BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, April 25, 1947 ini n n n n n n n n ir 11 j l ilililiul ; I,;-’"- - . / . o ■■■"' **OAD SAYS HIS BOSS MUST BE CLEAN - H E ' S ALWAYS SPONGING.'' As the weather grows warmer you will enjoy Arden Ice Cream Mr. and Mrs. H. C. M iller ju st returned from a tw o w eek w edding trip w hich to o k them through parts of Oregon, W ash ­ ington and British Colum bia. T h e M illers drove to Seattle, w here they w ent by boat to V ic­ toria, B. C. to the E m p ress H o­ tel. They stayed there for three days, w hile they drove about V an­ couver Island. Then they w ent to th e V ancou­ ver H otel in Vancouver. B. C. for a 2 day stay. From V ancouver th ey drove through the W enatchee-C helan country w hich is now a t th e height of apple blossom season. Mr. M il­ ler w as very much Im pressed w ith the excellen t condition o f all the orchards in that vicinity. From there they drove to Spo­ kane w here they sp en t several days. Mrs. M iller (fo rm erly M ar­ garet Green) has been a librarian in Spokane for the past few years. «ŸKjj * T&38Ï* <3 PIC I ALT Y BEAVERTON PHARMACY ■n-" i— . 'in Drugs our Specialty is Prescriptions 3 Registered Pharmacists to Serve You "Yo ur Savings W ill be in C ash " ii A M other's D ay sa le w as plan­ ned at the aregular m eetin g of the H azeldale H appy H our club T h ursd ay evening. T he date w as se t for M ay 3 a t 7:30 p.m. in the H azeldale School. F an cy work and aprons w ill be sold. R efresh m en ts are to be serv ­ ed buffet style. T he m em bers w ere Invited to a pot-luck dinner at the hom e of Mrs. Morton M iller for th e next m eeting. A fter the b u sin ess m eetin g, the hostess, Mrs. L. M arkell, served refresh m en ts to the ten m em bers and one visitor present. Electric Appliances • • • • • • 9 in i [Iaseldale Happy Hour Clul) Altar Society Notes The Prescription Store 51 Broadway by Don Grandy E velyn Marsh, H um m er editor, led her sta ff to first place at the P a cific U niversity second annual n orthw est journalist co n test last Friday, when sh e w on first place in editorial w riting. Held at F orest Grove, B eaverton high edged out 24 schools of tw o sta tes by secu rin g four honors, follow ed by W ashington high of P ortland w ith two. P resen ted by th e O regonian, E velyn w as given a b eau tifu l gold cup. P a cific has offered her an $800 scholarship in their school o f journalism for the junior and senior years. O nly double w inner am ong the 96 en tries w as J ea n n ette E dw ards w ho placed third in sp eech report­ in g and new s photography. D arlene Sayles, a ssista n t editor o f the H um m er, also secured a third in n ew s feature. The regular m onthly m eetin g of the W ashington C ounty F arm ers U nion w ill be held at the C ham ­ ber of C om m erce in H illsboro, Sat­ urday. April 26th at e:00 p.m. L yle Thom as, S ta te L egislator and S ecreta ty o f the O regon State F arm ers U nion #wlll be th e guest speaker. H is subject, “H ow the R ecen t L eg isla tiv e S essio n E ffects the Oregon F arm er.” R eports of the A griculture sit­ uation in the county w ill be given and a general d iscu ssion of Far­ m ers Union participation in the referendum repealing H . B. 99 (th e Idaho Pow er B ill) and the d efeat of th e proposed S a les Tax T he A ltar S ociety held its 4th w ill he held. R efresh m en ts w ill be served a l­ m eetin g of the year W ednesday, April 23 at th e parrish rectory, ter adjournm ent. ¡Mm. L am berger presiding. T he date of our public dinner has been ch an ged to M ay 17th. The m enu w ill featu re baked ham instead of sp a g h etti, as originally stated. T h ank s is ex ten d ed to Mrs. L am berger w ho w as h o stess at a ON DISPLAY NOW May P arty held for the b en efit of the Altar Society. • Presteline Range Beaverton Pharmacy Phone 2311 Roasters Broilers Toasters Clocks I rons Steam Irons L u c k y Winner« RAINBOW ii-ii ii mi irirmi n-inr-innr SU B SC R IB E R A 1)8? ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION Why, they are those useful little cards you get w ith your subscription for fro«* classified ads in your newspaper. 7 5 0 T u ala tin H iw ay W est " Y " in Beaverton Phone 3071 On Sunday, April 20, a fte r the ood sa le in th e b a sem en t of the church, St. C ecilia’s Y oun g P eo­ p les’ Club had the d raw in g for he lucky num bers on the project started three w eek s previously. T he results w ere as follow s: Mr. C harles M cE lligott o f 7412 S. W. C anyon D rive w on first prize, two b eau tifu l hand em broidered pil­ low slips and a pair of sh eets; Mrs. E. L. K ropp w ho liv es w ith ­ in the im m ediate d istan ce of the Portland G olf Course, received second prize, a g en u in e leather pigskin tra v elin g kit, Tony K issel o f O sw ego b ecam e the w in ner of the third prize ,tw o lovely pillow s w ith pillow tops. Chet Bakken’s CONTAINERS BEAVERTON PERSONALS Incorporation Defeated 77 to 56 |B H S Journalist« First in Contest; Marsh Wins Cup have Farmer« Union Meets Tomorrow for lunch and dinner. Sold in Pints, Q uarts or Gollons ' Miller« Return From Trip nuemosopms The election on w hether or not the R a leig h district would incor­ porate Into the city of R aleigh w a s d efeated by a vote of 77 to 56 a t th e election held la st S a t­ urday, April 19. T h ree petitions bearing m ore th an 60 nam es and representing w ell over the 20 per cen t of the local v oters had been received by the W ashington County Court a sk ­ in g th a t th is question be put to a vote. E arl 8. B riggs headed the group favorin g incorporation. PA ST NOBLE G R A N D S HONORED At the regular meeting of the R ebekah Lodge th e Past N oble G rands w ere honored gu ests. E ach P. N. G. w as presented w ith a b eau tifu l corsage. A play “A L ight E re W e P a s s ” and a son g su ng to the tune of the "Old O aken B u ck et” w as very good. A tribute to th e P.N .G .’s. T here w ere tw en ty one P ast Noble Grands present. A fter the lodge w as closed d eliciou s re­ freshm en ts were served. • . • SOCIAL CLUB. T he R ebekah N eedle and Social Club w ill m eet at the John R and hom e on A lex­ ander St. at A loha. M ay 2nd. Pot luck lunch at noon. All are w el­ com e. • a a V ISITS. Lou Tullock, an old tim e resid en t of B eaverton v isited w ith friend s last Sunday. H is hom e at W aldport recently burned. • • • SIL V E R TE A . T he S ilver T ea at the M asonic H om e on Sunday w as ¡a lovely affair. T he flow ers w ere gorgeous and m any Grand and P a st Grand o fficers w ere present. Mrs. D ora Stipe, P a st Grand Ma­ tron. w as in th e receiv in g line. • • • MUCH IM PR O V E D . Mrs. Antro- bus, w h o has been quite ill w ith the flu is m uch im proved and able to be up. • • • W E E K E N I) V ISITO R . D ick ey M iller of O regon C ity w as v isit­ HOSTESS. Mrs. R obert Merx en ­ i n g h is folk over th e w eek end. tertained the in term ed iates o f the • • • M ethodist Sunday School in the N a tio n a l Baby W eek is April 26 to M ay 3rd. D uring this tim e A T T E N D T H E A T R E . A num ber chusch basem ent on F riday eve- w e pay tribute to the k in gs and from B eaverton atten d ed the P a s­ ' ning. All reported an even in g w ell spent. queen s of th e nursery. sion P la y in P ortlan d Sunday. • • • Babies^ are w onderful! A sk a n y ­ one w ho has one. E ven though I A T T E N D C A R N IV A L. T he Jay National Baby Week is they tak e a lot of care and have G ibsons Sr., S tra ley s and Mrs. a little world of equipm ent, food C arrie Leonard a ttend ed th e d in ­ April 26 - May 3 and play th in gs entirely their own n e r and carnival a t the C annery in th a t cau se us a lot of trouble and | Garden H om e Saturday evening. But . . . ♦ * • expense, th ey are w ell w orth it. • Remember M other, Too. W e w ouldn ’t trade ours for any ( 11 E l. RIO C L l II. T he Cheerio other baby in the world. She played on important 9 lub m et at L am b erts la st F riday and a nice luncheon w as served part in this celebration! Mrs. P earl N ew m an w as a sub. • • • Remember HER with ¡A T T E N D FUNERAL. Mr. and ! Mrs. D on M cD onald accom pan ­ ied by Mr. and Mrs. A1 Sm ith of from On April 17 the Busy B ees S ew ­ D ong Beach, W ash., w en t to Yre- in g Club held a m eeting at the ka, Cal. early T u esday m orn ing to hom e of m em ber, E laine H ansen. a ttend th e funeral o f a brother, Mrs. H ighbe, Club Leader, gave E arl O leson, w ho w as injured on a d em onstration on plackets w hich S atu rd ay in an auto a ccid en t and passed a w ay Sunday. E arl w as proved u seful to the girls. S ch olarsh ip blanks for a tte n ­ Mrs. M cD onald’s yo u n g est brother. In Walker's Dept. Store * • * d ance at sum m er school were d is­ Phone orders to Beaverton 3461 cussed. V ISIT IN G P A R E N T S. Mrs. Pran- or Scholls 8 3 2 2 P la n s are being made for a k o ff recently from the Orient, M other’s T ea to be held in May. d augh ter o f Mr. and Mrs. H. C. T he m eetin g over, the girls en ­ M iller, Is v isitin g them . * • • joyed th e refreshm ents served w hich con sisted of w ieners, soda V ISIT IN F O R E ST G R O V E. Mr. pop and ice cream . and Mrs. H. C. Miller, Mrs. Pran- N ex t m eetin g will be held on k o ff a siste r and D ick ey M iller of O regon C ity visited a son of Mr Thursday, May 8. R eporter, A nita P ienovi and M is. H. C. M iller in F orest Suits, Sport W ear G rove Sunday. National Baby W k. April 26 to May 3 Busy Bees Enjoy Meeting Doll House Flower Shop Tailored to M easure W hite. S O 98 V ariety of Fancy BABY BONNETS W hite Dotted Swiss trimmed lace and eyelet in $ <| .49 W hite Nylon trimmed in Satin Ribbon $1 .59 Red Checked Gingham $ 4 .4 9 SHOE REPAIRING Material CHAMBERLIN'S in lawn and dimity, smocked in Blue and Pink 1 .70 HIGH CHAIR PADS W aterproof. V ariety of colors and Patterns SHIRTS A lterations Highest Q uality B eaverton high again m ade an ex cep tion al track sh ow ing T u es­ day. April 22 w hen they d efeated the v isitin g N ew berg T igers 92-30. T he B ea v ers took 11 out o f 14 fir st and scored heavily in every event. H igh point m an for the day, Joe G ervais, brought 1 1 points to Bea verton by w in n in g the 100 and 200 yard d ashes. He also won in the 880 yard delay. DAINTY DRESSES $4 98 Broadcloth and Gabardine Beaverton Trounce Newherff at Track p B. T. WALTON Visit Our Complete Baby Department Saturday Afternoon in WALKER'S DEPARTMENT STORE “The Complete Shopping Center * Notices I Meeting Me A M E R IC A N LEG IO N and A U X IL IA R Y Beaverton Post No. 124 R E G U L A R M E E T IN G 1st and 3rd W ednesday each month at 8 :1 5 p. m. Temporary M eeting Place I. O. O. F. H A L L , B E A V ER T O N KEITH D E N N E Y — R A Y G U N T H E R Post Com m ander A djutant PRICE REDUCTION! PH O N E B E A V ER T O N 3461 Geo. C. Ludwig HOME FREEZER SPECIALS New New Parent Teachers Association Regular M onthly Meeting 4th Tuesday of Each Month at 8 p. m. 19 46 Model 5 cu. ft Deepfreeze. W a s $2 1 4 1946 Model 9.7 cu. ft Deepfreeze. W as $ 4 4 5 A LSO 4 cu ft. General Electric Freezers. 8 cu. ft. General Electric Freezers. 6 .6 cu. ft. Gibson Upright Freezers Choose your Freezer for Im m ediate Delivery Huildinfi N O W $ 1 7 9 .9 5 N O W $ 3 5 0 .0 0 - Repairing Cement Work $ 1 9 9 .7 5 $ 2 9 9 .7 5 $ 3 4 8 .0 0 (T E R M S ) Free Estimates Phone Beaverton 2377 DOUGHTY'S Canyon Rood ot Ellis Days — Beaverton 3 7 9 9 Rte 3, Box 3 8 8 Beaverton N ight -- TR 8 0 3 9 For Results Try Our Classified Ads =ni=lll=IIIEM I=IM =lll=lll=lll=lll=H I=lll=IIIEIII=lll=IIISni=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=IIIEIII FROZEN FOODS Sealright Round Paper llm m m m m ! You need excite­ ment! The best place for that is OetjfS TO 98c 89c PINTS— 2 Dozen QUARTS— 1 Dozen FEED <-TRA EGG PRODUCER A good flock, good m anagem ent and good feed m ean m ore egg profits. Cull out your "b oard ers” and put your go o d la y ers on T ria n g le X -tra E g g P roducer — i t ’s scien tifica lly built for m a x i­ mum egg p roduction. KINGSLEY BIAVIRT0NIUMBIR Co. P H Ó N E B E A V E R T O N 3201 , S o ld lo c a tlv b v .. Just What the Doctor Ordered! FINDLEY M ILLING CO. 3— S. W. Farmington Beaverton, Ore. The supply of containers for Home Processors of Fruits W e suggest you a n tici­ pate your needs ond buy these cans now W hatever the doctor prescribes for your child, we can supply it to From where I sit... Joe Marsh you. W e feature all essentials for babies — from medicines to v ita ­ mins to baby foods. T h a t's why doctors recommend us as the ideol Babv Center. W e feature quolity and purity. Our stock " A s H om elike is limited Ml A s a B a rn " MILLER'S FOR BETTER FOODS WE DELIVER Safe, Permanent, Low-Cost Buildings Huilt of steel—proof against sagging, warping, rotting and t e r m it e s , S t r a n - S t e e l ••Q uonsets” are easy to erect and low in cost. Wall and collateral materials nail directly to steel framing be­ cause of patented nailing groove. Built to any lengths desired, with or without win­ dows, doors, etc. Now used for dozens of purposes. Call or write for full details. TRIANGLE at a lumber yard. I am j!oiii£ to |;et all my Biiildin«! Material at Cans Phones Portland BR 7960 Beaverton 3661 W ide Satin Binding, Sculptured designs. Colors Pink, Blue ond Flowers for and Vegetables is very limited BABY ESMOND BLANKETS W e feature a complete line of Cy Hartman finally got his new barn painted, hut plenty of folks had a hand in it. W henever som e­ one got a free day. or a little extra time, they’d ctinte over and help out with paint and brush. hanging from the rafters: m ake­ shift tables spread heavy with food: and Kd Carey's fiddle play­ ing while the folks enjoyed their beer—Cy's barn was sure a mighty hospitable-looking plaec! And Cy, to show his apprecia­ tion, held a big “barn warming’’ Saturday—for all the folks who’d helped him