Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1945)
August 17, 1945 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E . Beaverton. Oregon P »*e2 Sanitary Tips GL H. JEKKBIE8, mbllibM Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Cm . at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as aecoad-oiass matter at the postofflce at Beaverton. Ore. One Tear . — - ___ .41-00 Subscription Payable in Advance. Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Portland Office—408 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater *1091 Mmmlmm PAPER O re f unis Lewis and Clark The (.rest Amerloan Odyssey A Condensed Story o f the Historic Expedition of 1804-ti Copyright 1946 by Walter Meacham (fc)l AT I 0 I them, including the Clatsops, Chi nooks (Tillamook«) and W ahkia- kums, whose chiefs were presented with medals and presents accord in g to their rank and influence. Saca- jawea busied h erself in m aking m oc casins and cloth in g while the men hunted, fished and repaired their clothes, guns or other gear. Lewis and Clark spent the tim e in explor ing the surrounding country, m aking maps, studying plant and animal life and the customs and languages of the Indians. Clark wrote o f the “Great Western O cean'", saying that he could not call It P acific, ow in g to the storms which beset them alm ost all winter. In January, 1806, a large whale was cast ashore below T illam ook Head and Captain Clark took Saca- Jawea and several o f the men to view It. That was a great treat for the Indian woman and provided her with a good fish story to relate to her friends when she returned home. The Indians had picked the carcass clean, but Clark w as able to purchase some o f the blubber to add to their slender diet. Winter Quartern Indians visited them on Novem ber 11, that they called the Cathla- mas and from whom some fish were bought. The party was held storm bound at this place for four days, (T o be con tin u ed) when It moved to Haley's (Baker's) bay and camped Just inside Chin For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry ook point. The sun came out at Barnes. P hone B eaverton 3231. tf brief intervals, when they dried their clothin g and bedding. They traded “ W hy not a ten-year postw ar plan fo r fish and wappato with the In fo r A m erica, planned by business dians, who visited them from time leaders, to reach a new high in to time. earned prosperity.” — Pres. Ira M osh Deciding that the south side of er, Natl. Assn, o f M anufacturers. the river was best for their purpos es, they left Chinook camp on No While shopping eat at the Grey- vember 25 and rowed back up the at the Oreyhound Coffee Shop. river to Shallow (Oray’s) bay. The river was crossed to the south side to Cathlamet point the following day. They skirted the south bank of the river, passing John Day river, w»hlch flows into Cathlamet bay. They rounded a peculiar formation which STEADY W O RK they named Point William (Tongue Point) and went into camp, exposed [ to a heavy storm which held them j there for ten days. During that time Captain Lewis \ went on a scouting trip in senreh of a winter camp and found one to his liking. On December 8 they paddled INCORPORATED their canoes into Meriwether (Young's) hay and up the Netul (Lewis and Clark) river a short dis tance to where a permanent winter camp was made, about two hundred yards from the river, and named It HHPARATORN — MII.KKK.H Fort Clatsop. This was about six COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND miles from the present Aatorla, si i t i i t s FOR THE DAIRY Oregon. INDUSTRY The log houses and stockade were finished by December 24, though the rain fell continuously, rotting their buckskin suits and spoiling much of their meat. Christmas day was ush ered In by a parade of the men, fir f I M a t o r 4 O M ribakr, a * * 1 M ing a Bmall round of small arms and wishing the commanding officers a 1 Merry Christmas. Their Yuletide \ dinner consisted of elk meat and wa- pato. and some dried berries. Once ugain Cruzatte tuned up his fiddle ‘ I » NW Park AT. Mill and provided the music for singing and dancing, a dance without wom en. l.ewln and Clark presented the men with handkerchiefs and tobacco and extended the season's greetings to them. It was at best a poor j WANTED substitute for the Christmases they ! had known, but It was better than I none at all, and helped keep up mo- ' rale. A Christmas tree was pro- | vided for Little Pomp, though he I ALSO didn't know what it was all about. Much of their meat spoiled for L ive P oultry and E ggs lack of salt to preserve it and salt less meat was not very palatable Receiving A Dressing Plants: anyway, so Iaswls and Clark sent out | Portland, McMinnville. Salem, Joseph I “ields, William Bratton. Albany. Eugene, Roseburg, Oeorge Gibson, Alexander Willard Redmond, Oregon. nnd Peter Wiser to go to the sea shore and distill salt from ocean Main Office and Plant water. They built a cairn at the present Seaside, Oregon, and dis tilled nbout a gallon of salt a day. This was slow, laborious work, but It provided a necessity they had long been without. Thus, Lewis and Clark, in addition to other honors, were the first industrialists In the S E. Oak Street, Portland. Ore. far West. The site of the old calm Phone 1’Ast 6141 Is Exhibit No. 1 of Seaside. Various tribes o f Indians visited The Low Down From Hockory Grove » mile deep, and had no bottom . W hen som e foteign co u n try —ex cept Finland sends us a ch eck and pays up, it is gonna m alic a man bitin' a m ountain lion, 100 k puny One thing our U.S.A. could do, and pronto, is to sit dow n and dope out a n d s i c k a s n e .v s . Y ou rs w ith th e lo w dow n, A R T IC L E 2 where we will be com ing out 10 J O S E R R A years h^nce, if we keep on putting Transmission of Disease in more o f our tim e and m oney tak F o r S t o v e a n d D i e s e l O i l C a l l Harry ing care o f folks in foreign cou n P h one fc L -a v e r to ii 3 j 3 1 . tf Through Food tries versus our own folks here in B a r n e 3 Montana and K entucy and South T here are m any and various j Carolina and 45 other states. means w hereby bacteria that cause i It is okay to be a C hristian and | You N e v e r C le a n e d Y o u r E C om m unicable Disease can be trans-j think about your neighbor, and help ferred, transm itted, or ju st p la in 1 if you can, but it is not being a V s f f l s J H N T A l P LA TES 1 spread by im proper food handling.j Christian or having horse-sense to R ecalling the m icroscop ic size o f \ neglect your own l S o E a sily J fam ily and let it these organism s, it Is readily realized I hustle for itse lf—or go hungry. ■ K le r n i t » * n d » n u » » v . h a r m - that they can and do travel in j We m ay be nearer the bottom o f ■ f u l b r u a h in * . .In s* Put > uu r W p l a t * **r b r id g e in • I 1* * * many ways. These organ ism s a r e 1 the barrel than we think. And when ^ u f » 1 1 . r. A .Id a l i l t l * K lr a - carried on your ‘fingers, you r body we do hit bottom , what cou ntry will N i n i t * . I’ r e .t o ! S t a i n » , dia- and hair, and thousands m ay ride| o ffe r us a loan, or present us a g ift? e o lo r a tiu n a . d i-n tu r * o d o r d i s a p p e a r , ■ '»ur Z l” . p a r k ! * 1 b r new. A.k > « « . d r u x z i .l out into the air on tiny globu les o f Once we are on our uppers, othei to d a y f o r K h * n » l e * _________ saliva expelled in a single cough, j nations will give us the cold shoul Tim e does not perm it a discussion o f der—w hich is human nature. W hy I t 'u ( s f h T j ! jZ n i T J I S a lf f l all of these various m odes o f trans didn’t the guy, they will say, have mission. It is felt, how ever, that som e gum ption when he was flush Get KJ.EENTTE today at Beaverton we should discuss som e o f the m ajor versus acting like his sock w as a Pharmacy, and all good druggist» ways In which con tam ination Is spread in food handling, cau sin g not only sickness and disease, but also causing m uch d ecay and spoilage o f food. T he fo u r m ajor offen d ers in this roll are F L IE S , R A T S, R O A C H ES, and M AN him self. P robably the greatest single spreader o f in fection and con tam ina E S S E N T IA L — PO ST W A R tion outside o f man him self, is our com m on house fly. There is no such thing as a clean house fly. H e is bred in manure or refuse and he com es direct to the kitchen or cou n ter from som e place o f filfth. Because o f the fly ’s filth y habits many epidem ics o f sickness and dis ease have been caused. T his is espec ially true o f typhoid fever, dysen tery, and oth er intestinal born e dis eases. T herefore, it is im perative that we take steps to con trol or eradicate this dangerous pest. Next w eek we will discuss the hab-j its and life cycle o f R ats and R o a ch es, and their relationship to the spread o f C om m unicable diseases. M Kepler Davenport Co. BEAVERTON, OREGON Recovering and Modernizing Beaverton 3762 Open 8 :3 0 to 6 Evenings by Appointment PORTABLE ARC WELDING ACKT Y L K X E WELDING AND BURNING A I O H A M. N. WEISENBACK North W'hf**ler Ave., Aloha HELP WANTED * 4 Can Use Permanent Employees Operators and Other Help Needed AIR CLEANER SERVICE CO. A construction guide for those in terested in building a small green house can be secured by w riting OSC Extension circu lar 459. 4624 S. W . B E R T H A B E A V E R T O N Phone BEacon 6389 H IG H W A Y Gleneullen, Oregon Glencullen Bus Service right to the Door W hile shopping in B eaverton stop in at the Greyhound C offee Shop for Lunch. Men Wanted TIGARD Concrete Products # De Laval MonroeiCrifell J TURKEYS Northwest Ponltry & Dairy Products Co. ¿y£SH 0 DE 0 ¿y£ A17G. 18 8 p. m. M fN I M Y lU i: A r f l. 19 I p. m. 4 MOUNTED POSSES 4 ★ C L A C K A M A S C O U N TY * SALIM * PORTLAND MOUNTED + YAMHILL GUARD COUNTY IN T H R IIJJN O S P P X T A C U J iR DK1IJ.S COUNTY GROUNDS “EST" "'¿V * a CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS THE OREGON HOME the most important industry of all • The Oregon home is big business. It represents a big investment, consumes enor mous supplies o f food, clothing, merchan dise and every imaginable kind o f sen ice. T o many o f us, the incentive to own the kind o f a home we want to have, equipped and furnished the way we want it, is the spur that drives us on. While a home cannot be measured entirely as a material thing, the external beauty o f Oregon Homes and sur roundings arc an indication o f their internal beauty and comforts. Nowhere else in the world has home life reached a higher degree o f desirability than in Oregon. Perhaps that is why 55°0 o f Oregon homes are owned by the people who live in them. (On the farms it is 85°0). Oregon homes incite the admira tion and envy o f visitors from everywhere. O f course, Oregon Homes are electrified— well electrified not only with abundant electrical illumination and plenty o f outlets for plug-in accessories but with electric hot water, cooking, washing, ironing, electrically controlled healing equipment, ventilation, refrigeration and frozen food storage. PGE’ s low-cost electricity is a big aid and incentive in home betterment. Portland General Electric Com pany SPECIAL “ V E N T I L A T E D " See your Building Material Dealer Portland Concrete Pipe A MIS SW Macadam Ave., Portland. 1 Oregon P roducts Co. AT. 8354 Pioneer in supplying electric light and power to homes, ogricuttvre, manufacture and mercantile enterprises 4