Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1935)
Friday, July 12, 1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Pag« 2 Lem Wilson, Indian Scout, Passes Aged 84 At Jacksonville Lemuel T. Wilson, beloved In dian fighter, pioneer and conver sationalist. who spent his last years in Jacksonville following as colorful a career as fiction has ever devised, passed away at his home there Saturday, July 6, at the age of 84 years. He was bom at Burlington, Iowa, January 1, 1851. He was married to Catherine Bonham. Aug. 10, 1876 who passed away March 12. 1900. He married Mary Lusher May 1, 1901 who survives him as do four children by his first marriage. Mrs. Geo. Garrison. Coeur d' Alene, Idaho; Mrs. Odelle West. Medford, Oregon; Clay Wil son. Kellogg. Idaho; Vivian T. Wil son, Medford, Oregon; also six grandchildren, two residing here, Mrs. Katherine Wendt, Jackson ville and Orville Wilson, Medford; six great-grandchildren, also two sisters and one brother, Mrs. Lizzie Taylor, Lawrence, Kansas; Mrs. Rhoda Frolich, Tacoma. Wash., and Raymond T. Wilson, Kellogg, Idaho. He served as U. S. Indian scout in the Indian wars of 1874 to 1881 under the command of General Nelson. A. Miles. His record as a scout is in the U. S. History of Wars in the Congressional Library at Washington, D. C. Funeral was held Wednesday, I July 10th at Perl’s Funeral Home, I Medford, conducted by D. E. Mil lard. Interment in Siskiyou Mem orial Park. Those attending the service from distant places were Mr. and Mrs. Clay Wilson. Kellogg. Idaho; Mrs. Effie Garrison, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho; Mrs. Rhoda Frolich, Tac oma, Wash. ----- •----- Smokers Causing More Than Third Late Forest Fires Careless smokers caused 16 of a total of 43 forest fires reported on the national forests of Oregon and Washington for the ten day period which ended June 30, according to the U. S. Forest Service. Of the remaining 27 fires. lightning I caused 15; unextinguished camp fires 4; railroads 1; lumbering 1: debris burning 2; incendiary 1; and 3 were from miscellaneous causes The Forest officials point out that carelessness with matches I cigarettes, and campfires has ' caused more than half the fires on the national forests up to July 1 this year. “Carelessness each year is destroying thousands of acres of good fishing and recreational areas on private and publicly owned t land" states the forest service. I “This carelessness can be preven- I ted only by an aroused public in-1 terest on the part of sportsmen I and other thinking citizens”. j ------------•------------ ‘LUCKY 13’ MINE CASE UP Hills surrounding Ashland not only yield up treasures in gold, but also some pretty knotty com plications and Monday, July 22, one of this county’s most unique cases will come to trial in Medford before Circuit Judge Wimberly. Attorney George M. Roberts and others are suing W. E. (Judd) Hittson for an accounting of gold wealth allegedly removed from the Lucky 13 mine said to involve about $50,000. Hittson is being represented by Attorney Allison Moulton of Medford. The case has attracted wide attention in south ern Oregon, and is also under lit igation in Siskiyou county courts. • R. W. McNeal and daughter Caroline, recently spent several days camping in the Blue Canyon region. • Mrs. C. O. Helman recently re turned to her home here from a two weeks visit in Salem with her daughter, Mrs. May Eaton, and in Falls City, with her son, Charles Holman and family. May we prepare that lunch for your next picnic or fishing trip About People You Know £ ASHLAND GROCETERIA The Complete Food Market “It's No Secret” You Will Be Money Ahead Jf You Trade Here LOOK OVER OUR “JULY HOT SHOTS” V YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED WITH ITS FLAVOR AND AROMA—TRY IT ÄAL SOAP DEAL BROOMS t> 4 « 4 1’vnuv GA A D DITI? 7 BARS LAUNDRY SOAP, 1 PKG. GRANULATED FREE 5-Tie Compo The best low-price broom value of the year! cans Sunbriteori , 23c ■■ SUGAR 10 pounds for 49c TOMATO JUICE Campbell's 10-ounce cans 5c SPECIAL TODAY! 4 1 111Z SI MARKET SPECIALS VEAL ROAST, pound, 12 lc MILK FED NO. 1 QUALITY v./ua This Amazon Helmet r./u« TOTAL VALUE 49/ ALL FOR 33 / 'BAKERY PRODUCTS FROM OUR OWN OVENS LAMB SHOULDER pound 10e ROAST—HALF OR WHOLE PORK SAUSAGE, pound, 15c MADE FRESH DAILY BROMLEY’S CAFE 24-HOUR SERVICE For Paints That Last J. 0. RIGG LAMB CHOPS, pound Jelly Rolls" doz 14c LAMB PATTIES, each 21C LARGE SIZE Cookies a" Ku<b doz 10c CREAM PUFFS - 5c BACON SQUARES, lb. 22 ic MADE WITH PURE CREAM PIES, all kinds MAYONNAISE, per pint, 19c 20c FRUITS and VEGETABLES Hr FLOUR $1.99 IF IT’S “BLEND” IT’S THE BEST 10c 15C HARDY and WOLTERS EAGLES HALL Every Wednesday Nite GARRETT’S ORCHESTRA Southern Oregon’« Leading Food Merchant« 25c and 10c J line Box Material Made in Ashland J SLABS FRYING CHICKENS, each 47c ORDERS $1.00 OR MORE DELIVERED FREE IN CITY LIMITS WHERE EVERYONE HAS A GOOD TIME BERRY CRATES AND CUPS See Us About Strawberries BEST NO. 1 LAMB OOUBLE LIP JAR RUBBERS, 3 DOZEN FOR FISHER’S HANDY SACK CEREALS YOUR CHOICE And Really Enjoy Yourself Wiuitwl to Buy (TIERKIEN AND BERRIEN Of AU Kind* 15c Phone 172 DANCE TWO STORES We Deliver TOMATOES, No. 1 field, lb. 5e INSTANT POSTUM, large - 39c LEMONS fancy Sunkist doz 19c JELLO ICE CREAM POWDER 9e BANANAS, bright, ripe, lb. 5e New Maxwell House Coffee STRING BEANS Local 2 lbs 15c GOOD TO THE LAST DROP Large Solid Heads LETTUCE 2 for 9c 29c per pound Our Special Merchant» Lunch Will Please You • Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Robinson left for Portland, Seattle, and Bel lingham, on Thursday planning to visit relatives and friends for two weeks. • Ed CoovUng of Waldport, Ore- gon, Is the guest for a few days of Mr. and Mis. Al Jordan. Mrs. Jordan is Coovling’s slater. • Tlie Rev and Mrs. D. E. Nourae have had ua their gueat for the past week, Mra. Nouraua aunt, Mra. Eva McLean of Waupaca, Wisconsin. • Misa Phyllis Stanley who haa been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mra. W. H. Jordan herv.^^ la now In the Applegate, plannin - t I to return to Ashland to ajHind th f aumrncr with the Jordana. Mias* Stn11ley la a resident of Pacific Grove. • Dr. and Mra. W J. Crandall huve aa their guests for aeveral days, Mr. and Mra. E. A. Crandall of Venice, California. • Mr and Mra. Alvin Coats of Bellview had a* their gueats for the week-end Mlaa Mildred Coats of I’ort Orford, Mr. and Mra. Vere Adams and sons of Weiser, Idaho, and Harry Jakera of New York City • Mlaa Dorothy Miller recently returned to her home heie from Dunsmuir where she visited Mra. - R. Trusty, former resident | Bellview. • Dr. Marcus Woods left for Van< couver Washington. on Saturday to spend two weeks in military camp then-, of which he Is lieu tenant. • Mr. and Mra. 8. D. Doremus left recently for Crescent City, to spend a week'a vacation. • Mr and Mrs. M. P. O'Harra entertained relatives and frienda Sunday at 2:00 dinner, served on the lawn at their home on N. Main street. Those present with the hosts were: Mr. and Mra. Tom O'Harra und small daughter, Dale. Lee and Robert O'Harra, Mr and Mrs. T. L. O'Harra and grandaon of Portland, Mr. and Mra. Charles Applegate and daughter of Med ford, Mr. and Mra. Pearl Rateman and son of Medford, and Mr. and Mra. R. D. Gano and two daugh ters. GUNTER FUEL COMPANY BETTER THAN A TONIC! and More Pleasant To Take HERE’S THE PRESCRIPTION Once A Week, Take A Phone, Call 165 And Tell Them to Call for Your Laundry You'll escape the physical Bag that follows washday for more pleasant occupa tions. ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. 31 Water Street