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About Portland evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1902)
' ; m - W , -w - r . . SEARCHING TOR LEGISLATIVE ' TJnles something - entirely, unforeseen ccurs. the entire Cltlsens' ticket wilt b llaoed m th field Saturday nigh. Evsry sVlng to slated that way now. ' , s The oaamlUe of fourteen members P ' pointed Wednesday night et.the;cwnty . esnvention was to have decided upon the ' pemocratic quota, ot candidates ; (or the legislature last night, but they fUd to S hmplte the work. Th oommltbsa met and organised by the election of 2. A. feery chairman and Frank Bchlegel c-' rotary ' s . - ' -..- Name were discussed almost without )lmlt, but too decisions wera reached. On lb Question of candidate for tb StaU Pcaate. th'hame ot sylvetr.Pnnoyer, Dr. Harry Lane, John M. Oearln, Robert Livingstone, W. S. Kobertson and others were mentioned. It is aald that several mt the Mien ar not Only willing, out gdixlousV tb-aooept the nomination.-' v -The aommttte has divided Itself Into a - number .of sub-oommlttss and all the swailabl timber in the city is being vis ited. -V prospeeUva candidate is allow. 4 to believe that ha Is other than first oheie f the committee and for this rea son all the work of the ootnmittea U kept M secret as possible. ' The Various Hub-committees spent most mt the day in calling on possible andl nates and In ascertaining their wining kaa to ran, -; .'"!' . ' ' , There to -no. doubt that the committee - trill be ready to make Its report to the adjourned meeting ot tha county conven tion, whisk H la understood will be called fcy' tha chairman Cor Saturday night w It has been agreed Upon by tha nomi nating eommittee that at laaat two names tor every offlo shall be reported to the . convention, so- that, the convention Itself prill nays soma choice In ths selection ot candidates. ' -Among ths names that have been men' tloned for ths offices and who are likely to be recommended to ths oonrantlon are ths following: ' 4 - Bute Senator W. ' A.1 Munley, Robert txvlngston, Dr. Harry l4tn. "- ' Leglslatur B JL Curtis. J. A. Buah tnan P. A. MacPherson, Henry FlecXen- teln, J. N. Teal, Charles Hlrstel, W JH. Crinstaff, K. .A,Bmlth. M, C Davis.. F. is- Hsltksmoar. , - f- ' ; Ths latest information Is that -W. A. Munley U In the lead tor the Benaiat It Is given cut that neither ate. Pennoyer Johiil GonlinmChokcKl His Wife in Three Womeni Oct Divorces la ... .-. One; Day. Thrss voroe easels" wers" tried bsfore Itate Circuit Judso debyid this morn- in. : ;; " r. r- ; Susie C Brown was gn4ad iadfiroso Irora Richard-D. Brown-cm ths ground f habitual drunkannsas. ' . i- V-v . TOllo J. Conlln was granted :a dhrooco rom John. Coal in because of cruel treat nent and charges of unfaithfulness; . . Mrsj Conlln testlfled that her husband V frequently struck her with his fisU and en one occasion ha assaulted her in ths Evangelical Church In this city. She ra decorating tha church and practicing ,'or- an entertainment one afternoon. Irlien her husband- entered the building partly Intoxicated, and ordered hereto come home. She tried to season . with him; but tho more she talked the mors Peres he became, until he finally struck ber and choked her. ' Ths minister and others interfered and an officer was sent for. , 'Subsequently she said her husband at tacked her on the streets of Portland, and shs had to flee to a friend's houae for protection. h was accused ot b ' tag lntlmat with another man; and her Ufa was threatened, all without causa. - Lulu Cala. wan. given a divorce from. B. j. Cain on ths grounds of failure to sup port and charges of infidelity. ' The hus band did not appear in court V - r , C'ROUND TOWN . Tho magnificent apples on display m the window ' of tho permanent exhibit rooms wera sent here by B. B. Tucker of Hood . River. They are of ths Jtellow Newton and. Black Arkansas varieties. ' The body of George B. Dayton arrived this morning at 7 o'clock fcom Tacoma, and U at rinley's under takhig parlors. Deceased was a former Portlander and years of age. Death resulted from Bright' disease. -.,'. There is food fishing; at ths Cascades. tapUln L. P, Hosford cams down yester ' Uy with two dozen large trout, which . te says h caught In an hour and a half. "Not mors than ot 1901 tax money la yet to 1M paid i Thoso who have al-. ready paid W per cent ot their taxes will have until tho beginning of October In which to pay the balance, - The , Carbollneum Wood Prsseryin Company commenced this morning to re pair fourth street, starting at ths Inter section of Aider street- The block be tween Alder and Washington will be treated first; L- -- ' J. Williams had his 'right leg badly crushed while unloading some lumber at. ths North Pacific mill. He was taken to tho Good Samaritan Hospital. , v Charles 8.: Hodgdon, Tillamook County. K, and Ottl R. Adams, Portland, 22, have been licensed to wed. ' - - v. Captain Langfitt haa received soms re plies to the circular letters sent out by . him regarding the dosing of the bridges . - one hour in tho morning, noon and after noon, it is hoped that all those to Whom J It is sent will reply promptly and In full. ; - COURT NOTES. W. i. Wright has filed an answer te the divorce suit of Lisaie Ellen WrlghC denying: that he ever struck her, or lm- bugned her chasUtytad says that he did not drink to excess and that he IS not ar a Jealous disposition. 'J,. , . Lewis C Stone has filed suit In ths tats Circuit Court against his partner. James K, Dy..aklhg that a receiver bs BADJ1AW nor Mr. Robertson. wlU. accept and that Mr. Livingstone wlU not without con suiting is uslnss associates la Scot land." ':'' i-itifvf'y ,j..Si5f Nothing la' We on the ticket for repre sentatives. Mrssrs. Curtis and Bushman will probably be selected as labor repre sentatives, and P. A,"- MacPherson will likely be nominated as a representative of the -good government ' faction, , al- though hia name will probably be pre sented by the Republicans, as he was a lifelong Republican before he joined the Cltlsens' and good" government mora meats. V V.-'J . .Tha dissatisfied .Republican. whV ars doing their negotiations , through W, . Masters, Csptaln S C. Bpencer and others,- are . well organised and WlU have their, ticket completed by tomorrow night. They will ntttnd ;the ;mseVng .yot tth Democratic county, convention Saturday night and after tha Democrats have son eluded their nominations the meeting will resolve Itself into Clt!ns' convention and will 'then pear the report of the Republican committee-. The nominations of the Democratic saueus and of the Re publican committee wlil then be raUted and will go on the official baUot as ths nomlneos of a Glutens' convention. Tb Republicans decline to make pub lic ths names Ot tha men- that they are discussing for the Legislature, Ths ques tion cf geography will cut sons figure in th matter and nothing Anal will bs dons until the ' Democratto candidates hare been pracUeaiiy agreed upon.. . ? Among ths Republican names mention ed ars -IV A.' MacPherson, Professor Krohn, I Q. ClarkS dnd Sylvester Far ielL , ' , N-., " ' For Joint Senator " With ; Clackamas County Ben fielllpg is 4hs:man most often mentioned. y r , r''-' A bitter fight Is eipeoted to come up In the'Democratlo City and County Com mlttee on organisation. A faoUon of ths v... JI..IM Rvuk fop Chair- HltUIUVI. v - " - . man. and - sejeotloni wlU ,bs atubbornly ntiiHi bv Dart of tha committee.. It Mr.-Sweek,. hai a majority of , the': cenUi Mlttas and l elected, a disruption ot the party may follow.- One et the chief rea sona tor thla Is tha supposed friendliness for both branches o the Republicans on ths part' of Mr, 8weelu tJ' ;.',,'.., . John Van Zante"' la mentioned as an sppolntedo take charge ;of the Day Gtons Barging Company. Ths Htlts.tiou is ths rssult ot a aisagreement as to ths divisions t the itroflts. i Xt is furthsr claimed that Day drinks heavily and has run . ths company fa tMvftt-xx?r,ie J. N. Teal and Walter5 Pv Burrell, ek seutors of ths wUl ot D. P. Thompson, de ceased, yesterday filed a. petition In tha County Court asking' tor an order ap proving ths aocOunU Of D. F Thompson, as oiie of the executor of-the will of John Green, deceasedf -and praying for the discharge i; or ith oxeoutor tt all liability. ... " -:- Ccloqd ; French is Making In- I' Colonel. Frsnch of this- Salvation! Army arrived from Taeom yesterday. Hs (and Major Dubbin wilt0 Conduct serviced in the Oregon City Opera-House tonight Colonel Treneh ; will hold service tow morrow night at - Portland; Poet No. t, at 128 First street; Sunday morning at Post No;. J, rt East Oak strsst; Sunday afternoon nnd night at Post No. i and Monday afternoon there will be a meet ing of officers o this and surrounding cities at private council with Colonel French. s ' A On Monday1 night there will be a united rally at Post No. 1. This will be ths wind-up of ths self-denial week and the results will bo mads known. On Wednesday, Colonel French will leave for -Saism and; Grant's Pass,- and then will proceed to Ban Francisco, to prepare for tha great anniversary rally at which' officers from alt. Over the coast will be present. . ; ' ', The object of Colonel French's visit to Portland la his quarterly inspection ot work, and special Series of 'meetings con nected with' the Selt-deniaV effort. Me will remain la Portland until Wednesday. : A Long But SurwWaif. c ; Ths following tomancel'aKmsrafd slander has been published, and will be read with much sympathy and th sin cere hope that H , may; be ; true Mr, Henry Warren, isoh of Dublin banker, made tha acqualnuhcs 6f a young lady whJl'r.tejo1isto;'. :siiltlinkteljr?,th'ey became engaged.' Warren's father died suddenly, leaving his estate insolvent and In debt, whereupon the young man vowed Ihat he would never marry, until hs had paid his father's oebts. H offered his fiancee her. freedom, which shs declined to accept, and then, emigrated to th States, s, There,' after a long struggle hs eucceeded about a year ago In paying off ths last penny, and since haa been saving with a view to marrying. ths lady of his tholes. He had net corresponded nlth her for years, but knuw through mutual friends that sh was still living. Aew days ago he sent her the follow ing cablegrami "All debts paid; : I am coming,", and in. reply received the wel come message, "I am watting." He has now returned to Ireland to make arrange ments for the marriage. . j . " ,-" - ; j COLONEL FRENCH. CANDIDATES. available man for Chairman, but he Is In na sense a candidate 1 - r o a ; & x' ' Dr.'.P. B. Beatie, County Chairman 6 tbo pemocratlo party In' Clackamas County, Is In tha, cltjr today, la ex presses himself ss being hopeful ot the oucceea f the , Citizens' ticket . In , that county. -, , ,,-' -a" - i ii- ' .-" ' yx - Hon. A. tK Stlllman, of Pendleton. Jal accepted the position of manager ot the DemoCratlo campaign In Umatilla County. Thla work was Jn ths bands of Col. J, H. Raley, who resigned because be candidate on ihe Democratic ticket and of necessity has to look, after his -own ; Charles, GrUsen. Demoerfttie,fnomlne for Joint Representative from tamhtll and Tillamook counties, is In the city today. - ' ' ' -: "j Xlon. George E. ChamberUin will laavs fos Baker city nett Thursday nighr to addresa the Toung - Men's Demoeratl Club of Baker County neit Fridar. This will virtually be ths openlnf of lh cam paign "in Bastsrn : OregoX The- 'Tun Men's Club of Baker County tf one et ths strongest and. most effective political organise tiona in ths State, y Advices "havs been received at Republi can stats headquarters from Marlon, Mor row, Douglas, Sherman, Columbia, Jack son, Clackamas, Umatilla , and Olateoft countlea to the effect that the Republican party in those 'counties wOI dive Its full strength "to ths entlrs state ticket' Thess advices ars in response to '.lno.ulrles sent to ths county organisations asking for reliable inside information on the sltua tlon. The Stats Committee ; is not at present paying any attention to local fights but is working to bring the party vote as a Unit for ths whols state ticket. The Republican County and City Com. mlttee will hold a meeting next Monday for the purpose of organising; and select ing Chairman and Secretary. It is llkSf IV that haadauartera will be secured in ths "Benson block near the state head quarters, but this Is not yet assured and will hot be until the organisation la made. Nh "?K , ' J. j All tha Republican aoeeptancea of nomU nation have been filed with he SsorsUry ot Stats.:'' V.rN -t- CURRENCY OF PHILIPPINES, x rVpiexing Problem Whick the fv United StntdsMutt Solve. j That the people ot the Fhittpplnss should hass a currency an American currenry of their own-la very generally, admit ted, but to provide that medium U ons of ths perplexing problems with . whioh Congress is now oonfronted.; '-.ififU The business of the Orient demands a silver coinage, vet ths fluctuations of that metal make It a speculative com modity in th hands of bankers In Manila and ths CniBtes ports. ' Having the pow er to fix th value and legal tender qual ity of whatever coins It may fit to Issu within Its. ewa. . Jurisdiction, i the United Btata able to overoome thla difficulty in tha Phlllplpnes by ths issus of a' apecial coinage, aa proposed. . 1 In this connection aa account of the existing coins , in the Philippines, pre pared by .the Division ot Insular Affaire, Department of War, is matter of timely interest. . . .-; . .The chief medium of exchange In the archipelago is the Mexican silver dollar or peso Of 418 grains of silver of ths fine ness ot MO. The Spanish government Is sued a Filipino peso in 1897 which ha circulated with ths Mexican dollar. Tha Spanish coin contains less , silver tha the Mexican dollar, but It Is still in cir culation, though it constitutes but a small percentage of the silver , in us In tho Islands. Formerly ths exchange value of th Mexican dollar, fixed by the Phil ippine Commission, waa 69 cents. It is now; for $1 gold. . Business in ths Philippines Is conduct ed with tha following formidable array of coinage; 'The Mexican dollar, th Bpanlsh-Flliptno peso, the Filipino half dollar, peseta, (26 cent), half; peseta GO cents), copper euartos and centavos. Th cuarto is 1-160 of a dollar and- the sen' tavo, 1 oentr T ' ';' ' "i Then they have the Halk wan , Uet, worth K cent, the ilver rupee of In dla, 12. cent, and th yen of Japan, A.I cents-'Again, we hear aelapl (GO cent Spanish), th tatlong bahaqus, SI cents; tha cahati. 25 cents; the. slsapat, 12 cents, and ths sloolo, t cents.", fv r V Lone before the Spanish. wan-Off years earlier,' In factand before the acquisi tion of ths Philippines had been dreamed et ths United SUte attempted to inv prove its commercial standing ' In the Orient by ths Issue ot a coin for that region. The "trad dollar" provided for in ths act of 1873 was Invented for that purpose.' It contained CO grains ef stand ard silver and was not Intended for use in the United States, but for circulation in China and tho East. It became a legal tender in the United States, however, to ths amount of & and in 1S7. It bullion value having fallen below tt. Its legal tender quality was taken away by act' of Congress. . - ' Ths simplification of the currency of the Philippine and th Introduction of a silver unit that shall b of stable Value and so safeguarded that It shall not re neat the feat of the trad dollar and be come a disturbing factor at home Is the task now before Congress. Minneapolis Times. - ' y ' . '- J QLADSTON E'8 DIARY FOUtND. A valuable "find' ha ben tnade by John Morley among Mr. Giadstons' vo luminous papers, for th treasurs Is nans ether than a diary written up from an early period In Mr. Oladstons' earesr, end, apparently, -brought down I' to ths Close of : his life. it Is Intimated that much of the content' I of' too private and personal a character to permit unre served publication while any of Mr. Glad stone's oontemporaties are altte.-.'-, .i ;. A PHENOMENON OF 8LEEV - Hs had corns en her dosing in hata mock, and when she wok up sh sccvlted him ot stealing a kiss. ' t . ; "Well," hs said, "I will admit that the temptation was too strong to be resisted. I did steal on little kiss." - ' "s "One!" shs exclaimed Indignantly; "I counted eight before I wok up." House hold Words. . . , at e - NEWS OF THE EAST SIDE , Knnzzl Church Meeting' , th annual meeting et the congrega tion ot the Forbes Presbyterian. Church waa held Wednesday evening. The meet ing was presided over by'Bev. J. V. MU- ltgan, , The reporf of ths trustees : was read and accepted. The report showed l-. th cntlr church debt with the ex ception of about 110 had been paid. Ths following wer th officers elected for the ensuing term: G. W. N. Miller, member of , the Session; C. A. Mufkey. financial secretary ; M B. Godfrey, treasurer; C. H. Manning, sscretary .The new board el trustees is composed as follows : , C H. Manning.: W; W. Patterson, J. T. EUls, G. M, Mas and C, A, Mulkey, , Th reports show ths church to be In the most prosperous eenditlen in It history.;-. - It w announced at the meeting tbat ths new pastor, Rev.' H. X Pratt, would arrive from Philadelphia Saturday. His first sermon will b delivered in his new rulplt Sunday morning. :'i .Bad East Side Boys. i There is trouble irt store for s humbe of small boys in the vicinity of Powsll and Milwaukee atreeta,: -. Tlis bofs bsvs ergtanlted into a gahg and are Intent on molesting people and property, , ,..V"f:-':-:.;.,?'-Va A. complaint was made to the police yes terday tbat a gang of small boys were disturbing the pupils in the Cethollo school i on Milwaukee street. Officer Isaacson was sent to the scene and lay In wait pearly all night, but the boys did not put in an appearance, ths bad condition of the weather probably keep ing them nearer the homeiflre. The number of complaints that have been sent In to the police station Is In creasing rapidly and severe measures will be meted out td th offenders If cap tured. - r;:..;.-- ,- New Street Car Line. Th Portland Railway Company' Is pre paring 'plans for anx tension of their East Si.lo division to Irving ton; The company has hot ss yet made- a definite rout ; for th proposed new road and therefor haa net - applied for a fran chise.. . fjk- There r eeveral streets under consid eration by ths railway officials and they do not want to divulge the names until they ar sure that th property owners will not Csfeet the franchise. Th com pany says that the new line will not parallel .th City A, Suburban's Irvlngton line, but Will open up an entirely new country m strt-C6F traffic. iheet?IrnprQyernent. . The work of tsarina' Up the old planking on Union avenue between East Oak and East Burnslde streets, was begun this morning. : : '"'viiX';"' , ' The street wUl be replanked with' 4-Inch planks and th Work will be rushed through to completion, Llnd & Manning ar the contractors. , It is said that th Portland Railway Company will plank ; the, mlddls of the strt and . thereby nope to keep their franchise, although -tb .ioar track haa been torn UP for several year, a pro test will be made against It. The Railroad Schedule. Commencing Sunday, tha Portland City A Oregon Railway Company will estab lish a new schedule. i On Sundays ths Seilwood loca'ls will be 'discontinued and the cars will run ' through' to Oregon City, giving through 1 travel a -mlnute service. ' Th Mt Tabor-cars will, also, commencing Sunday, nm through to Mt. Scott Th schedule will be the same Sf at. present. ! f EAST SIDE BRIEFS. Th famtly of Esra Dixon, of Qprvallls, have moved to Brooklyn, Et Eleventh, and Powell street. , , 4, 1 Th Portland Wei Brewing V Bottling Company-ar renovatlnr th old cigar factory. building, Mllwauki and Taggart strVets, and will begin Operations next month. J.j. . . - ..... Arthur W. Barkley pleaded guilty to the eWge of battery on two boys named Paddock and Was fined SS by Justice Vree land Tuesday. The complainants and de fendant ar rival milk dealers on ths Columbia Slough. r ;' J jl V. Cox and wife,1 t !8alem, were visiting Captain A. M. Cox, the East Side Constable, this week. They returned to their home yesterday. ' ,r: : A; musical and literary entertainment will be given at the Mlspah Presbyterian Church this evening, Th proceeds will be used for ths purchase of a pew organ. Multnomah TenUNo?.' Knights ot tho Maccabees, will give: a smoker to its membrs Tuesday evening, E i. Seedy Thornton, clerk in the East Bide Justice Court, was In McMinnvllle Tues day whre hs went to attend the funeral Of his grandfather, Isaao Thornton. The Woodman building Bast Sixth and East Alder streets, is nearly finished and all the decorations wilt b completed In time for th dedication April 29. . " F. S. Cunning, ths "undertaker; waa re ported 111 yesterday- He was feeling bet ter today. y;-, K'rTTf 7Yr--r A letter has been received from Mrs. D. A. Baylor at Adrian, Mich. Mrs, Bay lor predicts a big Immigration to th West this year. She say that even th East ern papers have their columns full about the grt prosperity Ot thWest The dance given by the Shun HI Social Club last evening at the Burkhard, was the event of the season.: Ths full mem bership of the elub. TO, members, were present as wer also a number ot In vited visitors. Th hall was, beautifully , . ; River Inspection. ' Captain W, C '.Langfitt, of th U. S. Engineers, and David B. Ogden, Assist ant Engineer, hav returned from trip to Corvaltls and Independence wher they went to ascertain the needs of the rtver Irt th vicinity ef tho town In thfwy Of improvement under th proposed river and harbor bllt -1, ' '-'- Some time ago a revtment wa con structed along th bank of the river op posite Corvallls, to prevent ths current from cutting away the bank and chang- ,1 lug th channel of th river 'so as to decroattd with about hundred Chin lantern Which .were put U : hy el Back,."- ' ', ' - " ' lrs. 'Train M Brooklyn haa returned from a thre months' - sojourn In Pes Moines, lowa; ; , 1 ; r. ' The old Mlspah Church.'; East Four teenth and Powell streets, will bs remod eled and' another story added. ; The condition ot Powsll strsst is grow ing worse very day. v!.The treet will won have to b declared dangerous to traffic ' , While running at a good rat ef speed thle morning Brooklyn ear ran Into a hardware wagon. No damage. f L "A doubl birthday party' was given Wednesday . evening at the residence ot H. W. Hansen, East . Twentieth and Taggart streets, on honor of th birth days of Miss Jessie and Master Row land Hansen., A large number ot guests were present and an enjoyable evening was Spsnf, ' , .It 4 laid that the fire engine house wlU. be replaced in .Brooklyn aa soon as a new location I ' found. Th former engine hous is used at present a a branch of ths ainton Kelley school tor thi overflow. i Mrs. H, Jenks. residing at S77 Mil waukee street, who has been suffering with a bad attack of inflammatory rheu matism,'! improving. ' , East Couch street "between East Eighth and East Ninth streets Is being re graveled. V ..... ' , Mrs... K. Adams, residing at (8 East Eighth slrest north, waa reported on the sick list yestsrday. Tha Alfonsa ds Oaston Social Club tavs a social last evening If the residence of V, Kaiser, 480 East Ankeny street. Re freshments wer served. sellWood. t . t . , , Dr. Seilwood returned from the Seaside Monday. , Important business calling him hornet Uejrlll return to the coast Saturday.- . ,.? v " i , b. F. and B.'F. Storey hSve purchased two lots on .Tacoma and East Seven teenth streets, and ! will erect three cot tages, -' W . '" ', Mr-Wolfc of jfaJeni ha purchased JOOx 100 feet on ths corner of East Thirteenth street and Umatilla avenue. H la pre paring to erect a two-story store build ing on the corner, and will also build a residence. ' " Ths" framework on the new residence of Q.. H- Reed, East Thirteenth and Ne-halem,-la completed. Th residence will be rushed to completion. Ths Craft family havs moved from Al bany to Wlllsburg. , Ths -"Old Maids' Convention," given at Fireman's hall last Friday evening, was a big success.' A largo crowd was pres ent and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The Wlllsburg Literary Society gave an interesting social last Saturday. Frank' Pittman and his sister-in-law, Miss Minnie Morgan, are laid up with scarlet !ver. ; -; :; ,. it - James jUapletporp of ' Marysvtil, flal., will arrive Monday to take charge oTth pinning department at the Wooleh mills. Mr. Raugh of Oregon City Is erecting a new residence on East Thirteenth street and Nehalem avenue. Mrs. Lulu Lyle, wife of the Seilwood baker,, was reported 111 yesterday.. At the meeting of .Seilwood Lodge No. lis A. O. U. W., last evening, a commit tee was appointed to devise way and meana to Increase the membership of ths lodge.. Several new applications have al ready been received. W. G. Hlrschberir, th shoemaker, la very 111 at his home in Seilwood. He un derwent an operation a few days ago at one of theospltals, but was removed too soon. He was reported worse yesterday. Dr. Seilwood 1 attending. Mrs J. Mitchell, wife of the blacksmith,- who haa been suffering with can cer for several months, ' is reported as Improving. ;;' Miss C O. O'Brien has. departed for Tacolt Prairie, Wash. . A whist partyrwill be glvn at tha home of Mrs. C. B.; the Wlllsburg Whist' Club tomorrow evening. Boy Brown Is again reported quit lit He had just recovered from i serious lllnem and was again laid up. Martin Erickson, th palnteX haa moved from th hotel to. the Whitney horn.. ..r-"''" ".. t-- Mrs. Edward Bauer has departed for a vlsl.:Aroong-TMS. Bauer's parents In th Eaat' : ' .-f - Wifif has beolft eommenced n th new Wlllsburg school. The building will con tain two rooms, and It 'is expected that an additional two room will be built next year. The building will cost when completed about tJOOO. . : MONTAVILLA. The following letter remaining un claimed at the Montavllla poetofflce: Mrs. Flora B. Fuller, James Richard and Mrs. Rosa 8underland. . .-'" Dr. Russ, -the' dentist, who has been quit ill,- ii recovering and will soon be able to ba around again. v - , The Mohtavllla Rebeckas tendered M. and MraTKelloggr "weeptlon on --their return home. They say Montavllla is good enough for them In the future. One et the fine stock dogs belonging to M. W.; Parsons, get in a fight with a big Newfoundland - dog Tuesday and waa chewed up. The little fellow only weighs 14 pounds end the weight of th New foundland was about CO pounds. When Mr. Parsons returned in the evening there was not much left of his animal. ' Mrs. Carrie Bryaon Is recovering from a serious attack of rheumatism. leave Corvallls away from aavlgabl wa ter.. TW ' revetment Captain Langfitt says, Witt need more repair to maintain its efficiency, , "A bank protection will no doubt be needed at Inoependeno. aa there la dan ger ef th river leaving the present chan nel, owing to the oavlng-In of ihe present bank. r . v . i y 6 ' it 7,-:V ; '4 1 LIKE FINDING MONEY. The trading, checks In th advartl. ments of The Journal, ere like finding xr.onev. Have voo rTn Ir'-m? ... HENRY WEINHARD ProprktiBr CITY BR.EWERY Bottled Beer Specialty t4 ;. largest ad most complete brewery la the Northwest : f - established 1882 ' Ofin, ThlrteenU and Burnslde Sts.' TaUphon No. 72 - '. J -' PORTLAND, OREGON FREIGHT RATE MEETINQ. A meeting of the northern lines I be ing held at Seattle - today - to consider local freight matters ot interest to ths lines n this Urrltory and, to ehck up ratea and mak comparisons. These meetings are usually held , every three weeks. By a personal me ting together of freight representatives much eorra. apqndenu la saved In th disposition of various' matters, .r K(.fJ"sir.sp'-f The meeting was held In the offlc et JI C. Eden, assistant general traffic man ager of th Great Northern, who repre sented that Una. Assistant Oeaeral Freight 'Agent Fulton ofc th .Northern Pacific left last night to be present He will, be back by Monday.. IV W. Peter, general freight agent of , the Canadian Pacine at Vancouver, was la attendance for his company, tt wa. th intention of W. B. Comaa, assistant general freight agent of the O. R. N. Company to aitend but, as h felt slightly, Indis posed, he concluded not to go- Tha In terests et his company Wars looked after by B. K. Ellis, th general agent, and W. F. Kelly, ths contracting ; trlght agent - ... ' RIVER AND OCEAN. - . -. - The Maritime World, a new magaalns to bs devoted to shipbuilding news. Is soon to make Its first appearance at Ban Francisco..- v "-':, Ths Northern Pacine - liner Victoria left. Tacomsw-yesterday tor the Orient with a cargo valued at . Ut,tn.W. ;. A tear wss made yesterday at Supple' boatyard of th boUax of the Klk-kader, R.JD. Inman's propeller. Th craft will soon be ready Jor her trial trip. ,". ".: "Th growth and extent of ehlpbuild lng In the Paciflo Northwest ha been enormous," write Arthur; Goodrich In World's Work. "Not less than 2000 men are employed at tt in th Puget Bound region and Orsy's Hasber. ' last v year Oregon built three sailing veelr Cali fornia. 1; Washington. M,' the aggregate tonnage of th J being , 17,811. Oregon built eight steamers, California il, Wash ington ST. All thes boat, sailing and steam, . wers m sxces $t 160 Jtacs each. Tha number of lesser craft buUuoa Pu get Bound waa legion." ,. , .- Ths White Collar Un afford splendid opportunities to pleasure Seekers these days who . are desirous ot visiting Th Dalles. Magnificent (scenery Is on this rout, and , th boat ; now making the trip ars provided with such accommoda tion, a; to please tha moat .fastidious. Boats ar alio run 'dally, excepting Sun days, to upper' river point by ths Regu lator Una Shortly ther wilt b flv boats leaving Portland-six days out of the week for The Dalles, and residents of this city will, therefore, have a aplen dld chanc to take an occasional outing and view th plcturesqu wonderland on either side of the mighty Columbia." The management of the different lines will no doubt sun the usual : excursions up th Columbl. .. . The steam schooner laqua is taking on a, lumber cargo, at Inman Foulsen's mill, ; . ; , - ' . The steam achooner Chlco la receiving a cargo thla morning for Paget Sound. . Th llblna ferry boat 'wa mspeebsd yesterday by Government Inspectors Ed wards and Fuller, and was found to b in th best of condition. -; , 7 ' Ths French bark Asle has again shifted down -stream a short distance, i The sec ond set of shears will be. placed la posi tion tomorrow, and by tha first of the weeje the spar swxil be la raadlnw to be erected. ' . t ' f . The Alnsworth dock 1 ' th seen of great activity In handling , the freight which wa brought from the Orient by th big O. R. NT lmei: ' Stiathgyla. About three carloads ot tb goods, con sisting mostly of silk floss wer trans ferred to th Columbia, yesterday , and shipped to San Francisco, and Ban Diego. About I10v additional tons, constating mostly ot rice and curios, will be shipped to Southern Coast cities on, th George W. Elder, her next -trip," A ,.ear t Jraw peanuts wlU also be sene .,by ran to Be artle. Th remainder uf th cargo, and th biggest portion of it, is for distribu tion among th various wholesale houses of Portland. v . 1 " . . LABOR NOTES. J 7 -Th members ot th Painters' District Council ot. Ban Francisco ar protesting against policemen being, allowed to do painting In and about the premises of tn department. . - ' , .Th Stablemen's Union celebrated its first anniversary the other night in San Francisco with a high Jinks and a smok er. Prominent labor leaders were pres ent and delivered addresses on . labor topics. . . " : - . A Good Movement ,ln ,eheap cas makea a good tlmfpleee, -but a, ttne ease with a poor movement -looks well but not a watch you can de pend upon. THS BUST la none too good, ,. especially if you can get it at the r!bt ; price. I make a specialty of fin watches : and they ar all fresh from th factory, NOT SHOP-WORN. - I - aiso pay special attention - to - fins watch repairing. All work warranted, y L U. Jaeger, Jeweler 290 MORRISON STRtET, , . Between Fourth and Fifth.' , ' of thsmscssara flA-M THOJ ST. Op. Chamber of Com. ' A DAY'S DISPATCHES NKW TORK-Tha Amalgamated C pr Company declared a Quarterly dlvt-; BOSTON-Judg Fsesenden t Boston . refused to grant an injunction ree train-lag- Elian M. Bton from lecturing under . th auspices of a certain lecture bureau. Th profit of. Mia Btoae lectures wUt " go to reimburse tho who embarrassed themselvea tn subacrlblng t her ransom fnnd. i-'; -:, ; ":.'.,.,., .' 7 :.i'j7 . : WASHmOTONRepreientatlve Kahsr says th exclusion bill which passed ths Senat m a great Improvement on that at present In fore. '?',;'?' SBATTIJC, Wash.-It is charged that ; VMmtlUSJ TV SWWSWSJ SB HVHHw of thla state, whil a member' or th Leg-, lalatur orfered bribes to secure th elec-. tlon of Senator Fostsr. Id haa been nominated for Collector f Customs, but, h!i nsmtaatioa u held up In committee, pending Investigation. ;' . , v , WASHINGTON. The Treasury De partment has declined to admit M. Ban-tos-Dumont's airship machinery ' tree under -bond as scientific apparatus, but will consider any further proof h may offer that the aparatus la entitled to such, admission. Ths President baa vetoed th i-i win ete m. iwAnth lMUM ynvn - v. : v y- - , granted to Weut Thomas Walter, a vol unteer officer, cashiered or dlsobedleno OI oraers. i maorio turn bmw pension roU," th message says, "would b to condone an Inexcusable offense by . a eommissionsd officer, t detract from th high stimatT5Twhlch the pension roll ought ever to b held, and to do tn luetic ta aoldlar now tt ' that " roll. especially thus under th not of Jun it, 1890, wbsr aa honorabl discharge from th service Is a condition precedent to obtaining a pension,. . - t VIENNA, Austria. Grand Duchess Helena of Russia to portd i to - hav eloped with a tudent It Is said tlier wm- mrrnAA at Warsaw and ths stu dent summarily sentenced to lit banlah ment .to Blberia. The . Duchess I th only daughter of Grand Duke Vladimir, unci of the Csar. Shs 1 qjo year or sv...' -' 'kr-7;::vr. twhbib n a tiTSt Ind Professor J. P. Klmmel. physical Instructor at th Indi ana; Stat Normal School, has been fa- nM k h.h. .tm.V An th.hM.d k ha ia.Ttnnn1 hammer, with which Captain Beecher of th track team wa practicing. - - ' f . '- , v EL'QENE or.-C. 'K. Hal. Demoeratlo homine tor Representative haa declined to run. ' capkkw A REV Concerning the said ; of th Danish West Indies to th United States. . Mr. Koch, who W tottustea with ths work of writing but a solution upon which a wt ultimately will b taken, completed his task after seven day, and got it Into print but sine thn 48 hours ago, he ha not louna time to show It to his colleague and the. two head ot th other parties. .PARIS. SIX thousand textlleworker at Vienna ars on a strike,' ' : il : su me i j r- K, . -t-:-,.-,'(-:. OYSTERS TO PLANT. : : The Northern Paciflo general freight department reported today that It had In transit for South Bend, wash., 11 cars i . Mil nvarnrs billed to th Wllaps Harbor Oyster Company, which will plant them there. TIte oysters nnw u-m .- , Haven, Conn., and Warham, Mas. 'A are ot th cars will reach their destination today and. thr mors will arrive Sunday,. afternoon! " -'--J:" - HEALTH REPORTS ; Celonis V. Orandpre, JH Grant streetf scarlatina. :' - ' ' . Mrs. A. H. Thomas, Guild avenue, diphtheria. - Baby K. Noland. 05 TJnlon. measlas. B. J, Tlsr. smallpox, t. , DEATHS. "k; (Mary Meadows. Heppner, heart disease, aged t yeans,' -- Pemella MeCully. SSV North. Sixteenth' street, heart disease, aged Ti years. , - Cbrtstel - Juanlta Miller. Third and Burnslde, Winchester house, convulsions, aged 11 months. -Infant son ot J. K and Margaret Qmutf: ,7- " Th Edward Hoi man TJaderUa lng Caw tnxaral cUrMtor and ei balsa. S80 YamnllL Pka 607, P. Finloy & Son, Undertakers and Embalmrs, comer Third an1 Jefferson streets,1 do flrst-clas wok and deal honorably wish all. Otto Schumann, mmu --- ' ' building work, 1 ' ' rnsro on frt r' - v