Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, January 18, 1935, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, January 18, 1935
Personal News Notes
• Fred Offenbacher of Applegate
waa a business visitor in this city
• Mrs Jean Gillis, who had been
suffering from the flu, Is able to
wait on customers at the local
Chitwood’s, which she now man­
ages Mra. Gillis spent Monday
afternoon in Medford shopping.
• Lee Port of Htar ranger sta­
tion waa a visitor here Wednesday
• Dr Harold It Gillis of Trail
CCC camp waa on a short busi­
ness call In Jacksonville Wednes­
day afternoon.
• A nine-pound daughter waa
born to Mr and Mrs. Art Davies
of Forest creek Wednesday eve­
ning at Community hospital in
Medford The young lady arrived
at about 5 o'clock, when her first
address was delivered, although it
wux quite difficult to understand,
it waa said by Papa Davies to
mean "Hello, Morn, hello, Pop, hel­
lo, world!"
• GOATS for sale or trade for
WOOd Anna Knowlton, Jackson­
FOR SALE 4 room house with
basement, garage, woodshed,
large chicken house, city wuter
and 2 good wells, 2 acres partly
in fruit, grapes and walnuts, lo­
cated in Jacksonville. $600 cash,
will accept good used car or
truck aa part payment. Call The
Miner, phone 141, Jacksonville.
- -
- -
• W II McDaniel, who went to daughter spent .Sunday In Ashland
Yakima Inst week on account of nt tlic home of Mrs. Port’s par­
the death of Iris daughter-in law, ents, Mr and Mrs. A H Peachey,
Mrs Glenn McDaniel, which re­ who celebrated their 50th wedding
suited from stativi fever, will re- anniversary at that time, ax well
main north two wccka longer, he us the 82nd birthday anniversary
has written his family here lie la of Mr. Peachey. Twenty-one »flit
uwnltlng the possible illness of his tlves, all of southern Oregon, were
aon, who ia In quarantine
present for the occasion.
• Mrs Will Coppie of Murphy and • Claus Klelrihummer and Carl
daughter, Mrs Avnnelle Johnson, Ayre« of Little Applegate were
were recent guests of Mr and Mis. business visitors In Medford Tues­
I) I. J oiuix here. Mra. Johnson Is day evening.
employed at the What-Not in Med- • Mrs Alice Hedburg returned
Tuesday from Portland, where xhc
■ Ed Saltmarsh, pioneer cowboy had remained during the laat two
• the Applegate country, observed weeks, following the death of her
iris birthday anniversary Wednes­ father, Wm, Newman, which re-
day which, members of Ills house­ suited from an uutomobile acci­
hold say, accounts for his unusual dent.
peiusal of the calendar since the • T 8. Cady made a business trip
first of the year.
lo Ashland Tuesday, finding that
• The Nugget for cold drinks
city with no anow and streets dry
• Mrs J< m > Morcum of Corvallis nnd in good shape more than can
arrived in Medford Tuesday und lie said for the top of Jacksonville
will be a guest here this week of hill just now.
her .sister, Mrs. Jess Taylor.
• J. F Morley and two partners
• II. H Farley of the Little Ap who arc prospecting among the
piegatc has just equipped his lacks uville hills, have taken up
house with a new radio set, which their abode In one of T. 8. Cady’s
friends Hay not only has made his ablnx for the present. They pro­
home the evening sisdal center of pose to stay until the ground be­
the neighborhood, but brings forth comes visible again.
frequent morning yawns ax well • H R. Reichman of Wlllxal, Mon­
*^g|Ho having subscribed for The tuna. arrived Tuesday for a visit ,
■ckxonville Miner recently, Mr with his brother-in-law and his
Jacksonville High School
^nrrley will be one of the best Uster. Mr. und Mrs. T. 8. Cady of
the Summit Service station. Mr f-------------------------- A
posted residents of the vulley.
• Mrs Aris Throckmorton of Reichman haa been visiting his
Ruch la Inconvenienced somewhat Usters and other relatives In Los
Helen Lamb
at the present, having auatained Angeles und vicinity and Is now Editor
a sprained wrist when ahe fell at >n his wuy home to Montana. His Assistant Editor
Lucille Flitcroft
comment on our recent fall of "the 1
her home late laat week.
• Fred Dorn has returned to hia beautiful“ wus, "This looks like Buaineu Manager.....................
Morris Byrne
home on upper Applegate from home to me."
the Sacred heart hospital, where • Mrs. Nellie Mytlmise, Mrs. 8 |
he had hia thumb amputated at 11. Jones and Miss Margarctte
the second joint from the nail 8un- Hart attended the executive meet-
>iay Mr. Dorn, aon of Mra. Anna Ing of the Southwest Oregon Pres-
(An Editorial)
Dorn of thia city, waa splitting byterial society Monday.
With "Excuse me” and "If you
wood at hia home Sunday morning, • Mrs. Smetz, Mrs. Archie How ! please.” the first graders start
when hia thumb waa cut severely man ami Mrs G. O. Sanden at- their knowledge of courtesy. Later
ua a reault of hia axe handle catch­ tended the mooting of the county I ! comes “Thank you,” and various
ing In the jumjier he waa wearing I ’ TA held in the junior high others follow which mark the
He waa taken to the hoapital upon school In Medford recently.
youngster as thoughtful. By the
the a<ivicv of Dr Harold Gillis • Mr and Mrs. Ray Crumley oil 1 time high school is reached these
Butte Falls visited relatives here small acts of thoughtfulness should
physician at Camp Applegate.
Saturday evening.
• Stop at the Nugget.
have become a habit, but often
• Haste makes waste, according • Miss Patricia Hogan of Thomp- they are “snowed under” by the
to observations of a city official of
hurry and bustle of school life, and
Rut li wto »'ports that Glenn of Mrs. Anna Dorn.
they drop from one with such a
Smith, prominent young rancher
slight tinkle they go unnoticed.
there, in making aa much apeed • Carrol Ix-wis of Medford vis­
A door is slammed and there is
ax possible in hia regular vlait to ited Tommy Dunnington Thursday not even an apologizing look, let
the neighbora, failed to ace a wire • Mrs. M J Young of Canyon­ alone "Excuse me” or “I'm sorry.”
fence eaat of the aervice atation in ville visited over the week-end at Students often get in the way of
time to prevent being thrown on the B. A. Gaddy home.
others, but they never think until
the ground by the Impact It ia • An electric range has been pur­ brought to task by such words as
said thnt Mr Smith ordinarily chased for the soup kitchen at the ■Scram,” "Get out," and "Move!”
often students Interrupt the
) climbs Ute fence in hia great hur­ Jacksonville
ry, which ia apcedier than cniaaing • Miss Dorothy Gaddy is visiting other fellow when he may be say­
her brother and family, Mr. and ing something of value.
the atile a few yards away.
These few marks of discourtesy
• Dave L Jones and Walt Zcidler Mrs. Duran Gaddy at San Ber­
are not made intentionally, but
of Little Applegate returned a few nardino, Calif.
daya ago from a four-day buaincaa • Mrs G O. Sanden spent Thurs­ they are slips that PASS in the
and pleaaure trip to Scotta Valley day of lust week in Ashland at an night but don’t get BY!
• • •
In northern California They were all-day meeting of the Indies Aux­
accompanied by Win Merritt, alao iliary national association. They I
of Utile Applegate, who continued made six sheets for relief work.
A new cafeteria room is being
to Seattle. returning four <lay a • I »wane Childs of Griffin creek made in one corner of the base­
spent the week-end visiting at the ment of the school building. It has
• Believing that the week-end Ed Vogel home.
two doorways, and is ceiled with
anow storm might reault in MWW • Mr« George Tranta of Butte veneer wood There will be three
bound conditlona at their home, Falls wax a week-end visitor at the 18-foot tables.
Mr. and Mra. Cheater Kubll of the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred
Now. and for three weeks, mem­
Gold Standard mine on Gauls creek Butcher.
bers of the P-TA have been serv­
near Gold Hill came to the Apple • Mix W. A. Childers of this ing a hot dish for each and every
gate a few daya ago, where they city underwent a major operation student wishing it with his lunch.
are remaining with relatives until at a Medford hospital Wednesday, They will continue when the new
January 16.
weather condition« improv«
room is completed until warm
• Mra. Lee Port, chairman of the • Mr. and Mrs. Mcfford have re­ weather starts again.
Jackson County Executive com­ turned to their home at Corvallis,
Each day a new committee of
mittee, met with other member« after spending several days visit­ two ladies from the P-TA pre­
of the committee at the courthouae ing at the home of Mrs. Anna pares the food.
• • •
auditorium at Medford Tuesday, Knowlton.
when the group, with Mra Mabel • Ray Johnson left Tuesday for
Mack, entertained the chairmen of Bremerton, Wash., for an indefi­
Charlotte Forbes is a new stud­
the extension unlta over the coun­ nite visit.
ent from .Merrill, Oregon, and en­
ty. A delightful day’s program was • Harry Duggan of Trail CCC rolled in the first grade.
enjoyed, with a luncheon at noon, camp spent Friday and Saturday
All of the students are working
the highlight of the <lay’s events in Jacksonville.
hard for the county tests and
coining in the lecture by Miss • John Dunnington of Klamath exams coming at the end of the
Claribel Nyc of Corvallis, state Falls is visiting at the home of his first semester. Students of the
leader of home economics, who brother, Tom Dunnington, of this third grade have had their arith­
spoke of the experiences she en­ city.
metic and reading tests and the
countered in her recent work at • Mt a. Jack Green and Mrs Stel fourth graders have taken arith­
Washington, D. C. Mrs. Port gave Zigler of this city were Medford metic tests.
a history of the executive com­ shoppers Saturday.
• • •
mittee Mrs. A. N. Krouse, chair­ • The Jacksonville board of Mas­
man of the Applegate unit, was ons club held a meeting Monday
Tryouts have been held for the
unable to attend the meeting on afternoon in the Masonic hall and
were entertained by Mrs. Annie high school glee club operetta. A
aocount of illness.
• Courteous service at the Nugget Cater of Medford.
• Jimmy Hunt, local CCC recruit • Mrs Fred Fick of Medford call­
I)r. H. P. Coleman
Rationed at Star ranger station ed on friends in Jacksonville Mon-
• or the last six months, left the duy
Chiropractic - Physiotheraphy
first of the week for Portland, • Jack Green has been ill with
Oregon License 264
having joined the navy. Mr Hunt flu ami confined to his home for
California License 3029
jtassed naval examinations some the past several days. Medical
time ago in Portland, where his treatment waa administered by Dr.
14 Years in Medford, Oregon
Finley of Medford.
home is located.
• Jess Caldwell of Big Applegate
Is among the numerous people of
the community recovering from
the flu.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hansen of
Medford, accompanied by Miss Ir­
ma Thomas, spent Tuesday with
relatives at Ruch.
• Mr. and Mrs. Lee Port
High Prospector
D el rogue
Page 3
New Low Prices
Permanents ....$1,50 up
Finger Wave wet)
Finger Wave (dry) 50c
Electric Manicure .. .50c
Shampoo, Finger Wave
(dry) .................... 75c
Shampoo, Finger Wave
(wet) .................... 60c
Shampoo, Finger Wave
and Manicure .„.$1.25
Soapless Shampoo, Finger Wave
double cast was chosen as follows:
Senor Dictorio, Paul Hess and
Herbert Myers.
Juanita, Madeleine Metzger and
Ethel Caulkins.
Benita, Shirley Cantrail and
Frances Haight.
Juan, Wayne Martin and Gall
Pablo, Frank Mee and Gage San­
Delores, Alice Walton and Mary
Maria, June Wilkinson and Mar-
■ olla Mitch. II
Senor Hwateo, Bud Mitchell and
Bill Ix.rton,
Senor Wackeo, Henry Head and
Gail Lusk
Maxine Hill, high school student
who played for the Christmas pro­
gram, will again accompany the
* • •
In contest with the strong Cen­
tral Point team last Tuesday, the
Jacksonville quintets lost their
first games.
In a fast game the Central Point
A team won over the home-town
taan with the score 36-21.
On the J'ville team Bostwick and
Backes, forwards, were the high
players, each scoring six points.
On the Central Point team Russel
wax high point man with 12.
As a preliminary to the A team
game, the B strings played. In this
conference ganje the Central Point
boys won by the lopsided score
of 23-3
Lineups were as follows: J'ville
A team Backes, Bostwick, for­
wards; Flitcroft, center; Mitchell,
Ayers, guards. Substitutes: Com-
best. Johnson. Central Point A
team Russell, Virtue, forwards;
Culbertson, center; Ayers, Conrad,
Jacksonville B team Graham.
Lusk, forwards; Nunn, center;
Sanden, Llttell, guards Substitutes
Johnson, Lorton. Dunnington.
Central Point B team—Lawrence,
Hood, forwards; Grimes, center;
Jewett, Copinger, guards. Substi­
tute: Lathrop
• • •
Members of the girls basketball
team complaining of stiff joints
after only one night's practice.
Some of the students really get­
ting industrious as the mid-year
final exams approach.
Snow causing a number of stud­
ents to come to school with cold
P. 8.: The girls basketball team
won a game from the eighth grade.
Isn’t it wonderful?
Someone heard asking this ques­
tion: "How much rain fell during
the reign of Queen Elizabeth?"
Madeleine whispering above a
talk. Elliott seen taking a lot of
interest in English class
The boys basketball squad feel­
ing pretty good over their win
from Phoenix. We can't blame
Valerie and Alice imitating a
pair of lovebirds. I think they were
little doves.
Tuesday Chester waa a careful
boy, like Roosevelt. He wore his
Students relieving themselves of
some surplus energy at the pep
rally Tuesday.
------ •------------
As long as her dear eyes could see
For a bone or some meat, or some­
thing to eat,
To stop her poor dog's misery.
The old dog sat beside her
As thin ax a spider;
He gave forth a whine and a groan
And old Mother Hubbard just
looked, and she rubbered
To find the old dog a bone.
Now old Mother Hubbard just
stewed and she blubbered
And says ”1 can't hardly see
How the dog can get strong, or
even live long,
If I can't stop his great misery.”
So old Mother Hubbard, she gave .
up the cupboard
And sat herself down In despair.
The old dog, he lay down,
Or at least touched the ground
with bones, hide and hair.
At last a thought struck her:
She gave him some supper
And the old doggie howled a deep
She’d chopped off his tail, cooked
it up in a pail
And fed the old dog his bone.
----------- •------------
When you go to California, try
the re. in! Big changes have takes
place on our rail*. Pullman
charger are a third less than
last year. Rail fares^re touching
bottom at 2# a mile and less.
Complete meals in our dining
cars cost as little as 80«. For de­
tails, see your local agent or
wrne J. A. Ormaody, 705 Pacific
gilding, Portland, Oregon.
Southam ^cific
Noting that the bureau of the
census gives the total of retail
business in the nation for 1933 as Service - Sales - Rentals
slightly over 24 billion dollars, the
editor of the Grants Pass Bulletin
suggests that as the Townsend I 423 East Mato Street, Medford
plan calls for a payment of about
the same amount, based on $200 a j
month to each of the 10 millionI
Snow, rain and cold weather have brought with them an
epidemic of colds, flu and sniffles . . . Chitwood's are ready
to help you with their convenient location and a specially
selected, fresh line of remedies at deep-cut price«, for one
week only i
Vick’s Nose Drops
28c -
F & F Cough Drops
10c /
Opposite Post Office
Old Mother Hubbard looked in the ! TO CALIFORNIA
people over 60, it would require
nearly a 100 per cent sales tax,
rather than the claimed two per
cent.—Newberg (Ore.) Scribe.
Also a full line of all Cough Syrups, Gargles, Disinfectants,
Plasters and Applications in package and bulk form. You'll
find Chitwood's service is complete and economical.
Medford Cycle and
Repair Shop
Iutwn Mower Service
Phone 261
23 North Fir
Clean Sweep January Sale!
Women—look at these dozens of
pairs of Ties, Step-In Pumps and
Oxfords . . . charming styles, va­
rious heels—
Look! Women’s fine Shoes! Seas­
onable offerings in various com­
binations of leathers .. . take two
or three pairs at these low prices!
$1.491. $1.98
$1.78 $1.95
$2.45 to $3.95
Values in the lot up to $6.00 a pair!
Large selections of Enna Jettick
Walking Shoes included in nar­
row widths!
Drop styles in these famous
Walking Shoes, regular $5 and $6
values, now $2.95 and $3.95!