Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, July 13, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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    Friday, July 13, 1934
Page 4
On second thought, he strode late Sunday evening. The local Mrs. R. A. Johnson and sun Hill
thousand dollars, that's what I mighty beautiful picture rock. But
in visiting
I don't know as 1 ever thought of resolutely acmes the busy street, folk had been
visltini relatives, and Larry Howe of thia city.
_. H.
... Turner and • LOST Black and white male
"But surely you realize that no that district for getting out a through the revolving doors and Mr. and Mra. k L.
into the stronghold of Porter A family. While enroute north the loxtcrrier; carries one ear up and
! mining company ever made any whole lot of lowgrade."
Van Galder car overturned about one down; black heart on left aide;
j money over any period of time on
"Well Tim has. and that's what Goldatine.
Standing up to the counter he two milea from thia city, resulting reward Notify A C. Ellers. atar
\ that kind of stuff!"
he's got, Mr. Carter."
in only alight damage, the party
"Of course, but try and tell the
"He may have quite a bit of it. informell a startled assistant that continuing north after righting the route, box 11, Jackaonvllle.
1 public that!"
Miss Goul, and still not have a he must wire for the immediate vehicle.
return of Mr. Goldstine He dic-
On the curbstone, after the property that would justify the tateil the telegram himself:
• Mr. and Mra E. I Jons and son
Goldstine interview, Ttm felt like thousands and thousands of dol­
Bob. accompanied by their nephew,
(Continued from page one)
a martyr. Then, lifting his shabby
Gail (Big Shot) Lusk, al) of thia
Mr Isaac Goldstine
and policemen glanced suspiciously suitcase, he sought a rooming a big way and make sure of the Palace Hotel
city, motored to latke o’ tho
at his dusty clothes, but Tim's house across the street. Someone reserve tonnage before a large mill Reno, Nevada
Woods Saturday.
heart lurched with the hope and yelled at him as an automobile is built.”
Just have word highgrade hits • One of the ninny swimming
whisked by.
confidence that filled it.
"But he's already done that! He been struck In my mine near Jack­ parties to spend Sunday afternoon Miite 2lk< • Eve» 35c • KI<I<II<<H I Oc
He had a great property for low
After registering, he called two and the others that have gone be­ sonville stop if you return at once on Applegate included Mr. and
grade and big possibilities of regu­ brokerage offices whose names fore him. like Jim Thorpe and you will give you first chance at lease '
Ends Saturday
lar sweet spots of highgrade, he were prominently listed in the and Father. All of you. gophering and option stop assays thousand
reflected If that didn t interest heavy telephone directory.
for highgrade. All of you tunnel­ dollars per ton.
some of these fellows, then who
"Sorry, Mr. Samuels is leaving ing along one side of those big
Timothy O’Farrel.
put up the money for Homestake for Nevada.”
veins and putting tunnels into
and Alaska Juneau?
"Not today. Both Mr. Smith and the side of the mountain without
On the following morning, as he
He stopped before some preten­ Mr. Potter have left the city for a any thought of the lowgrade. It had hoped. Ttm received an early
Adults 25c - Kiddies 10c
tious revolving doors giving en­ few days on business. Call again." has been opened up. Mr. Carter! phone call from Porter & Gold-
trance to a large office building
Despondent, Tim could think of It has been opened up! All Ttm stine’s. Mr. Porter himself had re­
Inside the doors a gold-lettered nothing to do but write to Molly. needs is somebody - somebody like turned, leaving Goldstine to stake ■
• UV
sign directed him to the left, In the quiet of his dingy back you. Mr Carter who can see it!" out the desired claims in Nevada.
**• Ml,
Shs bartered a
where Porter & Goldstine, "Min­ room he penned the letter.
(To be concluded next week)
Molly’s eyes were filling with
ing Brokers." beckoned attention.
great love—
"Dearest Molly:
------------- g ■■
tears and her supple hzniis were
Not catching the eye of either
“Got here easily and am settled gripping the arms of her chair un­ • Young Jacksonville swimmers- for a »rill greater,
of the young male attendants wbo in a comfortable room. It seems til the knuckles stood out like to-be receiving instruction In the
love I
were busy marking quotations on that all of the brokers are going white cameos. In spite of the pleasure
Natati) riunì
a long blackboard. Tim surveyed out of town on business I was quiver in her lips she sat there like through efforts of the Jackson
the sumptuous room with satis­ • just able to see one, but he cer­ a queer, the old mining broker told county Red Gross include Miss
A I no
faction. Plenty of money here.
tainly made it look like we'll have himself. Proud like her father who Dorland Godward. Marjorie Heck­
Soon an office boy took his ' to have the highgrade to get any- insisted on sticking up there at ert. Russell and Luella McIntyre
name. "I’ll see if Mr. Goldatine can i where at all.
and Nellie Wilson.
Jacksonville these 40 years.
see you," he promised, and then i
"Probably I will stay here for a
"Tim's worked for years and • Mr and Mrs. Joe McKnight and
walked to the front of the office ' few days to see if any of them years on that mine, always hunt­
and chatted with a stenographer want to develop lowgrade. Or I ing for highgrade. He doesn't even son Raymond of Lozier lane were
Sunday afternoon visitors at the
for 10 minutes.
may come on home and try it realize himself how much work
Soon afterward the boy disap­ again on my own hook. We ought he's done in that constant search home of Mra. McKnight's parents,
peared, however, and returned in i to get into a concentration there except that he knows, or thinks he Mr. and Mrs. R E Wilson of this
20 minutes to partly open the ' any time.
knows, that if he keeps on he'll stay with his grandparents over
swinging door in the counter with
"I’ve thought of you a lot this someday open up more of the rich the week.
a laconic "This way, Mister.”
afternoon. Molly. I'm glad I don't bunches like you and Dad used to • Charles Ivey of this city was
Isaac Goldstine was portly and have to stay down here long be­ get, and then he could build a
the fortunate winner of a five-tube
fortyish. round faced, spectacled cause I'd miss you and Axel. Tim.” mill."
radio being merchandised by Al­
and prosperous looking a a suit
The next evening Molly read the
"There, there now. Miss Goul. bert and Ernest Olsen and Marion
of dark cloth.
letter to Axel after walking to the Goodness knows I remember just Vogel Saturday evening at Kirk­
Tim took the little armchair cabin on Pacific Gold mountain.
how you feel," said Carter, leaning patrick's confectionery.
that was offered him and leaned
Axel fell into her thoughtful forward to loosen the girl's cold • Mrs. Jack Ward and two small
forward to keep the curve of the mood when she had finished
hands from their clutch on the sons of Phoenix spent Monday at
back from cramping his shoulders
Finally Molly broke the silence. armchair opposite him. "I'm all for
"My name is Tim O’Farrel. Mr “I'm going to San Francisco. Axel. you, Molly. And I'm all for your the Oscar Lewis home here.
Goldstine. I have a 360-a ere prop­ You keep the home fires burning. Tim. You’re my kind od folks." • Dr. W W. Wells, history in­
erty near Jacksonville, Oregon. I My father had a partner right One of Hamp’s eyes had * cast structor of Southern Oregon Nor­
own it. I want either a partner here in Jacksonville and that man over it caused from an ancient mal, and his class, visited points
wbo can bring in some money, or —his last name is Carter—he flash of chipped drill steel, but the, of interest in Jacksonville Monday
else I want to incorporate and I’m made millions by buying Home­ other now betrayed a warm mist afternoon, including the Britt
studios, Native Daughters’ and
On the Stage—in Pernon
not going to be hard to deal with stake gold mining stock at 50 of sympathy.
Southern Oregon museums, fol­
because there’s plenty of gold cents and $1 a share. I’ve heard
"We’ll just wait and see how lowed by a picnic lunch at the old
there for a good-sized company.” Dad mention him often, and he's Tim comes out with the brokers
"Got any samples?”
int he mining brokerage business 'specially if he gets ahold of the
"No. I didn’t bring any samples in San Francisco. He finances wrong kind. I'll promise to stand • Among visitors at the Oscar
Lewis home here Sunday were Mr.
because it's a lowgrade proposition mines, and he'll help Tim!”
by you and do what I can. Just and Mrs. William Aitken of Ash­
and a sample doesn’t tell much.
Axel was still silent, his long don't tell Tim that you've seen me. land.
The district has produced quite a legs spraddled comfortably on the Tell him I was out of toym, too.” • Master Billy Lorton of this city
bit of highgrade in concentrations edge of the range, his chair tipped The old man’s chuckle brought a spent last Thursday In Klamath
Featuring the Sensabond
that occur in offsets along the steeply. Thus he virtually reclined, smile to Molly's tear-stained, Falls, chief incentive being the
veins, but its real future is in low- with arms folded so that his right blushing cheeks.
trip, according to Billy
grade. and that’s how I wanted to hand could effortlessly hold a
"Oh thanks, Mr. Carter. Thanks. • Mr and Mra. A. O. Van Galder
-the "bote Nocid e talking
put it up to you.”
corncob pipe to his Ups
God! We don't want to win if we and
Goldstine blinked wisely.
"Axel----- .”
haven’t got what it takes to win. brother of Mrs. Van Galder, re­
On the Screen
"Well, the reason I told the boy
"Ay heard you. Miss Goul.”
But we have. Tim will put it over turned from Hood River, Oregon.
to bring you in just now, Mr. . . .
’Tm going to San Francisco to­ all right, but he's pretty blue, you
O’Farrel, isn't it? . . . was because night.” Molly’s eyes held a glint see." He listener knew that her
I’m leaving town today gL.NU of determination, and Axel nodded words were a prayer.
I’m leaving town for a couple of absently.
That same afternoon Tim was
days. We might talk again Mon­
“Don’t tell Tim I'm coming,” she shocked out of a blue mood into
Children 10c
day. That’s three days away. That enjoined him. and hurried out into which he had sunk while reading
be all right?”
the night.
some of the flambuoyant adver­
Mr. Goldstine arose significant­
Saturday Only
“Glory be! What can you do in tising matter issued from the of­
ly, so Tim took his hat off the San Francisco to help Tim?" Mol­ fices he had visited. The shock
desk and looked at the door, still ly's mother exclaimed when Molly, took the form of a yellow slip in
seated. •
already dragging out her little the hands of a boy in blue, who
"Why, certainly. Mr. Goldstine. black traveling case, broke the knocked briskly on the door of
I had hoped to get back home in news to her.
Tim's room.
also ’Fighting With Kit Canon*
that time but if you’re going away
“I can go see Hamp Carter,
“Sign here. Mister." Tim signed
I’ll try to see you again. Of course that's what I can do!”
in wonderment, not daring to hope
Sunday and Monday
I can’t guarantee it because I will
"Hamp only handles about one that the streak of granulated
■ Start» Wednesday ■
probably see several other brokers mine every two or three years, quartz which he had reluctantly
dear,” her father put in.
left in the tunnel breast could have
The man with the spectacles
“Well he can just get busy and meant anything.
smiled. “Whom did you plan to help Tim!”
The telegram read:
• • •
see next?”
“The people across the hall,
"So you’re Hank Goul’s Uttle Tim O’Farrel
probably. Or maybe some of the girl!”
Star Rooms
Tuesday and Wednesday
other firms in this building," Tim “Yes, Mr. Carter, and I’ve come to San Francisco. California
see you about a mine."
Dear Tim I got it big aasaya
“Well, O’Farrel, I really don’t
"What kind of a mine, Miss thousand dollars tell brokers.
think you can do that today. Goul?" A genial smile illuminated
They’re all leaving at the same the old gentleman’s face like a re­
time. We’re all going over to the flection from the crystal chande­
No antelope on the juniper des­
Comstock district in Nevada," lier in his comfortable Ubrary, to ert of eastern Oregon could have
Goldstine chuckled. Tim saw noth­ which a burly butler had shown bounded to the door and down the
ing amusing, so he queried:
stairs with more speed than Tim
"If I’m not too curious, Mr.
"It's a gold mine up at Jackson­ seemed to feel was necessary be­
Goldstine, how do you happen to ville and it's just like the Home­ fore coming to a halt on the side­
be going over there all at once?" stake. Mr. Carter. It’s owned by a walk in front of his rooming house.
Thursday and Friday
Tim knew there had been very lit­ friend of mine and he's in San Once there, he paused upon the
tle actual metal production from Francisco now trying to find a sudden thought that the brokers
the old Virginia City area north of broker who will finance it.”
were all "out of the city."
Reno, Nevada, for a generation.
"Hah! He’ll get skinned out of
"We’re going to pick up some his eye teeth if he gets tied up
claims and organize companies to with some I know of."
promote them,” a-.r. Goldstine was
"What do you mean?"
still smiling. "If gold goes up the
"Well, I mean they is two kinds
SI N. Central—Telephone lit
public’s going to want gold mining of mining brokers, just like they
is two kinds of raspberries or two
“But wouldn't you rather con­ kinds of apples. They's the good
sider my mine than bare claims?” and they’s the bad. Plenty of both
Next time you sutler from Gas
"Well, you see the Comstock of them here.”
on Stomach, Headache, Sour
was a great old district and it pro­
“But I was hoping that you
Stomach, a Cold. Muscular,
duced hundreds of millions. You’ve would come up and see it, or any­
Rheumatic, Sciatic or Periodic
got to take those things into con­ way send an engineer to report on
Pains; That Tired Feeling, That
sideration when you're raising it for you.”
"Morning After” Feeling Get u
money, O’Farrel."
“Oh I don’t think I could get
Medford, Oregon
glass of water and drop in one
“Can all of you, going over there around to it, Miss Goul. I only get
41»'/, EAST MAIN
in a caravan, get claims that will time to consider a new project
or two tablets of
pay to develop?"
about once every two or three
"Well, what do you think ? years. My clients wouldn’t know
We’re in the stock selling business. what to think of me if I intro­
We’ve got to give the public what duced a new mine to them until
Permanent Wave
The New Pain-Relieving, Alka­
it wants. Can we help it if they I’ve finished the one I’m develop­
lizing, Effervetcenl Tablet
Finger Wave
prefer to buy stock in bare ground ing in the Grass Valley district.
because it is near some old bo­
"Besides, and mind I don’t want
To encourage and stimulate building
nanza ? Besides, O’Farrel, these to discourage you. I never found
It You will be amazed at the
effective immediately—all common
claims won’t cost any of us any­ the Jacksonville district very simi­
almost instant relief.
thing. I don't know what your lar to the Black Hills of South
lumber prices have been reduced ap-
It is called Alka-Seltzer because
terms would be but I’ll bet you’d Dakota. ’Course, both of them
Marcel ..
it makes a sparkling alkaline
• proximately
want to keep at least a 40 per were great placer districts and the
drink, and as It contains an
interest in your
mine, gold had to come from somewhere.
Eyebrow Arch
analgesic (Acetyl-Salicylate) it
wouldn’t you?” Then without wait­ We used to hunt along the hang­
Scalp Treatment
first relieves the pain of every­
ing for a reply:
ing walls of those big veins up
Hot Oil ...............
“You’ve got a lot to learn, I can there at Jacksonville, your father
day ailments and then by re­
Facails ...............
tell you that before I leave. And and me, and we took out a lot of storing the alkaline balance cor­
the first thing you've got to learn
rects the cause when due to
is that unless you’ve got a show­
excess acid.
ing of highgrade, nobody's going
After trying many brands of
to pay you anything for the privi­
medicines—so-called relief for
lege of selling stock in your mine.”
fas and all of them a failure,
“What do you mean by high­
I gave up hope*. By chance I
tried Alka-Seltzer—I am more
"I mean the pure stuff, or some­
New York. N. Y.
thing that will assay at least a
in “Young Blood
The Lone Cowboy
“All of Me
Double Feature!
Don't Prolong
“Shadows of
Sing Sing”
Taylor and Bierma
Medford School
of Beauty Culture
10 per cent
Dr. H. P. Coleman
Chiropractic - Physiotheraphy
Oregon License 264
California License 3029
14 Years in Medford, Oregon
Permanent Waving
Get a glass at your drug store
soda fountain. Take home a 30
cent or 60 cent package.
Wise Buyers Will Take Advantage
of These Prices at Once!
T ìmber
C ompany
A Specialty
Opposite Post Office
Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor
18 South Central, Medford
Phone 7
End North Centra!
A Good Firm to Trade With