Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1947)
N o te s By Card Party A card party will be given on M arch 22 at 8 00 p.nt. in the Bon ny Slope Com m unity Club House. R efresh m en ts and d a n cin g a f terw ards. • • « B oy Scout* T roop ‘¿til Scout T roop 281 won the plaque at the February Court o f H on or, this m aking them three co n secutive times. The piacque now belongs to the Troop. T he next Court of H onor is on M arch 20 at the T igard high school. n o t too clo se / • e • a • Proud Parent» Mr. and Mrs. N orm an Turner o f B onny Slope are the proud pai\ ents o f a daughter. T his is their first child Barnes PTA T he regular m eeting o f Barnes P. T. A. was held F riday March 14th, at 8:00 p.m. at the school house. Plans were made to take the fou r upper grades to Salem, M on day, March 17 to visit the legisla ture and oth er points o f interest at Salem. A fter the business m eeting en tertainm ent was furnished by Mr. F oster and Mr. Coburn o f the G ib son Cam era Store with a p rojec tor and sound m achine. m = lll= lll= lll= lll= IIIH III= lll= lll= lll= IU = lll= IU = lll= H I= lll= lll= l"= l"= l"= l" = l" = l" = l . l , , 1 m= T he m eeting adjourned and re m freshm ents w ere served. jjj Mrs. D. S. H endrickson P ublicity C hairm an jjj I W atch for the in ill OPENING m ID in 1 T 1 I iu VFW Open Meeting r OF YOUR B & T MARKET ID ID GESTRING'S FOOD BANK NO SOAP? A L IT T L E SO i Makes Loads o f C l d b ns in g BUBBLES m in S°ir I W A T I ER Rusty Water? For full information fill out Coupon and mail with one Pint (16 oz.) of water to Norco-Stewart Co., 426 N. E. Prescott, Portland 11, Oregon. NAME..................................................................................... ADDRESS................................................................................ Water Supply (Check one) City................ W ell................. Pond.................... Stream.................... Spring.................. Hard ................ Rusty................ Clear when drawn..............Highly colored.............. Turns brown on standing................ Other.................................................. Draw sample as close to source as possible BE YOUR CEDAR MILL SCHOOL NEWS By Louie B eovich T he seventh and eigth grades accom p an ied by Mrs. Ed,. i and Mrs. S trreve w en t to Salem on Tuesday. T hey heard a del ue o\ H. B. 207 and heard it passed, and in the Senate they al>o saw a bill passed. T h ey met Gov. Snell and S ecretary Farrell and w ere taken th rou gh the Capitol by a guide. In the afternoon they were taken through the peniten tiary. • • • Duane Sim shouser Is back in sch ool a fter three and one half m on th s’ absence due to a broken leg. * • E lizabeth and M ary Alison Ni- ch ol left C edar Mill School last w eek to return to their home in M innesota. • • • D on and M arilyn Miner entered C edar M ill S ch ool from Hie Ir vin gton sch ool in Portland Don is In the third grade and Marilyn in the first grade. • « a a R ecuperating Noah Leslie, w ho is recoverin g from an operation is d oin g nicely and is expected to leave the hos pital shortly. a • Visit P atent» Mr. and Mrs. R alph H u ff and fam ily visited at the hom e o f Mr. H u ff’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. H u ff Sunday, M arch 16. • • • Business T rip Mr. and Mrs. Paul N oble went to Seaside on business early this weeR. BROOKLYN BOOSTER - Brooklyn-born Bob M errill, Star of NBC's "RCA Vlotor Show,” h i* Joined other prominent and olvlc-minded Brooklynltaa In atart- Ing a new eymphony orcheatra for hlw home town. epougK for Us: Can't take chance* on do*» and germs getting ill. * . * «e* THE G E N T L E M A N The bottle is not merely covered. It’s SEALED with a sturdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, la/vper* proof. T h ere’s com plete, scientific protection for our milk after it leaves the dairy. Let one o f our routetneo ahow you what this protection means to you and your family. ( W j r s p J t P rut HOTPOINT 0 f latfin M m i i n Fnaztn ta » M e K irhrn p i fill *l FUÎ* feTWS n ® ClfWtl ►VSH ,k Store AIR CONDITIONING — APPLIANCES On Canyon Road East of Beaverton ® laàweNn 3 Z E N IT H RADIOS at M A SO N ’S in T igard. AC-DC P ortable sets in stock now. Terms if you like. ¡Com bination models also. 10 F O R SALK : 3 hi cords. 16 inch dry w ood. In shed 3 years. Phone B eaverton 3293. 8p ; E L E C T R IC , GAS or O IL h ot w a j ter heaters at M ASON’S in T igard. j Buy these on F H A term s. No F O R SALE: Champion m ower dow n paym ent required. Buy your good shape, $25.00. Axel Nordin, show er stall here the sam e way. 10 Rt. 1, Box 341, Allen and Neilson I R d. » W A T E R SYSTEM S, shallow o r deep well types. W e sell th e P A F O R S A L E : l o o W h i t e I ■ . ' >rns. 2 yr., $1.25; 50 New. Hanip. 1 yr., C IF IC line and have m ore than $2.00. All laying. One circulating 500 o f them in use in our area. w ood and coal heater. $10.00. M. This is ttie fam ous line o f pum ps O. E nglehart, Rt. 1, Aloha, G ml. that kept up its parts and repair north o f Aloha on Vista Ave. 8 service 100 per cent all du rin g the war SEE M ASON’S in TI F O R S A L E : Surplus lumber, ship- G A R D when you need an y kind lap, 2 x 4’s. P lyw ood and flooring. o f a pum p FHA T E R M S w ith as W est Slope L ocker Plant. 8p long as 3 years to pay. N o dow n paym ent required. 10 F O R SALK : M agic Chef gas range TRACTORS at M A used 4 months, new model. Price G A R D E N $100.00. 9656 S. W. Barbur Blvd. 8p SON 'S in Tigard. D on 't buy ju st any kind of tractor. Get the one F O R SA L E : 16 m.m. m oving pic that will do the best job fo r you. ture m achine, $8.00. Feather matt W e feature T IL L E X , a rotary ress, $5.00. Garden tools, $1 each. type. E A R T M A S T E R , with fo r Cute puppies, $2.00 each James w ard and reverse gears and a 10 Hahn. Rt. 2, Bor 345, Walnut Ave., inch plow. B OLEN 'S H U SK I c o m T igard. Phone 3486. g plete with all the tools that any acreage farm er can use. See these F O R SA L E Trnilei house cus in action at M ASON’S, then decide tom built. Com pletely furnished. w hich will do the m ost for you. Sleeps four, butane range, oil heat, T E R M S with as long as 15 m onths | lots o f room and cupboard space. to pay. 10 G ood tires, canopy included. See C. L. H ow ey. Beavertort Auto LIVE POULTRY BUYER C am p on Canyon Road Highway. 8p All kinds o f poultry. P rom p t p ick F O R S A L E : 30 gal. water tank up service. W ill w eigh and pay and coll, $12.50. T enor banjo, $15. cash at your place. W rite G uy G. Brass B oy Schut Bugle, $8.00 Forem an, Rt. 15, B ox 640, P ort 8tf 22 cal. rifle, $10.00. Tennis racket, land 16, or call T A b or 4394 . • CAR WASHING • WHEEL BALANCING • BODY AND FENDER REPAIR • LUBRICATION MUELLER BROS. FOR RENT SERVICE HOUSE F O R R E N T : Furnished. Also straw berry plants for sale. 280 S. E. T u ck er, Beaverton. 8p BR. 9669 8901 S. W. Canyon Rd. H A V E P A S T U R E near B eaverton for stock, som e fence repair neces sary, but w ater available all sum mer. W . I. H argis, 3006 N. E. 16th, P ortland. W E bster 3745. 9p • LOST and FOUND • Repair FO U N D : One cock er spaniel. Call evenings at 387 S. Hall St. 8p • WANTED • PANEL D E L IV E R Y TRU CK. W an ted: H ave '34 Ford Coupe in good con d ition to trade. L. J. Myers, R t. 2, B ox 87, Tigard. Ross Road. 8p ON • Washing Marh'nes R E F IN E D V E T E R A N , w ife and small son need place to rent. Phone H athaw ay House, B eaver ton 2219. g • Vacuum Cleaners W ANTED TO R E N T Veteran <ex-captain) and w ife wish apart m ent or duplex in Beaverton, W est Slope or M ultnom ah area. P erm anent residents. N o children or pets. ' R eferen ces If desired. Phone B Fla con 7791 day tim es or C H erry 3279 evenings. 9 • IS R I G H T ■ i . and w « ’re meeting h i. demands with D acro P ro tected M ilk . . . the safest package o f milk you can buy. The F O R S A L E : 7.25 cord 4’ old grow th slab; dry or part-dry range and furnace wood 12'' oi 16” . O & D FU E L CHerry 3790. 11 • W affle Irons Radios Leonard's & Ernest's RADIO ELECTRIC 109 Watson Street Phone 2621 Beaverton ii’Hl M h I hm I is I Church Pins Cost o f Parts Q\aueA. & Adze^unan i M ankind is not disposed to look narrow ly into the co n d u ct o f great victors when their v icto ry is on the side o f r ig h t .-G e o r g e Elliot. • • • He is happy w hose circu m sta n c es suit his tem per; flut he Is m ore excellent w ho can 'su it his tem per I to an y circu m stances.— Hume. DEALER F O R SA L E Baby play pen with IF YOU WANT com fortable pad, p ractically new ; baby bug warm th in you. home next w in gy and mattrebs, both for $10. ter order your C O L E M A N O IL P hone B eaverton 2464. 9 F L O O R F U R N A C E N O W . L im it ed num ber an iving regularly. NO F O R SA L E : One new wood ei>- DO W N P A Y M E N T R E Q U IR E D . cnla ing heater used 2 months, S35. As long as 36 month to pay. DUO- Cl 11 C H erry 1025 uftei 5:00 p.m. THERM O IL F U R N A C E S now on tlie sam e terms. Ft- 1 SA L E : Guernsey id « It- ,vy available m ilker. Freshen April 6. Als > 2 M ASON'S in T IG A R D . Tel. 2290. 10 unit milk m achine, very good con dition. B urbank seed potatoes. O. H ouse to barn telephone sets, J. Munden. Rt. 1, Box 370, Bend I ready to 1 Save tim e and Road. Tigard, Oregon Phone Ti lung power. Set these at M ASO N 'S gard 3376. 9p in Tigard. Only $14.95. 10 WOOD C U T TIN G W ant few cord s o f w ood cut on shares. I have tim ber near B eaverton. W, I. Hargis. 8006 N. E. 16th, P ort land, W E bster 3745 or leave name at E nterprise o ffice , Beaverton. 9p best protection r' • BUSINESS SERVICES F O R SALE —Coal and w ood p orce lain range with colls also 40 gal. hot water heater, reasonable. T. B. Parker, 4th house on Bany R oad, near C ooper Mt. School. Call evenings or Sunday. 8p milk d d p t a rti.N O T good i w FOR SALE F O R S A L E Cheap, one Estate w ood and coal heatroln like new, one white enamel garbage burner. Coal oil circulator, 2 living room light fixtures 561 S. E. Lom bard St., Beaverton, or phone B eaver ton 2444. gp babies in town. Ofdinory W e dem and the very BALANCE OF CLASSIFIED ON PAGE NINE $5.00. Ladies R id in g breeches and coat, black, size 18, $15.00. Mil dred Bachm an, Maple St., Metz ger. Ore. 8p I'm speaking fo r o||tlhe $ 2. 5 0 ® A m ong the m any Interesting highlights o f the trip, here are a few ; W e had a chance to sit in the govern or's ch air in his private o ffice and som e o f us had our pictures taken in his chair. W e were tuken to the gas ch am ber in the P enitentiary and had a chance to in spect the ch air in w hich the crim in als sit; we want across the W illam ette R iver on the Boones Kerry at the tow n o f W ilsonville; we stopped at a zoo, near Aurora and fed the animals. One m onkey o f particular inter est, named “ Joe'', picked tne p ock et o f his trainer. At this zoo they have two pair o f A lbino raccoons, which are very rare, and to have fou r in one small zoo Is alm ost unheard of. • • • Movie* Again T he whole school saw som e m o vies last week. There^ w as one about Hawaii, a bird and anim al picture .one o f W ashington, D. C., and a com edy entitled, “ Jack F rost." a ) onr Hoover I leaner Reconditioned sa » team H ig h lig h t* O f T r ip * PRESENTS A NEW SERVICE POLICY lav» Jo y Progress - Kinton HOOVER CLEANER HEATING Phone 2699 MARKET BASKET Monday, M arch 17, the upper ¡grades had a very pleasant trip I to the State C apitol. T hey were the guests o f R epresentative J. O. Johnson and Senator Paul L. Pat terson. Mrs. B. L. Tem pleton, Mr. B eck er and Mrs. D. S. H endrickson ; loaned their tim e and cars to take us. Mrs. R ay Glasner went along to help drive. E ach one o f the children re ceived a booklet about Oregon, tw o autographed cop ies o f the State Seal, one signed by G over nor Snell and the other signed by Secretary o f State Farrell, Hnd the alphabet in braille from the Blind School. W e visited the H ouse o f R epre sentatives and the Senate, the Blind and D eaf S ch ools; and the penitentiary. Many pictures were taken at the Capitol Building and at a small zoo that is near Aurora. All o f us ate our lunch on the Capitol lawn. • • • P eg g y , Jim m y and Benny Fain are new pupils, tran sferrin g here from W estp ort. P eg g y is in the seventh grade, Jim m y in the first and B enny in the third. • • • L ast w eek the G irl Scouts went to M cClay P ark and hiked through the low er part. • • • T he B row n ies surprised our co o k by polishing the cafeteria silver on W ed n esday after school. • * • A total o f $129.35 was contribut Plan Skiing P arty ed to ou r C afeteria Equipment Mrs. G eorge P ick ard entertain Fund. Mrs. U n d rw ood ’s room won ed tw enty m em bers o f the high first prize and Mrs. Greene’s school class o f C om m unity Valley room secon d prize. Church on W ednesday, M arch 12. * * * T he group m ade plans to drive Open H ouse was held on M arch to Mt. H ood fo r sk iing A pril 5th. 14, with a large num ber o f par • » • ents and friends present to see Blue Bird G roup the exhibits o f school w ork in Visit* M useum each room . P ie and c o ffe e were The M cK ay Blue B ird grou p vis served in the cafeteria with Mrs. ited the museum in P ortland on C over in charge. March 12th. There were fourteen • • • girls. T hey enjoyed the m useum Mrs. F loren ce W ithycom be, very much and all hoped to return o u r cou n ty supervisor, w as a vis to the w ork room soon to do clay itor at our sch ool on W ednesday. modeling, w ood ca rv in g or som e • • • cra ft or special interest to them. Ed Greene w h o is ch airm an of The play grou nd w as quite an the P.T.A. S afety C om m ittee has attraction. An ice cream treat was been instrum ental in secu rin g enjoyed on the w ay hom e. T hose som e road signs in the shape o f in charge o f the girls were Mrs. boys Which the eighth grad e boys Annie Vose, Mrs. L#. S trayer and put out in the middle o f the road Mrs. Scot H om ey. before sch ool and after. Since • • • th ey have been put out, the m otor Sunday Guest» ists have been slow ing down. Guests o f Mr. and M rs. R. Mun- der on Sunday, M arch 16th were Mr. and Mrs. M eekers, parents o f Mrs. Munder, Mr. F. N evkirch and Mr. H ardesty o f P ortland. • i m Visit In Spokane Mrs. V. M. Pilip spent several days in Spokane. W ash, with her daughter and son-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. H. Sandifir. « • Characteristics: - H a th a w a y , chic young actress w ho plays D ella M orse In NBC's ••Stella D allas,” forsook school teaching fo r a radio and stage career. She Is m a rrie d to song- w r ite r C h arles K en n y. Friday, March 21, 1947 The TUALATIN VALLEY M urphy THE BOSS MAKES i l ANNOUNCEMENT NORCO has a complete line of softeners, filters, iron removers, etc. NORCO water conditioners can solve your water problem. ■i I k l i b JL J b M J h J SWITCHES CAREERS • V .W. Post 8217 and the Ladies A uxiliary will have an open m eet ing A pril Jst at 8:00 p.m. in the B onny Slope C om m unity Club House. m E veryon e is invited at attend. m P ot luck lunch. AND ijj T he follow in g o ffice rs will be sw orn In on this date: C om m an der, W m . T a y lor; Sr. Cice Com., HI Carl V ester; Jr. V ice Com., T. T h o m p so n ;! Q uarterm aster, C. E. ID WEST SLOPE Club Road at Canyon Road m M cF arren ; Post A dvocate, Bob in ÎÏÎ P olette; Chaplain, John F itzger A. E. B artelsky; :III8 IIIS IIIS IIIS IIIS IIIS IIIS IIIS IIIS IIIS IIIS IIIS IIIS "IS "IS IIIS IIIS I"S "IS I"5 IM S I"S H IS III ald; Surgeon, ÎÏI: 3 yr. Trustee, H erb T ra ch sel; O. O. D., A. E. Bartelsky. Arlene Trip to Salem • S oft Ball P ractice V. F. W . Post 8247 will practice softball on W ednesday evenings and on Sunday aftern oon s at the C om m unity Club grounds. V eterans or not are urged to com e. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE BARNES SCHOOL BONNY SLOPE NEWS B r M A C K E N Z IE NEXT! %!SS B r u u the D ic r o Cap I« . genuine M a l, it m u x be rem oved the fira t tim e w ith an opener. A fte r that it m a r be ■napped back o n the b o ttle a t a ra -leal and rem oved again and again, a r m w ith o u t aa opener. ALPENROSE DAIR* *1 4 9 S .W . S H A T T U C K R O A D C H a rry 2 4 2 4 1 V i mi. Eost on Bertha Beaverton Hiwoy to Shottuck Rood 4th and Watson St. REV. EVERETT L. B O W E R S , Res. 1002 S. Watson St. P o r fo r Telephone: 3405 1 1 A M.— Campfire Girls and Bluebirds Our Guests 8 P M - —Methodist Service Congregational Union DR. SHERMAN L DIVINE, Speaker SPECIAL MUSIC