Friday, July 13, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 4 On second thought, he strode late Sunday evening. The local Mrs. R. A. Johnson and sun Hill thousand dollars, that's what I mighty beautiful picture rock. But in visiting I don't know as 1 ever thought of resolutely acmes the busy street, folk had been visltini relatives, and Larry Howe of thia city. mean." _. H. ... Turner and • LOST Black and white male "But surely you realize that no that district for getting out a through the revolving doors and Mr. and Mra. k L. into the stronghold of Porter A family. While enroute north the loxtcrrier; carries one ear up and ! mining company ever made any whole lot of lowgrade." Van Galder car overturned about one down; black heart on left aide; j money over any period of time on "Well Tim has. and that's what Goldatine. Standing up to the counter he two milea from thia city, resulting reward Notify A C. Ellers. atar \ that kind of stuff!" he's got, Mr. Carter." in only alight damage, the party "Of course, but try and tell the "He may have quite a bit of it. informell a startled assistant that continuing north after righting the route, box 11, Jackaonvllle. 1 public that!" Miss Goul, and still not have a he must wire for the immediate vehicle. return of Mr. Goldstine He dic- On the curbstone, after the property that would justify the tateil the telegram himself: • Mr. and Mra E. I Jons and son Goldstine interview, Ttm felt like thousands and thousands of dol­ Bob. accompanied by their nephew, (Continued from page one) lars that it takes to open it up in a martyr. Then, lifting his shabby Gail (Big Shot) Lusk, al) of thia Mr Isaac Goldstine and policemen glanced suspiciously suitcase, he sought a rooming a big way and make sure of the Palace Hotel city, motored to latke o’ tho at his dusty clothes, but Tim's house across the street. Someone reserve tonnage before a large mill Reno, Nevada Woods Saturday. heart lurched with the hope and yelled at him as an automobile is built.” Just have word highgrade hits • One of the ninny swimming whisked by. confidence that filled it. "But he's already done that! He been struck In my mine near Jack­ parties to spend Sunday afternoon Miite 2lk< • Eve» 35c • KI»■ i ii - the first thing you've got to learn rects the cause when due to is that unless you’ve got a show­ excess acid. ing of highgrade, nobody's going LADIES’ After trying many brands of to pay you anything for the privi­ HAIR­ medicines—so-called relief for lege of selling stock in your mine.” CUTTING fas and all of them a failure, “What do you mean by high­ I gave up hope*. By chance I BY (DJI.D.) grade?" tried Alka-Seltzer—I am more APPOINT­ "I mean the pure stuff, or some­ than satisfied. Geo. Bennett, MENT New York. N. Y. thing that will assay at least a FRISCO BROKERS NEED HIGHGRADE FINDS O’FARREL •“I" MF rPRE( I0U THII 4G U FEJ ku in “Young Blood BAKER FAN DANCE i ROXY20c~ The Lone Cowboy “All of Me Double Feature! “EIGHT GIRLS IN A BOAT” “GUILTY” Don't Prolong “Shadows of Sing Sing” SERVICE DEL ROGUE k Taylor and Bierma Medford School of Beauty Culture Alka-Seltzer CONGER NEW LOW PRICES ON LUMBER 10 per cent S. C. PETERS PHONE 67 Dr. H. P. Coleman Chiropractic - Physiotheraphy Oregon License 264 California License 3029 14 Years in Medford, Oregon Permanent Waving Get a glass at your drug store soda fountain. Take home a 30 cent or 60 cent package. Dentist Wise Buyers Will Take Advantage of These Prices at Once! T ìmber C ompany A Specialty BOWMAN’S Opposite Post Office Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor 18 South Central, Medford JACKSONVILLE Phone 7 End North Centra! A Good Firm to Trade With