Friday, May 19, SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner Savings Bonds Is Treasury Happy Landings’ According to I. W IV ent |M>Ntiiuuder, S<-< n-t Treasury Moi gentium , nounced that the total! saving» bond, through ■ aggregated In matin id more than $2.437,108,h.ui.j purchases have been ii ,q proximately 1,564,608 in|| Approximately 22.0< hi < flees throughout the cod United States savings lq gioiuil report» as to an| chases at each of these ■ < mail onler purchases <>« in their lespistivv term living forwarded to the j i rs concenied e (I Mr. and Mis Ray $ Idainuth Falls visited h< q at the home of Mr an