Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, May 19, 1939, Page 4, Image 4

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    Friday, May 19,
Page 4
Southern Oregon Miner
Savings Bonds
Is Treasury
Happy Landings’
According to I. W IV
ent |M>Ntiiuuder, S<-< n-t
Treasury Moi gentium ,
nounced that the total!
saving» bond, through ■
aggregated In matin id
more than $2.437,108,h.ui.j
purchases have been ii ,q
proximately 1,564,608 in||
Approximately 22.0< hi <
flees throughout the cod
United States savings lq
gioiuil report» as to an|
chases at each of these ■ <
mail onler purchases <>«
in their lespistivv term
living forwarded to the j
i rs concenied
(I Mr. and Mis Ray $
Idainuth Falls visited h< q
at the home of Mr an<j
G Hunt
Leonard N. Hall
Published Every Friday
at 167 East Main Street
Editor and Publisher
(In Advance)
tMailed Anywhere in the
United States)
Entered as second-class
matter February 15,
1935, at the postoffice at
Ashland, Oregon, under
the act of March 3, 1879.
It is to blush to realize, suddenly, that the gen­
erally high moral plane of the community has been
violated. Two charter members of the Rogue Rivei
Sportsmen’s association were caught poaching fish
and an upright Ashland has been hanging heads and
voicing remorse that such a thing could happen here.
Tsk! tsk! tsk!
will, in cenlurtca to
better place.
To those whose furth*
lion will be II difficult I
advice is to go to i'oll<n
means, If you nadly fol I
want the KNOWLElx.g
there for you. Tlic ottif
that college offers air q
the effort Grunts Piou
and ---
Ashland’s beautiful
Grass must be
uc watered.
esplanade on Siskiyou boulevard has been kept in fine
condition by a liberal soaking these spring evenings.
hiut tnere is objection on the part of passing motorists
that their shiny cars, too, are included in the
The sprinkling seems to occur at an hour most
inconvenient for traffic these balmy spring days and
the thought has occurred to many that perhaps some
later time, when cars are off the street, might do just
as well for the watering.
Perhaps public expression here of the sprinkling
nuisance might attract attention of the powers that
be and result in elimination of what must be an un­
necessary irritation.
Vriass HlUbt
What Other Editors
Are Saying!
1’0011 TO YOU TOO!
DOWN in Morocco there is a
town named Metlui which gets
our vote for the best place to run
a picture show. The town has a
population of about-2000 but hall'
of it changes every week, going
out or coming in with caravans.
An itinerant exhibitor landed
there with a film, "The Plains­
man,” intending to work on down
to Timbuktu exhibiting as he went
but he has been in Metlui for two
years and so far has never had to
change his program due to the
constant turnover in population.
However, the permanent residents,
some of whom have seen the show
20 times, have registered a protest
and the operator has a new show,
“Union Pacific,” coming for fall
Following three years of reprieves, Governor Olson
of California has commuted to life imprisonment the
death sentences of John and Coke Brite, who killed
three members of an officers’ possee who sought to
arrest them in their Siskiyou mountain camp.
Olson’s action has caused some criticism in and
near Yreka where the murdered men had lived but
many are there who will receive the governor’s action
with a feeling that the ends of justice have best been
The Brite brothers, former residents of Jackson­
ville and the Applegate country, are half-breed Indians
ana given to peaceiul ways unless urged by firewater.
1 1 1
Tney Decame involved in a quarrel with a neignbor
wno ran for the law and urgeu tne officers into taking t here but only for those within is a
unusual action unaer questionable circumstances, in 50-mile radius of New York City.
At present the only television
anotner aay, and in a less aomesucated west, the Brite broadcasting
apparatus is located
brotners would have been regarded as defenders of there but other large cities are
coming along with plans. Sets cost
their reasonable ngnts.
from $160 up with a $25 to $50
Today, nowever, although we prate of the sanctity installation charge. So far only
400 sets are in private
of tne nome and of our rigufcto take whatever means about
hands in this country. In England
necessary co protect it, trigger justice is not accepted. where they got an earlier start
there is an estimate of 15,000 prl-
Tnat tne two jrfntes tnougne tney were protecting their j ■ vate
home—wmeh at the moment was a bedding down under
* * *
two powerful ra­
a convenient tree—was made quite evident following Germany has
stations whose sole purpose is
their surrender, and had the raiding party been anyone dio
to jam the reception of neighbor­
but representatives of tne law, doubtless John and ing countries radio casts whenever
To prevent U. S. sta­
Coke would not have needed the mercy of an under­ expedient.
tions from coming under domina­
standing governor.
tions of aliens the Federal Com­
commission provides
Society is not inclined to include the killing of offi­ munications
that not more than one-fourth of
cers as a justifiable act and it is well that tnis is so. the board of directors and no offi­
of a broadcasting company
For the Brite brothers will neither die by white man’s cers
shall be foreigners.
law nor will they go free to carry on with their own
/ < /
Russia the government owns
brand of law which happens to be several generations the In retail
stores. Only service es­
out of date.
tablishments where the employer
Attendance at Shasta
Fair Building Is High
Attendance at the Shasta-Cas­
cade Wonderland building and ex­
hibits on Treasure Island totalled
550,362 persons from every state
in tDe Union and 20 foreign coun­
tries up to and including May 1,
according to the report of Manag­
ing Director Tom L. Stanley to
the Shasta-Cascade Exposition
commission at a business meeting
held Saturday. Total registration
of visitors at that time was 9,400
and requests to be supplied with
specific information about the sce­
nic, recreational, cultural, agricul­
tural and other resources of the
Wonderland region and its nine
member counties totalled 17,237.
The commission’s finance com­
mittee reported receipt of approxi­
mately $5,000 in operating reve-
nues during the past 30 days, aud­
ited and ordered paid current op­
erating bills, and discussed routine
business in connection with opera­
tion and maintenance of the build­
ing and county exhibits. Manager
Stanley reported all individual
county exhibits now complete with
the exception of Jackson and Kla­
math counties which will be fin­
ished during the current week.
More than 1,500 people from the
nine counties of the Wonderland
have already registered at the
Shasta-Cascade building. Visitors
who have registered from foreign
countries total 157. With the ex­
ception of California and Oregon,
Washington leads Pacific coast
states with 277 visitors registered.
Illinois leads middle western states
and New York leads Atlantic
coast states. Those who register
represent only a small percent of
the total number of visitors in the
In Answering a Call
We are not limited by distance, and
even if our services are needed
many miles away, we easily arrange
to care for your needs without in­
convenience to you.
Funeral Service Since 1897
(Formerly Stock’s Funeral
We Never Close—Phone 32
•Copyrichl W N u »
roads, which with three croM-
contincntal military road, would
form the military transportation
That ill our chance to get th«'
Grants l’iLss-Rom-burg bottleneck
of the Pacific highway rebuilt to
military and heavy commercial
specifications very soon.
A chance too good to mlM
Grants Pass Courier.
Thus saith lam Hall of Ashland
in his nefarious sheet:
(effective Muy 15, ||
Wood has taken to filling his Wes­
ton Ixsider with bum limericks,
and we'd write a derogatory on»
about him, only we can't make it
rhyme because it would be all
lA*avr Ashland at
truth and no poetry." Yeah! Hall
Forty rattlesnakes were killed
writes such putrid prose he
This I. in additimi U ■
couldn't do verse .Weston Leader. the other day in their den near
ent MTvier leaving tj
Ashland Lcn Hall extracted their
ut 12:40 AM. 3:4«1
MILITARY HIGHWAY OFFERS venom for his poison column
10:23 AM. and 7:20 m|
With Oregon's highway depart­
Low Furrs To .All pJ
ment apparently preparing to
swing support for the federal
Thoughts of their future arc
Bureau of Public Roads' and Pres­ creeping into the background of DEl’OT: 101 E. Md
ident Roosevelts' military highway the school end activities of gradu­
PHONE: 52 |
project, that project take« on a ating high school seniors
local importance in Grants Paas
Some will go to college breauaa*
that the earlier federal toll high­ they
really want to; MM will
way plan did not merit.
want to go but cannot; some will
The highway department was go
because they or their par­
against the plan to build a grid of ents just
it is the thing to do.
great high-speed toll highways and still others,
across the country on entirely new will begin the hard without
of trying
routings that would have avoided to get a college fight
education by
every town and city.
For one thing, people would working their way through
Educators are agreea mat there
have objected to paying toll on
any highway that followed older are many in college today that do
tax-built highways even partially. not belong there, but the great
So the toll highways would have majority DO belong there and
had to be entirely new across such , through their education, the world M< N A1K BROM.
difficult terrain that their excess- ;
0 % *
/ •'
ive cost would have been greater | <
than the possible tolls could have
The new military highway plan
is different, and perhaps Is sug­
gestivi by the great network of
military highways that serves
Germany today. It radiates out
of Berlin in all directions toward
Germany's expanding borders, and
offers instantaneous passage with­
out traffic jams or delays for
Germany's great armies and arili- I
lery forces and supplies, now mo­ h
torized to key into the highway I
Taylor R.
Well, the United Stato» Is mo­
torizing and streamlining its mili-
tary force». The great
reat II line« of
transports and kitchen, . gun,
searchlight j
trucks which are a summer sight
on our highways, when the army
Is maneuvering, are patterned af­
ter the new European military
But our highways are not.
Particularly our Pacific high­
way across this southern Oregon
mountain barrier area is not. And
this is the strategic link between
the population areas of the north
and the south Pacific coast.
This link will take some $8,000,.
000 to construct on a modern mil­
itary and commercial highway
alignment and grade. Twenty
years’ work by the State Highway
Commission, probably.
If the president’s proposed mil­
itary highway plan goes through
congress, the highway department
When you send ub your laundry
sees a chance to build the Pacific
highway now. The Pacific high­
bundle, you escape the washday
way is designated as one of the
To California P m
Avoid the Annoyance-Buy Bug Scree«
Williams, Authorized
is not allowed to hire more than
one person outside of his family
are privately owned. Salaries of
salespeople average $7.75 monthly '
and if you don't get the stock !
turnover and margins they set
down for you the government I
steps in and deals with you in any
one of a number of different ways
for which the Soviets are well
Privately owned stores are the
rule in Germany, but Hitler won’t
countenance losers. If you don’t
make it there he can find other
work for you to do and losing
establishments can't be the source
of fat tax collections, something
that he rather needs, They are
attempting to cut the number of
retail establisments to seven per
thousand population. In the United
States it runs about 12 stores per
thousand of population.
In The Netherlands you take an
examination to prove your ability
to (»perate a store, also your finan­
cial situation is checked. About to his dressing room, peels of his
25 per cent of the applicants can’t clothes, takes an alcohol bath and
dons dry clothing, and once Pade­
make the grade.
rewski walked away from his
1 1 1
In Berlin there stands the most piano and wouldn't touch it for
expensive embassy ever built for two years.
an American ambassador, but so
far there is no ambassador for it
and at present no prospects ....
insurance adequate r
Times change- -Jimmy Walker,
former mayor of New York, who
lived in France for some time af­
ter having to leave this country
a jump ahead of the process serv­
ers, is now back and conducting
a broadcast over a national hook­
up three times weekly. . . , “Hell­
zapoppin,” gargantuan musical
Phone 384-R
comedy running in New York City j
has taken in over $1,000,000 and
Walt Disney’s Snow White has
done over $6.000,000. During the
. insurance co .
intermission of the concert which
he is conducting, Toscanini retires
hazards, overwork, exposure and
You also gain a day of freedom
for pleasanter activities.
Phone us about our inexpensive
laundry services . , . send us your
bundle and experience the satisfac­
tion of the ideal washday.
»•HONE 165
31 WATER »■
For the Ideal washday,
Just call,
That’s all.”