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About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1946)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FR ID A Y , JU N E 7, 1946 West Coast Tele. Franchise Up For Rev. Gerken, Carl Renewal The expired fran ch ise of the ilu th To Attend W est C oast T elephone Co., for in th e C ity o f B eaverton Lutheran Meeting service w as th e subject o f d iscussion at T H E POCKETBOOK OF KNOWLEDGE By PILGRIM ‘Blanket-Primary,* Delegates Attend Church Conclave G VA, Urged By F ive m em bers of th e B eth el ongregational Church w ere se Master Of Grange C lected d elegates to the annual Summer’s Coming Let’s Be Healthy Im m inent advent o f sum m er, w ith its opportunity for vacation I O C L 1 ill e C to V U tak IdA C Iw lC U CdflvIldl is a k tim e I note of 1 o seasonal Baker, 3—E nact- m eetin g of the C ongregational *v»/\<ri4a C onference o f Oregon convening in F orest Grove th is w eek June 4 S tate Harold M. Erickson, I m ary” sy stem of voting in Ore- to 6. A tten d ing the session s H ealth O fficer. gon, w as urged by M orton Tomp- w ere Mrs. M ilton M etcalfe, Mrs. the cou n cil m eetin g held M onday H e rem inds of the danger o f kin8 M aater o t th e Oregon State The R ev. Mr. E rw in Gerken and food poisoning, outbreaks of dys- G range in h i, address to the Frances T. S turtevant, Mrs. H ans Mr. Carl R uth, w ith Carl M artin n igh t in the C ity Hall. R ep resen tin g the Telephone Co., entery d isea ses Including typhoid annual con ve^ ion of that organi- W. Stroeve, M iss A m arette Barnes as alternate, have been delegated before the Council m em bers ap fever, p oliom yelitis, m alaria, n ot MtUm w hich opened in th is city and Miss B ern ice Conoly. by P ilgrim L utheran Church of A m ong those p articipating in fo rg ettin g hazards of autom obile I thia m orn ing. T om pkins request- Beaverton, to attend the annual peared Mr. H arley J. Barber, d is and Mr. C. W. en d • cherry tree" accidents, , e(, lh a t th e sta te G range e xecu- the three-day program w ere Rev. convention of th e Oregon-W aah trict m anager, B eaverton ex drow ning, and even sunburn. j tive com m ittee be em powerd to F ran cis T. Sturtevant, pastor of ington-Idaho D istrict of the L u th Short, from th e the B ethel C ongregational Church change. "A little care and thou ght a s to in itia te such a m easure, if neces- here, and tw o form er eran Church, M issouri Synod. The pastors. The 20-year fran ch ise expired p revention,” he advises, "will help sary. convention is b ein g held in P o rt R ev John G. D ick ey o f Hubbard, the first of th is year and a new m ake th e ..vacation and th e sum - (T he B lan k et P rim ary system of land, Oregon, Ju ne 11 to 24. and Rev. W illard B. H all of The m er m onths a t hom e m ore pleas- voting, w hich has been in ef Several hundred pastors, parish agreem en t has not been reached. D alles. The City of B eaverton is ask in g school teach ers and laym en w ill a n L” ‘ fe e t in W ash ington and a num ber attend from th e P a cific N orth for con cession s w hich are com H ere are som e D o’s and D o n t’s i o foth er sta te s for the past sev- w est and the territory o f A laska parable to those received by other to bear in m ind: ! eral years, provides th a t all can- A 2% return on to plan th e a ctiv itie s for t he cities in Oregon. U se th e purest m ilk and w ater d idates for nom ination in the te le com ing biennium . R ep resen ting gross receipts, free city you can. ; prim aries be listed on one ballot, phones, and use o f the poles for the national headquarters at this Screen o u t flies, m osqu itoes g iv in g the voter th e opportunity convention w ill be the R ev. Mr. police and fire w arning. In P ort to ballot for can d idates regardless | and other insects. For General Office Work F. A. H ertw ig o f D etroit, M ichi land there is a 3% revenue from P ro tect foods from contam ina- o f party affilia tio n .) th e telephone operation. gan, V ice-president of the general In h is address, T om pkins also | tion. Store perishable foods un During Summer Month* The previous agreem en t w hich body. Special speaker at the urged ful lsupport of the Colum der refrigeration . lasted w ith th e City o f B eaverton convention w ill be the R ev. Prof. A void over-exposure to su nshine. bia V alley A uthority principle of Phone— Beaverton 3271 A. M. R eh w ink el from the facu lty for 20 years th e only concession K eep com m u n ity sa n ita tio n a t a co-ordin ating federal a gen cies at of Concordia T h eological Sem in to the C ity w as th e use o f the high level at all tim es. See that a regional level. poles for strin gin g police and fire ary, St. Louis, M issouri. | garbage, refuse, cans, and o t h e r ! H e reported G range mem ber- w arn in g lines. w aste are properly disposed of. 18hiP to be at an all-tim e high of T here were no Interested citi W ear p rotective clo th in g w hen 29,536, as o f March 30. D uring zens atten d in g this m eetin g to ex in d ic a te d . the past four years th e organiza- press their opinions before the Do n ot sw im in pollucted w ater. . tlon has show n a 47 per cent in- C ouncil to a ssist them in m aking I avoid over exertion and extrem e j crease in th is respect. their d ecision s In agreem ent w ith | fatigu e. | T he G range con ven tion w ill the people th ey are w ork in g to W atch personal c l ean lin ess. j con tinu e o nthrough June 7. serve. The recent h eavy rain w as a big [ W ash before m eals. K eep factor in p utting on the "finish clean ob jects ou t o f ch illdren ’s ing tou ch es” to rose bloom ing in Bridal Show er Given m ?Uth!w BEAVERTON A neighborhood bridal shower Oregon th is season. in other w ords keep h ea lth y by I sh o w s E very N lte 7 to 11:30 The roses in Portland seem w as given by Mrs. J. J. R ichards playin g and h a v in g fun but give Re g. prices Children 16c A dults 40c BEAVERTON LOTS more beautiful than ever, envelop o f K inton for her niece, R uth your health som e consideration. Saturday B argain M atinee 1:30 ing th e great Portland R ose F es Van K leek, bride-elect of Charles I C hildren .09 cen ts A dults .20 cen ts tival In a m ass of beauty and E M offit, Jr., the afternoon o f ■ Between 9th and 10th M ay 25th. A fter the m any g ifts glory! And by the w ay beauti j Ju ne 5-8—W ednesday to Sat. A s a service to v etera n s in the ful roses grow In good old W ash were opened .Mrs. Gladys B osw ell D A N G E R SIG N AL Ave. on Main St. led the group in gam es. R efresh com m unity, th is n ew spap er w ill ington county too. F a y e E m erson, Zachary Scott publish a w eek ly colum n o f q ues Take a ride around the Great m ents w ere then served. To the fa st pace at w hich m any Club H avana 200 for $ 1 ,9 0 0 . tions m ost freq u en tly ask ed con A m ericans speed through life can 52 East end th is w eek —a glim pse of T om N eal, M argaret L indsay ta ct m en o f the V eteran s A d the Garden o f Eden! be attributed their ten d en cy to m inistration in th is area. F or high blood Sat. B A R G A IN M A T IN E E Ju ne 8 T uesday your correspondent pressure. T ryin g to m ore detailed Inform ation, v eter crowd num erous a ctiv ities In one SEE - „ . ST E E L A G A IN ST T H E SKY took a stroll around B eaverton — ans should co n ta ct or w rite to the day, stra in in g their and say! W hat beautiful roses. p hysical board n T r " * f° r th ®, 8Ch° o1 w ith Lloyd N olan n earest VA co n ta ct u n it at IO O F stren gth to the M A R IE J. M A Y FIELD Caroline T estou t—o ffic ia l flow lim it, carrying k?nd o f u m m n8rrK8ST '0r an;; S‘‘rlal: “Zorro's B lack W hip” Hall, 10th and Salm on, P ortland. their busin ess to bed w ith them Kina o f u plift job, I can pop o f f ' _ _ _ _ _____________________________ _ er of the P ortland R ose F e sti an dnot be fea rfu l of som eb ody’s ; Ju n e 9-11—Sunday to Tuesday val seem ed to predom inate in Q. M ust I put an y o f m y ow n w here th ey continue to w orry over Cooley - Rinehart Co. My su pject: is “b u sin ess ” , j W HAT NEXT T hirty-six percent of the private m oney Into a b u sin ess ,a hom e or th e problem s of the day instead vote. beauty and grandeur—and you And I am go in g to sa y a good C O R PO R AL H A R G R O V E passenger cars checked by police will see others, so beautiful, for a farm in order to g et th e gov of resting, m en and w om en in PO R T LA N D , ORE w ord for sam e v ersu s p oin tin g a '< R obert W alker, K eenan W ynn during the ernm ent gu aran ty? Instance a t the G eorge H ughson throughout Oregon th is age o f rush run th eir blood finger. A nybody in b usiness, if K night Si a B londe Cartoon, N ew s Phone ATwoter 9691 home corner H all and Broadw ay. first four days o f the current P o A. No, th is is not a require pressure up—and then add it to th ey should run across th is w rit- I-------------------------------------------------------- W hat beautiful red roses! Then lice S a fety Check program , w ere m ent. or see her - 2 Blocks North It is a question w hich is their list o f worries. ing, th ey w ill m ost lik ely p ass out i ',u n e 12-15— W ed. to Saturday as you go around tow n you find d efective In som e respect, Secre settled w ith th e lend in g agency. H igh blood pressure in d icates from th e shock. of Junction then 2 Blocks 1 SONG O F ARIZONA som e others so beautiful—truly it tary o f S ta te R obert S. F arrell Jr. H ow ever, in the case o f a loan for th a t the h eart and arteries are W e been listen in g in our land ^ ° y R ogers, D ale E van s W est off Highw oy in would puzzle V en us D e Milo to said today. It is a farm or a busin ess, use o f your under abnorm al ten sion . N ew s Of th e 1,931 cars checked from own capltol m ay a ffe c t th e lik eli not a d isease in itse lf but should o f th e free, to th e w ron g people. En<,hanted F orest Beaverton select a bouquet! And to g e t one sam ple, ta k e la- E dm und Lowe, Brenda Joyce May 15 to May 19, police reported Yes folks—W ash ington county See Marie J. Mayfield ot above and Its bor. hood of your su ccess in th e ven be taken as a w arn in g Labor has beejn a su ck er I ” 713 w ith defects. T he A verage ture, thu s fa cilita tin g your g ett cau se Investigated. is a beautiful place to live. The danger address about your house list for the organizer. L ots o f fo lk s OF m S o 15 num ber o f d efects per d efective in g th e loan. o f high blood pressure Is that w ho w ork have been "p ickings” I in!* T* OPICS ings . . . Quick Results. vh icle w as 1.93. B ethany Church Convention Q. M ay I p ay o ff m y loan th e heart w ill be Injured If the for th e out-of-tow n or o u to f - N>w ^ f i re y xlL yn " D efectiv e brakes, head lights, (guaranteed under the G I B ill) cau se <*¥ th e rise In blood pres sta te organ izer g en t and g ettin g ‘ ‘ ta r ts - T ,gpr W om an B ethany Church w ill hold their tall lig h ts and stop lig h ts led the before It becom es due? sure is not discovered in tim e and th em selv es nicked for dues ver Sunday School convention Sunday list of v eh icle d efects noted by po A. Y es. T h e regu lation s g iv e an y possible step s tak en to cor su s listen in g to the b oss right in D urin g the you th a t right. and will m eet In the M ethodist lice, Farrell said. rect the condition. their ow n plant and to w n —the Church In the afternoon and In period M ay 15 to Ju ly 1, sta te and T hese are various th in g s w hich Q. Are th e proceeds of a the B ethany B ap tist Church In local police throughout th e nation claim for N a tio n a l Service L ife m ay be th e cau se o f h igh blood b oss w ho w rites th e paycheck. W hat Is th e cure, sa y s H enry are ch eck in g brakes, ligh ts, horns, the evening. pressure. T herefore, there is no Q uite easy, I says. In surance subject to ta x a tio n ? W ith labor and w indshield w ip ers on all v e on e rem edy w hich can be pres now In th e role o f ch ron ic su ck A. No. hicles stopped during routine en M erchant M arine V isitin g T he er, b u sin ess should now Q.Can I buy a hom e u sin g th e cribed for the condition. start forcem ent a ctivity. In som e In At H om e gu aran ty clau se under the GI B ill on ly safe th in g to do is to consult sh o w in g th e m en how not to be stances, c ity police d epartm ents 4th and W A T SO N STS., BEAVERTON such. On each pay day, in each Charles H lckethler, son of lan es w here m otorists m ay have if I am also go in g to school under a doctor and follow h is advice. EVERETT L. BOW ERS, Pastor E veryon w ho has had a p hysi envelop, I w ould print up and put th e educational provisions? Mr. and Mrs. H lckethler, is hom e are op eratin g v o lu n tary check A. Y es. H w ever, It is doubt cal exam in ation is fam iliar w ith in one fable by Mr. A E sop. And for a short stay from m erchant their v eh icle s check bv police. Morning Worship 10:55 A. M. Church School 9:55 A. M. ful th a t an y lend in g a g en cy w ill the apparatus w hich th e physi- m arines. H e w as in Australia. The object o f th e P o lice S a fety m ake the loan u n less you h ave I cian brings ou t to tak e the blood in due course, I could sit back and w a it for an organ izer to show Last Sunday a group o f friends Check program Is to em phasize and relatives drove to Silver Creek th e need for b etter m ainten an ce incom e other th an your su bsist- pressure— w ith the band be w raps up on th e prem ises, and w atch firm ly around the arm and the him get th e hot-foot versu s like Falls. A grand day w as enjoyed ns a m eans o faccld en t prevention ence. Q. I w as disch arged from the gu age he uses to m easure ten sion now, w hich is a good cu t from by the H lckethlers and fam ily, F arrell said. In m a k in g the Recognition of School Graduates Mv w ife Is produced by the blood current on each w ork er’s pay check. H erbert Bow ers and Otto Bow ers check, police present d rivers with service in February. the w alls of th e blood v essels. going to h ave a child. Is she en Y ours w ith th e low down, Sermon: " A Well-Rounded Knowledge' and fam ilies and the M yers fam i a sm all pam phlet co n tain in g titled to m edical care by th e gov T ak in g the blood pressure is part JO S E R R A ly. sa fety su ggestion s. o f an y com plete p hysical exam i ... ernm ent? ■ - " ■■ A. I f th e baby w ill be born nation. If the blood p ressure is norm al. w ithin 9 m on th s a fter your dls- charge and vou served In one o f it is a h ealthy sign. If it Is low, I | 0 By G E N E R A L E L E C T R I C the low er four en listed pay grades ; it in d icates low v ita lity but not free m edical care w ill be provided n ecessarily th a t a n y th in g is ser- It has been said I Consult vour local R ed Cross for iou sly w rong. th a t no one ever died from low Information. blood pressure, but th a t th e per son w ith low blood pressure m isses a lot o f fun in life. He h as little en ergy and pep and tires easily. T h e physician m ay su g g est exercise to im prove the | circulation o f th e blood. ilELElVE EliRTIS H igh blood pressure m ay indi- N ot so long ago people used to | ca te an y one o f a num ber o f | travel far and w ide “in search of It m ay be health." T h is w as particularly j thing. * c cau a u 8 sed e d by a _ _ _ . Oregon, Ju ne a i . . » OFFICE GIRL R. I. MacLaughlin Inc. A Garden Of Eden Right At Home RITZ VETS MAIL BAG H id i Blood Pressure T he Low Down from Hickory Grove 36% O f Inspected THEATRE 3 LEVEL j Passenger Gars Found Defective FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Methodist Student Day THE FAt WIZARD MACHINE FLORENCE MILLER Presents With Pride Why “Search** For Health true IT S O L V E S C O M P L IC A T E D "A 1 A T H " P R O B L E M S TH AT O T H E R W IS E W O U LD T A K E Y E A R S TO W O R K OUT. IT W A S B U IL T B Y G E N E R A L E L E C T R IC TO H E L P S P E E D S O L U T IO N O F IM P O R T A N T R E S E A R C H A N D E N G IN E E R IN G P R O B L E M S . CAN YOU ¿ À / N AME T H E M ? THERE A R E M O R E THAN 200 PRACTICAL USES FOR ELECTRIC ITY ON FARMS. G-E. HAS A STAFF OF FARM SPECIALISTS WHO DEVELOP ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND M E T H 0 D 5 TO IMPROVE FARMING. FIG H T S TB M O B IL E X -R A Y UNIT B R IN G S C H E S T INSPECTION TO R E M O T S DISTRICTS. T H E COMPACT X -RA Y EQ U IPM EN T , DESIGNED BV G E N E R A L E L E C T R IC , C A N E X A M IN E 60 P E O P L E P E R H O U R ! GENERAL H ELECTRIC if th ey had tuberculosis ^ hope ,a y K ® b e ^ b V ^ 35 w &>_<5 ^ €ry ° ? * n , ^ n ' - i r Today w e know that a high, dry m od*rn A m erica n . 11«. T h e clim ate is not essen tia l to recov- « f a in and ex citem en t o f their ery from tuberculosis. In fact. Pla c* ,a ne* \ , ™ n ° n tha tim e spent In tra v elin g around in * • * ? ’ caU8£ f tha bl° ^ Pressure search of a m agic clim ate ma y , ° r‘w W h eo th e blood pres- delay recovery. 8ure *8 h ,g h ’ a doctor should b* I consulted and h is ad vise follow ed. Increased know ledge about tu- S earching for h ealth w ill be dls- | berculosts h as ta u g h t us th a t re covery depends, not on clim ate. cussed In the n ex t article. but on rest. T h e m ost im portant . th in g for th e tub ercu losis patient | , | V l l S e r V l C C is to obtain com p lete bed rest. The j best place to obtain th is com plete | The Civil S ervice C om m ission | rest Is in a tub ercu losis hospital, announced today th a t exam lna- A tub ercu losis h ospital neear the tions w il lsoon be held for proba-1 patient's horns is a s good anil tional ap poin tm ents to Fores- often b etter—than one at a d is -, ter and R ange C onservation ist tance. regard less o f th e clim ate. j positions in th e D ep artm en t of A h ospital near th e patient's Agriculture and th e D epartm ent hom e has several advantages. It o fth e Interior. T h ese positions m eans th a t the p atient w ill not be pay $2,320 a year and are located too far rem oved from h is fam ily throughout th e country, ch iefly to receive v isits from h is r e la tiv e s; in the w estern part o f th e U nited from tim e to tim e. U sually, the States. Most o f th e v a can cies patient Is less Inclined to w orry are in the D ep artm ent o f Agrl-1 about bom s con n dltlon s if he can culture, see m em bers o f h is fam ily occa- In addition to q u a lify in g in th e I sionally. And w hen a doctor w ritten test, persons ap plying for | recom m ends com plete bed rest, he the F orester and R ange C onserva- know s that, regardless of the tion ist exam in ation s m ust sh ow I physical p osition o f th e patient In the com pletion o f sp ecified cour- bed, rest Is not possible unless th e se s of stud y in th e appropriate m ind is at sase. | subjects. A pp lications w ill be Since recovery from tuberculo- accepted, how ever, from senior sis depends upon treatm ent, and stud en ts w ho w ill com p lete th ese not clim ate, and th e essen ce o f c o u r s e s before D ecem ber 31.1946 treatm en t Is rest, there is no rea- No experience is required for I son for the tub ercu losis p a tie n t' th is exam ination. T he m axim um to ’'search for health" by travel- agelim it o f 35 years w ill be w a iv ing to a far a w ay place where, ed for p erso n s en titled to veteran | som eone has said, th e clim ate is preference. Ideal for "curing’' tuberculosis. C losing date for a ccep tan ce o f I No clim ate w il lo f Itself "cure” applications Is Ju ne 6. 1946. Ap - 1 tuberculosis. T reatm en t for tu- plication Card Form 5000-AB m ust berculosls can be undertaken in b'e received in th e C om m ission’s | any clim ate. T h e ch an ces o f ar- W ash ington o ffic e on or b efore [ resting the d isea se and restoring thvt date, the patient to norm al liv in g are Interested persons should ask best w hen trea tm en t le begun for further Inform ation and get I early. In stead o f searchin g for Card Form 5000-AB from th e J m agic" clim ate, th e tuberculo- Commission^» local earretary. us patient w ill sa v e valuable tim e. F loren ce G lddings. located at Ti- an dalso m oney, by p lacin g him - gard. Oregon, or from m ost first | aelf under com p eten t m edical care and second-class p o st o ffices near h is ow n hom e. Civil Service R egion al O ffices, or I T he next article w ill be on th e U ntied S tates C ivil S en d ee w atch in g out for poison ivy. Com m ission. W asshtngton 25. D C BY Miss Kenney O F HELENE CURTIS LABORATORIES AT OPEN HOUSE MONDAY, JUNE * 10th, at 7:30 P. M. Featuring DARWIN JONES, Portland Hair Stylist * MISS EVERETT, Dermatic» Consultant ^ MISS ADAMS, Roux Representative Everyone Is Cordially Invited COME IN - Inspect Our New And Improved Facilities FLORENCE BEAUTY SALON First and \\ atson Streets Beaverton. Ore. Phone 3241