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About Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1932)
T he J acksonville M iner The Miner I wil1 ** war **n earnestly J« p «“ una hope the inc Jacksonville JrllHMJUVlHC 1T1IUCI Unjted StHte betw n. We Published Weekly at that the secretary of state, Mr. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON Stimson, will back down ami let the Japanese have their own way in China, for they will have it any LEONARD HALL— Editor and Publisher way until the Lord himself gets MAUDE POOL Applegate Editor ready to stop them; but as recent exchanges of notes have been of a Addres* All Communications to Box 138 very threatening nature, it seems quite in order for us at this time Subscription Rates, in Advance: One Year___ 41.00 Six Months .SOc to gain some idea of what Japan Headquarters: and the Japanese art like, so that THE NUGGET CONFECTIONERY if a crushing defeat should await Telephone 162 Uncle Sam in a war in the far east some of the people here at home would not be taken entirely una wares.—The Golden Age. Modoc Traditions By K. C lay C happell V—THE BETRAYAL ROADS AUTHORIZE LOWER RATES TO FRUITGROWERS Raymond Reter, president of the Rogue River Traffic association, was notified this week by A. S. Rosenbaum of the Southern Pacific that a $1.25 per box rate on pears to eastern and Gulf ports for ex port, has been authorized at a meet ing of the Eastern Freight Lines Traffic managers in Chicago. This rate applies to minimum loads of 30,000 and is subject to the concurrence of the eastern lines. The project is one which the traf fic association has been steadily working and the members hope that the eastern lines will take favorable action. The prevailing rate is $1.73. The reduction would mean much to local fruit interests, who have been agi tating for its adoption for some time. HUNT SHARKS OFF AFRICA Sharks are hunted off South Af rica with nets 600 feet Itoig and 50 feet deep. Sometimes sharks weigh ing as much as 1000 pounds are caught. Nothing is wasted. Shark leather 1 h tough, of extremely fine grain, ami much used for shoes, bags and gloves. The meat is pal atable. The fins are sent to China, as also are the teeth. Puints, drugs, varnish, soap and fertilizer are ob tained from parts of the carcasses. All the while that Isees was hid den in His mountain retreat the people, especially His enemies, clamored loudly for His uppearunce before them and proof thut He was really the Son of Kamookumchux Established in 1888 | and possessed of divine powers. THE WORLDS WORST PEST Dairying is our business and But His haven of refuge was not Now comes criticism of the SIZE OF THE RELIEF PROBLEM discovered until He had almost has always been our hobby. world’s most despicable character— Quality our watchword, serv Some idea of the size of the re reached maturity. a creature commonly living, ming lief problem faced in the United ice our specialty, satisfaction Then came u disastrous season ling and paying bills just like we States car. be gathered from the for the redmen. Because of climatic our delight and square deal ings our motto. all are. fact that at its height Belgium re conditions there was a scarcity of The chief difference between this lief called for an expenditure of the usual fruits and vegetation Milk With the Big Yellow insidious type of person and human $900,000 a month while in New which the Indians gathered. Also! Cream Line at Isreal Grocery beings is the peculiar way in which York City alone the expenditure for some strange reason the hunt • Jim Winningham, who has been Stores mining on Forest creek, was in he tries to rise above his fellow will run to at least $1,000,000 a ers were unsuccessful and but few “ Fresh Every Day” workers, friends and those not so month. In the state of Oregon one fish could be caught in the streams Jacksonville this week flashing sev eral $2 nuggets to astonished intimate. person in every seven is in need of and lakes. and offered proof thut Following the course of least re relief. In the capital of the country Consequently the Indians suffer townsmen his efforts have been far from sistance, and of most destruction, it was found that some of the men ed much from hunger and de wasted recently. he attempts to boost himself above given emergency employment in the manded more vociferously than the multitude, not by elevating him parks had not eaten for three days ever that Lsees help them if He I DENMARK HAS CRISIS could. self, but by lowering others. Which prior thereto. is about as helpful as shouting It was at this time that one of “police” in a speakeasy’s den. the supposed friends with Isees be Their only market upset by the THE JOBLESS IN FLORIDA Alas, this being of bad impres trayed His whereabouts and a dele- sudden entry of Britain into the gn‘Mn sought Him out and forced high tariff ranks, Dunish farmers sions is with us everywhere. And Florida is having a hard time this Hi for no good reason at all. ko accompany them. Mean are in great trouble. Pigs bring so His is about the only personal winter to discriminate between the while the redmen had gathered little mnoey that it does not pay io fault listerine isn’t advertised to two kinds of jobless. She would like upon the shore of a lake to await take them to market. One farmer to welcome to her fine hotels a His coming and when He appeared who tried to sell six found no buyer cure. vast army of what may be called they angrily demanded that He pro and turned them loose in the woods the “prosperous” jobless, but the vide them w’ith food. rather than go to the trouble to JAPAN TAKES MANCHURIA Enjoy Your Lunch number of these has been limited take them back home. A canoe was anchored nearby this winter, while enough of the With the Croicd Since Kaiser Wilhelm promoted and Isees, pointing toward it, calm Subscribe for The Miner today. peace on the earth by stealthily other kind of jobless have arrived ly told them to go to it and help SATURDAY crossing the Holland border at in side-door pullmans to eat up all themselves to all the fish they the profits. It is estimated that it MORE WOMEN IN BUSINESS night and taking up his residence wished. The people were amazed. from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Doorn, we have not heard so is costing $50,000 a day to take and skeptical for they could see In 30 years, owing largely to the much about anyone endeavoring or care of the jobless who have come that the canoe was empty. Never any one nation offering to take over from other states. theless they approached it and, as development of machinery which at the all the affairs of the world and they did so, fish began to jump into now does in factories most of the running them according to his or AMERICA’S RUDE AWAKENING the canoe and soon it was full and work once done in homes, the num its own pleasure or fancy. It is true as fast as they took them away ber of women in business has risen The New York correspondent of more leaped in until they were fully from '.,319,397 to 10 77s.794. While that we have had fulminations £rom the number of women in business Mr. Mussolini about making the the London Daily News Chronicle supplied. European skies black with airplanes says: Lsees then went to the villages has thus risen about 100 per cent, “The American people have had and performed many other mir the number of men in business has but thus far he is comparatively increased about 30 per cent. 19 North Fir Street peacable and still on his own side a rude awakening from their dream acles. of national self-sufficiency. Mr. Medford First He made a horse sick anti of the fence. Send The Miner to your friends. It is true that the Russians claim Hoover, a national scapegoat be it died and when the Indians were to expect the whole world will go cause he first denied the existence fully satisfied that the horse was into the Soviet union, but they are of the depression, and then said it dead Isees brought it back to life. trying to bring this about by the was all over and done with, is now And even as the people marveled radio and the printing press rather face to face with realities. He is and asked how He did it. He turned than by machine guns and poison understood to be opposed still to an the horse into a white rabbit and organized scheme of permanent it ran off across the plain. gas. The blind were then brought to On the mainland of Europe, state assistance, because he fears France has taken the place of Ger that w’ith the dole America may go Him and cured. First He made a chalk mark many as the nightmare of western the same way as England. The civilization. What she proposes to question is whether America may the sightless eyes and then do with great fleets of airplanes go further than England without dipping His hands in ashes He rub bed out the chalk, always rubbing nobody knows for sure, but the the dole. from the nose outward and mean British air force says that on the NO MONEY IN MURDER while asking Kamookumchux to re same day that London is attacked, store the sight. Paris will be wiped off the map, Dr. Thorn well Jacobs, president Then He covered the pattent’s and as that would dispose of both Britain and France we are left with of Oglethorpe university, is uncon face with a cloth and sprinkled it but two great militaristic powers vinced that there is any profit in with water held in His mouth and murder. He reasons this way: The when the cloth was removed the in the world. As we write, those two great first effect of the World war was patient could see. In similar ways He cured the de powers, America in the west .. the destruction of all markets for world, and Japan in the far eastern American goods; then the Allies formed and the lame and the sick hemisphere are glaring at each gained control of the Atlantic ocean and the redmen believed in Him and other and apparently almost ready and made huge purchases in Amer knew that He was truly the Son of to spring at each other’s throats. ica, with incident profits immense Kamookumchux. (To be continued.) These two countries, Japan and in size realized here. Then the Al America, have points in common. lies were virtually whipped and Between them they have two out America, in order to save her prof WHEAT THE PERFECT FOOD* of three biggest navies in the world. its, went into the war, and in so Recognizing that unmilled whole They can each draw upon a reserve doing loaned thousands of millions of millions of soldiers, and it is a of dollars with the understanding wheat is a perfect food, containing curious fact that neither of these that it would be paid back after the in its bran, husk and germ all the countries has ever sustained a mili war. After the war the banks necessary vitamins, oils, starches tary defeat or even been subjected loaned thousands of millions of dol and proteins, Dr. Lloyd Arnold, pro lars to our former enemies. Now fessor of bacteriology and prevent to serious military reverses. It is difficult for a w-estem per all of these loans, national and in- j ive medicine at the University of son to picture to himself the reas dividual, are in jeopardy, and the Illinois, has come out advocating oning processes of an Oriental profits have disappeared in the that in these hard times there is no i mind, but it is a fact that there are greatest deflation ever known. The reason for anybody to starve when millions of people in Japan who conclusion is that whether it is wheat can be had for so little mon honestly believe that their imperial right or not, it is very doubtful if! ey. Dr. Arnold has been experi family descended from God and any money is to be made out of, menting on his own family and in his own kitchen, with the making that it is destined ultimately to murder. and use of wheat soup, wheat muf have the whole world under its EASY WAY TO MAKE $11 fins, wheat croquettes, wheat pie, sway. With this thought in mind, wheat pudding, and whole wheat, consider the following statement Early in December, in a colored boiled six hours, which, seasoned which appeared in Niroku, a Japa church some 20 miles out of Moul with salt, and served with milk and nese newspaper: “The Imperial family of Japan is trie, Ga., Nathan Worthy was in sugar, makes about the best pos as worthy of respect as is God, and | vited to preach. He said he needed sible breakfast food. Dr. Arnold is the embodiment of benevolence $7 and passed the collection plate found that in a week’s time his and justice. The Imperial family of after the sermon. When it came; family consumed only four pouncls Japan is parent not only over 60,- back empty Worthy whipped out a of wheat, and there are 60 pounds 000,000 people, but of all mankind pistol from under his coat and i in a bushel. The experimental bush on earth. In the eyes of the Im waved it at the congregation. “Look el cost but 63 cents. perial family all races are but one hyah, chillun,” he said, “when I say RETAILER VISITS HERE and the same. It stands above all I need seben dollahs, I means I need racial considerations. All human seben dollahs. Dey ain’t nary one J. C. Yakel, who has been en disputes, therefore, may be settled o’ you brethren or sistem leavin’ in accordance with its immaculate dis chuch until I get dat seben dol gaged in the dairy business for the lahs.” The collection plate went past six years in Madera county, justice.” To a westerner such a statement round again end returned with Calif., has returned to southern Oregon to resume his Rawleigh re seems laughable, but it does not $11.05. Making a generous estimate of tailing business. seem so amusing even to a western Mr. Yakel’s territory includes the er when, as now seems to be the the value of the sermon, let us case, Japan reaches out and puts agree that it was worth a nickel. west half of Jackson county. He China in its lunch basket as easily Nathan made a clear $11 on the comes to this district with splendid as a boy picks apples off a tree and transaction. We made an investiga- j bank references, just recently sell and the while protests that she has tion of this case and found that the ing out his ranch equipment, and no intention whatever of doing the story is substantially correct.—The has spent the past week or so call ADDRESS BOX 138, JACKSONVILLE ing on his old acquaintances, intro very thing she is actually engaged Golden Age. ducing his line and making new in doing. Try Miner classified advertising.. friends. We are not certain that there EDITORIAL Wendt’s Dairy 25c TURKEY LUNCH Brownie Marie Cafe Bigger and Better Than Ever! % The Miner e has been growing steadily SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Join the rapidly swelling list o f regular readers ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR Six Months Fifty Cents I