Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, March 21, 1947 WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER T h n t r r P a rty T h e W . W H au ser's of R id g e w ay D rive celebrated his St. P a t r i c k ’s D ay b irth d a y by g oing to d inn er and th e th e a tre th a t eve ning. • • • R e tu rn s F ro m S e a ttle Mrs. H. W esterling , who lives on Canyon Drive, ha s retu rned from S e a ttle where she spent som e time w ith Captain W e sterlin g before he sailed, via the N orm an E . Mack, for Yokohama. He is expected b a c k on th e f ir s t of May. D riving T o C aliforn ia A group o f girls who attend the University of Oregon, including B a r b a r a T h o rn , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W a lte r R. Thorn are driving to P a lo Alto, California to attend the wedding of a friend. Miss T h o rn will stop in S a n F r a n c is c o on th e way home to spend som e tim e with friends and sorority sisters. • • • E n te rta in s Mrs. C. W. Allen of Birchwood R oad en te rtain ed a group o f lad- | ies a t a card party last Wednes- day night. George Sez: Did your news announcer sound like he had a frog in his throot this morning? Maybe he has a good voice and it’s your radio that’s at foult. Cal| us For Expert Radio Repair » at Br. 2069 West Slope Radio and Appliance B rid g e Party- I n honor o f Mrs. A rthur Hal- m en’s birth day, a group of Mult nom ah Club R o a d neighbors, met last Sa tu rd a y night a t the Hoi- m e n ’s fo r a bridge party. H on ors w ere won by Mrs. J o h n Holeman, N orman Powne, Jo h n H olem an and Mrs. Charles Hun tings. Mr. Holm en was presented a g ift by th e group and everyone enjoyed a b irth day ca k e and ice cream. • • • KiH-uperatin Mrs. George H. B u tterfie ld is re covering nicely a t Good S a m a rita n Hospital w here she had an o p era tion last F riday . Piquant and Dashing Authorized Philco Dealer 8830 S. W. Canyon Drive (Formerly Hiller Bros. Real Estate office) W ill be your new hair style when you come to . . . HELEN’S BEAUTY SALON Canyon Road Appliance Co. S.W . Canyon Rd. Visit In Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. Ch arles F . H u n t e r left early last Sunday morning and drove to Pendleton, the for m er hom e of Mrs. Hunter, where they visited with friends. Th e H u n te rs returned late Sunday eve ning. » • • Attend Opera Am ong those who enjoyed the S a n Carlo Opera Company s pei- fo rm a n ce of '‘C a r m e n " Wednesday night were Mrs. Lloyd Ja c k s o n . Mrs. R a y C. Finch, Mrs. Charles F. H u n te r and Mrs. C. W. Al len. • • • T h e a tr e Goers Mr. and Mrs. W. A. B oork m a n saw "H e n ry V ” a t the Plaza T h e a tr e on Thu rsd a y night. . . . R oses I n Bloom H. B . Damerow of B en z P a r k Drive, assisted by his neighbor, Hardy O. Howard, began his rose gard en last Sa tu rd a y b ; - setting out tw enty-four rose bushes. • • « In sta lls New C h apter M a jo r General C la u J e A L ark in spent last week end in K la m a th F a l ls where as S t a t e Commandant of the Marine Corps League, he installed a new ch a p te r in that southern Oregon city. • • • Monday At T h e T h e a tr e Mr. and Mrs. Otis W. Anderson of Gabel L ane attended oMnday night's perfo rm ance of ‘‘A ccident ally Y o u rs " s ta rrin g B illie B u rk e at the M ayfair T h e atre . • • v Attend B a n q u e t R eve ren d and Mrs. H. A. Armi- ta g e attended an alum ni banquet of five colleges o f the United P res b y te ria n Church w hich was held a t Holiday House In Port, land. R ev. A rm ltag e acted as the to a s t m a s te r for th e banquet. BR 7988 Crushed Rock, Sand, Grovel Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt ORDER YOUR NEXT WINTER'S FUEL NOW Mony Other Electrical Items Large Selection of ORDERS TA KEN at 12 or 16 inch slab wood, 2 cord loads into Beoverton Toys of all Kinds West S lo p e Plum bing $ 12.00 SEE US Sert'ice Mixed Wood l cord inside l cord slob into Beaverton Kelvinator Fowler W ater Heaters RCA Victor Radios Speed Queen Washers LEACH & BECK Canyon Rd. at West Slope $14.50 Sawdust 2 Vi Unit loads Into Beaverton West S lop e PLUMBING SERVICE Cut Flowers Potted Plants From our own green Houses "Erni«" Leach * Daily Service to Portland ond Hillsboro Plum bing & Appliance» Beaverton Florists Phone BEocon 7542 8081 S. W . Canyon Rood “ BEaeon 7312 P hon e BE 4433 Plum bing — Better Homes'" S12.25 Carnation Fuel Company Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 318M Open till noon Saturdays On Lombard, just S. of Allen Phone 2965 R I C H A R D S Canyon Beauty Studio Com pore Rilling Machine Permanent $8.30 Canyon Rd at Ellis Phone TR inity 8039 A T 2893 In West Slope Barber Shop Appliances DOUGHTY'S Personal Attention Owned and Operated by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richards FURNITURE Aloha, Ore. Phone 6332 New— Motorola C ar Radio - Push Button Rosewood Upright, Decker and Sons Piano CANYON ROAD TRADING POST One mile East of Beaverton on Canyon Road Mid W e ek Se rv ice T h e re g u lar mid week prayer m e e tin g o f the V alley Community United P re s b y te ria n .church will be held on W edn esd ay evening. M a r ch 26 a t th e h o m e ' o f Mr. and Mrs. D ean W . R id ley of s. W B irchw ood R oad. Th e meeting tim e is 7:45 p.m. • • • Pot I.u ck Supper On S a tu r d a y evening March 29. the young people )f all the United P re s b y te ria n ch u rc h e s in Portland and the one in W e s t Slope will meet a t 6 o’clock at the First I t a l ian C h u rch in P ortland at I.aroh and H a rr is o n S t r e e t s for a pot luck supper. T h e supper will be followed by movies and an add ress. given by the Rev. Don W. McClure fro m the f a r south Sudan in A frica. * • • Visit Langus Mr. and Mrs. Thoma-* Leventia are s tay in g a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. J . L an g u s on S. W Nen- del road tem porarily. Mrs !>>ven- tls is the s is te r of Mrs. Langus. • • • Building House Mr. S c o t t Chandler, who has ju st re ce n tly com pleted an excel lent jo b of remodelling his home on S. W. Wilson Avenue, is now building a com plete house a d ja c e n t to it. • • • “B y Y ellow C andle L ig ht" Mr. E. W. M osher has set quite a pace for g ard e n e r s in this dist rict. He not only gets up early in th e mornin g, but was caught spading by la n te rn light not many nig hts ago. • • • H ostess at B u f f e t Supper Mr. and Mrs. K elton Peterson e n te rtain ed friend s at a buffet supper an d bridge Sunday eve ning. • • E n te r ta in Dr. and Mrs. RUlmeyer were g u e sts o f Mr. and Mis. J . Balias, new resid ents on S. W. Nendcl road, W e d n esd ay afternoon, March 19. T h e B a l i a s ’ also entertained a g roup o f frie n d s from Montana a t a picnic d inn er Sunday. • • • lx*aves for W y om ing R e v . L. P. P u tn a m left T h u r s day mornin g, M arch 15, for Salt L a k e C ity and L a ra m ie , Wyoming. He will be gone about 10 days. • • • Out o f Tow n Guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles Runes en te rtain ed Mr. and Mrs. W illiam B o y e rs of Portland , and Mr. and Mrs. P a u l R y a n s and Mr. and Mrs. H a r r y Gilm ore o f Roseburg a t th e ir home on S. W. McMillan Avenue, Sunday, March 9. • • • A rrives F r o m Los Angeles Mr. S a m Goldflnger arrived at the W A. T ise h n e r home from Los Angeles last F riday to stay In definitely. His son W a lla c e Alan and wife are also a t the hom e of her parents, and are doing fine. Mrs. T is e h n e r Is finding th a t be ing a grand m other has its busy mom ents. • • • Moved Miss E m ily Sayre, who has been with the N L IV r k s foi t W I four years, has moved Into P o r t land. • • • Vacations P a u l H. Taylor, newly appointed a th le tic m a n a g e r for Cub P a c k 517 o f Beaverton, spent th e last week a t the coast where he picked up a very healthy sunburn. • ’• • Moves Away Mr. and Mrs J u s tin R o w a n have moved fro m Wilson Avenue to Guilds i A k e Courts in P o rtlan d DR. H. A. PUTNAM Daveno and Swing Rocker Matching Sets Baby Boy Mr. and Mrs. R o b e r t G. Miller of 7906 S. W. Birchwood Road, are being c o n g ratu late d on the a r rival o f a new son Mark Robert, who w as born on M arch 7 at Wil cox M em orial H ospital Little M ark weighed seven pounds. 14 ounces and h a s an older sister, Lind a Ann. • • • Chiropractic Physician 30 years practice in PortlDnd 1 block So. of Canyon Road on Howett Road-West Slope Portland phone BEaeon 9637 Open eves, by appointment Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. WEST SLOPE Grocery and Market you gel MORE for your money here You get the BEST nierehuridice al ami earry prieen Oregon Mutual Policie* are NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay more thon the premium on the focc of the policy. Oregon Mutual mointaini more than threa timet the surplus required by Oreqon Insurance Laws. o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organized in 1894 W ALKER and NELSON. 52 Years of Relroblc Service Agents New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. to The Aloha Phones — Pharmacy Phone Aloha 6334 BE 0733 Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Plu« h BEE delivery ami eredit yen ire — ' "Every Form of Protection" A LO HA, ORE. BR 9998 S. W. Canyon Road iN e w A. F. Spaulding Uivil S r t i f f Examination B r o w n i e T r o u p A "Brownie G ro up" has been formed in B e a v e r to n under the leadership of Mrs. D oro thy Luts, and Mrs. Alice L o ck e . Seven girls are at present atte n d in g and hav ing a grand time. T h e group is anxious to in cre ase its m em b er ship and would welcom e any girls 7 or 8 y ears of age interested. T h e m eeting tim e is W ednesday 2 to 3 in the B e a v e r to n grade school c afe te ria . F a th e r Dies Mr. W H. B u rtis, fa th e r of M is. N. L. P eck , passed aw ay quietly a t his home tn Davis, California, early Monday morning. M arch 10, at the age o f 78. th e fu neral was held a t the Davis C om m unity Church, W ednesday, M a r ch 12, a t 2 p. m. Mrs. P e c k returned S a t urday night fro m h er stay in D a vis with her fa th e r and two of her sisteis, Mrs. W a lla c e Redm an, of Portland, and Mrs. R u ssell P e r ry, of Davis, with whom Mr. Hur- tls lived. • • • REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS 18 Years in West Slope We have BUYERS FOR HOMES Acreages, Farms W ritte n and practical demon s tra tio n e x am inations for Senior Clerk. S e n io r Typist Clerk S e n ior S te n o g ra p h er and Legal S te n o g r a p h e r in the city service will be held M arch 29 by the Municipal Civil Service. Interview appraisals will be scheduled later, also. An exam ination for Account Clerk in the City service will be held M arch 31, the Muncipal Civ il Se rv ice B o ard has announced. Applications must he filed by M a r ch 21. Application blanks are available a t R o o m D, Municipal Auditorium (e n tra n c e S W 3rd and Clay, tel ephone A T w a te r 6141 .ext. 348» be tw een 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays. T h e office Is closed on Saturdays. Canyon Rood ot West Slope BE 4433 Do Your Easter Shopping At Our Store for • • • • N EW P A T T E R IE S 24 Month Guarontee Home F ro m T rip Mr. J . Alfred Hnll re turned home Wednesday, M arch 19. from a month's business trip in W a s h in g ton, D. C. • • » Going To G re s e e ALIMI \ SUI'EK SE R V IC E SUNSET PRODUCTS Cl K C F It S T A N C E S C ircu m s ta n ce s do not shape men, bu» reveal th e m ,— L a m e n nais • -» * Nerve me with in cessan t a f f i r mations. Don't hark a g a in *! the bad. but ch a n t th e beau ties of the good E m erson. DEPOT CAFE C O M P LE TE ASSO RTM EN T] of EA STER CARDS We Giva S & H Green Stampi D. E . K u hlm an, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. K u h lm a n , has accepted a position in Athens, Greece, with T. W. A. a ir lines. Bunnies Egg Dyes Fancy Soaps Etc. BR. 5B 39 West Slope ! PHARMACY FOR TR U E | 8805 S. W. Canyon Road LO V ELIN FSS Beneath your Easter Bonnet Get Your Permanent FOR RENT NOW , at New Floor Polisher ond W axer by the hour or day 8907 S. W. Canyon Road WEST SLOPE BEAUTY SHOP 8717 Canyon Rd. BE 4433 Canyon Road Appliance Co. BEaeon 9492 C. A. ond M A6LE W A LLA C E We are pleased to meet our old friends and glad to make new ones • WEST SLOPE Aloha, Oregon SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning Phone Aloha 6214 W. Vineyard HARDWARE li— ' CORY COFFEE MAKERS Carlson Garage $ 6.95 COFFEE MAKERS, with stove Welding and Machine Shop $ 39.95 ELECTRIC ROASTERS Mochinery Built to Order GENERAL REPAIRING for Cars, Trucks and Troctors $ 42.95 SIMPLEX PORTABLE IRONER 'Pi re» Standard O il Produet« Phone 6301 $ 4.50 ............... Saturday Evening Special HEAVY DUTY GARDEN TROWELS • VALVE GRINDING • MOTOR TUNE UP • BRAKES • GAS and OIL All Lewis Stainless Steel Ware Prices Reduced Volley View RICHFIELD STATION Wc Give S & H Green Stamps 8703 S. W. Conyon Rd. BE. 6 9 2 6 We give S & H Green Stamps BE 3807 OPEN EVEN IN GS -- FR ID A Y & SA TU R D A Y LOOK FOR THE BIG SATURDAY SURPRISE in RED BANNERS WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD WEST SLOPE ACCORDION STUDIO DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION ACCORDIONS Rented - Bought • Sold Rt. 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or on Canyon & Howatt Road PHONE BRoadway 4702 9049 S. W. Canyon Road Portland 1 Phone BRoadway 6122 I x I Flooring. C . '.I . . . S . m .IHI per M I \ I I l in i lurk Floo ring Ampliali Shingle« Moll Hoofing Door«. Panel and (»la«« W indou« Shake« 9 * A and M Quality Market Lots of Parking Space EAST BEAVERTON JUNCTION AND CANYON ROAD (F orm erly B & T M arket)