Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1947)
PROGRESS i New Employment Noah Leslie will enter Good , Frank Kosmalski is disposing o Samaritan Hospital for an opera his dairy herd and will devote his full time to his new sawmill. tion this week. The speaker is Miss Leila An derson, a naUonal leader of reli gious education from the Nation al O ffice of Congregational churches. She comes fully qualif ied to present such a training ses Los Angrles Visitors Mrs. Scott Horney of Denny Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. sion and hopes to reach all in Road has been ill the past week. Munder are Mr. and Mrs. Tesser terested people of all churches and small daughter of Los Angel within this area. The afternoon session with Miss Flu Victim es. Anderson will be devoted to the Frank Fanno has been quite ill use of curriculum materials now with influenza. Dinner Guests used in Congregational Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. being Harry Eliander on Feb. 14 were church schools, for convenience, Mrs. Vose and Mrs. Walter of the workship sessions are sched uled by departments as follows: McKay school. 2:00-3:00. Kindergarten workers and mothers. K«‘ligi<»us Et I lieu tor T o I 3:00-4:00. Prim ary workers and mothers. I)« ‘nioiietrate H ere 4:00-5:00. Junior leaders. Instruction and demonstration 5.00-6:00. Youth leaders. in the use of visual and audio From 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. a aids will be given to ministers and pot luck fellowship dinner will be religious education leaders of this held for everyone within the area this Saturday evening at church and its church school. 8 p.nt. in the Bethel Congrega Following immediately will be Weeding Trowels tional Church. Laymen also will the evening demonstratioq on the find the demonstration interesting use of visual aid equipment. Spading Forks and informative. Miss Anderson is on a 22-day Hedge Clippers tour of Oregon during which time she is holding similar training ses Pruning Shears sions throughout the state , T o Undergo Operation Entertain Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Staats din ner guests on Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. William Tol bert of Maplewood. Mr. and Mrs Ponhum of Multnomah, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cline and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hjelseth of Metzger. I T ' S T IM E To Get Your Garden Tools WE HAVE . . . . • Rakes • Hoes • Spades • Shovels Pruning Saws • Trowels • Hand Grass Shears • And the smartest deal we've seen in years— A Special Sale! DOO - KLIP Grass Shears. You can trim those Back-Breaking Grass Edges standing up Limited We Carry . . . . Tim e O nly! -< • Trim Colors • Varnish • Stains • Pure Colors • Linoleum Paste • Flat Paint TU SSY Cleansing Creams $1.75 SI ZE. To Re-Juvenate Your Kitchen Just In! Pan ................ $1.40 4-qt. Sauce Pan $1.95 $3 SIZE NOW $1.05 all plus tax ■ 6-qt. Sauce Pan.. $2.40 Cake Pan .............. 5 .55 Pie Pan ................ $ .45 Tea Kettle $4.50 Percolator ............. $2.15 Five-in-one Combination ................................ Fish Jello Mold ...................................................... P IN K C LE AN S IN G CREAM- oo light and Huffy. Tfiorwgti cleansing action. E M U LS IF IE D “ C LE A N S IN G CREAM — extra rich in lanolin for dry skins. $2.50 $1.10 J. B IM LAY and SONS Hardware and Feed Aloha, Ore. S P The friendly Southern Pacific DEAN’S Drug Store "SAVE AS YOU SPEND" See your nearest S. P. Agent, or write J. A. Ormandy, GPA 622 Pacific Bldg., Portland 4, Ore. We give S & H Green Stamps Phone 6311 Double on Prescriptions Phone 3774 Know Your Realtor by This Sign IF Y O U P L A N T O B UY , S E L L O R Washington County Realty Board are eager to assist you with your Realty Problems EARL S. BRIGGS, CHerry 3727 Rf. 6, Box 1218, Portland 1 LESTER HUGHES 109M 29 S. M ain St., Forest Grove JOHN SCHRAMEL 264X W M . A M UIR, Salesman 5 First Ave N. W , Forest Grove W. S. BOWEN Sherwood H. W. CURRIN 1845 134 E M am , Hillsboro BYRON E. DAVIS ROLFE LE CRONE, Salesman Cornelius LELAND DEAL 2643 T M W ILLIA M S , Salesman 130 S. 2nd, Hillsboro CLARA B FRENCH BEocon 8255 F J W ARD, Salesman 8909 S W Canyon Lone, Portland GALAWAY & McGRAW 2211 117 S 3rd, Hillsboro DOT GRAY 2003 Rossi B Ido . Beaverton GRIFFITH & MEEKE PHILIP H LA VOIE, Salesman KARL W W IL D M A N , Solesman 131 S 2nd Ave , H dliboro JOHN H. HOLMES CHerry 1463 Rt 6, Box 1104 Portland 1 FRED O HOWLAND 2513 Rt 1 Box 147, Beaverton IDE l BRAUER 841 HEYE BRAUER, Salesman 316 E Main, H illsboro H. H. JEFFRIES 3981 O'NEILL & W ALTZ 87M 219 W. Pacific Ave., Forest Grove LOU WEATHERS 3995 109 S. Second St , Hillsboro FHURLOW WEED 520 Canyon Rd. ot W alker Rd., Beaverton Beaverton E. C. KEEHN 217R 218 N. M ain St., Forest Grove W. E KIDDER 3322 T igord WALTER H. KRAUSE Rt 5, Box 205, Portland I A Tw ofer 6854 Rt. 2, Box 423, Beaverton C. F. McCALLUM W E. McCLOSKEY 85 N AFFIIJ VI F M FM H FKS 2744 W Broodwoy, Beaverton J. J. McMAHON 3831 BRUCE V. M cM A H O N , Salesman 73 Broodway, Beaverton L. HAROLD MINIER C Herry 1401 P O Box 91, Garden Home J. W AYLAND OWEN BEocon 9135 7310 S W Canyon Rd , Portland 1 RUSSELL A PEYTON 6441 P O Box 5, Aloho WASHINGTON COUNTY AGENCIES Leonard's & Ernest's 109 Watson Street, Beaverton — Phone 2621 WM. W ENNIS 5545 N M Urdock 43 51 W ilb u r, Portlond, FIRST SECURITY BANK 3711 In v e stm e n t 2' 295 307 S 3rd, Hillsboro NEWS-TIMES PUBLISHING CO Forest Grove LEMMEL P PUTNAM 2517 2, Box 194, Beoverton TITLE & TRUST C. 333 136 5 2nd, H illsboro U S NATIONAL BANK 2251 Tiaard Branch, Tigard Rt 223 Co 220 Lumbermen's B'dg Poetlond BE 7131 Something you should know! 0 We now have the most modern up-to-date lubrication equipment in the Northwest. We Don’t Do A "Grease” Job DOG LIC EN SE NOTICE The license fees for licenseable dogs over the age of eight months and for such dogs owned or kept within the State of Oregon over 30 days for the year 1947 are: Male Dog $1.00 Female Dog $1.50 Spayed Female Dog $1.00 After March 1st, 1947, the lic ense fee is $1.00 more for failure to procure license for the dogs above stated. Also after March 1, 1947, the fee is $1.00 more for failure to procure licenses for licenseable dogs becoming over 8 months of nge after March 1, 1947, and for dogs over 8 months old, owned, or kept within the State o f Ore gon over 30 days after March 1, 1947. Licenses may be ordered by mail. State the name and address of the person to whom the license Is to be issued, and the sex of the dog. Fees are payable to W. A. Tup- per, County Clerk, Hillsboro, Ore gon. Published by order of the Coun ty Court of Washington County, Oregon. but ire will give yon a lubrication job unsurpassed W e «ill thorough!) lubricate all parts of your car. “ 44 44 cheek your battery and terminals “ “ “ 44 “ radiator and hoses 44 “ “ “ “ fan and belt 66 44 66 66 all your tires 44 clean all your windows 44 sweep and «lust out your car. We will positively serve you well with skilled men always ready to give SERVICE. May we convince you on your next lubrication job? We will coll for and deliver your car within a two-mile radius. 24-HOUR SERVICE Let iviii . worries be our responsibility. TH ANK S FO R S T O P P IN G 1 K ELLY MOTOR CO BEAVERTON, OREGON Phone 2701 THE BOSS MAKES AH AHN 011 HCEMEHT N O TICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 8 o’clock P.M., the 13th day of March, 1947, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the District School Board of Union High School District No. 10 Jt. Washington and Multnomah Cdrun- ties, at Beaverton Union High School Building, in the City of Beaverton, Oregon, for an issue of bonds of said district in the sum of Three Hundred Twenty- Five Thousand DoHars ($325,000.- 00), said bonds to be in denomina tions of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, dated April 1, 1947, and maturing serially in nu merical order at the rate of Twen ty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,- 000. 00) on the 1st day of April in each of the years 1949 to 1961 in clusive; provided however, that all bonds which mature after April 1, 1952, shall be subject to call and redemption on any interest paying date after April 1, 1952. said bonds to bear interest at the rate of not to exceed three per cent <3 per cent) per annum, pay able semiannually, principal and I interest payable at the fiscal ag ency of the State of Oregon in New York City, or at the office | of the County Treasurer of Wash ington County, Oregon, at the op tion of the successful bidder. All bids must be accompanied ■y a certified check for Five Thousand Dollars ‘ $5,000.00» and r m. must be unconditional. Bonds will not be sold for less than par value j ut S A f tH and accrued interest. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Winnfree, McCulloch, * A you c** ^ Shuler and Sayre will be furnish ed the successful bidder. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. E LE A N O R DUNCAN I Clerk Address; Beaverton. Oregon Date o f first publication, Feb ruary 21. 1947 Date of last publication. Feb ruary 28, 1947. T H E G E N T L E M A N IS R I G H T M H illsboro Forest Grove ALEX EISCHEN, Salesman D S RUTHERFORD Solesman HARRY D SEABOLD, Salesman JACK N SEABOLD, Solesmon RAuPH L SLOAN, Salesman W IL L IA M SM ITH, Solesmon 337 E M om S t , Hillsboro i County C ourt House, Hillsboro COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK E J. McALEAR LYMAN ROSS A 231 FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK 1, Beoverton IDUS RAINES 238W 5 Council St Forest Grove REEHER REALTY CO 33 JAS ARTHUR REEHER, Salesman 18 First Ave N W , Forest Grove In su ra n ce ARGUS PUBLISHING CO. 250 E M am , Hillsboro CARPENTER, J I., Beoverton Rt Stan d ard RICHARD" N O T IC E O F B O N D S A L E DEVELOP These Members of the R EALTOR S "OPEN THE DOOR Trains lauah «î winter! NOW ONLY Complete line of Mirro-Wear Aluminum Double Boiler....... $2.50 Angel F o o d Cake N O TIC E OK SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS H ER EB Y GIVEN That the City Council of the City of Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon, has called a special elec tion to he held on the 11th day of March, 1947, within the cor porate limits of the City of Bea verton and a special election to be held on the same date with in the territory hereinafter des cribed sought to be annexed, at which election there will be sub mitted to the electors of the City of Beaverton and to the electors within said territory the ijuestion of whether the following described contiguous territory shall be an nexed to and become a part ot the City of Beaverton, Oregon, to- wit: Beginning at a point in the center of County Koad No. 1232, also known as Menlo Drive, which point is the most westerly, southwesterly cor ner of the City of Beaverton; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the City of Beaverton to a point in the center of Erickson Ave nue; thence southerly follow ing the boundary of the City If you w ont to buy, trad«, or seil, ot Beaverton to a point where TRY A CLASSIFIED AD. it Intersects the southerly boundary extended easterly of nnn Berthold's Addition to Beaver ton, a plat of record in Wash ington County, Oregon; thence westerly along the southerly boundary extended, the south erly boundary, ami the south erly boundary extended wes terly of the said Berthold's Addition to a point in the center of County Rond No. 1232; thence northerly along the centerline of County Road No. 12S3 to tin' point of be ginning. The electors shall vote for an nexation or against annexation whichever shall Indicate their choice. The polling place within the City of Beaverton will be at the ] City Hall, and the polling place *— i ' ' within said territory sought to be annexed shall be at vacant house marked "Polling Place” located on North Side Hazel Avenue and the polls shall he open from 8:00 n.m. to 8:00 p.m. Notice is further given that Mrs. Mabel Goyi and Mrs. Lillian Thyng are appointed to act as | You can forget about cold Judges, and Mrs. Iva Summers weather, rain and snow when and Mrs. Dorothy Wright and you travel in a warm, steam- Mrs. May Blnsser are appointed to heated train. act as Clerks within the City of Beaverton; and Mrs. A. I,. Don Steel rails are the smoothest, aldson and Mr. J. L. Benson are safest hi; hway ever invented appointed to act as Judges and — safe when wet. Mrs. Roy Layton and Mrs. Carl Rogers and Mrs. C. B. Walker N ext time you travel, let the are appointed to act as Clerks engineer do the driving for u within the territory outside the change. Our lowest fares for City of Beaverton sought to be chair car anil coach accom annexed. DATED This 3rd day of Feb modations are good on most ruary, 1947. of our very fastest trains. Date of first publication Feb ruary 7, 1947. Date of last publication March 7, 1947. *fe WHEN > To PAINT UP for SPRING • Outdoor Paint • Enamels • Flat Coats • Aluminum Paint • Paint & Varnish Removers ! WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASS N WILKES ABSTRACT A TITLE CO.. 168 E Main H illsboro 2451 PIONEER PUBLISHING CO, * Beoverton Enterprise, Tigord Sentmel i i i and w «’r« meeting his demands with Dacro Pro tected Milk . . . the safest package of milk you can b sp The bottle is not merely covered. It’s SEALFD with • sturdy metal rap . . i air-tight, dust-proof, u i y ^ e proof, lliere’s complete, scientific protection for our milk after it leaves the dairy. Let one of our routemea show you what ttrfs protection means to you and yoUr family. A 1 É T jíM - I 4 '¿iS 1 J Baciti«« ths Osero Cap Is s trauma m l. h ora« ba remorad tba hrst urna wkh so opanar. Aliar that it m«r ba snapped back osi iba boni« as s rt-isd ■ad remorad asmi» s a i i f s i a arra wttboui aa opsoat. •\ F V- ALPENROSE »14« S.W. SHATTUCK ROAD DAIRY CHaery 2424 1 Vi mi. Eost on Berthe-Booverton Hiway to Shattuck Rood