Friday, January 18, 1935 Personal News Notes » Morcum of Corvallis nnd in good shape more than can arrived in Medford Tuesday und lie said for the top of Jacksonville will be a guest here this week of hill just now. her .sister, Mrs. Jess Taylor. • J. F Morley and two partners • II. H Farley of the Little Ap who arc prospecting among the piegatc has just equipped his lacks uville hills, have taken up house with a new radio set, which their abode In one of T. 8. Cady’s friends Hay not only has made his ablnx for the present. They pro­ home the evening sisdal center of pose to stay until the ground be­ the neighborhood, but brings forth comes visible again. frequent morning yawns ax well • H R. Reichman of Wlllxal, Mon­ *^g|Ho having subscribed for The tuna. arrived Tuesday for a visit , ■ckxonville Miner recently, Mr with his brother-in-law and his Jacksonville High School ^nrrley will be one of the best Uster. Mr. und Mrs. T. 8. Cady of the Summit Service station. Mr f-------------------------- A posted residents of the vulley. • Mrs Aris Throckmorton of Reichman haa been visiting his HIGH PROSPECTOR STAFF Ruch la Inconvenienced somewhat Usters and other relatives In Los Helen Lamb at the present, having auatained Angeles und vicinity and Is now Editor a sprained wrist when ahe fell at >n his wuy home to Montana. His Assistant Editor Lucille Flitcroft comment on our recent fall of "the 1 her home late laat week. • Fred Dorn has returned to hia beautiful“ wus, "This looks like Buaineu Manager..................... Morris Byrne home on upper Applegate from home to me." the Sacred heart hospital, where • Mrs. Nellie Mytlmise, Mrs. 8 | he had hia thumb amputated at 11. Jones and Miss Margarctte the second joint from the nail 8un- Hart attended the executive meet- >iay Mr. Dorn, aon of Mra. Anna Ing of the Southwest Oregon Pres- (An Editorial) Dorn of thia city, waa splitting byterial society Monday. With "Excuse me” and "If you wood at hia home Sunday morning, • Mrs. Smetz, Mrs. Archie How ! please.” the first graders start when hia thumb waa cut severely man ami Mrs G. O. Sanden at- their knowledge of courtesy. Later ua a reault of hia axe handle catch­ tended the mooting of the county I ! comes “Thank you,” and various ing In the jumjier he waa wearing I ’ TA held in the junior high others follow which mark the He waa taken to the hoapital upon school In Medford recently. youngster as thoughtful. By the the a<-k was u week-end guest to observations of a city official of hurry and bustle of school life, and Rut li wto »'ports that Glenn of Mrs. Anna Dorn. they drop from one with such a • The Nugget for magazines. Smith, prominent young rancher slight tinkle they go unnoticed. there, in making aa much apeed • Carrol Ix-wis of Medford vis­ A door is slammed and there is ax possible in hia regular vlait to ited Tommy Dunnington Thursday not even an apologizing look, let the neighbora, failed to ace a wire • Mrs. M J Young of Canyon­ alone "Excuse me” or “I'm sorry.” fence eaat of the aervice atation in ville visited over the week-end at Students often get in the way of time to prevent being thrown on the B. A. Gaddy home. others, but they never think until the ground by the Impact It ia • An electric range has been pur­ brought to task by such words as said thnt Mr Smith ordinarily chased for the soup kitchen at the ■Scram,” "Get out," and "Move!” school. often students Interrupt the ) climbs Ute fence in hia great hur­ Jacksonville ry, which ia apcedier than cniaaing • Miss Dorothy Gaddy is visiting other fellow when he may be say­ her brother and family, Mr. and ing something of value. the atile a few yards away. These few marks of discourtesy • Dave L Jones and Walt Zcidler Mrs. Duran Gaddy at San Ber­ are not made intentionally, but of Little Applegate returned a few nardino, Calif. J daya ago from a four-day buaincaa • Mrs G O. Sanden spent Thurs­ they are slips that PASS in the and pleaaure trip to Scotta Valley day of lust week in Ashland at an night but don’t get BY! • • • In northern California They were all-day meeting of the Indies Aux­ accompanied by Win Merritt, alao iliary national association. They I NEW ROOM of Utile Applegate, who continued made six sheets for relief work. A new cafeteria room is being to Seattle. returning four