Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1946)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1946 NOTICE OF 1946*47 BUDGET MEETING n {111 s t §£ u In accordance with the provisions o f the "L oc a l Budget L a w " (Sections 110-1201 to 110-1215 h^ e budget**estimates budget com m ittee o f City o f Beaverton, Oregon, in compliance with said law, prepared and adopte L o n in t iiv in r schedules All r> for City o f Beaverton, Oregon, fo r the ensuing fiscal year July 1. 1946. to June 30, 1947 as set forth m th . bud“ “ ' esU m £ l.‘ sons are hereby notified that on Monday, the 8th day o f July. 1946, at 8 p m„ in the City Hall, in B M V «tO £ J > r .* o n ^ may be discussed with the City Council, the levying board fo r City o f Beaverton, Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed tax levj or tax levies w ill be heard in favor o f or against said proposed tax levy o r tax levies, or any part thereor. Th e out3tandlng^lndebtedness^j)f^Clty^)f^J3eaverton^Oregon;_ a t ^ 4 H i^ L _ 1 9 ^ jv a a ^ jis ^ fo llo w 3 ^ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ —_ m STOP! AND SH O P '"ALOHA 88 4É 0*« AM OUNT N A T U R E O F O B L IG A T IO N ____________________________ A M O U N T .... $ 15,000.00 $17,500.00 • Refunding W ater Bonds-Series 1940 ... (P a id 6-3-46) ______ 1.000.00 • __ 200 , 000.00 • • W ater Bonds-Series 1946.... ....... ......... Sinking funds on hand are sufficient to retire Bonds marked *. Payable from water revenues N A T U R E O F O B L IG A T IO N Refunding Im provem ent Bonds-Series 1939 General Obligation Bonds-Series 1942 e» T 88 $ » t. ■ u “ w » C < > i/t GENERAL FUND cj * RECEIPTS u _. CÖ 3 b O 88 88 K a 05' - W H M >< 88 9 M ARKET & GROCERY X >< H O Z C. & G. STUBBS 88 h- t- a a ■ 5 i/t u w ^ ^8“®8 < II Actual fo r Actual fo r Actual fo r J U L Y 1, 1945 to J U N E 30,1946 Fiscal Y e a r Fiscal Y e a r Fiscal Y ear —^ ~ ~ “ July 1, 1942 July 1, 1943 July 1, 1944 Actual fo r Budget to to to First for June 30. 1943 June 30, 1944 June 30, 1945 Six Months_______ Year______ S i/t E C O N O M Y 380.25 934.50 1,314.75 1.299.75 $ 2.614.ÖO Try Us F IR S T ! ! I- o z f o r Good Foods? Fresh Vegetables? Seasonable Fruits? Quality Meats? C ° 2 s s “ '* ' h < i- i/t 2,941.08 1,023.21 1,176.26 3,475.18 885.08 1,813.70 $ 5,243.42 $ 6.255.51 $ $ I I - 13 928.94 179.82 227.50 45.00 169.58 46.41 82.65 31.75 2,280.27 946.45 1,171.52 105.21 180.00 240.00 135.00 210.40 118.59 134.37 24.80 3,614.16 549.06 1,088.46 122.34 100.00 180.00 192.50 180.00 267.51 69.62 143.33 34.65 3,139.62 864.60 985.38 192.52 2,907.84 2,236.29 197.88 553.68 106.50 1,033.62 180.00 400.00 200.00 350.00 150.00 150.00 50.00 4,225.00 700.00 1,200.00 650.00 4.000.00 502.09 500 00 599.76 310.61 700.00 350.16 402.00 588.20 152.33 500.00 800.00 J O h Get Your H A Y S A L T at ALOHA FEED and SEED CO. $ 1.15 Phone ALOHA 6141 M * 3f 3^1 o « o <! u GREEN STAMPS 1,112.19 $ 8,050.60 $13,294.02 $ 2,614.50...... *10.679.52 229.35 $ 8,577.47 »14,832.98 $ 5,641.56 * 9,191.42 Q hh 0, a he at the ALOHA PHARMACY $ 3,018.70 $ co co 707.38 1,444.86 Com plete Line of D ru g*------- Fountain Service ICE CREAM FO R SALE Smooth top, gas range Good condition. Phone C H erry 2286. 21 ELECTRICAL R I C H A R D S APPLIANCES Personal Attention Owned ond Operated by Mr. and Mrs. Aloha, Ore. Alfred . . W IR IN G SUPPLIES Richards Phone 6332 . . DUTCH BOY PAINTS . . HARDWARE . . HOME NEEDS Barron & Crone RADIO Atsociated GAS and & SMALL APPLIANCE OIL R E P A I R • WE TW O N A N N Y G O A T S for sale. Freshen soon. 964 W atson Street, 21 B eave rto n . Barber Shop FOR SALE W ood circulating heater. Slightly used. $49.50. Small combination cook stove and heat er, $15.00. Carl Scott, Rt. 2, Box 414, Tigard. 21 C IT Y LOTS. A number o f city lots graded and ready fo r build ing. R. A. Peyton R E A L ES T A T E . On H yw a y next to Beaver ton Enterprise Bldg. 21 P R I V A T E M O N E Y Loans. Homes, farms, contracts. H. H. Jeffries. On H yw a y next to Beaverton En terprise. Beaverton, Ore. 21tf F O R S A L E : Plano upright, ma hogany. Good condition nnd make $200. 446 Bertha-Reaverton H ighw ay. Beaverton 2342. 21 IX>ST On Cooper Mt. Road. Set of drillin g clamps. $10 reward for return Phone Reaverton 2718. 21 SPECIALIZE In Motor Repair ond Lubrcation Aloha, Ore. Electric House Phone 6214 $ $ 600.00 $ 1,200.00 90.00 125.00 192.00 233.57 74.47 72.44 250.52 284.62 $ 6,228.91 $11,530.15 $ 6,409.89 $18,221.82 ____$ 9,755.95 . ....... - ............. $ 8,-165.87 $ 2,725.74 1,470.43 150.35 $ 264.95 200.00 3.50 468.45 415.82 884.27 2,152.24 1.337.60 $ 3,489.84 4,346.52 680.00 $ 5,036.52 $ $ $ $ $ 60.00 120.00 389.70 25.70 303.23 2,116.37 60.00 120.00 420.00 18.75 432.51 1,992.32 $ 3,015.00 * 4,108.23 $ 3,043.58 $ 3.489.84 700.00 628.50 $15,283.50 $15,083.50 $. 8,775.00 $ 7.208.50 Kstim attnl T o ta l k<-< eip»s an d~\\ailah le Cash $10,85O(Mji Debt Service: Principle on Im provem ent Bonds Interest on Im provem ent Bonds Principal on General Obligation Bonds Interest on General Obligation Bonds Total Debt Service .................. .............................. Other than Debt Service: Recorder-Treasurer -------------- ------- ------------------ ---- O ffice Assistant ___ ____________ _ _____________________ Superintendent ... ............- ............................................. Attorney & Legal Expense ........................................... Auditor _________________________ ___ ___ ___ ______ — ... City H all Operation -------------------- ----------------------- City Shops Operation ...................... Stationery and O ffice Expense - --------- ------------------ Elections _______________________—..............——-------- — Police Department ............................. F ire Department ____________________________________ Street Lights _______________________ __ _______________ Park s __________________________________________________ Drainage & Sewers (Sinking Fund) .......... ........... — Em ployes’ Retirem ent Fund _____________________—..... Library ........................................................................... Addition to City H all ____ _____ _________________ ____ Miscellaneous .................... ................... H all Street Crossing ....... ........ .......................— .......... Em ergency Fund ........................................................... T otal Other than Debt Service .............. ............... Total Expenditures Estimated Total Receipts and A vailable Cash Balance Net Am ount To Be Raised B v Taxation ......................... 60.00 120.00 420.00 163.45 516.61 2,458.27 1,047.05 33.32 50.00 106.50 $ 4,975.20 $ 5.036.52 30.00 60.00 210.00 147.83 264.93 4,382.23 $ 5,094.99 $ 884.27 E X P E N D IT U R E S $ 60.00 O ffice R en t ________________________ _____ ____ _____________ _ 120.00 Shop Rent ............. ............................................................ 420.00 Superintendent’s Salary ................................................. . 200.00 Insurance _________________ ___ ____________________ _________ 500.00 Street Cleaning ________________________ _____ _____ _____ ___ 3.990.00 Street R epair and Maintenance ............ ........................... Grader and Equipm ent ____________________________________ Battery Charger ______________________________________ ___ Surveying ___________________________________________________ Attorneys Fees ................................ ........................ .............. $ 5,290.00 Total Expenditures ....................................... $ 5,290.00 Estimated Total Receipts and A vailable Cash Balance $15,340.75 20.77 373.00 14.78 $15,749.30 672.53 »16,421.83 $ 3.500.00 925.29 $19,027.54 59.49 734.50 .80 $10,688.73 97.50 $19,395.01 319.81 $19,715.72 $19,822.33 1,279.70 $21.102.08 $11,119.73 575.00 $11.684.73 $ 3,500.00 837.81 • $ 4.000.00 748.59 $17,559.91 1,738.50 431.00 331.20 $ 4.425.29 $ 4,337.81 S 4.748.59 $ 331.20 $ 4,119.50 1,334.00 167 13 624.79 }11.82 14.13 180.00 120.00 27.00 83.49 53,83 2,026.62 $ 8.862.31 350.82 $ 9,213.13 $13.638.12 $16.421.83 $ 4,024.89 1,858.13 220.00 1.274.16 152.29 14.50 180.00 120.00 81.00 67.07 111.20 2,162.62 $10.265.86 4.620.53 $14.886.39 $19.224.20 $19.715.72 $ 4.884.99 2,318.91 231.25 1,789.88 248.28 19.06 180.00 120.00 108.00 19.03 168.25 2,403.80 $12.491.45 6.219.65 $18,711.10 $23,459.09 $21.102.03 $ 2,943.91 1,286.63 143.02 969.96 75.80 25.40 90.00 60.00 96.00 10.73 89.60 1,378.16 $ 7,169.21 2.490.88 $ 9.660.08 $ 9.991.29 »11.684.7S R E C E IP T S $18,000.00 W ater Service Income ....... ........ ........ ............... ......... _... Interest Earned ..... ........................ ........... ........................ 700.00 Sundry Income ......................... ................................. ..... . Collections o f charged o ff accounts .................................. P r o fit on Sale o f T ractor ________________________________ »18,700.00 Estimated Total Receipts .......................... 502.58 Estimated A vailable Cash Balance ......................... $19,202.50 Estimated Total Receipts and A vailable Cash Balance E X P E N D IT U R E S Debt Service: $ 4.000.00 Principal on Refunding W a ter Bonds ......... .................... 662.50 Interest on Refunding W ater Bonds ................. Principal on W ater Bonds— Series 1946 ........................... 300.00 Interest on W ater Bonds— Series 1946 .... $ 4.962.50 Total Debt Service ............................. Other than Debt Service: $ 5,000 00 Salaries and W ages ....................... 2,250.00 P ow er _________________________________________ 250.00 Stationery and O ffice Supplies ..................... 1.200.00 Maintenance Expense ............... 250.00 Truck Expense ....... ............ ........... ................ 100.00 General Expense ............................. 180.00 O ffice Rent 120.00 Ship Rent ............................................ 110.00 Auditing ..... ........................................................... 20.00 Allowance for Bad Accounts 160.00 Insurance __ _______ ________________________________________ 2,600.00 Depreciation .......................... $12.240.00 Total Expense 2.000.00 Extensions and Betterments $14,240.08 Total Other Than Debt Service $19.202.50 Total Expenditures $19,202.50 Estim ated Total Receipts and Available Cash Balance F.stlmated Total Receipts .............. Estimated Available Cash Balance — "Look for the PHILCO Sign"— BRADLEY'S AT $ 2,100.00 750.00 780.00 400.00 200.00 400.00 200.00 200.00 50.00 4,300.00 5,800.00 1,300.00 800.00 .............. 1,200.00 800.00 2,000.00 500.00 5,500.00 447.79 $27,727.79 $28,327.79 $10,850.00 $17,477.79 $ 60.00 120.00 420.00 200.00 500.00 3,100.00 ................ 200.00 .. 100.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 4,700.00 $20,000.00 1,000.00 ............. $21,000.00 $ 100.00 $21,100.00 $............. 1,000.00 2,950.00 S 3,950.00 $ 7,000.00 2,500.00 250.00 1,200.00 250.00 100.00 180.00 120.00 110.00 20.00 160.00 2,760.00 $14.650.00 2,500.00 $17,150.00 $21,100.00 $21,100.00 $168,000.00 $168,000.00 — Sorrento Well Pump House. Pump. Piping, Chlorinator and Miscellaneous Equipment .............................................. 6,500 1 Reservoir ____________ ___ _______ ______ _________ ______ 30.000 ( Sorrento Transmission Line ........... .......... ............................ 35.000.1 Replacement of Existing Transmission Line ................ 35,500.1 Partial Replacement of Distribution System ................. 50.000 1 Miscellaneous Construction ............. ....................... .. ......... 11.000 I Total Expenditures $168.000 f Estimated Total Receipts Cash $168.000 00 Lawn Mawem Said A Repaired SHOP 600.00 EXPENDITURES Wauhlnf Machine* Repaired Saw » Filed and Gummed $ RECEIPTS Phone ALOHA 6454 Appliance« Repaired and Sold 600.00 600.00 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Estimated Total Receipts and Avail ( 1 m $ $ R E C E IP T S $ 2,527.20 W ashington County _______________ _____ ___________________ $ 2,500.00 1,472.80 2,700.00 State Gas T a x Fund ___ ____ __________________ __ _________ _____ ...... Proportion o f County T a x Property Sales ....................... ................ Sale o f G rader ..................................................... - ................ ............. Sundry Incom e .................................................................... 4,000.00 5,200.00 Estimated Total Receipts . . .......... 1,200.00 500.00 Estim ated A vailable Cash Balance ........... (D e fie lt) $ 5,290.00 Estim ated Total Receipts and A vailable Cash Balance $ 4,700.00 Aloha, Oregon ALOHA, ORROON $ 3,230.00 6,620.00 9,850.00 1.000.00 WATER FUND Store CarTslFIXIT Shop 180.98 3,018.70 1,089.53 $ 4,108.23 T O O L A T E T O C L A S S IF Y L O S T Gas model airplane, Sun day. IV* miles west o f Beaver ton airport near M cK in ley school. N o tify at address on plane or Phone Don Chambers, Forest Grove, 166R. Reward. 21 Licenses and Fees Sundry Income Estim ated Total Receipts Estimated Available Cash Balance ................ ROAD FUND PAY WATER, GAS and TELEPHONE BILLS WE MAKE OUR OW N $ T3 Attending Church Conference Rev. E verett L . Bowers, pastor o f the Methodist Church and Mr. Chas. Roseman, lay delegate, are attending the 94th session o f the Oregon Annual conference at Seaside this week. Rev. Donald Bowers o f Pacific College, New berg, and a brother o f the local pastor, w ill preach Sunday on the subject “ The L ife- G iving Vitam ins." • 700.00 180.98 h — 3.100.00 1.230.00 4,330.00 4,445.00 $ 8,775.00 $ 3,842.03 . 881.56 1,902.29 65.79 $ 6.691.67 • .. .$ 900.00 So *-> DC Service and Equipment For Your Locker Needs 01 bo 3 X ? - * *- : <0 i§ O tc : £ ;I c oCQ 3 < >U £ U r J I Æ 3 S 5 # S > >-c y Î « < x > 3 ut i -J > 1 S. 6 3 £ s • 2 ® * : * § £ K a >* J 5 id ft. x » .ti +-> *0 W ^ s T C 3 Ö O <L X X .. 0 » U 0 ¡4 ¿¡X «¡¿J b 2 *j £ SÊ g 5 O ft, FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS 65 c * d-* £ c s a o ► H 3 100 lb. Sock ...... C O •C O 00 « « .¿ tn 2 - • * * - - * * Z 1,378.02 687.00 ( MB 1 IS 3,906.22 $ 5,971.24 «T an %-• O >- Complete ALOHA, ORE. I I b Our Aim Is To Serve You ¿.'H c o a 8. S Ê 8 gissi i ! f> * * w * * e 3 11611.00 2,581.56 S 5,641.56 2,989.08 2,860.65 5,849.73 3,906.22 $ 9755.95 Approved by Budget 1946-47 F U N D A N D C L A S S IF IC A T IO N EXPENDITURES b£ be cß cfl R) Oi -H Se e *• 3 • 50 tt>. Sack 09 1.980.00 1.080.00 •O -O Ci 4f c C t|P § | c — Z! «• o a b, a oc !> < u • • • • .... __ LU . DRAINAGE AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SINKING FUND RECEIPTS GOLDEN WEST FOOD LOCKERS $ $ 100.00 100 00 $ 2.907.84 i t j i o r $ 1.033 62 $ $.007 84 $ 4.641 46 425 00 GROCERIES and MEATS 100 00 AI.OHA. OREGON $ S .0 0 0 00 $ 7.000 00 Estimated T otal R e c e ip t s ________________ _ Estimated Available Cash Balance .......... ______ Estimated Total Receipts and T\vallahle~Casti $ 8,000.18! $ 8.000 (81 EXPENDITURES F O R MEAT CUT, WRAPPED. CURED AND SMOKED S 4.000.00 $ Î.907.84 $ 4.041 46 425.00 Engineering Survey P a rtial Cost o f Drainage and Sewage Disposal System $ 8,000 00 425 . 0 » Total Expenditures — .......... Estimated Total Receipts and tsallahìe Cash Balance » 8.060.00 $ 8,000 00 $ 7.000 00 SEWER SYSTEM PLANNING FUND RECEIPTS Estimated Total R e c e ip ts _. . . Estimated A\ailahle Cash Estimated Total Receipts I $ 5.275 00 $ 5.275.00 210.550 00 EXPENDITURES Engineering Servire Estimated Total 210 . 550.00 $10.550 on