoxtexxes in March. Mrs. E<1 Gowland will be chairman of the > health association. • Miss Veda Williams was host- 1 ess to a group of 25 high school ! students last Wednesday evening, entertainment being in the form . of a scavenger hunt. At the clone of the meeting refreshments of I cake ami ice cream were served. • John latnini is at his pa lent s' liome h,re for a short time. He i came hero from Eugene to attend the funeral of D. Perozzi. • Mrs J Z Walkii ictumed to her home Monday from Talent, where she has been caring for ! Mrs. Zitkesoose and her infant HA MtPT iiAupvioniiv CLAAt/ uttr catrrt that notrer cam ttu, CAM Be But neo /A MlAtM tn a Par THAT HAS mot Atta Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister DRUG STORE COWBOY! «v Mdxr/vö 'oofcr" stews tn TH£ ewes, (HOC OIATE SYRUP 'C $o,-ier/niSw.iD to BeonestHr ruootj.' 9/ pant w/w a«« ■ «r- ft ClAAMlO CARROTS HUI» YOU to SCE m the oaak ! <«* MMtttmor A'tTvinjrf ha ; hmm to tAT Matta CAAMOtt Mtarty Sat­ urday afternoon at her home, en­ tertaining Eva Moore, Marjory Walker, Joan Helm, Beryln Flynn, Inez Yockel, Clarice Brantley, ! Eunice and Maxine Wenaus, Edna Yockel, Betty George, I*hyllis Hollingsworth and Ruth Seitz • Bellview P-TA members met Friday evening at the school house. Main feature of the meet­ ing was a pie social. The program honored Founders’ day. • Mrs O. G. Ayres is at the Ayres home here for a short time to arrange sale for their furniture. • Mr and Mrs Walter Hash were business callers in Medford Mon­ day. • Miss Helen Dunn .who teaches school at Jacksonville, spent last week-end at the home of her par­ ' ents here, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunn. I • Donald Korth returned to his home in Burney, Calif. Sunday af­ ternoon Mm. Kurth and Jimmie remained here for an indefinite stay with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Martin. • H E Bell. Kenneth Bell and Mr and Mrs R. E Bell Jr., all of Klamath Falls, were here Wed­ nesday to attend the funeral ser- ! vices of J. H Williams. • Miss Jane McCoy of Ashland spent a few days last week visit­ ing at the home of Mm MaHnda King • Mrs G L Brock, who was called heie by the death of J H. Williams, returned to her home in Tacoma Thursday of last week. • Mrs. W. L Moore, Mrs. Adrian Wolfe and son Roger were callers In Bellview Saturday. • Mr and Mrs Cliff Bartol of Talent vitfted with Mrs Bartol's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W Wil­ lis, Monday • Warren Siebert returned to Burney, Calif. Thursday. He was here to attend the J. H. Williams funeral. • Miss Barbara Warren has been ill at her home the past 10 days and unable to attend beauty school at Medford. • Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Martin and Mrs. G. L. Brock were business callers in Medford Thursday.« • Mias Susan Sykes spent the week-end at her home in Bellview. She teaches school at Shady Cove. Federal Funds May Improve Highway 99 This way you'll enjoy the trip a lot more and you’ll arrive rested and refreshed. Low roundtrip fares are in effect every day. Ask about them today. Ths Friendly Southern Pacific S«< your local S.P. agent or write J. A. ORMANDY Gen Pass Aitar. 622 Pacific Building. Portland, Ore. _ O« —OOV ,,me °' _____ 0,9 _ ln for GAt- « nblS of *°ter‘ s—- ouw . _ insto" »’ • ’ mot«c — never g»ve then another tbouaht. CAKEFUFE aî LUXURY our 8 See the exact condition of your motor with your own eye«. With this scientific machine you can actually see through the metal walls of your I motor. Every connection, every operation or the slightest misadjustment* anywhere is fu.Iy revealed. Y’ou can be sure that no unnecessary work will be done, no needl'd work overlooked. A few minor adjustments and replace­ ments will eliminate costly and major repairs at a later date. t • FREE Motor Check SUN MOTOR TESTER When you head south for California sunshine, here’s a tip: leave your carat home and try the train. Relax and take it easy while the engi­ neer does the-driving. Trinity Episcopal Church EtECTR'C $59 LET US TUNE YOUR MOTOR TO A SPRING SONG! R. I» CROSBY Certified TEXICO Service Marfak Lubrication Phone 3911 Mechanical Service Main and Helman Now on Display at your Dealer’s or your COPCO store ? < I j y