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About Portland evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1902)
It tin rr -h: f?: '.p. II ,11" i ,:.. u is- jvoE.' :i. '.iro.-,34.'-:'--','-' ' - ,v 1 ' portlakd,' okegokv JitiDAy.-APnii. is., 1002.' ' .:. ' --,.; pbice itve.cekts.'"8 m r.,?,.. r c.C'.'sr? - - ' 1 - 1 ' . .... - I.. : - - KH KK I Y K V I h jf:-" h A Y K Mil - - J if k 1 The; Only Hope , (8crlpp-McRa Newt AaaocUUlon.) WXSHINQTON April 1$.-An hour ,.b lore TYdlliig an the- Cuban' reciprocity kill begaa this afterBocm, -certain leader f ib way and mean committee atoiit ' Ud !t defeat.' and acknow)edKeiIla In Ml probablltty" the beet auckr men would marahal aufflclent fore , t" adopi aa amendment to the WU,: wiping out h Blfferentlal on refined sugar.' ,!l "?';'&, : There 'war number oj "conferences among the beet sugar men today, and on the question ' ot abollahing the dlBeren tlal,' even t the limit of overruling the decision of the chair that such an amend ment was. not germane, the? claimed ft least three votes. ' There now seems no doubt but that the bill, In Its amended shape, will be passed by the House.. . - ' The only hope of the wars and means committeemen Is that it wlU be restore to Its original shape In the Senate. I , TOO MUCH TARIFF. Representative Richardson, the' Demo- (Scrlpps-McRae News AssoclaUon.) VIENNA. ' Austria,' April 1 1?-M- 0kiT nop, another high Rusalan official hr the vlotlm. f a assassin. '.Tf "! 'V Tse murderer, is .a .student Who' killed him on A traut.',-He was arrested. i. WILL STAND TOGETHER (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) ASHINGTON. April M.-The House Democrats, by a large majority, " have bound themselves to vote to abolish the differential on refined sugar, both from Cuba and elsewhere., ACCUSED OF OUTRAGE (Journal Special Service.) ROSEBURG, April ls-Bherlff E. lu Parrott has gons to East Umpqua' for tho purpose ot arresting a man, name un known, who Is accused of outraging a little girl, daughter of v fanner, named Nelll, u miles east of this lty. Ths ac cused is said to be5 a. mulatto) or 'naif breed, and a stranger In the community. ate i arm DH . IIMi M . , t . i , If yon want th4very fcest ther b fat style and workmanship, boy a I JAMESON ' - Wo can show yon latest blocks fat other hats at lowest price. : , See oar Window DispUy of EXQUISITE SHIRTS MCfpUlf I Men'iFanilshera, Hatters. 38A WaihJneon St Ol VfrififeWe r V"; Sole agent tor the JAMESON Hat P Tho Weather Tonight and 5aturday, ahbwer; southerly winds. ft $1.00 FANCX, PERCALE-SHIRTS ; These shirts are the very palest designs in fancy percales and repre- sent tho best manufacturers. . " 1 1 In our window we are dlsolavln a 'haa'dimme . Hn of nnifepweup r i Just the thing for now,- Good value at ' -v v . ; - v .y . 'i y . . f z-z--s? 50 cents. HENRY J. V 4 ' n Sole Agent forthe ' ' - f ' n- r r - "KINa1 GUARANTEE 2.W HAT.' r ""tT" l 169 Third Strf - '-'':.'; . U-IlT- lj"v.Lrn' GOESTO DEFEAT 1 . ! Now, is-in Sen . ti'. cratlo floor leader, addressed , the House on the ' bill, '-i-.' j , He said that Jf he, had .the framing of the blU tbe measure bow before the House .would never, be presented. The lmraenee tariff wall that surrounds the country be declared. " must be torn down and Jh bill now -before the House is a start, in , the. right airecuon. . The demolUhlng of this wall wlU be beneflolal tq .the. oountry,-and he favored the bill for these reasons, and because: . First It decreased ' the Dlngley . (aria BecondBeduction of ,the tariff , would benefit the consumer by cheapening the price oi''augixi'iy M:; Third It reduces the tariff on the most highly protected commodity In the coun- At the conclusion of the debate, voting on the. amendments began, .The. first vote, on the amendment re- Quiring Cubfti to adopt . American con tract labor, laws, was ' adopted. Representative Morris of Minnesota then, offered an amendment abolishing the differential ' on refined sugar. DIE II 4- i (Scripps-MoRa News Association.) . BRUSSELS,' April 18. The revision of the constitution to provide for universal euffrage was negatived In the Chamber of DelraUes this afternoon. When the re sult was announced the Socialist Depu ties; 9p& e. shouted, ''Hurrah, for the BRUSSELS, April 18. A general coun cil of strikers this afternoon voted .for the continuance of the strike' to the bit ter end. . PRINTERS' STRIKE. , BRUSSELS, April 18.-A big strike of printers Is now imminent. The entire force of a large concern went out today. The strike . movement continues to spread. ' .' y ? - n . MANT INJURED. .. BRUSSELS, April J8.-A collision took place between the troops and strikers at Liege this af trnoon. , Many were injured. TWO INDICTMENTS. ; The Federal Grand Jury Is' still lri ses. sion, bat will endeavor , to conclude its work tomorrow. ' Two indictments .were returned this ' afternoon, but th'e namea are net g:Ven(out, as ji men are not yet unaer annv--vt?r-,,., s, EMPLOYES' SHORTER HOURS. "' . j A- The butchers and, meatcutter employes have been, given shorter ; fiours . with' no reduction in their, former pay. All the union shops now -close at 6 o'clock and the employes are given holidays. , HAT NOW 7So and tl.OOi Our price - .v;- r Pv& 1 1 'ltr -'-''--t.- V7HITE t n Between Morrfann mnd V.oKm . I I ueoorea SI ocuted ft V. -' M ' ' i. .-.-r-f: V rj. :-. . , (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) , HUPSON.N. T April 18-Burton-Wir- lis and Fren .Van Wormer were found guilty this morning of murdering Peter Hallenbeck, their uncle,- and were sen- HacaA to be electrocuted during the week Of May 30. , ., , Their- uncle held a mortgage on ' the home of his sister, mother of Van Wor mer, which was long overdue. "Two of ! his nephews enlisted the sympathy and assistance of Willis. " They visited Hal lenbeck at night, masked, . When he ap peared at the back door 'in response' to their, knock he was shot down In bis tracks, '' One of the - nephews turned state's evidence. " (Scrlpps-McRae News Association. -. 8T. LOUI8, April 18,-Tbe special ref eree appointed by the State supreme Court', to Investigate the affairs of the Continental Tobacco Company and oth ers,bai reported that the anti-trust law ot the state is unconstitutional. ', TO BE AMENDED. (Scrlpps-McRae News Assnclatlon.) WASHINGTON. April 18.-The ' House judiciary . Committee today authorised favorable report on the Ray bill, amend- lng the existing bankruptcy laws. s BOERS DISHEARTENED. - ? (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) AMSTERDAM, April U.-Persons In close touch with the Boer delegates here say there is no question . but the ; Boer for peace made, whatever hoir nature, may be. , . , : ,, . . .:V,v? Politics Cause More Trouble for Storey. In his preliminary skirmish for office, W. A. Storey, Republican candidate-tor Sheriff, Is having all kinds of misunder standings with his opopnenta. ; .This forenoon he met Dan J. Moore in front of the Chamber of Commerce and after passing the time ot day, Moore re marked! ; , " - Ku: rweu, Btorer, am sorry, out x. am not' with you this time and Driscoll gets my vote5 f orlBheiliTC 71. Z w - ' "Why is' that. .DanTasked the politic. Jan;' . r:-' .r".- " , y-s "Weitf you are not -nan.of your word. tou promised tu 'do, soBithnig last .time jur me uuu you uiu not Keep your wora. but I think if Driscoll 'promises anything he will live up to his word."-"' There is quite a disparity in- the slses of the two men, but that seemed to make no difference in the conversation. . There was much more said than quoted, but.the iu or it oy-stanaers were not 'obliged to keep the men t apart. They were , both angry but did not come to blows.. WILL JUDGE TRUST DEBATE. (Journal Soeciat Servloe.) ' SALEM, April M.State' Supehntend- ent of Public Instruction Ackerman left this morning for Monmouth, where,' in conjunction with Rev. E. J. Thompson of Independence and Professor Robert son of Forest Grove, he wlU act as judge In a debate between the Albany College and the Monmouth Normal SohooL -The trust question, Its possibilities and - Us dangers will be the subject of the debate. BURGLAR ESCAPED. Albert Johnson, a grocer at Twentieth and East Stark streets, has his store fit ted with a burglar alarm communicating with ' his residence. : , Last .night some one broke Into the store , and aroused Johnson. He . armed himself with a shotgun, but was content to send for the patrol wagon Instead of venturing Into the store , v . .when the police arrived they found evidences of the burglary, but Mr. Burg lar was gone; Johnson, however, was there with his shotgun. .;. . , ; -Vr- : ; .-, WHEAT MARKET' .; CHICAGO. April ltT-Wheat,''74?4TOXc. SAN FRANCISCO, . April . 1AWh.t. I ny il , . , . H I MANN 5L ABBOTT PRINTERS 92 SECOND STREET - journal 'Special Service.)' .' ROSEBURQ, "April IS.'-fieveral severe accidents have occurred In this vlclnijy lately among which iy be mentioned that of Preston . Cal Well, a'mlner SO years Old, who, . while" feeding fcle' horses. fell from a barn loft to tb jnanger .below, dislooatlng and .breaking his, shoulder. . Clarbarn Allen , of FloUrney, another unfortunate, accidentally strnck the back of his left , hand with a hand-ax, totally severing the bone, ot the forefinger. Earl Bard of Lieona Mills was accident ally struck on the head by a stick. In flicting an ugly wound, 7 If, A nyin giving the name of, Harry Bates attempted to rob the reildence of Lou Adams at Midway last) night and was Mrs. Adams was awakened by the noise and aroused her huabasd. Adams armed himself with a .revolver and slipped out 01 the porch. :- Getting J a line on ' the house-breaker,'' he .fired aqd, caught him in the. right side. .Bate willingly: threw up his hands and' surrendered, Although Midway U Stt mUes from the Jail the patrol wagon was senC out and Bates wa landed in Jail. , ,J . SALEM IS" CLEANING UP. (Journal Special Berries.) SALEM, April If. Salem is cleaning house. As a .rssult of jhe agitation now going- on in thisjcltif to endeavor to maintain a. higher ' 'standard of dvio cleanliness and in yisw of an impending ordinance of the civic fathers to enforce ths measure on the people quite a boom has started : and" the merchants in the business portion of "the clfy are actively engaged In the renovatlog oV4a alleys in the roar of thelt premises, f Owners of property In one block have already start ed work end It is esoeoted that a reneral lirfaaitHniisjs Crusgde ttts aa'ittU: awing m a few-darys. fThe creation of a sent!- raent ' for the making of Salem a more sightly town has-been rapidly growing of late end there is little doubt that In thls summer tho city will be to a better condition from ' a sanitary standpoint than ever before. 'J '.- " ' " SHUT- Durslar Xaptured '-4 -ssisssMessaNw" ' "THE PERFECTION OF WAI1 PIASTEI, HARD, TOUGH, DURABLE, STAYS r THE ADAMANT COMPANY OFFICE, NO. 0 FIRST' ST.' N. s A'SAFEvPROPOSITION JkflNIATURE SAFES that are absolutely Indestructible. Neither - FIRE nor WATER can harm them in the least. Thev are in. . : dispensable to you who keep your valuables at home and at your office. .;;,, - SMALL SIZE .1., $10.00 SMALL SIZE, Cabinet Interior ;. $12.00 LARGE SIZE ,. $1900 LARGE SIZE, ncabinet Interior i. $2LM Rememser we jjnarantee them to be Fire and Water Proof. 4 ; THE J. K. GILL COMPANY Cor. Third and AMer Streets C X ' TTT 42 Years of Conservative Growth nm MM OF NEW Assets, $16,500,000. Oaims Paid, $37,000,000. ? ,- 'i .- : s V-..'.-" - Best life Insurance In the world. Operates 11,X,000 department In Oregon, and Washington. Write for particulars respecting our B per cent Gold Debentures, ' Pension Bonds, and Combination Bonds, - To BLAIR T. SCOTT, General Manager, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " Portland, Oregon "A Chinaman's Cue" We employ bo Chbamen to make 'Mongolian" whiskey, ut we do" make BHlUrd Tables and Bar Fixtures and 'j. we yo kaneflt of Manufacturer's prices.- V ; TWUNSWlCK-BALKE COLLENDER, CO. . Peace for Boers Not Yet in .Sight. (Scrlpps-McRae , News Association.) LONDON,, April J8. South- African peace negotiations , have been postpones for three, weeks.- , ' . ; The , announcement -'was made In the House of Commons this afternoon by the government leader, Balfour. He said thafOensrat-Mllner anraen- erel Kitchener had. had (wo conferences with, the Boer delegates, at .their, re quest.".'".1':. ,v , 1 ' :: General Kitchener, while refusing an armistice en military grounds, agreed to give facilities, for - an election and a meeting of the representatives of the va rious commands to consider the proposl- tlon.. . . ' . ' - The Boer leaders have left Pretoria for this purpose.;.. ., Balfour said It is not expected that ne gotiations will J be resumed for three weeks., 'riV''""'1: "' ' ':,'' (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) NEJV YORK, April 18. Georgia Cayvan, Mhe noted actress, who has been In a sanitarium for many months, Is reported dying todsy( .. llftli'5 " (Scrlpps-McRae News Association,), .M r AMSTERDAM, ' April H.-Th Queen passed a fairly quiet night, but the fever 1 continues. There Is still grave appre- 1 htnsion i to ths outcome of her, sick- : ness. Alt Holland awaits with breathless interest the announcement of her return to convalescence. ' . -f- TELEPHONE, MAIN Ti. A pn 1 m J A. YORK Gllli SPECIAL WOODARD, CLARKE & . CO. (j SPECIAL 3 Cents i Cents JAPANESE FLOWER JCenti Cents 3 Cents 3 Cents 3 Cents 3 Cents 3 Cents S E IJ0Q 3 Cents -I 8 Cents 3 Cents S Csnts 3 Cents f Cents it.. : -i - . 3 t .Cents 3 Cents 3 Cents 3 Cents 3 Cents Kcceiyea oy unentai hmr . $. M. Fresh fram the Gardens of under the ; supervision oPtheS MIKADO'S hi Celebrated Botanist. M. SATSURA 3 Cents Jpanee Aatei4; " ; f. M M ornfas dories " Ben nower jVv 5rV;; " SmaD ProUflc Coord w WiA'Raeiilgata V 7 wtrfaKaenlgata r ?' " Ctot Round CouN 3 Cents 3 Cents i- Cents 3 Csnts 3 Cents 8 Cents 8 Cents Woodard, FOURTH AND WASHINCTON STS. 3 Cents SPEClAprMl SPECIALl SPECIAL! J Assets $330,862,861.14 "STRONGEST IN . X. Bamuel. Manager. 30 Oregontaa Be 13 ding. Portland, .&V. WE WILL remove; v To our new stores, corner Sixth and Alder . - - v s naui sui s the 1 5 th as possible. M nffsiiiirei(iiBiimki4cliirli.iMvaii.liSk ? are worthy of prompt THE JOHN BARRETT 9! Fim &reBe No Rf ore Dread of NewMorK Dental : Parlors 4th and Morrisoi. svii7:'-- No Pain l m fh"' '41-asssasss Fun Set of Teeth 55.00 Teeth extracted And tilled absolutely without pain, but enr late sfieatlito Baethod applied to the sums. No sleep-produetng agents or eocalne. i These are the only. dental Tartore la . Portland having patanteol anees and Ingredients to -es tract, til and apply gold crowns sod por-- a crowns undeectshle .firoflk natural teeth, and warranted for Id rears. V out the least pals. t , '', it r , i t r i I E US ' ,-- 4- 1 " i,H p : .'1 Packaged . if V t gathered: V; f; "t 4 f It' 4 . r ' 1 m vawhtm' w r , Jspsneee KoQybock . . ' " bnp. Morn's Clorks m Pooony Montana ' - Round Ciant Coord Lens Qaat Coord . Palnuted Dibiraa -rCbbcaaMonlhat . Clarke &Co, ,1 -4 ' . -V Surplus $71,549,037.86 THE WORLD." 5i. a asuvi; , e soon euier v.j.i In the meantime we " investigation. ' if t V i . ; '-'t r I the Dental Chair Sts., Portland, Oro. r ' - No Gas f 4 if ; 4 t t 3 CTS. PKCJL JS, j ' t i f - it 1 - THIRD STREET. , 1.'' emm StV nd 0k- Si