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About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1946)
I BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, December 13, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Stanley W. Netherton, Publisher Published Fridnv o f each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co.. at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class mat ter at the postoffice, Beaverton, Ore gon. Beaverton Office, Enterprise Bldg. Pitene Beaverton M 2 1 Subscription Payable in Advance One Year ________________ _____ $2.00 O i i c | o ® N l W s / a p h Health For All l*nnuni»thorax Treatment of TB The treatment o f tubérculos!* is based upon complete rest of the body to muster straight to fight the germs and speed the healing (troceas. If the tuberculosis pa tient does not respond to complete t>ed rest and to generally Improved hygienic conditions, doctors use surgical means to put the dis eased lung at rest. Collapse ther apy. or collapsing a lung by minor or major surgery, Is the accepted method today. Thla restricts the breathing capacity o f the lung and gives It rest. When at rest, a person breathes fewer times per minute and less deeply per breath than when walk ing about, laughing talking or coughing, etc, Thus, rest helps the lung to heal. In certain cases the doctors decide to collapse one or both lungs. They try to collapse only that part of the lung which is diseased. The most common method used is therapeutic pneumothorax. In this treatment, air is placed within the chest cavity but outside the diseased lung, causing pressure around the lung and forcing It to collapse The air is gradually ab sortad bv the body and the lung re-expands. So, at regulsr Inter vals the treatment Is repeated to keep the lung collapsed as long as rest of the organ Is necessary, or until healing has taken place. Successful collapse by theraputlc pneumothorax causes a lung ca vity to heal quicker than It would without surgical treatment. This makes the patient safer for him self and for others by preventing the output o f tubercle bacilli, the tuberculosis germs. In hi* sputum These patients can leave tho hos pital an return to a moderately active life, but continue with heir regular refills o f air for a few year*. In the next article, the common cold will be dlacuaesd. Washington County PubHc Health Association and economic poisons and seeds. rights to do as we dingbusted The association urged all states please—pay due« or not pay dues to bring their seed laws in line —work or not work—our 12 cent« with the federal seed act and re per annum for postcard» will help corded its opposition to the use of ease up on the P.O. annual deficit A considerable list of recoin - 1 federal bureau of animal industry. non-warranty or disclaimed claus and save It buying quite so much mendations aimed to improve the I As a preventive measure, the es which are designed or worded red ink maybe. position of agriculture and the in group urged that every state re to evade the responsibility of Yours with the low down, dividual producer was adopted at view Its laws and regulations gov seedsmen and mislead farmers as JO SEKRA the recent meeting of the National erning livestock auction sales and to protection afforded by the seed Association of Commissioners, Sec sales facilities. laws. retaries and Directors of Agricul 4 1 0 O r is o n Schools The national group also asked Besides participating in the ac ture, held in Detroit, Mich., reports that the federal bureau of animal Have I,iiHi*li Sel-U|>s Director E. L. Peterson of the Ore- ; industry develop more extensive tivities of the National Association A total of 410 schools in 33 gon department of agriculture. P e -, research programs in brucellosis of Commissioners, Secretaries and Oregon counties are participating terson was elected vice-president ; and mastitis diseases in cattle and Directors of Agriculture, the Ore group for 1947 ; pullorum and newcastle in poul gon department of Agriculture has in the national school lunch pro of the national gram, according to a report re which means his elevation to the try. Director Peterson served as taken the lead among the several chairman of the animal industry states in opposing the use of quar ceived by the state PMA commit presidency the following year. antine action has no sound biologi Number one of the association’s! committee. tee from school lunch program di A series of resolutions urged fur cal foundation and where it results rectors in the state department of resolutions opposes duplicate ex public instruction. Hot lunches are penditures for agricultural activi ther protection to American agri in an impediment to interstate being served daily to 58,591 pupils ties and seeks to curtail appropria culture through measures designed commerce in agricultural commodi in public and parochial schools. tions of federal agencies that con to reduce the risk of plant pests ties. Oregon's shippers have been flict with activities required to be and diseases and animal diseases saved many thousands of dollars by work done in this field by the performed by state departments of foreign origin. B lu e C r o s s P a r t ic ip a t o r Considerable attention was giv Oregon state department of agri Doernbecher Memorial Hospital of agriculture. To this end the as control, insecticides culture. for Children today became a Blue sociation will seek from the con en to weed Cross participating hospital ac gressional appropriation commit cording to Dr. Charles N. Holman, tees support of a policy which administrator and medical direc would withhold federal funds for tor. Doernbecher provides care to expenditure within any state on a the children of the State of Ore program or activity which would gon and is a unit of the Univer duplicate, set aside or conflict with official activities being carried on D ealer in SCRAP METAL sity of Oregon Medical School. There are at present thirty-two in the state by the state depart Batteries, Rodiotors, Brass, Aluminum, Copper participating hospitals, of which ment of agriculture. Of particular Interest to Oregon thirty are in Oregon and two in Lead and Zinc Clark County. Washington, ac livestock men in the resolution cording to F F. Dickson, executive urging discontinuance of cattle in HIGHEST TRICES PAID director of Northwest Hospital demnities In connection with the control of brucellosis (Bang's dis Service. Phona; Beaverton 2 4 9 7 ease) until Interstate traffic in vaccine is brought under control Near Union Oil Depot — Bertha-Beaverton Hiway Balloons Sixteen motorized balloons, and a sound procedure In control used for training and general util of this disease Is reached by the ity purposes during the war, are now offered for sale by WAA. — ..................... They are equipped with envelopes and control oars but are without engines and certain Instruments. Twenty-six non-flyable aircraft are also available. Both balloons and aircraft are located at various points over the nation. Oxygen Tent* Small hospitals and rural com munities may he Interested to know that the War Assets admin istration has 107 oxygen tents, stored at St. Louis, for sale. The Portland WAA publio interest di vision has full details. State Agriculture Leaders Hit Federal State Duplicate Expenditures Watch Bands Billfolds Necklaces Watches Rings Bracelets Lighters Key Chains Watches Watch Bands Billfolds Watch Chains For Them O. R. NICHOLSON & SON A Radio . . . Electric Coffee Maker . . . . Musical Cigarette Dispenser One Hundred Feet Off Barbur Blvd., South ON CAPITOL HIGHW AY Conger Jewelry Company For Results Try Our Classified Ads , MIT IfTUII IV The 1 9 4 7 I\\ISER \ SPECIAL ! COLD NO'S P R O D U C T OF K A IS E R - F R A Z E R The Low Down From Hickory Grore Well, folks, thla Is gonna be a «ales talk—eo if you choose you can slam the door. It Is going to be harder to put the deal over via eaaay, than If I ooukl get around to the lunch clubs and had a ban jo or guitar player to wake up the prospects at the end o f my speech —and In time to vote. But back to business—It will cost 12 cents per annum to join any enterprise. I am calling the venture, "The One Cent Club to Keep America Old Fashioned—and Free Enterprise and the Common Citizen In the Saddle—versus going a la Europe where the govt. Is the big cheese and the citizens take a meek back seat." So, folks. If you are In favor o f same, hustle over to the PO —and get 12 post cards— and begin business One card a month to your new and shiny Congressman If he Is cuttln’ the mustard—starting in to reduce expenses and cut out the Bureau didos— g iv e the gent a pat on the hack And if he is getting foggy on his promises—beginning to back-slide—lear Info him Even a nice guy con sometimes get care less. * o neighbors, step right up—the ticket wagon is now open—12 cents is all it take* And while we are helping pre«erve our ITS A Tfaukù frcu m v «,ì f r i CHICK* k V' - ^ 7 RISI o v a t io n s w » I K I M I S " M O R TISE—‘Set Time and Place of Show ing—M ORTISE ;n-n ir n 11 11 n n n n n n il il il 11 u_m The How Does 1947 Christian Science EIAVE you ever wondered whether the method of heal ing disease, overcoming poverty, and restoring harmony which Christ Jesus employed can be successfully used now? For an answer In simple, understand able terms attend pro duct OF G R A H A M - P A IO E A Free Lecture •00V s w u m • * entitled **Oiri»tian S cie n ce A l*rt>|)lielieal Kelifiion " KELLY Ralph E. Wagers. C. S. R of Chicago. Illinois M O T O R CO. CANYON ROAD AT R. R. TRACKS BEAVERTON PHONE 2701 " Br 0)1 ) 5-11 OPEN SUNDRY 1 • 10 Member of the Board of Lec tureship of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ. Scientist, In Boston. Mas*. Ilnirmtlay. D ecem ber I *) * K p. m.. REPAIR OF C iv ic \ 11<iiI<>riiiin TRACTORS S. W. Thiril Avr.. anti and All Rood and Farm Clay Si. Equipment Third Church of Christ. Scientist. Portland. Oregon ERNEST WOLFE Rta 4 — Bov 114 F razer Heal? by -S T FM C o iN w e e s » «Y Cul UJ(TV/ytf,ä ' ...e KAISER SPECIAL and the FRAZER Right Off the Lines at Willow Run N®, thum — you w ou ld n't hav® a chanc®. It you m ult follow »«mothlng cl®t®ly, f o lla v tho lo fo ty principl® th at It t«k®o from 3 I® I I tim m m®r® dutanc® t® ito p on w iow y or icy ro o d i than it do®» on d ry p®v®m®nt. To-- |u it can 't ito p an an Icy dim®. S® lo o p out • f trouble by hooping you r dittanc®. Otvo y o u rio li livin g roam . Cordially In tilt’» ton SHERWOOO, OREGON D t f u T i i n n n n n m n n r rin r Brin«; your car to Kelly Motor Co. for Service» and Repair in Our Newly l.tpiippcd Service Denartinent. • Latest Alemite Lubricating Equipment • • King Motor Tune-Up Battery Service • Parts For All Makes and Models Highly Trained . . . Skilled Mechanics to Serve You Open 24 Hours a Day USED CARS — We have what you want. A Variety of Models, including same 1946 Cars KELLY MOTOR CO. Phone BEAVERTON 2701