BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, April 25, 1947 ini n n n n n n n n ir 11 j l ilililiul ; I,;-’"- - . / . o ■■■"' **OAD SAYS HIS BOSS MUST BE CLEAN - H E ' S ALWAYS SPONGING.'' As the weather grows warmer you will enjoy Arden Ice Cream Mr. and Mrs. H. C. M iller ju st returned from a tw o w eek w edding trip w hich to o k them through parts of Oregon, W ash ington and British Colum bia. T h e M illers drove to Seattle, w here they w ent by boat to V ic toria, B. C. to the E m p ress H o tel. They stayed there for three days, w hile they drove about V an couver Island. Then they w ent to th e V ancou ver H otel in Vancouver. B. C. for a 2 day stay. From V ancouver th ey drove through the W enatchee-C helan country w hich is now a t th e height of apple blossom season. Mr. M il ler w as very much Im pressed w ith the excellen t condition o f all the orchards in that vicinity. From there they drove to Spo kane w here they sp en t several days. Mrs. M iller (fo rm erly M ar garet Green) has been a librarian in Spokane for the past few years. «ŸKjj * T&38Ï* <3 PIC I ALT Y BEAVERTON PHARMACY ■n-" i— . 'in Drugs our Specialty is Prescriptions 3 Registered Pharmacists to Serve You "Yo ur Savings W ill be in C ash " ii A M other's D ay sa le w as plan ned at the aregular m eetin g of the H azeldale H appy H our club T h ursd ay evening. T he date w as se t for M ay 3 a t 7:30 p.m. in the H azeldale School. F an cy work and aprons w ill be sold. R efresh m en ts are to be serv ed buffet style. T he m em bers w ere Invited to a pot-luck dinner at the hom e of Mrs. Morton M iller for th e next m eeting. A fter the b u sin ess m eetin g, the hostess, Mrs. L. M arkell, served refresh m en ts to the ten m em bers and one visitor present. Electric Appliances • • • • • • 9 in i [Iaseldale Happy Hour Clul) Altar Society Notes The Prescription Store 51 Broadway by Don Grandy E velyn Marsh, H um m er editor, led her sta ff to first place at the P a cific U niversity second annual n orthw est journalist co n test last Friday, when sh e w on first place in editorial w riting. Held at F orest Grove, B eaverton high edged out 24 schools of tw o sta tes by secu rin g four honors, follow ed by W ashington high of P ortland w ith two. P resen ted by th e O regonian, E velyn w as given a b eau tifu l gold cup. P a cific has offered her an $800 scholarship in their school o f journalism for the junior and senior years. O nly double w inner am ong the 96 en tries w as J ea n n ette E dw ards w ho placed third in sp eech report in g and new s photography. D arlene Sayles, a ssista n t editor o f the H um m er, also secured a third in n ew s feature. The regular m onthly m eetin g of the W ashington C ounty F arm ers U nion w ill be held at the C ham ber of C om m erce in H illsboro, Sat urday. April 26th at e:00 p.m. L yle Thom as, S ta te L egislator and S ecreta ty o f the O regon State F arm ers U nion #wlll be th e guest speaker. H is subject, “H ow the R ecen t L eg isla tiv e S essio n E ffects the Oregon F arm er.” R eports of the A griculture sit uation in the county w ill be given and a general d iscu ssion of Far m ers Union participation in the referendum repealing H . B. 99 (th e Idaho Pow er B ill) and the d efeat of th e proposed S a les Tax T he A ltar S ociety held its 4th w ill he held. R efresh m en ts w ill be served a l m eetin g of the year W ednesday, April 23 at th e parrish rectory, ter adjournm ent. ¡Mm. L am berger presiding. T he date of our public dinner has been ch an ged to M ay 17th. The m enu w ill featu re baked ham instead of sp a g h etti, as originally stated. T h ank s is ex ten d ed to Mrs. L am berger w ho w as h o stess at a ON DISPLAY NOW May P arty held for the b en efit of the Altar Society. • Presteline Range Beaverton Pharmacy Phone 2311 Roasters Broilers Toasters Clocks I rons Steam Irons L u c k y Winner« RAINBOW ii-ii ii mi irirmi n-inr-innr SU B SC R IB E R A 1)8? ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION Why, they are those useful little cards you get w ith your subscription for fro«* classified ads in your newspaper. 7 5 0 T u ala tin H iw ay W est " Y " in Beaverton Phone 3071 On Sunday, April 20, a fte r the ood sa le in th e b a sem en t of the church, St. C ecilia’s Y oun g P eo p les’ Club had the d raw in g for he lucky num bers on the project started three w eek s previously. T he results w ere as follow s: Mr. C harles M cE lligott o f 7412 S. W. C anyon D rive w on first prize, two b eau tifu l hand em broidered pil low slips and a pair of sh eets; Mrs. E. L. K ropp w ho liv es w ith in the im m ediate d istan ce of the Portland G olf Course, received second prize, a g en u in e leather pigskin tra v elin g kit, Tony K issel o f O sw ego b ecam e the w in ner of the third prize ,tw o lovely pillow s w ith pillow tops. Chet Bakken’s CONTAINERS BEAVERTON PERSONALS Incorporation Defeated 77 to 56 |B H S Journalist« First in Contest; Marsh Wins Cup have Farmer« Union Meets Tomorrow for lunch and dinner. Sold in Pints, Q uarts or Gollons ' Miller« Return From Trip nuemosopms The election on w hether or not the R a leig h district would incor porate Into the city of R aleigh w a s d efeated by a vote of 77 to 56 a t th e election held la st S a t urday, April 19. T h ree petitions bearing m ore th an 60 nam es and representing w ell over the 20 per cen t of the local v oters had been received by the W ashington County Court a sk in g th a t th is question be put to a vote. E arl 8. B riggs headed the group favorin g incorporation. PA ST NOBLE G R A N D S HONORED At the regular meeting of the R ebekah Lodge th e Past N oble G rands w ere honored gu ests. E ach P. N. G. w as presented w ith a b eau tifu l corsage. A play “A L ight E re W e P a s s ” and a son g su ng to the tune of the "Old O aken B u ck et” w as very good. A tribute to th e P.N .G .’s. T here w ere tw en ty one P ast Noble Grands present. A fter the lodge w as closed d eliciou s re freshm en ts were served. • . • SOCIAL CLUB. T he R ebekah N eedle and Social Club w ill m eet at the John R and hom e on A lex ander St. at A loha. M ay 2nd. Pot luck lunch at noon. All are w el com e. • a a V ISITS. Lou Tullock, an old tim e resid en t of B eaverton v isited w ith friend s last Sunday. H is hom e at W aldport recently burned. • • • SIL V E R TE A . T he S ilver T ea at the M asonic H om e on Sunday w as ¡a lovely affair. T he flow ers w ere gorgeous and m any Grand and P a st Grand o fficers w ere present. Mrs. D ora Stipe, P a st Grand Ma tron. w as in th e receiv in g line. • • • MUCH IM PR O V E D . Mrs. Antro- bus, w h o has been quite ill w ith the flu is m uch im proved and able to be up. • • • W E E K E N I) V ISITO R . D ick ey M iller of O regon C ity w as v isit HOSTESS. Mrs. R obert Merx en i n g h is folk over th e w eek end. tertained the in term ed iates o f the • • • M ethodist Sunday School in the N a tio n a l Baby W eek is April 26 to M ay 3rd. D uring this tim e A T T E N D T H E A T R E . A num ber chusch basem ent on F riday eve- w e pay tribute to the k in gs and from B eaverton atten d ed the P a s ' ning. All reported an even in g w ell spent. queen s of th e nursery. sion P la y in P ortlan d Sunday. • • • Babies^ are w onderful! A sk a n y one w ho has one. E ven though I A T T E N D C A R N IV A L. T he Jay National Baby Week is they tak e a lot of care and have G ibsons Sr., S tra ley s and Mrs. a little world of equipm ent, food C arrie Leonard a ttend ed th e d in April 26 - May 3 and play th in gs entirely their own n e r and carnival a t the C annery in th a t cau se us a lot of trouble and | Garden H om e Saturday evening. But . . . ♦ * • expense, th ey are w ell w orth it. • Remember M other, Too. W e w ouldn ’t trade ours for any ( 11 E l. RIO C L l II. T he Cheerio other baby in the world. She played on important 9 lub m et at L am b erts la st F riday and a nice luncheon w as served part in this celebration! Mrs. P earl N ew m an w as a sub. • • • Remember HER with ¡A T T E N D FUNERAL. Mr. and ! Mrs. D on M cD onald accom pan ied by Mr. and Mrs. A1 Sm ith of from On April 17 the Busy B ees S ew D ong Beach, W ash., w en t to Yre- in g Club held a m eeting at the ka, Cal. early T u esday m orn ing to hom e of m em ber, E laine H ansen. a ttend th e funeral o f a brother, Mrs. H ighbe, Club Leader, gave E arl O leson, w ho w as injured on a d em onstration on plackets w hich S atu rd ay in an auto a ccid en t and passed a w ay Sunday. E arl w as proved u seful to the girls. S ch olarsh ip blanks for a tte n Mrs. M cD onald’s yo u n g est brother. In Walker's Dept. Store * • * d ance at sum m er school were d is Phone orders to Beaverton 3461 cussed. V ISIT IN G P A R E N T S. Mrs. Pran- or Scholls 8 3 2 2 P la n s are being made for a k o ff recently from the Orient, M other’s T ea to be held in May. d augh ter o f Mr. and Mrs. H. C. T he m eetin g over, the girls en M iller, Is v isitin g them . * • • joyed th e refreshm ents served w hich con sisted of w ieners, soda V ISIT IN F O R E ST G R O V E. Mr. pop and ice cream . and Mrs. H. C. Miller, Mrs. Pran- N ex t m eetin g will be held on k o ff a siste r and D ick ey M iller of O regon C ity visited a son of Mr Thursday, May 8. R eporter, A nita P ienovi and M is. H. C. M iller in F orest Suits, Sport W ear G rove Sunday. National Baby W k. April 26 to May 3 Busy Bees Enjoy Meeting Doll House Flower Shop Tailored to M easure W hite. S O 98 V ariety of Fancy BABY BONNETS W hite Dotted Swiss trimmed lace and eyelet in $ <| .49 W hite Nylon trimmed in Satin Ribbon $1 .59 Red Checked Gingham $ 4 .4 9 SHOE REPAIRING Material CHAMBERLIN'S in lawn and dimity, smocked in Blue and Pink 1 .70 HIGH CHAIR PADS W aterproof. V ariety of colors and Patterns SHIRTS A lterations Highest Q uality B eaverton high again m ade an ex cep tion al track sh ow ing T u es day. April 22 w hen they d efeated the v isitin g N ew berg T igers 92-30. T he B ea v ers took 11 out o f 14 fir st and scored heavily in every event. H igh point m an for the day, Joe G ervais, brought 1 1 points to Bea verton by w in n in g the 100 and 200 yard d ashes. He also won in the 880 yard delay. DAINTY DRESSES $4 98 Broadcloth and Gabardine Beaverton Trounce Newherff at Track p B. T. WALTON Visit Our Complete Baby Department Saturday Afternoon in WALKER'S DEPARTMENT STORE “The Complete Shopping Center * Notices I Meeting Me A M E R IC A N LEG IO N and A U X IL IA R Y Beaverton Post No. 124 R E G U L A R M E E T IN G 1st and 3rd W ednesday each month at 8 :1 5 p. m. Temporary M eeting Place I. O. O. F. H A L L , B E A V ER T O N KEITH D E N N E Y — R A Y G U N T H E R Post Com m ander A djutant PRICE REDUCTION! PH O N E B E A V ER T O N 3461 Geo. C. Ludwig HOME FREEZER SPECIALS New New Parent Teachers Association Regular M onthly Meeting 4th Tuesday of Each Month at 8 p. m. 19 46 Model 5 cu. ft Deepfreeze. W a s $2 1 4 1946 Model 9.7 cu. ft Deepfreeze. W as $ 4 4 5 A LSO 4 cu ft. General Electric Freezers. 8 cu. ft. General Electric Freezers. 6 .6 cu. ft. Gibson Upright Freezers Choose your Freezer for Im m ediate Delivery Huildinfi N O W $ 1 7 9 .9 5 N O W $ 3 5 0 .0 0 - Repairing Cement Work $ 1 9 9 .7 5 $ 2 9 9 .7 5 $ 3 4 8 .0 0 (T E R M S ) Free Estimates Phone Beaverton 2377 DOUGHTY'S Canyon Rood ot Ellis Days — Beaverton 3 7 9 9 Rte 3, Box 3 8 8 Beaverton N ight -- TR 8 0 3 9 For Results Try Our Classified Ads =ni=lll=IIIEM I=IM =lll=lll=lll=lll=H I=lll=IIIEIII=lll=IIISni=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=IIIEIII FROZEN FOODS Sealright Round Paper llm m m m m ! You need excite ment! The best place for that is OetjfS TO 98c 89c PINTS— 2 Dozen QUARTS— 1 Dozen FEED <-TRA EGG PRODUCER A good flock, good m anagem ent and good feed m ean m ore egg profits. Cull out your "b oard ers” and put your go o d la y ers on T ria n g le X -tra E g g P roducer — i t ’s scien tifica lly built for m a x i mum egg p roduction. KINGSLEY BIAVIRT0NIUMBIR Co. P H Ó N E B E A V E R T O N 3201 , S o ld lo c a tlv b v .. Just What the Doctor Ordered! FINDLEY M ILLING CO. 3— S. W. Farmington Beaverton, Ore. The supply of containers for Home Processors of Fruits W e suggest you a n tici pate your needs ond buy these cans now W hatever the doctor prescribes for your child, we can supply it to From where I sit... Joe Marsh you. W e feature all essentials for babies — from medicines to v ita mins to baby foods. T h a t's why doctors recommend us as the ideol Babv Center. W e feature quolity and purity. Our stock " A s H om elike is limited Ml A s a B a rn " MILLER'S FOR BETTER FOODS WE DELIVER Safe, Permanent, Low-Cost Buildings Huilt of steel—proof against sagging, warping, rotting and t e r m it e s , S t r a n - S t e e l ••Q uonsets” are easy to erect and low in cost. Wall and collateral materials nail directly to steel framing be cause of patented nailing groove. Built to any lengths desired, with or without win dows, doors, etc. Now used for dozens of purposes. Call or write for full details. TRIANGLE at a lumber yard. I am j!oiii£ to |;et all my Biiildin«! Material at Cans Phones Portland BR 7960 Beaverton 3661 W ide Satin Binding, Sculptured designs. Colors Pink, Blue ond Flowers for and Vegetables is very limited BABY ESMOND BLANKETS W e feature a complete line of Cy Hartman finally got his new barn painted, hut plenty of folks had a hand in it. W henever som e one got a free day. or a little extra time, they’d ctinte over and help out with paint and brush. hanging from the rafters: m ake shift tables spread heavy with food: and Kd Carey's fiddle play ing while the folks enjoyed their beer—Cy's barn was sure a mighty hospitable-looking plaec! And Cy, to show his apprecia tion, held a big “barn warming’’ Saturday—for all the folks who’d helped him <but not barring those who couldn’t). M r Hartman sup plied sandwiches, and Cy rolled out a mellow keg of beer. You’d never think of a barn as “homelike." l<ut with those lantern« From where I sit, it’s just about as appropriate to have a barn warming as a housewarming . . . if only because it’s another chance to get neighbors together in a spirit of good fellowship. Ottxu/i DEE S BABY GIFTS and POPULAR LITTLE HELPERS i T i Laundry Bogs Catchy Bibs Pinaforettes I in I M M E D I A T E Crystal Klothes Line 3urosoft Panties H Blessed Event Scrap Book W E F E A T U R E T H E BEST OF E V E R Y T H IN G FOR BA BY I Ml DEAN'S DRUG STORE W e gibe S & H Green Stomps DELIVERY s GET THE FACTS TO DA Y! iTi Titan Metal Products, a N orth west concern, have designers and e n g in e e r s w h o wi l l he happy to show you how "Quon- sets” can he adapted to your specific needs . . W IT H O U T OBLIGATION! « Approved tor Title t PH A Loans = litan M et a l Products Corp. Double on Prescriptions Phone 3774 1824 N. W Vaughn St., AT 1839 Portland 9. O regon P H O N F , w R ITT O R W IR T TODAY? illslM=Ml=IM£M)=IIISM|WMI=HI=msMI=MI=MI=MI=MI=HI=m=MI=IM=MISm=IM=lll=;i|S||