Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1944)
P a te F riday, Decem ber 1, 1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon 2 two parts like the departments of Plate Separators of Wood, l^ate Thermostatic Conti ola. Tube Test- plies, Namely, Cable Assemblies, Mo- every bank—"’la: a Saving* Depart Separators or Retainers of Hub ,er, era. Vibrator Ter. .i 1 , Voltmeters . tor Board Assemblies, Needle Trays, IN- | Pickups, Scratch Filters, Switches, HOt.O. JG IC A L ■sent and a Commercial Department. Connectors. Containeis. Covers, Wattmeters; A u i... -latic Starting ! Tone Arms. Turntables, Volume Con l'nose who .vant income will get 2‘,^'r IToats. Gaskets, Jars, Plates, Seal- STKv.ME.NT3: but ’ they must be willing to forego ing Compounds, Slotted Retainers, Timers, Clocks, Radio tation Selrct- trols; Phonograph Record Changers, Apparatus, Recording Fiov r.g Recording liquidity until their bonds are called Straps, Terminals, Vent Caps, Wood ing Clocks; BRUSHES: IL II. JK F F R LE S , Publisher by lot at par. Those who want Cases; Ceramic Electric Insulators Brushes, Pencil; CROCK- ! Blanks; PR IN T S AND PU B LIC A liquidity must be content with 191 Ceramic Elec^i ic Wall Outlets, Dish- L K Y , E A R T H E N W A R E , AND PO R TIONS: Service Manuals; CLOTH Men s’ and Women's Coverall Jars, Porcelain Puns; ING: Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, interest, but they will always be able was'iers, Dry Batteries, Electric Faifs, C E LA IN ; Oregon. iCnUtred a* second class matter at the poet office at Beaverton, Oie. to sell their bonds This should b* Electric Motors, Electric Stoves E'.ec- F IL T E R S AND R E F R IG E R A TO R S: Service Coats; T E X T IL E S : Grilla Refrigerators and parts and Supplies, Cloth. $1.00 Subscription Payable in Advance. no difference from the way the banks rical Connector Plugs. Extension Cord Namely, Cabinets, Doors, Evapora One Year are now treating us depositors in and Plug Assemblies, Fluorescent two above-mentioned depart- Lamps, Household Power Line tors, J lues, Hinges, Ice Cube Gr ds, Beaverton O ff lea—Enterpriee Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Ice Trays, Inner Doors, Latches, , Cord, Lighting Bulbs, Motion Picture ments. »> 6 9 1 Portland Office— $08 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater Piojectors, Radio and Public Ad Moist-Cold Shelves, Sealed Compres Symptoms of Diatrcu Arising from Coucluslon u FTTRNITURE We all should buy our share of dress Microphone Kits, Radio and sor Units, Shelves; M om ia * Cabinets for "E". "F " and ' ' 1 Television Aerial Masts; Radio and AND U PH O LSTERY: A ir 1 Apparatus for Television Receiving and Broadcast During tin yturs ahead they may PER due O r eg ' or may not be our best investment. ing Equipment and Parts and Sup- Television Receiving Equipmcr.t for I Free BookTeltsofHonMTreatinent that l ATI OI Film Storage P ublisher Only the lut'jre can tell; but this ore plies. Namely, Aerial Couplers, Aer- Window Ventilator; Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Racks, Stands 1 Cabinets, Instrument thing is certain:—I f we will also buy ial Kits, Aerial Window Lead-In Over two guUloii bottles o f th e W IL L A R D a carefully-selected list of good Straps, Amplifiers, Automatic Tuning for Phonograph Records, Stands for T R E A T M E N T h a v e been sold for relief o f stocks, then we will have two barrels Devices, Automobile Aerials, Automo- Phonograph Record Albums; GLASS symptom* nfriistriw arising from Stomach W ARE: Funnels, Jars, Shelving, to our gun. I f the bonds go down, bile Aerial Adapters, Automobile Dy- auu D uodm il Ulcers <lue to E ic o i Add — though I am not too sure of this. Trays; HEATING, LIG H TIN G , AND Pool Digestion, Sour or Uasot Stomach, namotors, Auto. Extension Speakers, in price, the stocks should go up; Probable Hefunding Gaaslncss. Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., Air My present guess is that as the while ii the stocks go down, we will Auto. Radios, Auto. Radio Controls, V E N T IL A T IN G A PPA R A T U S : due to Eacess Add. Sold on 15 days' trial I Auto. Suppression chokes, band Switch Conditioners and Parts and Supplies, "IS", “ F ” and “G’s" become due an have a safe back-log in the bonds. Ask for “ Willard’ s Message” which fully Ducts, Compressors, es, Binding Post and Panels. Cathode Namely, Air explains this treatment— free— at entire new system of refunding will Tubes, Condensers. Condenser Condensers, Controls, Control Switch be instituted which will both save Ensign Becker Married , Ray Beaverton Pharmacy Mounting Clamps, Consoles, Control es, Evaporators, Expansion Valves, the Government money and not ne Materials, jGrid Clips, Control Positions, Convert Fans, Sound Absorbing cessarily hurt anyone. For in Ensign Donald E. Becker, son of stance, maturities up to a limited Mr. and Mrs. Seaman A. Becker of ers, Copper Pipes, Deflection Units, Tubes, Window Adaptors, Window amount—say $5,000—will be paid in Reedville, was married in Buffalo, N. Deflection Yokes, Electrolytic Rec Installation Kits, Window Sash Seal Electromagnets. Extension Gaskets; Air Filters, Electric Stoves, a cash. Larger holders can be given Y., on Nov. 6 to Miss Doris F. Bran- tifiers, Forced Draft Window Ventilators; Speakers, Fixed Resistors, Fuses, ’ v ipctm cia , r iA cu n caiatu ia, *• u o «-«, the option;— (1) of accepting daw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Odell Grid Bias Cells Harmonic Genera- BELTING, A N D M A C H IN E R Y Registered Fifty Year Bonds - two W. Brandaw of Hillsboro. Compressor Belts, tors, Headphones, Headphone Kits, PA C K IN G :: per cent being retired by lot at par PIA N O TU N ING Immediately after the ceremony the ••acli year, it being understood that young couple left for Washington, D. High Fidelity Demonstrators, H ig h , Fibre Washers. Rubber Molding, Rub and R E P A IR IN G Frequency Sound Receivers, Hub ber Gaskets, Rubber Unit Supports. the Government shall not buy any in Phone ALO H A 6«It ,. ... _ . _ C., where Ensign Becker will be sta- Cap Grounding Springs, Hum Con Rubber Washers; MUSICAL IN th .-op .n n .a rk .t under pan or .2) o f t|one(J indif)nU*,y . Beaverton, Oregon AND SU PPLIES: trols, Interference Filters, Jack Pan- STRUM ENTS accepting 1% Coupon Ten Yeisi Phonographs, and Parts and Sup . 7 ; ~ . els, Knobs, Lighting Bulbs, Loud Bonds which would have a free mar A hat which is too laige may speaker Cones, Medium Frequency: ket and have some tax advantage. made to fit by inserting Continued from Page 1 " J~ t,. >... — — a J5 . ; Picture Receivers, Microphones, Along with such refunding, legis bacon under the band on each aide Monitors, Oscillators, Pilot Lamps, lation will he passed by Congress Portable Monitor Consoles, Power ; whereby insurance companies (and “Governments are run by males held by these Reserve Banks. I this will now be possible under the : who are predatory and inherently re- Units, Radio Chassis, Radio Fre quency Amplifiers, Radio Frequency The Federal Government could also recent Supreme Court Decision) w‘ * sort -—* of violence to settle disputes." Chokes, Radio Frequency Coils, institute a lOO'N reserve policy and be allowed to value such Bonds1 Modulators, Radio - Phon thus save the Government the Inter at par; and banks will be allowed to —Miss Ruth Welty, Civil Service Radio est on all Government Bonds held by value 'the 1% bonds at par.,—what-' Commission, forming the "Matriots." ograph Combinations, Radio Set Wir- „ ‘ ‘ . , . | ing Cables, Radio Speakers, Radio the banks. This Is now being advo ever either issue may be selling for ! cated by the "London Economist". in the open market. This program 1 W A R BONDS are the safest Invest- 'pu{)e Removers. Remote Control De ment in the wide world. -YO U R ARMS A R E "TOO SH O R T"’ FOR RE ADIN G — vices, Rubber Mounting Washers, In fact, Godfrey Crowther recently could result in cutting the Federal 1 -PHONE-BOOK P R IN T IS D IF F IC U LT TO M A K E OUT— Shielding Lids, Side Band Filters, urged such a program before the interest costs about in half and ul- -YOU F A L L A SLE E P E A S IL Y W H IL E “ N E W S P A P E R IN G ” Speaker Cables, Speaker Field Coils, L E G A L N O T IC E Manchester »England) Statistical So- i timately in retiring the bonds, -TH R E A D IN G A N EE D LE IS MOST IM POSSIBLE— Speaker Sockets, Switches, Synchron- ciety. This could be done, he claims, | All 0f the above means that the -TH E l-l(jth AND 1-3,’ nd» ON T H E R U LE "F A D E OUT*’— TO A L L WHOM IT M AY CON- lzlng Distribution Units, Synchron- in a way not to hurt the banks, al- I Federal Debt should be divided into -YOU C AN ’T READ TH IS E A S IL Y A T 12 INCHES [ CERN be it known that the Philco ¡ring Generators, Synchronizing ! Corporation, a Pennsylvania corpo- ! Pulse Expander Lnits, Telephone ration, being the owner of the trade- 1 Line Equalizers, Television Motion I mark "PH ILC O ", having registered ‘ ¡cturt , Cameras Terminal Strips, .. . , , . .. ®,.. ... Time Meters and Panels, Tone Con i'* 18 trademark in the Office of the tr0, Transformers> Tube shields. T H IN K BACK HOW LONG IT ’S BEEN SINCE YO U R EYES I Secretary of State pursuant to Sec- Tube Socket8 Tunlng Control and W E R E EX A M IN E D AND LENSES CHANGED— IF YOU AR E | tion 43-305, O. C. L. A., hereby makes Cable, Tuning Scales, Under Car Aer- "G U IL T Y " OF SOME OF TH E .ABOVE SYMPTOMS YOU publicatlon pursuant to Section 43- ia[s Vacuum Tubes Variable Con- A R E D E F IN IT E L Y DUE FOR A N E Y E E X A M IN A T IO N — 308, O.C.L.A., as follows: The trade- densers, Variable Condenser Parts, RE M E M B E R :—“ YO U R EYES CHANGE BUT YOUR LENSES mark consists of the single word I Variable Resisters, Vibrators, DON'T— I "P H IL C O " and is applied to the fol Volume Controls, Volume Lev W E SH ALL BE PLEASED TO R E N D E R A COM PLETE lo w in g goods: REC EPTACLES: el Indicators, W ire Shielding, VISU AL A N A L Y S IS IN TH E MOST THOROUGH M A N N E R Vegetable Bins; BAGGAGE: Canvas Wave Traps; Signal Generators, Slide Carrying Cases, Leather Carrying Ca Projectors, Vacuum Cleaners and! — Our Own Complete Shop— ses; ABR ASIVE , D ETERG ENT, Barts and Supplies; Vacuum Tube | AND PO LISH IN G M A TE R IA LS: Amplifiers, Wire, Wired Interphone I Cabinet Polish Rubbing Compound, ' Systems, Wireless Record Players; E X T R A F A ST S E R V IC E for out-of-Towners I Sandpaper, Steel Wool; A D H B GAMES, TOYS AND SPO RTING j SIVES: Caulking Cement, Genera! GOODS: Portable Phonographs, | Purpose Cement, Rubber Cement; Portable Radios, Portable Radio- i CHEMICALS. Counter Cell Solution, Phonograph Combinations; CUT- O PTO M E TRIST O P T IC IA N Dial Cord Dressing, Electrolytes, ILE R Y. M ACH INERY, AND TOOLS, I Gases, Jar Finishing Solution, Sul- AND PARTS TH E R E O F: Burn-In phuric Acid; CORDAGE: Control Knives, Burn-In Lamps. Battery Lift- ( Drive, Cable, Dial Drive Cord, Metal ers. Coil Shield Removers, Combina- Drive Cord; CO NSTRUCTIO N MA- tion Aligning Screw Drivers and Hours: BE. 5014 . Pearson Bldg., 3rd Floor I TE R IA I.S : Screening; HARD- Wire Dressing Tools, Eyeletting Sets, Bet. 4th & 5th on Washington -8:30-6:5« W ARE AND PLU M B IN G AND Felt Rubbing Blocks. Film Clean- Portland 4, Oregon Friduys TUI ! S T E A M F ITT IN G S U P P L I E S : Bwlts, | mg Machines, Film Splicer Benches, —9:0« P. M.- Brads, Eyelets, Flexible Metal Mount- Hex Head Aligning Tools, Pumps, ing Straps, Lockwashers, Metal Clips, Screw Drivers, Tube Removers, j Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Washers, Win- j Wrenches, Wrench Sockets; LAUN-. dow Silencer Springs; M ETALS: Sol-! DRY A PPLIA N C E S AND MA- ider; OILS AND GREASES: Mineral [ CHINES: Electric Irons, Washing Oil, Switch Lubricator; P A IN T S AND Machines; LOCKS AND SAFES: Every kind to suit a P A IN T E R S ’ M A T E R IA L S : Alum i-! Automobile Radio Locks, Cabinet, man’s personality. . . mules, num Paste, Burn-In Wax, Cabinet Locks, Window Locks; MEASURING operas and khaki wool Polish, Decalcomanias, Fillers, Fur- AND SC IEN TIFIC APPLIA N C E S: niture Polish. Lacquers, Methacry- 1 Battery, Circuit, and Condenser j barret boots. W ith padded, late. Thlnners, Prepared Shellacs, Testers. Frequency Meters, Funnels leather and flexible Ready-Mixed Paints, Refrigerator Hydrometer Syringes, Magnifying Polish, Stains. Varnishes; ELEC- Mirrors, Oscilloscopes, Pocket Volt leather soles. In sizes 6 to 11 T R IC A L A PPA R ATU S, M ACHINES age Testers, Radio Receiver Test AND SU PPLIE S: Batteries and, Mallets. Speaker Testers, Spring Battery Parts and Supplies, Namely, I Scales, Syringes, Thermometers E&WERTOJÎ ¡¿M BR PR 1SE QUICK RELIEF FROM STOMACH ULCERS to EXCESS ACID GEORGE F. GORDON Ki Beaverton, 2311 Babson Says . You Bifocal Wearers IT - DR. LEIGHTON E. ROY W. H. SMITH -Portland Optical- f a t f t Ä W <VZ .. RATION FREE! ALSO EVERY MORNING AT 10:00 ¿ »¿ N E W «w RAMhfta m m r m ia s a M w H. A. Starr 1 Contractor for Concrete Work Estimates gladly given on Jobs Large or Small \ 2425 N. Commercial Big Business After all. any business exists because there's a demand for the things it produces or the services it renders. And it must either grow to the sue necessary to satisfy these demands, or else make way for a competitor that can provide what is wanted The war has shown that America's factories and farms can meet demands that would have been fantastic in pre- w,.r years This it a big rountty; there will be as big jobs to be done in peacetime as any the war produced It will take the right kind of "b ig " business to do them And whether it operates a 100 acre farm, a garage, a bank, or an industry with 100,000 employees—this kind of big business, which serves the public satisfactorily and with integrity, will con tinue to be the foundation of America's strength and security, in peace as in war Genttal Electric Co.. Schanactady. N. Y. gift for children . . . »oft and warm Felt boo tie», with lassies, pom pom», or zipper in bright Red, blue or Pink. • W \ T H R I F T « ä SHOPS »M s day» about "b ig " business seems to miss one pretty important point In judging bigness solely by such things at number of employees, size of payrolls, or volume of sales, it overlooks the sire of the job the particular business is required to do. The cutest, most practical Portland 12, Or. L O T of (he writing and talking that’» going on these A UNiversity 1054 * • G * * • ..! H o t * « > .4 W » c o r - a - » - m . G I AS t IH O t W r a * S M > , twr N S C — "TX. W ar'S T o * » , - . a . , 4,45 p w IW T.C »S 10 S • •U V W AR 0 C NOS GENERAL ¿g* ELECTRIC DIESEL & STO UE OIL Veltex Super Ethyl Gasoline McMillian Ring Free & Valvoline Motor Oil HARRY BARNES PHONE BEAVERTON 3231 BEAVERTON. OREGON SEPTIC TANKS “Concrete” SEE Y O U R B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L D E A L E R Portland Concrete Pipe and Product« Co. 581# SW Macadam Av«., Portland, L Oregon AT. 8384