Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1935)
SOUTHERN OREGON MINER OTAR jf- MOVIE DUST AND RADIO o ---------------------------------Hy VIRGINIA VAI.I'.-------------------------------------- r LAST I •cw Ayres and Ginger Rogers arc going to have that delayed honeymoon. They’re going to Honolulu, where she’ll rest up in preparation for her first starring picture, "In Person." Ayres has left F ox, where lie was a contract play er, ami at the moment his plans arc un certain. It’s high time that he Remember "Broken Blossoms." got as good a break as Ginger the Griffith masterpiece that did. so did when she became Fred much for Richard Barthelmoss? It's to bo made again, In England, with Astaire’s dancing partner. a leading lady who's well known A Sceuis funny, doesn't It, Unit Cor inne firUntli Ims stepped Into the role of heavy real estate owner after being a movie atur for so long? The newspaper notices of her atilt against Jeanette MacDonald bring up the memory of the way that she stepped In and bought Innd and houses In the motion picture center of (lie world, years ago; she seemed to have an uncanny sense of picking sites that would he val uable almost Immediately. She bought one piece of Innd sgnlnst the advice of many real estate men; they Insisted that It couldn't pos sibly be worth what she paid for it. and that she could hnve got It for less. She replied that It wns worth what she paid. Shortly after ward an oil company found that It was the only (»»sslble location for a Alling station, and Corinne made a nice profit. She remodeled some houses, and people grabbed them up almost be fore they were done. She never tried to make profits thnt were out of proportion to what she wns sell ing; she's one of the squarest peo ple In the world. Ho It seems likely thnt there la something In her claim that Mlns MnrDonnld damaged the house she rented. QUICK RELIEF from Heartburn — by chewing one or mor« Milnesia Wafer« as a Gorman film actress, and an English horo. Also, we're to hnve “¡tamona” again, with itltn Canslno, daughter of the famous dancing Canslnoa. as the heroine, nnd Gilbert Iloland will be the hero. And we're to have "Little (»Id New ’York" again, with Marlon Davies In the role she hud In the silent picture. Ono of the new cycles In pictures brings the llnwallnns to the fore; I'nrninount will star Bing Crosby In one, Metro wants a story of thnt tyi>e for Jennette MneDonnld, nnd Fox will present Janet Gaynor ngnlnst n Hnwnllan background. She has n home In Hawaii to which she rushes whenever she needs a real vncatlon, so she's delighted at the prosjiecL We people who go to the movies like th*» combination of William Powell nnd Myrna Loy pretty well; they're to do another picture together—the thrilling, romantic “Prisoner of Zenda.“ Incidentally, those rumors of Miss Loy's Impending marriage seem to have gone up In smoke. She returned from Europe alone, and doesn't seem Interested In lintne- dlnte matrimony. father. There were elx nurses In attendance, and the doctor's fee was »5.000, It's eaid. Both the parents would assure you that the baby Is more than worth the money. — ♦— Dougins Fairbanks. Sr, has nr- qulri-d nil English accent at bls age! It’s said that he’s also ac quired an Interest In making pic tures In Japan, with a group of prominent Japanese; tie's discussed It with them, nnd may officiate In more Ilian an advisory capacity when they get started. And Mnry Pickford's done what everyone Ims been predicting that she would; she's going to appear In pictures ngnln. She'll mnke two more which she will direct, but she won't tie seen In them. She can't give up the Idea of acting before the camera, and If she wants to do IL why shouldn't she? Luise Italner, the Austrian nc- tress whom you'll see In “Es DESSERT FOR OVER-FAT capade” with William Powell, blds fair to becoming a sensation. So watch thia first American appear a nee of hers. — ♦— One pound of granulated sugar represents 1,824 reasonably priced calories. "While It would be entirely out of the question to supplant other foods with sugar. It Is a valuable supple ment to the diet,’’ Doris W. McCray writes In Hygeia, the Health Maga zine, In an article dealing with sweets, sugars and sirups that have been accepted by the committee on foods of the American Medical asso ciation. “Those who are attempting to maintain tbelr normal body weight will find It valuable. Those who are Inclined to gain weight easily will find thnt a lump of sugar taken at the end of the meil produce» a feel ing of satisfaction quite as well as a large serving of pastry, and the lump of sugar furnishes fewer calo ries. Those who are Inclined to lo»e weight will find that the lump of sugar can be eaten wlth<wit discom fort, In addition to a satisfactory meal, and that the sugar will provide a few extra calories.” ODDS AND ENDS . . . B ah Ditney it going to make a lei en reel feature culled "Snow U lute and Hole Bed”— hut not immediately . . . Ilain'l enough animator» to make the little figure» move , , . hul don't miiu hi» “Cock Hobin"! . . . Mae U en /, writing the »lory for her next picture . . . If you liked "The Coil Patrol" lie »ure to »ee “The I,ait Outpoit" : lame man wrote both of them . , . Joan Crawford it remaking icenei for “Glitter"— unich mutt be rather dull work. <£ Western Newspaper Union. The Innominate Bone The Innominate bone In human anatomy Is the bone which forms the hip and is provided with the socket Into which the head of the femur Is received. There are two of these bones In the skeleton and each Is formed by the union of the Ilium, the Ischium and the pubic bone. I ..J,- —‘ -■* ——- .■I,,,,........ . _ fwai.i'M NOT! | [HELLO, CARL! I }( I NéVER DlO I >UKETHlS 4 HEAR YOU'RE || THE COACH i THE COACH P GONG TO PLAY IN 1 KICKED ME OUT! DOCTOR! HE'S THE INTER-STATE SSADI LOSE MY I TOO SMART. ..^ ' lÓURNAMENT'jTéMPER TL-.T-Jflthiiy icwtR Too Tuoi HE'LL MAKE TÈNNIS Sv- -(EASILY • f ) TROUBLE FOR YET.' », H iF You'll imn see Joan lllondell in a grand new picture, “Broadway Hondo- liar.“ Hut dir photograph» of her u ilh her ill month» old ton, Norman Scott Barnet, are mtuh lovelier than any motion picture of her ever teen. He’s a bouncing boy, and a handtome one as well, You can obtain a full size 20c package of Milnesis Wafers containing twelve full adult doses by furnishing us with the name of your local druggist if he does not happen to carry Milnesis Wafers in stock, by enclosing lOc in Morton Downey 1» »topping Into coia or postage atamps. Address the limelight ngnln; he opened re cently nt one of New York'» love V. liest night club», with sensational Mr Nei» h success. It's ju»t is mutter of s Sl'itl Addrtu ......................... short time till he'll be henrd on the T«w4Sl«a................................................... the radio ngnln. Mr Dreuiil'i Stmt h................... .......................... Tews * State ........................... .................................. MILNESIA ¡' ll(l l WAFERS MILK OF MAGNESIA WAFERS Watch Your Kidneys/ Be Sure They Properly Cleanse the Blood WOUR kidneys are constantly filter- T ing waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work—do not act as nature in tended—fail to remove impurities that poison the system when retained. Then you may suffer nagging back ache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up at night, swollen limbs/ feel nervous, miserable- all upset. _ , _ „ Don't delayl Us* Doan’a Pills. Doan's ate especially for poorly func tioning kidneys. They are recom mended by grateful users the country over. Get them from any druggist. . I Jack Dempsey la going to make a movie, with some of the scenes lielng laid In his very popular—and very expensive—restaurant—across from Mndlson Square Gnrden, New York. Frank Parker, whom you henrd till recently on the Jack Benny broadcasts, will be the sing ing male lead, and Sidney Fox will be the heroine. The cnst also In cludes Mnry Small nnd James Wall ington. from radio. Also Abe Ly man nnd his orchestra, and various other celebrities of the stage, screen nnd air. Henry Fonda, who gives an ex cellent performance, they say. In the new Jnnet Gaynor picture. “The Farmer Takes a Wife,” Is probably going to be one of our most populnr young leading men so you might ns well begin right now to collect fncts about him. Just ns n stnrter, he grew up In Omnha. nnd when he wns attending high school spent his vacations deliver ing Ice. —♦— It may be Interesting to Ameri can mothers to know how much the arrival of the newest baby In th Norma Shearer-Irving Thalberg family cost. It's reported that a suite of four rooms was reserved at the hospital, and an extra room for the proud “Why was coffee harm ing me. Doctor? I thought only children should never drink it!” “Oh, no! Many adults, too, find that caffein in coffee can upset digestion, or nerves. or prevent sound sleep!” If you believe coffee disagrees with you ... try Pos- tum for 30 days. Postum contains no caffein. It’s simply whole wheat and bran, roasted and slightly sweetened. It’s easy to make ... and costs less than half a cent a cup. It’s delicious ... and may prove a real help. A product of General Foods. FREE! us send you your first week’s sup ply of Postum free! Simply mail the coupon. Battle Creek, Mich. w. n . u . 7-iB-aa Send me, without obligation, a week’s supply of Postum. Name —---- . ................. — Street — . . ..... ,■■■■■ . — — C i ty—----------------------------------------- Sta t e--------------------- — .. Fill in completely—print name and address This offer expires December 31, 1935 G eneral F oods .