SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Pag© 2 GENERAL WHO’S NEWS THIS WEEK HUGH S. JOHNSON Washington. D. C. BIBLICAL DESTROYERS There were two reasons for that grin on the face of North Dakota's Gov. John Moses when he left the White House the other day. One was an assurance that the President would personally inyesti- gate why North Dakota has not re­ ceived any of the new defense plants. Moses argued that his stati was so far inland that it was ideal for defense industries. Roosevelt promised to look into the matter im­ mediately. The other reason was an anecdote the President told Moses “about a famous namesake of yours.*' It hap­ pened when Roosevelt was assistant secretary of the navy in the Wilson administration. He was asked to select from a list of American naval heroes, the name of a new destroyer. He picked “Is­ rael.” in honor of a U. S. captain who distinguished himself in the war against the Barbary Coast pirates in 1815. Some time later. Roosevelt was asked to approve the personnel of this destroyer. And while looking over the list of personnel, another aide entered with another personnel list for a destroyer named "Moses.” "This coincidence struck me as very funny," Roosevelt related, "and I leaned back and laughed. The young naval officer looked perturbed and inquired. 'Aren’t those the right crews for those ships—Moses and Israel” And then I laughed some more, because heading the lists of officers were the names of Murphy and O'Reilly.” Note—Moses, a Democrat from a rock-ribbed G. O. P. state, is the tallest governor in the country—6 feet 4 inches. Friday, Jan. 3, 1941 Washington. D. C. WITCH HUNT? Has the witch hunt actually be­ gun? I haven’t heard it. but sev­ eral letters and telegrams inform me that a conspicuous radio news commentator is warning the public to “watch carefully” members of By LEMUEL F. PARTON the keep-out-of-war committees be­ (Con solid« t»d r»«turv>— WNV Service. cause they are "appeasers" and EW YORK - Simultaneously. “are trying to make us afraid." Chancellor Hitler and Mme. Gen. Bob Wood, who was honored by congress for his work in helping Elsa Schiaparelli renounce gold and • to build the Panama canal, and extol the fruits of the spirit Prepar­ , brought back from an important Schiaparelli Say» ing to return to France post in France in the AEF to spark the American war production ef­ Cost Fetter» Our soon, the fa­ forts as quartermaster general, is Art of Creation mous dress­ maker finds being put on the pan. Col. Charles Lindbergh, who brought home the that Americans are too much given greatest honors American aviation to money-grubbing to appreciate the ever knew, and who first jolted beautiful art of couture. "The Paris American and British complacency designer is free," she says, but here in America “in creating a costume by revealing the tremendous hidden powers of German air armament, is you must think about cost.” So she's now under the wwnd of the profes­ g