Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1932)
T he J acksonville M iner —I 'LOCAL and PERSONAL CLELC Working — Mrs Helen Anderson is rmploycd at the Jacksonville sanitar ium ♦ • ♦ In Ashland Boyd Hamilton of Ruch was looking over mining property in Ashland Monday • • • On Business Knox McClay, Alfred A.spof and Joe Barr were transacting business here Wednesday. • • • Install Switchboard The local tele phone office has la-en busy the past lew day« erecting a new switchboard. Dance New Years All attendants at the New Years dance at the U S hall report they thoroughly enjoyed the af fair. • • • Applegate l'p—Mr Sam Wheeler and family visited friends on the Applegate Sunday They report the river unusual ly high. • • • f orest Creek Visitors Mr and Mrs Frank Howard of Paradise mines at F'orest creek were guests Tuesday eve ning here • • • Stopped by Snow—The Hodges broth el . have been unable to get to their ranch because of the snow. They arc staying m Jacksonville. • • • lii Hospital Mr Arthur Hall of For est creek was taken Tuesday to a Med ford hospital. Dr. Holt is attending the Yellow Jacket mine man. • • • Visit on llill Mr and Mrs. Robert J3ell and Miss Alice Eaton, all of Med ford, visited with tin- Wright family on Jacksonville hill Sunday. • • • Visits Owens Mr E H Murphy, who has been in a hospital for two and one- half months in cause of serious burns is visiting O D Owens in Jacksonville Visit Sunday Mr and Mrs Roy Hewette of Medford spent the day Sun day with Mrs. Hewette’s parents, Mr. and Mis Earnest Wright, on Jackson ville hill MEDFORD TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Typewriter Specialists Corner Mam and (¡rape Street! Medford Pl IONE 1363 FREE COPY SERVICE Extra copies of The Jacksonville Miner will be gladly furnished to any of our readers who wish to • •nd them out of the city. A supply will I m - available at The Nugget confectionery, the Southern Ore gon museum or by addressing post office box 138, Jacksonville We arc anxious to have The Mirier scattered far ami wide. This means advertising for both Jacksonville and the paper, which is no end welcome. We’ll appreciate your interest and help. Doctor Busy Dr Gillis, the new physician at the sanitarium, has been kept very busy lately. • • • Leave for Portland Mrs Anna Coff man and daughter-in-law, Mrs Bell Coffman and children, left Tuesday for Portland. • • • Buy New Car The T S Cadys, of the Summit service station, took de livery on a new coupe this week. They plan to drive to their old home in Mon tana Filling Hole—Tom Ruddy is filling the old shaft on his depot site property and plans to begin a new hole about Marcn 1 This will be the first venture of his own. • • • Don’t Put it Off Send in your sub scription now rates for The Miner are half the usual charge. • • • Through Jacksonville Mrs. E. O. •reek passed Calhoun of Thompson creek through here on her way home from a visit at Phoenix with Mrs. John Cal- houn. A FULL LINE OF SHOE FINDINGS JOHNSON’S SHOE REPAIR SHOP Fun L. J ohnson , Proprietor We Give S. & H. Green Stamp! I 35 Weil Mam Medford R. C. CHAPPELL PAINTING PAPERHANGING ETC. Estimates Gladly Given PHONE 13— Or Drop <1 Card to P. O. Box 51, J acksonville Spends New Years Here Mrs. R. R. Johnson, sister of E S Severance who has been spending New Years with her brother, left for Portland Tuesday. * * * • Visits Sunday Harold Severance of Great Falls Montana, who is a senior at Stanford university, visited Sunday at the home of his uncle, E. S. Sever ancc. • Visit Medford Lodge John Norris, Dan Shuck, George Lewis, Art Lewis, Alfred Norris, Aleck Norris and Ray Wilson attend' 1 installation of officers of I. O O. F. at . '.ford Tuesday eve- ' ning. All report having a good time. • • • Now Is the Time—To send in your subscription to The Miner. POWER COMPANY REBUILDING JA( KSONVTLLE POWER LINES Along Oregon and Third streets a program of modernization of equipment is being carried out by the California Oregon Power company. New installa tion includes higher poles and heavier wire and will improve the service in this division of the company’s system According to Mr. J C. Thompson, lo cal manager foi Copco, this work will cost upwards of $1300 Subscriptions are what make a news paper, as you know. The Miner, liking very much to be a complete success, is soliciting your subscription. Rates are half what you have been paying. Mail yours in today we’ll appreciate it. DRY FIR WOOD 12 and 16-inrh, tier Hardwood, tier $2.00 and $2.50 $2.75 and $3.00 W. C. KASSHAFER Phone 153 Jacksonville Mondayt, Tueidayt and Wedneidayt Shampoo and Finger Wave, or Marcell $1.00 Thurtdavs and Fridays Plain Facial Permanent Waves Eyebrow and Eyelash Dyeing Finger Waves $1.00 $5.00 $1.00 $ .75 BOWMAN’S BARBER & BEAUTY SHOP Phon» 57—Medford JACKSONVILLE MEAT MARKET TOM DUNNINGTON, Proprietor Complete Line of FRESH AND CURED MEATS PHONE 53 • • • Visit Mother—Mrs F. F. Bungy, __ daughter Gene and brother Mike Broad of Coquille are visiting their mother, Mrs Anna Broad of this city, who is seriously ill. DROP IN—WE CAN EIX UP YOUR NEEDS IN COLD REMEDIES • • • Hospital—Frank Wooltan, ill em ployed at the Jacksonville service sta tion, is still ill at the local sanitarium but is gradually improving T. S. Lyons is taking Frank's place at the station. • • 0 SCHOOL SUPPLIES THE JACKSONVILLE PHARMACY Special Attention Given to Prescriptions Returns to Portland — Miss Regina Lytle, after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lytle, left Sunday evening for Portland where she teaches in Commerce high school. • • PHONE 12 • Won't Say Die Although J. R. Norris found small showings of color in his back yard shaft he is starting a new hole with fresh vigor and renewed hopes. New venture to be in same back yard, however. ♦ Men’s and Ladies' SHOE REPAIRING in the Modern ¡Lay •) • ♦ Residents Move Mr. and Mrs. K D Wilson, formerly of this city, moved to near Medford. Mr. Wilson is a me- chanic and Mrs. Wilson plays over radio station KMED. • * ♦ Have Mishap—While hauling a load of wood from Forest creek Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Wolf of Med ford had the misfortune to break their i large truck Fortunately they were not far from the Summit service station, from which place they phoned in and > ordered the necessary parts sent to them and were soon on their way. • • • Local Miner III Mr. Perry of the mining team of Moore and Perry was taken sick last Saturday and is being treated at the Jacksonville sanitarium. 1 Perry is suffering from pneumonia. * « * Visitors Jacksonville was host Sun day to the following visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lane, Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Slover, Grants Pass, formerly of Jacksonville, and Miles Cantrail and wife of Applegate. , ♦ ♦ * Medford Guests—Mr. and Mrs. Har lan Cantrall, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Can trall, Donna and Shirley Cantrail were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bachelder of Medford Tuesday evening. A dinner was given in honor of Miss Evelyn Bachelder, who is soon to be married. NEW and SECOND HAND GOODS THE JACKSONVILLE EXCHANGE J ohn B. R enault P. O. Box 61 Fresh Vegetables CABBAGE, pound CAULIFLOWER, head SWEET SPUDS. 6 pounds CANNED APPLES, gallon can STANDARD TOMATOES, 2'1 size, 9 cans for ITALIAN PRUNES, dried, 4 pounds DRIED FIGS. 3 pounds DRIED PEACHES, fancy, 2 pounds 3< 15^ 25¿ 47^ $1.00 25^ 25^ * 25< JACKSONVILLE CASH STORE