Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1945)
Strikes Water At 800 Feet Beaverton’« New W ell No. 2 for X m u ! ALOHA Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens is resum ing her activities as pastor of the Assembly of God church in Aloha after a major operation. Mrs. J. R. Rands of Aloha is doing ! some lovel ytinting on photos. A watch party and devotional hour is being planned for December 31 at the Aloha Community church. The P. T. A. met Tuesday evening December 18. After a short business meeting a very enjoyable program was presented. Mr. Scott sang a solo "The Rosary’’ The teachers sang several Christmas Carols. A short play "L et’s Get Going' was presented by several of the par ents. The characters were portray ed by Mrs. Gregory Mrs. Steele, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Saunders, Mr. Gordon, John Jersey and Mr. (juesnoy. Mrs. Whitehead's 4th grade room won the attendance token by having 14 of her students represented by their parents at this meeting. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Dudgeon and Mrs. Freeman poured. The table was attractively docorated in the Christmas spirit. Aloha-IIuber School Notes The fifth and sixth grades are hav ing their Christmas party together and each grade is supplying a num ber for it. The sixth grade will pre sent a radio adaptation of Dickens Christmas Carol. The fifth grade a play A Christmas Surprise, with Jan et Wooten, Bernadine Bergstrom, Sally Simmons taking parts. Delmer Ackerman master of ceremonies. The two first grades will present Old King Cole’s Christmas in a short play and will sing carols. All rooms now have their Christ mas trees up and decorated. Most rooms plan to have a short progiam | Friday afternoon to start the Christ- I mas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bushnell attended ^ 'T h e Messiah* 'in Salem Sunday December 16. This was presented by the Salem Oratorio Society. Tokyo Bay A large crowd attended the in stallation of officers of Jobs Daugh-I tors in the Masonic Temple Tuesday j eve. A DeMolay team coming out ______ from Portland to help with the work p ■ . which was very nicely done. jV-fCW w er e thrilled Mrs A E Hanson has been suffer- ¡To Receive Orders t o CO ing with an Infected thumb. * Mrs. Schoene's sister of Wiscon Mrs. David Lofgren of Oak avenue, sin has been visiting her and also routs 3, recently received a letter Mrs. Albert Hansen a sister, of Beav from her nephew A. K. Fagerstrom erton. GM 3/c USS Pasadena in Tokyo bay. Mr. Warren Goodin, worthy pa The letter was dated Sept. 2 The tron of Order of Eastern Star, flew letter follows: to San Fancisco 1 ast Thursday to It was exactly a week ago on Sun attend the installation of his father day August 26 that reveille sounded in one of the big chapters in San as usual., but that morning the crew Francisco. of the Pasadena leaped out of their Mrs. Harry Eliander, who has been bunks with unusual alacrity and quite ill, is improving. cheerfulness. And good reason they Francis Johnson who bought the had. In a few short hours the Berg place, is going to Alaska as a Pasadena, in company with several radio technician on Thursday. He other ships, was scheduled to break will be placed back of Nome. His away from the muin body of the family will go later. fleet and was that day to enter into Mrs. Ferd Groner of Scholls, is very Sagami Wan, the entrance to Tokyo ill in "u Hillsboro hospital. We on the Pasadenu were proud to Mrs. Frances Donaldson enter be chosen as one of the very first tained the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge ships to enter the Tokyo Bay. an club with a luncheoen and cards at objective for which we fought so Campbell Court on Tuesday after many months. But a roaring sea noon Mrs. Albert Johnson being was pounding, and great was the high. disappointment when news came that Mrs. W. J. Alexander attended the MacArthur had delayed all plans for card party at Huber on Saturday j forty-eight hours in order to permit evening. Mrs. Seile was presented the howling typhoon to blow itself with a turkey. out. Impatiently the men waited. The community sing given at tne The next day the seas had quieted High School Sunday evening was very considerably, the order was given the well attended and very good. group of ships o ff from the fleet, Elmer Stipe has been duck hunt and we were on our way to Tokyo. ing. W e knew not what to expect. Had Wayne Tallman, who lived here a the Japs quit or were they up to number of years was buried from the Borne treachery? Would our entrance Christian Church Wednesday aftet- be peaceful or would the Jap shore noon. batteries open up on us? Would we Mr. Fagerstrom of Blue River, pass safely through the well mined Oregon, is visiting at the home of his waters or would a terrific explosion daughter, Mrs. David Lofgren and bring again the horrors of the past family on route 3. Although he is months? No one knew but in our 95 years of age he is in perfect minds raced many thoughts. We health and enjoys visiting with ac could only watt and see. Grimly quaintances. Mr. Fagerstrom came the ship went to general quarters. to Oregon from Sweden, and has All water tight doors, hatches and lived here ever since. He says Ore openings were scaled. All buttle gon climate is about the same as stations were manned. Onward we where he lived in southern Sweden. «ded, keeping in radio touch Lt. Hoy H. Sheedy of route . box * with ,th the th# main mal„ body of the fleet, who 60ft. received his dischaiye at Se were standing by, ready to send in attle Dec. 14. any assistance required. Benjamin Lowe, brother in law of Slowly time dragged. An hour out O. C. Gilstrap, died last week in from the great Yokasuka Naval Portland. Mr, Lowe owned the Base, a Jap destroyer met us, and Lowe Coffee Shop at 18th and Love- Japanese pilots came abourd. Gruve- joy, Portland. ly they saluted our flag, then our Mr. and Mrs. Guy Carr and family executive officer, and then they are planning on driving to California guided us through the treacherous for Christmas. They expect to leave mine fields into Sagami Man. Clos on Saturday. er and closer we drew to land. Nothing of event happened. The Japs had kept their word. They Red Cross needs had marked all their shore batteries New Rooms by Jan. 1 with a white flag, and had left them To date no building has been pro unattended. Several yards from cured for the Red Cross rooms, and shore we dropped anchor, but at no the present building should be va time did we relax our vigilant watch. cated by January 1, according to an Words cannot express our thrill at nouncement by the investigating seeing Jap soil, Jap people, buildings committee at the Red Cross meeting factories, vehicles, trees, etc. at so Thursday night at headquarters. The close a range. The shores were lined committee is doing everything in its with mountains, and in the back power to find place. ground rose Mount Fujiyama, its M,„ w . . l reported 0 . 1 U « •” ^ 7 . Around the still about 16 uncalled-for cots whicn bend was Tokyo. But there was were used at the blood bank center. work to do for many. Arrange Due to recovering some and other ments had to be made for the release repairs, names (if there were any) o f prisoners of war, shore establish of owners have been obliterated. Due ments had to be taken over and to moving these must be called for manned, landing forces had to occu by January 1 or may be sold by tl e py the beaches, and other tasks too Red Cross to eliminate moving and numerous to mention, which details storing. I will not write about except to say that in the first contingent of men DE W A IN C. T A M MAN to land on Japanese soil there was a De Wain C. Tallman died at a Sa.' detachment o f Marines from the lem hospital Dec. 16, aged 76 y « « . j And mighty proud were 9 months, 9 d iys. He we of the Marines that day. Oregon 65 year, and spent 35 yem s , ^ ^ pUnM f|ew over. The City of Beaverton presents their citizens a new well of fresh sparkling water for a 1945 Christmas present! The best news since the war was over—arrived Saturday when the Strosser Weil Drilling Co. of Port land, struck water at a depth of SOJ feet at Beaverton's new city well (No. 2) which is located on the East slope of Sexton Mt., 800 feet ( l 1 * 8 1 miles) SW of Allen avenue, south A GOOD W A V to keep Christmas boundary city limits of Beaverton via Watson St., Sorrento Road to well is to bring joy to every former Donaldson home. one we can. This we believe, is the Drilling operations by the Strosser spirit of this community . . . one Well Drilling firm have been going since last May. The formation has of the important reasons why living been solid rock. A t the depth of here affords such genuine pleasure. 800 ft. according to log of the well To you who have stood by us so orevices in the rock seemed to be faithfully during the year 1945 we full of water . Pumping operations with 118 H P wish a whole world of happiness gas motors furnishing the power were pressed into this Christmas season. begun Tuesday 2:15 p. m. (Dec. 18) Merry Cnristmaa to you anil to, a big centrifugal pump pumping 975 every member of your family. gallons water per minute with a draw down of 77 ft. Before pump ing began the water was 151 ft. from static top. The elevation of City W ell No. 2 is same as city well No. 1 at city reservoir m miles NE of Beaverton which will give same pressure from the SW when turned into city mains Mr. Fred Goyt, water superintend ent since 1933, has had full super vision of the Job on behalf of the City from start to finish. Rudolph Schuepach water witched city well No. 1 in 1932 and city well No. 2 in 1945. Mayor Masters says the water is Community Christmas being analyzed. All city officials are well pleased Concert Greatly Enjoyed that Beaverton will have plenty of The first community Christmas I » » x i w uw » » ■ lSB «>9 » » liaSaSMSItMlftiaitW «%a iSMatMn<lMSSMS| water to sell everybody. concert since pre-war time, was held Merry Christmas! last Sunday night at the Union High P IL G R IM School gym under the sponsorship of L U T H E R A N CHURCH Beaverton Grade School P. T. A.. “Holy Night” Drama at Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive The concert was a big success and Church of Christ Dec. 23 Erwin A. Gerken Pastor was attended by a large audience- 522 Broadway considering bad weather conditions. C H U R C H O F T H E N A Z A K K N K Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Christmas drama and special music A grand chorus of 60 voices well With celebration of Holy Commun- by the orchestra will bo featured at trained by many rehearsals under Leonard C. Johnson Pastor ton the Church of Christ Sunday night the able leadership of Willis Cady 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Walter Services 11 a. m. Dec. 23 at 7:30. The yoong people conductor and Mrs. Walter Myers, Lovett, Supt. Sermon topic: The Christian's oi the church will present a beautiful accompanist, presented well chosen The Christmas lesson—St. Lk Confession, concerning Christ" John program again this yeai. Special numbers for Beaverton's first post Chap. 2. Come to Sunday School this 1„ 19-28. selections by the orchestra will be war Christmas. Beautiful special Christmas Sunday. The Saturday School 9:30 a. m. followed by a drama "Holy Night” numbers were rendered by the sev 11 a. m. Morning worship. The Young People’s Society will in which the following participate. eral Beaverton churchs. Special musid— Jesse Bambino have their Christmas social Saturday Ruth Zimbrlc, Barbara Kinken, Carl The gym was decorated in holiday evening at 7:30 p. m. Ungar, Elwin Paxon, Bill Kent, W al spirit including a beautiful Christmas O Holy Night. Sermon subject—-"We have seen Rehearsal for Children's Service lace Branch, Sammy McKeel, Enor tree, lights and artificial rain. His Star.” Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. Peterson, Beverly Adams, Fied My Among those takng part were 8 p. m. The Christmas program ers, Bill Springer, George Springer, Rev. Gerken, Miss Betty Hogan, The children’s Christmas Service Charlotte Galloway, Suzanne Peter Methodist church choir, Mis. Lenore by the Sunday School will be present "the Christmas Story Told in Color,” ed at this time: Candlelighting carol will be Christmas eve at 7.30 at the son, Gladys Huddleston, Mable Wollmuth, Mrs. Robert 3imbrick. fest, the Manger tableaux, childrens church. Springer, W. Wyttenberg, Dick Kin recitations and singing. ken. Ethel Myers, Mabel Springer, Special services will be held on The community of Beaverton is Christmas Day at 10 a. m. Ritz Theatre Under Sermon Ruby Johnston, extended a cordial welcome to attend topic ‘fThe Babe of Bethlehem” The children will present a spec New Management all these services at this significant Isaiah 9, 6. ial program in the morning at 9 45 and beautiful season of the year. at which time a white Christmas will The Adult Bible class will not be The Ritz Theatre of Beaverton, held the next two weeks. be observed to consist of canned was recently purchased from Mr. goods (tin cans) for the overseas Murphy by R. J. Mattecheck and The Lutheran Hour every Sunday C U U R C H O F CH R IST starving of Europe. Christmas treats Harold Gunness, both of McMinnville. 9:30 a. m. over K A L E and at 4 over KWJJ. will be given after the morning ser George W. Springer, P&ator The Mattechecks have been con Second and Main Sts. Beaverton A cordial welcome to all. vice to the children. nected with theatres for the past 31 There will be a Christmas program years, and at present own and oper ate several in and around McMinn presented by the children of the Bi REKDVTIJ.E COMMUNITY Some Folks Get ble School at 9:45 a. m., followed by ville. Mr. Gunness has owned and PRLSBYTE RIAN CHURCH the morning worship service. operated a retail store in McMinn Funny Ideas Topic: Good Things of Great Joy. Rev. Hampton, Pastor ville for the past several years. It Following the sermon, the Lord’s Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E. You know, some folks get funny is his intention to live in or ..ear Geiger, Supt. ideas Yes, there were people who Beaverton, as manager of the the- supper will be observed The Christmas drama "Holy Night’ Worship Service 11 a. m. expected to wake up on V-J Day to atr.e. will be presented Sunday evening at Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. find refrigerators, automobiles, tele It is understood the new owners in Beaverton. . church I head ln »re n t numbers, landing at phones. and other hard-to-get pos will make extensive improvements to 7:30 o’clock accompanied by special music by the church orchestra. Ev TH E VALLEY Wednesday Jr. the £ £ p ' 1 «>• bV «•>«»*. unloading men sessions Just waiting to be snapped the theatre both Inside and, eryone is welcome. C O M M U N IT Y CH UR CH under direction of W . E t ! and equipment and returning for ad- up. Unfortunately, it isn't that bringing to Beaverton and surround Midweek Bible study and prayer U N IT E D I’K B N H Y T E R IA N tuary. Interment u j ¿ttlonal loading. A ll day they came, simple. And when we give the mat ing country an improved and more SW Gabel Lane at Fairway Dr., Grove cemetery. . t PortJ a n d far into the night, and a good- theatre. With the service Wednesday 8 p. m. ter a little thought we all realiye comfortable Topic: Gentleness. Rev. H. A. Armltage, pastor Ho leaves two n n n ™ ly sU* d occupational force must have that reconversion is a tremendous Mattecheck buying force, local theatre Next Sunday at 10:30 Prof. W. R. ■and. Low ell C* ' “ ° rp nl* ’ been landed that day. Job. That’s why, although some goers will be given advantage of a Hallman as guest soloist, will sing daughter. Gladys Saylor of 9 ? *an To be continued The Ritz The telephone equipment is now being better run of shows. M ETHODIST CHURCH I "The Birthday of A King" by Ntid- lake, Oregon, brother Lee Tallman manufactured, we cannot expect it to atre is in charge of Mrs. Louise Portland, and two granddaughters. | linger. Sermon theme: "The Word 4th and Watson Sts. be enough to take care of everybody Riggs at the present. j Made Flesh.” Rev. Everett L. Bowers. Pastor at the same time. Slowly but Christmas Cheer In the evening at 7:45 in a com Parsonage: 356 Broadway surely, telephone equipment will be Church School 9:45 a. m. with Mrs. munity service of carols and candle j For the Lonely come more plentiful until the needs Wheat Men Speak , lighting the augmented choir will; | Nan Bourquin. Supt. of everyone can be met. Until that On School Taxes White Christmas service 11 a. m. sing "Le Sammeil De L ’Enfant Jes- ; The war is over -the boys are com happy day. your telephone company Sermon—The White Gift of Self us” and "Gesu Bambino.” Miss Hazel i ing home! Millions rejoice in pro wants to thank you for your con Hales Tax "Only Feasible New Service. Church accessions,, baptisms i Cooper director; Mrs. Rose Foster, claiming the glad tidings "Peace on tinued patience and understanding Tax Source” They Hay presentations. organist. Earth good will to men," And at this Local Board No. 1 o f the Industry’s tremendous recon Piecemeal submission to the peo Annual Christmas program 7 p. m moment we are thinking of two per Dear Sir: version Job now going on Just as ple of new but small tax sources for Just a few lines to say that I am sons who live in this vicinity, they rapidly as present conditions will state support of public schools isn't i M Y F caroling 8:30 p. m. WEST IIUJJ8 doing fine. The army isn't so bad . are invalids and move about In wheel getting anywhere Eastern Oregon permit. LUTHERAN CHURCH after all. When I left home I nev chairs, having a hard time to keep Wheat League said in a statement BETHEL Canyon Road, near Sylvaa er expected to get in the Air Corps 1 warm these wintry days and do not adopted at its Pendleton Dec. 5-7 con Antrim Planning CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Sincerely yours Werner J. Fritz, Minister have many visitors. One la Miss vention. December 23 Pvt. R O B E R T A X T E L L Jeanie Barry who lives about Drive for Fund« A sales tax is the only “ feasible, Rev. J. G. Dickey (Interim ) Pastor Sunday School 9:46 a. ra. 3706th A A F Base Unit BTC 8q P j mile east of Beaverton, Canyon High practical and productive” new tax (In place of Rev. Sturtevant until Divine service with Holy Com-: 39497616 next summer) way, route 2, box 79, and the otber R ay L. Antrim of Aloha, after be source that can prevent a near-fu 930 Church School Christmas inunion, 11 a. m. sermon "Rejoice” .' Sheppard Field Texas Mrr. George Newman corner Cedar ing named last week as Washington ture “ critical condition of state and Christmas program by the Sunday! Parents Street and Henry road northwest county chairman of the annual drive local finances in Oregon” , the wheat program: all departments. School 5 o'clock. Beaverton. ALOHA COM M UNITY CHURCH for funds to combat infantile para farmers believed after its taxation especially invited. Christmas Day, Festival service 11 a. m. Christmas service; two Wouldn’t It be fine to send a lit lysis, is formulating plans for the and transportation committee, Ben Qraydon D. Lore«, Pastor . Sunday School 9 50 a. m tle Christmas cheer to these two local campaign to start after the Evick. Madras, chairman, had been numbers by the choir; Christmas eer- 11 a. m Every one invited and welcome. persons on Christmas. Mary Antrim, Supt. in an all-day session A "new source mon; reception of members; special nrst of the year. E A R L E FISH E R Washington county contributed of large tax revenue” for Oregon is offering for benevolences. Morning worship 11 a. m. 5 p. m. Anthems carols, hymns, Choir under the direction of H. E $8,043.07 last year to aid Oregon in •Inevitable” . AI.OIIA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Ewer will present Christmas can taking first place in per capita con The U. S. Civil Service Commission Property taxes will become "crit by choir and congregation; short ad Wheeler Avenue tata "Holy Night. Tell your friends announced tributions in the nation, and every ically oppressive” in Oregon when in- dresses. followed by social hour. today that more than Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, and neighbors. 32,000 veteran placements—including effort will be made to top that fig comee taxes decline and increased Acting pastor The Church School Christmas pro placements of the wives of dis school costs are shifted in part from ure. according to Antrim . HIGHWAY CHAPEL The Christmas program will be , gram will be given beginning at 7 30 abled veterans and the widows of Oregon contributed a total of $343,- Income taxes back onto property. Schools, the Wheat Leaguer's taxa Temporarily located upstairs In the presented Sunday evening Dec 23 at There will be recitations., music, etc., veterans were made in all types of T23.34 last year.____________ ¡7:30. Public is Invited to attend. Odd Fellows Hall .Beaverton and one act play entitled "You who positions in the Federal civil service tion committee was told, now receive 10 a m. Sunday School. during October 1945 Veteran place Orville J. Poulin, Minister Washington county farmers should 8,000.000 a year from Income taxes Sit by the Fire.” . 11 a. m. Morning worship. ments during the first 10 months of Sunday School 16 a. m remember that January 13, has been directly, about $2,000,000. Topic: "God's Gift to the Nations". 194« totaled 189.830 of which 97 per Morning worship 11 a. m L A T T E R D AY SAINTS established as a closing date .or the cent were made in Federal field es Sunday School Christmas program Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens speaking. American Legion Hall Because you lack a noble and filing of 1945 agricultural conserva Bible study Thursday evening at tablishments outside the District of Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. tion Reports of Performances, says successful past is no reason why you Sunday evening 7:45 Stephens residence on account of Sunday School at 10 a. ns Columbia. John W. Kamna. chairman. Appli should lack a noble and successful double birthdays, Dec. 27. Sacrament meeting 0 30 p. m. cation reports for 1945 which are not futurs.— Thomas Drier. Childrens Christmas party Dec. 28 ST. CECELIA CHURCH Elder J T S Peterses, Branch Ton can almost always dispose of signed by January 13 will not be I# i t v a i i an « w a n t a d v i. at Stephens residence. Masses $ 2B and 10 23. Brest. How about your subscription? eligible for payment. To Our Friends at CH RISTM AS Church Services Bits o i News About Our Boys