Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1945)
\ u gu st 3 , 1945 WiVes in Hope of Joining Troops in Occup ed Zone CHARLIE Published F riday or ea cb week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered aa second-class m atter at the p oetofflce at Beaverton, Ore One Year Subscription Payable BEETHAM in Advance. ONE OP THE GREAT EST MIDDLE-DISTANCE RUNNERS T o R E P R ittH T OHIO STATE UNiV. B eaverton O ffice — E nterprise Bldg., P hone B eaverton 2321 Portland O ffic e - 308 Panam a Bldg., 3rd and Alder P hone A T w ater tiS'jl Af*m ¿** 0«lG|o®Ht^s[pApit P U B LI S mt l i Sr S*0~c)l A T I 0 R WASHINGTON.—The wur depart ment promised to allow families and fiances of s< rvicemen in Europe to join them "when conditions permit.” In a letter to Rep. Margaret Smith (Rep., Maine), John W. Mar- tyn, administrative assistant to Sec retary of War Stimson, said: "Y ou may be confident that the war department is fully aware of the desirability of dependents and fiancees proceeding to Europe and will certainly relax the present re strictions when conditions permit.” Mrs. Smith, in a previous letter, had suggested that wives be per mitted to join husbands who are as signed for an ¿definite stay or a period of one year or more. The Low Down From Hickory Grove T he w-ay I figure, this new 5 buck windshield sticker, is m aybe a good Idea. You know, if all taxes were paid .via sticker, it m ight w ork out i skookum . Let every public p roject be paid for by sticker. Say, as a sample, the Govt, thinks it must have an O W I to pass ou t news or hold back some, that it thinks w’e are too you ng to understand, and it is gon n a cost 35 m illion a year, we could have a 2 dollar O W I stam p for same— there being som ething like 18 m illion cars in the U. S. A. And there are these R iver and Dam "A u th orities’’, like the Missouri 1 V alley one to cost around 400 m il lion. A w indshield stick er for this M VA would be a 22 dollar baby. And with stam ps fo r all projects, every body would see w h at they were all { about, and what it w as costin ’ them versus everybody thinking it was som ething fo r U ncle Samuel to pay for, and not them. W e could have 10 cen t stick ers for the local playgrounds and leap-frog p ro je cts—and w ork on up to the 25 buck stick er for bigger things like AAA, etc. And when the windshield was plastered and would hold no m ore, we cou ld relax and know the w orst w as over— until next year. Y ours with the low down, JO S E R R A the tw o captains. T heir main sub sistence was salm on and dog meat, supplem ented with various kinds o f herbs, roots and bulbs which they se cured from the Indians They found Museum Gets Model of dog m eat to be palatable and nutri tious, preferring it to horse m eat or Inca Village in Mexico lean deer meat. CHICAGO. — A miniature model The Great R iver o f the W est (the of an Inca village of 1,450 has been C olum bia) was reached O ctober 16. added to the Chicago Natural His They hailed it with shouts o f de tory museum. light, fo r the hardest part o f the The model is lased upon observa Journey was over, and they were tions of ruins in Peru by Donald within three hundred miles o f their Collier. ..................—— - " ■- | goal. Councils were held with the _ _ __ - _ various tribes they encountered and The village represented is still / . P t y 1 Q and. 1 the usual m edals and presents were inhabited by modern descendants given to the chiefs. Cruzette brought of the ancient Incas, and many of Ih n Groat Am erican Odyssey out his trusty fiddle und he and the W hile in B eaverton be sure to eat its terraces continue to be farmed, men entertained their savage visitors at the G reyhound C offee Shop. according to Collier. with g ood old A m erican airs and A C ondensed Story o f the dances. H istoric E xpedition o f 1804-6 . . . . In , . turn, the . Indians put „ on ) S acrificin g the beauties and re If you sm oke in you r car, use your U . S . T r e a s u r y Llefartrr.etil Copyright 1945 by W alter M eacham I thf ‘ r ‘ rlbal dan ce* and songs. Cap sources o f O regon to your earless ash tray. T he careless person helps I tain Clark ascended the Columbiu ness is a poor w ay to play ball, Jap- j create black, desolate burns, ' as fa r as the Tapteal (Y a k im a ) riv- fested with fleas, con tracted from an m ay run up a score while we are ' . — British Hospital Trains O vcr the L olo Pass er. T he sok u lk (W alla W allas) and Indian villages. If It using essential m anpow er to fight F or Stove and Diesel ®il Call Harry The expedition continued north to | the Chim napuns (Y a k im a s) visited visiting Moving Wounded Yr.nk; fires. K eep O regon Green. | Barnes. P hone B eaverton 3231. tf a point a few miles southw est o f them and friendly relations were es wasn’t one thing, it w as another, to make life m iserable for the d ou ghty the m odern Missoula, at the present tablished. WASHINGTON.-Britain has as explorers. On the M issouri it w as signed to the United States under Ixilo. Camp was made on T ravelers’ Lewis and Clark had a facu lty of »r-KlOlO (t>-45) R est creek on Septem ber 9. This m aking friends with all the Indians wind, m osquitoes and grizzly bears, reverse lend-lease at least 40 hos on the C olum bia, rain, fo g and fleas. i ( now know n as Ix>lo creek, a fork I they encountered, and earned the pital trains to move wounded Amer (T o be con tin u ed) o f the B itterroot. T here they left title o f Indian D iplom ats. T he M us-j ican troops in Europe and the Unit the river and tu rn ed N their faces to selshell (U m atilla) rapids were pass O CT. APR. MAY AUG. SEPT JUNE I JULY ed Kingdom, Leo T. Crowley, for C A L L M E JO E west. A t a distance o f about ed and nam ed O ctober 19. T hey Yontan A irfield, O kinaw a—A first eign economic administrator, has thirty miles they crossed the Bitter passed the U m atilla river in des announced. R oots over L olo pass into the pres cen din g the C olum bia without seeing lieutenant, adjutant o f a Second Ma A number of British ships also ent state o f Idaho. S acajaw ea bore it, but discovered it on the return rine Air W in g nigh t-figh ter squadron tin huidships o f the trail with equal Journey, nam ing it the Y oum alolam . adm onished the le a th e rn e ck s with a have been assigned under lend-lease cou rage as the men. She was a The Indians encountered below the bulletin board notice to refer to o ff i to move U. S. battle casualties. THRU JULY 31 Crowley said the cost to the Brit valuable m em ber of the party, Umatll^as were called the Pish-quit- cers by rank, reports Sgt. Claude R. Cunup, Marine C orps com bat corres X though not ns a guide. H er baby, paws. ish of reverse lend-lease of all On the 21st they discovered Q R S T U Baptiste, w h o Captain C lark called and named the John Day river, call pondent. types to this country totaled nearly THRU AUG. 31 That night a Jap air-borne suicide “ Little P o m p ”, was a great favorite ing it L epage’s river, fo r one o f the 2 2 2 2 2 $4,000,000,000 up to last October 1. squad landed on the airfield. with the men and helped to hum an men. T hey next viewed the mouth T he guard jum ped into the ad ize the rigors o f the trail. ¡ o f the T ow ah n ahiook s (D eschutes) W X Y Z THRU SEPT. 30 A fter crossing the pass, the party river, a sw ift-flow in g stream flow - 1 ju tan t’s foxh ole and in a none-too- Rescued Yank Looking for 2 2 2 2 low voice exclaim ed excitedly: "L ieu em erged on the present P ack er ing through deep, w inding canyons I Fellow by Name of ‘Mac’ Just call me J o e !” JiU.iuows and Pack creek, which from its source in the C ascade range. tenant! The adjutant ju st as excitedly re WASHINGTON. — Corp. John C. Lewis and Clark called Glade creek. Soon the dull roar o f falling w a - 1 “ D on ’ refer to m e as lieu Gronwall of North Towanda, N. Y., T heir Shoshone Indian guide led ter greeted them and they cam e plied: Just calle me J o e !” become good Aug.I them down to the K ooskoosk ie upon what they called the Great tenant! is looking for a fellow named Mac, (L och sa) river, a m istake w hich Falls (C elllo). as "big as a house and maybe a for T hey called the I n - , F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry mer football player.” He wants to tliey avoided on the return trip. T hey diuns living here the Eneeshurs Phone B eaverton 3231. tf thank him for saving his life. ( imped at the mouth o f W hite Sand T hose below were called the E cheloots Barnea. creek, which they called C olt Killed (W a sco s). T he G reat Falls was the Gronwall was lying wounded on T U V W X creek , because they w ere forced to ancient fishing m art o f the Indians. A friend o f our on ce accused w o Leyte within range of Jap fire when 2 2 2 2 2 kill a colt to satisfy their hunger. H ere, from tim e im m em orial, they men o f having no sense o f humor, “ M ac” dashed out, “ picked me up Pow ell R a n g er station is now locat had gathered to spear the gam e but his w ife said G od made them in his arms like a baby and ran Y Z ed on this spot. men C hinook salm on as they leaped the that w ay so they w ould love like hell for cover.” 2 2 The clim b out o f the river canyon falls on their w ay to the spaw ning instead o f laughing at them.— Ex. He had only seen his rescuer once a hard, dangerous one. One o f grounds. or twice before. Gronwall said, and the packhorses slipped and rolled T he C olum bia river from the falls W hile shopping in B eaverton stop 11 '-V'M .•'"'"'in. down a steep declivity. F orage was to B ig E ddy presents a scene o f In at the G reyhound C offee Shop for h e n \ poor and the anim als were so thin rugged, m ajestic grandeur. Bare, Lunch. and weak that tw o o f them had to lofty hills rise on either side. Pali C H O IC E O F ILLS THRU OCT. 31 be abandoned. On S eptem ber 16 sades and strikin g form ations of Boy wanted. $35 a W eek to Start. R yukyu Islands M alaria is a dis uiey made u cheerless cam p and kill volca n ic rock close in on the river with the Sign in New Y ork store window. ease generally con nected Next stampe become good Aug. I ed nnothcr colt fo r food . Snow was which flow s through a basaltic I tropics. Penum onia is associated ; falling, their m occasins were worn trough, dotted with rock y islands I 1 with colder clim ates. But, accord- thin und they were cold and miser and enlivened by falls and rapids i ing to S ta ff Sgt. R. W. H arvey, Ma BUYERS— PACKERS able. The follow in g day, the third which would daunt any but the most rine C orps com bat correspondent. | an 1 ’ nst colt was killed and eaten. — All Berries, Prunes, G rapes— skilled and adventurous boatmen. At Navy hospital corpsm en in these i s - 1 TH RU AU6. 31 Captain Clark, with six men, went Big E ddy the hills retreat, the river distributing atabrine to F E R T IL IZ E R , D IN T , W E E V IL 1 lands are ahead in search o f game. From a quiets down and the horizon i B A IT S , A V A IL A B L E IN *SE ASO N I forestall malaria and treating pneu- high point, probably Sherm an peak, broadens. , monin patients at the same time.” they sighted an open, grassy cou n Between B ig Eddy, deep nnd A IR P L A N E S T A M P S - B O O K NO. 3 try in the distance. treacherous, and Celllo, the expedi W hile sh ip p in g eat at the Grey H urrying on, they cam e to a tion saw m oro "w hite w ater" thun ^ GOOD I NDEFI NI TELY at the Greyhound C offee Shop. Beaverton 3271 stream, form ed by the present Obia on any other stretch o f its Journey, j and Fish creeks, where they cam ped with the possible exception o f the j The follow in g day, reports S taff H aving nothing to eat, they tight- Great Falls section on the M issouri j I Sgt. G eorge R. Voigt, Marine Corps i ed their belts and called the in Montana. ; com bat correspondent. M arines lined stream H ungry creek. Lew is and A -16 Lewis and ClBrk purchased som e | THRU S E P T . 21 | up fpr 40 yards waiting to take a the main party trailed along, hungry salm on, u d og and som e berries, hut I first shower. cold and dispirited. No doubt they had trouble in finding wood enough all dreamed o f the nice, fat. Juicy to cook with. W ith the aid o f the CLIP THIS CHART FOR FUTURE R E F E R E N C E bu ffa lo and elk steaks they had en Indians, portage was made around 1 For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry joyed on the Missouri. Barnes. Phone B eaverton 3231. tf the falls and the w orst o f the rapids C lark had the good fortune ta On O ctober 25 they cam ped on the A t h o rn * — A n y f lo v o r - D e l» c io u * — S m o o th com e upon a stray Indian pony, on high point o f rock s at the mouth of — N o ic e c r y s t a l* — N o c o o k in g — N o re - w h ip p in g — N o s c o rc h e d f la v o r — i o * y — w hich they dined, leaving the larg- tjuenett (M ill) creek, the site o f the In « » p e n s iv e — 2 0 re c ip e * in e a c h 154 p k g . er portion fo r Lewis and his party. present tow n o f T he Dalles, Oregon. P le a s e » e n d th i* cid fo r fr e e f u ll - * * ! « to m * p ie o f fe r , o r b u y fr o m y o u r g ro c e r. C lark continued on, crossin g E ldo T hey also cam ped here on their re rado and L olo creek, and, on Sep turn Journey, callin g the place R ock tem ber 20, cam e out on W elppe prai Fort. rie. where he found a Chopunnlah F rom now on the party was in- B r a n d H o m e m o d e Ic e C r e a m (N ez Perce* cam p. T his was near the present W eippe, Idaho. Two of the head ch iefs being aw ay with a t 0 S 0 0 S O l « « » - I J 5 H ! ‘ * « « n MNfMNCiSCO J CUlf w ar party, the explorers were receiv ed by C hief Tw isted Hair. Lewis and Clark sat in council with the Indians on 'Septem ber 23. distributed presents and medals and explained the purpose o f the exposi WANTED tion. T he men entertained with m usic on the fiddle and with danc T h e M an WTro Is ing, a form o f entertainm ent new to the Indians. T hey (the Nez Perce* C ontented to W a it prom ised to alw ays live in peace ALSO with the white men, a prom ise which F o r C ustom ers they faithfully kept until 1877, when W e need a few men who want to work in Port- • Live Poultry and Eggs T o Find H is Store C hief Joseph went on the warpath land. Our output at the present time is going 100% for a cause he considered Just. R eceivin g A Dressing Plante: Once Again the Canoes into the war program but our production will be equal Portland, McM innville, Salem, The captains decided to quit the Albany, Eugene, R oseburg, ly saleable when peace arrives. W ill F ind Instead horses and take to the w ater again R edm ond. Oregon. T h ey built five canoea ou t o f the j I * RED STAMPS e BLUE STAMPS SUGAR STAMPS SHOE STAMPS R. I. McLaughlin, Inc. GASOLINE COUPONS MAKE ICE CREAM L 0 HD 0 tlD€RRy DON'T WAIT- STABILIZER W h e n It*• Too L o ts T h a t H e N eed N ot W a it A n v tn orc W ith an Advertisement In Thi* Newspaper Working After the What Are YOUR "Post War" Plans? Phone l'A at 5141 Our foundry has for thelast 30 years given our men steadier year-around work than any foundry in the country. W e are now equipped to make steel castings to the most modern specifications and by the latest meth ods ot manufacture. W e have the utmost confidence in our ability to maintain our production after the war is over. 0 e Laval Applicants will have to clear through the U. S. Employment service of the W a r Manpower C om mission. M ain O ffic e and P la n t Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. 8. E. Oak Stre«t, Portland, Ore. W H A T YOU H A V E F O R HALE W ho Are Interested W ar as Well as During the W ar TURKEYS trunks o f pine trees fo r their Jour- j ney to the coast. Thla sp ot they j railed Canoe cam p, w hich w u locat | ed at Ahsnhka, near the present Oro- j flno, Idaho. T hey "c a c h e d ’’ their | saddles and equipm ent and som e of their goods, branded their horses and left them in the care o f Twisted Hair. T hey 1» O k l f f » H —» noes on O ctober 7 to navigate the treacherous w aters o f the Kooskooa- kte (C learw ater). I-ewi* (Snake) and C olum bia rivers. T hey ram ped one night at the Junction o f the Clearw ater and Snake rivers, near the present L ew iston. Idaho, and Clarknton. W ashington, named for! W E W A N T MEN R R F A R A T O R 8 — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T ANO SUPPLIER KOK THE D A IB 1 IN D U S T R Y You may contact our employment office at 2141 N. W . 25th avenue between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m., M on days through Fridays, and 8 a m.. until 12 noon Satur days. ELECTRIC ST EEL FOUNDRY N . W . 25th and Wilson Stree t ( Bey limi Itali Park Left K idd F ence) SELLW OOD BUS OR 23rd S T R E E T CAR » «