Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 03, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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Washington. D. C.
There were two reasons for that
grin on the face of North Dakota's
Gov. John Moses when he left the
White House the other day.
One was an assurance that the
President would personally inyesti-
gate why North Dakota has not re­
ceived any of the new defense
plants. Moses argued that his stati
was so far inland that it was ideal
for defense industries. Roosevelt
promised to look into the matter im­
The other reason was an anecdote
the President told Moses “about a
famous namesake of yours.*' It hap­
pened when Roosevelt was assistant
secretary of the navy in the Wilson
He was asked to select from a list
of American naval heroes, the name
of a new destroyer. He picked “Is­
rael.” in honor of a U. S. captain
who distinguished himself in the war
against the Barbary Coast pirates in
Some time later. Roosevelt was
asked to approve the personnel of
this destroyer. And while looking
over the list of personnel, another
aide entered with another personnel
list for a destroyer named "Moses.”
"This coincidence struck me as
very funny," Roosevelt related, "and
I leaned back and laughed. The
young naval officer looked perturbed
and inquired. 'Aren’t those the right
crews for those ships—Moses and
Israel” And then I laughed some
more, because heading the lists of
officers were the names of Murphy
and O'Reilly.”
Note—Moses, a Democrat from a
rock-ribbed G. O. P. state, is the
tallest governor in the country—6
feet 4 inches.
Friday, Jan. 3, 1941
Washington. D. C.
Has the witch hunt actually be­
gun? I haven’t heard it. but sev­
eral letters and telegrams inform
me that a conspicuous radio news
commentator is warning the public
to “watch carefully” members of
the keep-out-of-war committees be­
(Con solid« t»d r»«turv>— WNV Service.
cause they are "appeasers" and
EW YORK - Simultaneously.
“are trying to make us afraid."
Chancellor Hitler and Mme.
Gen. Bob Wood, who was honored
by congress for his work in helping Elsa Schiaparelli renounce gold and
• to build the Panama canal, and extol the fruits of the spirit Prepar­
, brought back from an important Schiaparelli Say» ing to return
to France
post in France in the AEF to spark
the American war production ef­ Cost Fetter» Our soon, the fa­
forts as quartermaster general, is Art of Creation mous dress­
maker finds
being put on the pan. Col. Charles
Lindbergh, who brought home the that Americans are too much given
greatest honors American aviation to money-grubbing to appreciate the
ever knew, and who first jolted beautiful art of couture. "The Paris
American and British complacency designer is free," she says, but here
in America “in creating a costume
by revealing the tremendous hidden
powers of German air armament, is you must think about cost.” So she's
now under the wwnd of the profes­ g<Nng back to Paris where art is
sional witch finders. Even his love­ unfettered and nobody worries about
ly. fearless quietly philosophical money.
Uncle Sam's newest submarine,
Molyneux (led, to make gowns in
wife has taken a dirty dig or two
the 1,475-ion Grampus, sliding Into
from such professional breast-beat­
View of part of the damage wrought by German bombs In Britain's the water at New London, Co tin.
ing Boadicea's as Dorothy Thomp- Judge Landis of the French fash­ historic house of commons In recent raids. Public parts of the building
The craft, one of eight similar type
ion industry, remains in the service
¡ son.
were untvuched, and nearby 81. Stephen's chapel also escaped, but the ordered under the Vinson act In
I of art—not money of course.
What goes on here? Most of the
cloisters In the crypt and the public bill office were hit. The private 1939, Is named after a common type
I people who want to dress up Uncle latter implication might suggest bill office was struck by high explosive and oil bomba.
of killer whale.
Sam as something more canny than that Paris as a continuing world
his old role a$ the world’s prize fat
boy with the bag of candy in a world Chancellor Hitler’s jug - handled
of Dead End urchins, were awake economy, and that, of course is a
long before these tardy tom-tom rather gauche idea. In Herr Hitler's
beaters, witch doctors and Sioux Sun new order, it's art for art's sake.
Soon after the occupation of
Dancers were even aware that there
Paris, Mme. Schiaparelli ar­
was a vast, sinister and growing
rived here to begin a national
danger in the world.
lecture tour. We seemed to be
Some of them had been hammer­
suffering from much misappre­
ing at the inexcusable indolence of
hension about France. Il was
England, the equivocal horse trad­
business as usual In Paris, and
ing of France and. above all. the
anyone who fancied that New
spineless inactivity of America, long
York might become the world
before the "cloud no bigger than a
style center had another thought
man's hand" became a thunder­
coming. However, she reserved
head and began to belch lightning.
her apostrophe of art against
(Editor's Note—The Washington All of them are, and have long been,
money for the last.
Merry-Go-Round's famous Brass for all-out defense of this country.
Ring this week is awarded to the AU are against hysterical dissipa- .
Addressing the Junior League of
unsung allies of the Greek army, the tion of it Who speaks for America— Los Angeles recently, she said:
peasants and mountaineers of Al­ they or their half-crazed critics?
"All of us in Paris are impressed
If they were so much more nearly by the generosity of American men
Much tribute has been paid to the right before, maybe they are more regarding their women. American
gallant Greek army and royal air nearly right now, when they ques­ men have a world-wide reputation
force for winning one of this war's tion whether we should rush head­ for the money they spend on women.
"I say bravo to you! Go right
most crucial battles, in that wildest long into a gun fight with our gun
and most remote corner of Europe— not even loaded and. as a first act. ahead.”
give away our guns.
I had an idea that the French felt
German troops arriving In Bucharest, Rumania. A total force esti­ Ihr American export liner, Excatn-
Our greatest lack right now is win that way a few years ago when I mated at 20 divisions, or 300.000 men, with artillery, bridge-building equip­ bion, wbo was taken froin tbe shlp
But little has been written about
Rogers, who said: “America never was privileged to see some of the ment, tanks and motor transports formed the vanguard of a new German al Bermuda by the British and held
the Albanian peasants and moun­
lost a war or won a conference.” inner workings of Lanvin’s estab- expedition into the Balkans. Hungary's grant of right-of-way stirred up under suspiclon of espionage. Stäh­
taineers who have provided the
We can wonder what he would say lishment in Paris, to talk to the many conjectures as to what this move might mean.
l' r briamr a U. 8. cltiscn In 1933.
Greeks with the most amazing in­
about “Let's take the silly fool dol­ vendeuses and witness the defer-
telligence service of this war, so ac­
lar mark from aid to Britain.”
ence to a Texas oil magnate, when
curate that the Greeks have known
From how many billions have we he came in to help his wife choose
down to the last detail just how
taken the “silly fool dollar mark” a gown.
many Italians were located behind for foreigners it would be hard to
Mme. Schiaparelli lived five years
each hill, where their guns were
say. We took them off from the biU in New York. Her daughter. Ma­ i
placed, and the exact nature of their we footed for the last World war to
risa. was born in her Ninth street
a present total, with interest of about bouse in Greenwich Village. That
An army without eyes is helpless. 14 billions.
was before the days of her fame
And the Albanians, who have never
and opulence, and she thought about
forgotten the manner in which Mus­
money a great deal in those days.
solini drove their queen and her day-
The four-man control of industrial
Taking an unheated fiat in
old son out of the country two years mobilization, consisting of the sec­
Patchin place, a dingy little nub­
ago, have contributed materially to retaries of war and navy, Mr. Knud­
bin of a street off Jefferson Mar­
the surprising succession of Greek sen and Mr. Hillman, may do some
ket court, she found a $20 bill
good, but it is not, as some have
on the floor. It was a good
said, the equivalent of the War In­
omen. Other money came and
dustries board plan that worked in
she returned to a garret In Par­
There was not much Christmas . 1918 to provide the fastest re-arma­
is, to write poetry. A sweater
joy this year in the homes of 124 ment ever recorded by a great na­
design brought her into her ca­
“blitzkrieg widows” of the Ameri­ tion. It violates an essential and
reer. For one who scorns mon­
can diplomatic service. Their hus­ basic principle of that plan. It takes
she is a masterful and dili­
band diplomats are still on the job, nothing from experience. It is an
gent business woman, her huge
but the wives are prevented by offi­ experiment.
establishment turningoutaround
cial regulations from joining them.
There are four great and insistent
garments a year at prices
From Warsaw, from Berlin, from demands in time of war. They are
up to $5,000. Of V distinguished
Copenhagen, from Oslo, from Brus­ those of the army, the navy, the
Italian family of astronomers
sels, from the Hague, following the allies, if any. and greater than these
and scholars, she has been de­
spread of the war, these "blitzkrieg and just as important, the needs
scribed by Edna Le Fevre as
widows" came trekking home—on of civilian population. Heads of the
“a woman nobody can know, ab­
government order—with children by army and navy are under heavy re­
sorbed with books on metaphys­
the hand.
sponsibilities for two of those needs.
ics, aesthetics and philosophy.”
A few capitals, such as Moscow With the best intention in the world
and Helsinki, have now permitted it is only human nature for them
LMAN B. MYERS, inventor of
wives to rejoin their husbands, but to grab and fight each for their own
the new “jet expulsion” motor
meanwhile, a new warning has gone — to seek in extreme cases even
out affecting citizens in the Far monopoly control of all the best which is expected vastly to increase
East, and the ranks of the widows sources and supplies of material, the range, speed and fighting ef-
.»fectiveness of
■ .
are swelling still further.
manufacturing, storage and trans­ ‘Gemut at Need
war plan„
This separation is much more than portation facilities, power and labor.
a sentimental problem. It creates
That isn’t a guess. That happened 1» a Self-Starter was a New-
John C. Garand, inventor of the
a strain on the budget of each fam­ early in World War I, and continued And Finisher, Too
army's famed semi-automatic Gar­
ily, for they are obliged to maintain to happen until it was stopped by
Tbe newest and best of the U. 8. medium bombers la B-26, shown and rifle. Is shown at work In his
two establishments, and the salaries the War Industries board. We are happened to be a self-starter and
of the foreign service are not gauged rushing into a program of produc­ finisher Without benefit of any ac­ here taking off (above), and In the air (below), during a teat flight at model shop at the Springfield.
to meet living costs in this country. tion just as great. To have that ademic seminars, he became a hay­ Baltimore, Md. Product of the Glenn L. Martin factory at Baltimore, Mass., armory, where his grand gun
The state department has had so happen without any regulation is a loft radio inventor. This, incidental­ this high performance dealer of destruction will soon be rolling off the Is In mass production to arm our
defense forces.
much grief from the “widows” that very bad thing. It creates unneces­ ly, was in the Bronx where there production lines at mass production rate.
a move is being considered to lift sary shortages to the great prejudice weren’t any haylofts; but make it
the ban and allow them to return not only of all the people but the a cellar and the result is the same.
to their husbands' posts.
After 32 years he appears with
armament program itself. It unnec­
his critically Important Inven­
essarily tangles and disrupts the
tion. He got a job with a wire­
whole industrial machine. It mul­
The state department is getting a tiplies cost, reduces speed and
less station In Sacramento, and
heavy volume of mail from all parts makes doubly ’ifficult the eventual
was soon throwing his voice far­
of the country urging strong U. S. shift back to a peace economy.
ther than anybody else In those
assistance to Greece.
parts. He later worked with Lee
For that reason and many others,
Josephus Daniels, ambassador to the director of mobilization should
De Forrest and by 1932 had
Mexico, is the only ambassador ap­ not have to work under the control
brought through a “cold light”
pointed by Roosevelt in 1933 who of the army and navy as he must
radio tube. He started work on
still remains at the same post.
hl« jet expulsion or “rocket"
do if he is one of a committee of
Experts of the house migrant in­ four in which a division of opinion
motor four years ago. Engi-
vestigating committee estimate that would result either in a deadlock or
n-ers say it may Increase
at least 4,000.000 job-hunters are con­ a domination by the purchasing de­
speed of fighting planes by
stantly on the move in the country. partments.
miles an hour.
• • •
Some American women have
switched to cotton stockings as a
T WAS not until they began work
Our experience in the World war
protest against Japan, yet in the and the experience in every other
in strengthening the roofs of the
first nine months of this year, the country indicates that the director Capitol at Washington that most
United States inlported $66,000,000 of mobilization should be independ­ Americans were aware that an ar­
worth of silk from Japan.
ent of any statutory purchasing chitect was regularly attached to a
• • •
agencies. It is his part of the job structure of which George Washing­
to co-ordinate all purchasing pro­ ton first laid the cornerstone in 1793.
Two former editors of the "Arne- grams with each other to prevent He is David Lynn of Hyattsville,
roc News," daily paper of the 1918 confusion, delay, waste and loss; but Md. Lynn in 23 years of service
President Roosevelt awarded the Collier trophy, principal aviation
U. S. army of occupation at Coblenz, that is only part of his job and not had ample opportunity of Learning
Count Carlo Sforxa, former Italian
Germany, are now on active duty even the most important part. The all the ins and outs of the famous award of the year, to 15 representatives of commercial airlines for the
at the war department. They are other part is to co-ordinate, organ­ building. He served 10 years as safety record achieved last year. Three physicians were also honored for premier, who la credited with the
CoL Fred J. Mueller and Lieut.-CoL ize, speed, aid and supervise the civil engineer of the Capitol and in developing an oxygen mask. They are L. to R„ standing (front), Dr. W. statement that the Italian people ere •
B. B McMahon, both assigned to whole industrial structure for max­ 1927 became architectural supervi­ Boothby and Dr. W. Lovelace II, of the Mnyo Foundation, and Capt. H. dissatisfied with Fascism. He la now
Armstrong of the army medical corps, Wright Held, Dayton, Ohio.
an exile In the U. 8.
the public relations staff.
imum efficiency and production.
New Nazi Army Moves Into Rumania
Our Newest Bomber in Flight
Power for Defense
• • •
President Awards Collier Aviation Trophy
Sees Fascism’s End