Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1944)
Page 4 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon 1 SUMMONS Cow Hooks N an's Eye How Fast Your Pulse? Friday, July 21. 1944 Order Fertilizer for Next Year Now, Farme/s Advised NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE I (No. 5771) STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH Estate of Axel F. Larson. Deceased. Oregon farmers have an oppor IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE INGTON COUNTY. ALOHA COMMUNITY CHURCH CITY OF BEAVERTON, formerly tunity to protect themselves with sup STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Giaydon D. Loree, Pastor Vern Richards, a resident of Metz Town of Beaverton, a Municipal Corp plies of fertilizer for next spring by COUNY OF WASHINGTON. Sunday School XO a. m. ger, suffered a painful and serious j ordering now and accepting early de Plaintiff! In Probate Mary Antrim Supt. vs. .injury last Friday night, when his cow livery, says Arthur S. King, OSC ex NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Morning worship 11 a. in HICKS, a a single single woman w r e R e l i g i o n in Practice which he was staking out in the pas- ELOISE M • HICKS, A normal pulse counts around 72 tension specialist in soils. the undersigned as Executrix of the Sermon P 1 u uie Religion in * ^ ture. f|unK her head suddenly »nd RACHEL H BEDWELL and JOH> JOHN beats a minute, the doctor tells us. Despite increased allocations of fer Last Will and Testament of Axel F. Youth fellow le,^ i o r P l Pe ^ r M »ri hooked h,s eye with her horn Mr DOE BEDW ELL her husband Your pulse is just right, but Row tilizers available for 1945, supplies will Larson, deceased, has filed her Final -line. -Visor Richards was removed to a Portland i ELOISE MARIE HENDRICKSON, i I is your heart? Let the Bible an still be short, King predicts. To be Account in the County Court of the Antrim, ,i„nw„ junior supervisor. hospital. It is thought it may be single woman; CARL E. HEND- swer—"The heart is desperately wick safe next spring, he says, it will be State of Oregon for Washington 8 p. m. Evening worship. number of County, and that Monday, the 24th Wednesday, prayermeeting 8 p. m possible to save the eye. but the sight RICKSON. the widower of FLOR- ed and deceitful above all things.” necessary for a large is gone. ENCE HICKS HENDRICKSON; C. | And whatever sin the heart spews farmers to buy and store on their day of July, 1944, at 10 o'clock in the Mr. Richards has been a resident C. CARTER and ALTA E. CARTER, 1 out that sin draws down death. For farms all or a substantial share of forenoon of said day, in the Court WEST HILLS of Metzger for the past four years his wife; LIVESTOCK STATE the wages of sin is death. Just as their 1945 fertilizer needs. Room of said County Court in the LUTHERAN CHURCH --------------------------BANK; SAM BIANCHI, a single ! the grave separates between the liv- “The 1945 fertilizer supplies are Court House of Washington County ,at Canyon Road, near Sylvan j ing and the dead, so your sin sepa- now being offered in this area,” King Hillsboro, Oregon, be fixed as the Community Canning Project “ ? • * * * , 1 Werner J. Fritz, Minister I rates between you and God, your reports. “ It cannot be overempha- time and place for the hearing of ob 7th Sunday after Trinity Interests Many People e t t , his wife; j o h n p r i c k e t t , a Maker. | sized that these shipments are part jections thereto, if any there be, and Sunday School 9:45 a. m. _____ widower; W E. PRICKETT and GRO- ONE- The instant you receive of our 1945 supply. If the dealers the settling thereof. Divine Service 11 a. m. More than 200 members of the Gar- VELINE PRICKETT, his wife; H W. Christ as having cleared you by His ! do not store or dispose of them, each Dated and first published June 23, Sermon: A Great Invitation. den Home Community Canning As- PRICKETT and ANNA 1!. PRICK- death for your sins^ that instant God car refused will detract from what 1944 You are invited and welcome. sociation of Garden Home, Oregon. ETT, hit ..if.'; EARL PRICKETT creates within you a new heart. This we know will be a serious shortage Date of last publication July 21, have just jointly and individually and GWENDOLYN PRICKETT, his is the miracle of the New Birth. And next year. It all adds upto the fact 1944. cm K O I OF CHRIST completed a workshop at Progress wife; ORADELL PRICKETT GRI- “ except a man be born again, he can that Oregon farmers have a chance (Signed) _ ... ¡completed EMMA N. LARSON, n i , ! ° r,n' Woishin and o r ^ h ln g . which will turn out 50,000 cans of EBLER and WILBUR L. GRIEB- not see the kingdom of God.’’—Bible. to protect themselves .now. If they Executrix 15 Th I'r-v... of a P r o p h e t (Victory garden vegetables as their LER, her husband; the unknown TWO With the miracle of the do not take advantage of the oppor ARTHUR LANGGUTH. Attorney lopit Hie I yer P. .. added contribution to the war effort, heirs of ELIZABETH AIKEN BRID- New Birth. God justifies you. Look tunity, they may be forced to go with lollowmg the sermon, the Lords accordlnK to uee Fryer the Mnning WELL, deceased; and all other per- per- at the word—JUSTIFY. It means out fertilizer.” supper will be observed. association’s board chairman. "We sons unknown claiming any right, that in God’s holy eyes, you stand as While shopping eat at the Grey H a. m. Bible School. started our operations in late March , title, or interest in or to the herein- though you had never sinned. Turn war stamps into Bonds The hound Coffee Shop, Beaverton. There will be no evening service as and are mighty proud of our com- after described tract of real property, sins of your whole lifetime are blot the pastor must be away at Young munity canning center," said Fryer. ! Defendants. ted out, for—the blood of Jesus Peoples conference. W j “ Not only for what it stands for, and _, _T ____ Christ, God’s Son, cleanses from all N the spirit in which it was built, but °' HICKS, a single sin CHI KCH OF THE NAZARENE also for what It will mean to our ! » ? “ * » : J^ C H E L H. BEDWELL and TH REE God not only blots out Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor^ community JOHN DOE BEDWELL. her hus- your sins and puts them out of his ji 15 a. m. Sunday School, Glade j G arden Home i. about nine miles “ = MARIE HENDRICK- memory forever, but he also puts on Baker Supt. outslde of Portland. Ik «■ made up of a single^ woman; CARL E^ over you in their place, his own spot 11 a. m. Morning worship, com less righteousness. munion Sunday. land* o ^ a r T o " 'V l c i o £ lilC K s" and HENDRICK iand workers workers. “ t I w wo years oi vicro y g FLORENCE* o N . c c CARTER ALTA E. FOUR -God takes up in your new Mrs, gBrden “There are no atheists in foxholes", is an « 15 j». »«. Junior meeting, ------1 planting and well functioning ax -'1'A m. I heart and sets you against the old expression directly from this present war. sinful ways. What you are to him —ts? ^ It is eloquent in not only what it says, but N ,.,s . in righteousness, he now seeks to m m ,. also in what it suggests. Tragedy and a deep 7 30 p. m. Evangelistic service, much valuable experience in organiz^ ken B, idwe„ Deceased Defendants. make you to men. need turns men’s eyes and faith to , God—- Oregon Pacific Camp meeting con- j ing. Garden Home boasts one of t e SUM IT UP —Your past is blotted ^ ^ hut wait for them to do it. When the tinues all next week closing on Sun- best community school lunch projects IN THE NAME OF THE STATE I out. You stand a new creation—a Hk «s sun shines is the time to make God. ’s ac new being clothed in the eternal da> July 30. Located 3 miles S ou th I any where to be found in the sui -| o f OREGON: You and each of you quaintance so that in the storm He’ll he no You make ! ot Portland on 82nd. rounding area. are hereby required to appear and righteousness of God. . J.i-on.ird C. Johnson stranger. Mr. Fryer was elected chairman answer the above entitled complaint Christ the Lord of your life and live | PHONE 3691 and the board was made up of other within four weeks from the date of by Power From On High. TIIE VALLEY local members. Dick Hickman. Mrs. \ the first publication hereof by setting COMMUNITY CHURCH Grace Ringsmyer and Mrs. H. A. Da-1 forth whatever right, title, or interest UNITED PRESBYTERIAN vis, who is herself a competent and | you claim in the hereinafter describ- 4110 SW Gabel I,ane canning are further no- 3101 SW McChesney Road, Rev. H. A. Arinitage, pastor . qualified - . . supervisor. ... . A . . $5 , i e(j reai - property - - - - - - - - and .......................... Portland, Oregon 10 30 a. m. Morning Worship and ) tee was charged for life membership, | tified that upon your failure so to do, This space paid for by an Oregon study 7 P. m. Evening Wor-1 and an additional $25 was charged to the above named plaintiff will apply J ,lw ,u ° * J * ° I _ u - L „ I iitU ln L in/1 o oV in n l l i i n p n « >—« » « , % . each school which V had a u school lunch ! j i to i the Court for judgment forever businessman. ship with Group Discussions. , program wished to have canned barring you of any right, title, and j goods available to them. At the very | interest in and to the following des- BETHEL Now a Wac start, three schools were signed up to eribed real property in Washington CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH receive canned foods. More than a County, Oregon, and adjudging the Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor Fort Deg Moines. Iowa, July 2 1 - Brake Reline—Labor Only hundred families signed life member- ■ plaintiff to be the owner thereof and 9 45 a. m. Church School. Private Clara M. Parkinson wife of ships and the board was launched on j forever quieting its title thereto. Said 11 a. m. Worship CHEVROLET 19116-1942 $7.00 PLYMOUTH 1936-1942 $7.00 Earl T. Parkinson, Beaverton, Ore a real canning project. real property being described as fol gon, is a member of a Women’s Ar lows: to-wit: METHODIST CHURCH DODGE 1936-1942 $7.00 FORD 1938-1942 ................ $7.00 my Corps unit which recently left Albert S. Hisey, D. D , Minister First WAC Training Center, here, for ; Tra^t 1: Lot 4, Block 11, Peggs’ 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Pickers Being Mobilized subdivision, Amended Plat, as duty with the Army at AAF Base 11 a. m. Preaching service. For Record Bean Harvest i shown on the duly recorded maps Unit, Abilene, Texas. Valve Grinding — Labor Only W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. ■ | and plats thereof. Visit our special bargain counter- CHEVROLET All Models $12.00 PLYM., all 6 cyl. mod With the harvest of a record-break- | . $15.00 PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Block 11, Peggs’ new mdse each week. Walkers Dept. Ing acreage of snap beans in Oregon The Bible Church Subdivision, Amended Plat, as Store. DODGE 6 cyl $15.00 FORD V-8 all models 3tf $ 20.00 Just around the corner, the state j Box 697, Beaverton shown on the duly recorded maps emergency farm labor office in the i Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive and plats thereof. OSC Extension service has mobilized Walter R. Buhl, Pastor its forces throughout the Willamette Tlact 3: Lot 5, Block 12, Peggs Complete Motor Overhauling done on flat rate basis Sunday School 10 a. m. ATTENTION! valley to make the best possible use J Subdivision, Amended Plat, as Divine Services 11 a. m. of boys and girls and women, who I shown on the duly recorded maps or by the hour. Motor tune up for all makes of ALL HOME CANNERS! will do most of the picking. and plats thereof. REEDVILLE COMMUNITY The major portion of this crop, ATTENTION! ALL Home Canners PRLS1IYTERIAN CHURCH Cars. Beginning at a point in Before you begin your 1944 cann lid iy School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto which last year was valued at about Tract 4: $3,000,000, will have to be harvested the center of County Road No. 397 ing, Good Housekeeping Magazine George, Supt. by youth and women again this sea at the intersection of s&id road advises you: use the boiling-water Worship Service 11 a. m. son. A total of 4700 acres, or 400 and the south boundary line of the j bath-method for tomatoes and Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m. O. & E. right-of-way; thence south ( fruits, only. Can all vegetables ex Prayer Meeting and Bible study, more than last year, have to be har Located at W . Beaverton on Tualatin Highway 154.5 feet to the place of begin- 1 cept tomatoes by the correct use of vested Thursday. 7 p. m. ning; thence east 200 feet to an | a pressure cooker to be sure of The bean harvest will begin in some Formerly The Hub Hours 7:30 A.M . to 6 P.M. iron pipe: thence South 50 feet; While in Beaverton be sure to eat areas about July 25, but the peak de- killing botulinus germs. In the last thence West 200 feet to center of at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. mand for workers will not come until few years, cases of botulinus food County Road; thence north 50 feet 1 poisoning have cropped up in wide ST. CECELIA CHURCH 'about the middle of August. County to place of beginning, containing j ly different parts of the country. Masses 7:55 to 9:55 a. m. on Sunday farm labor assistants will recruit these pickers. • 0.23 acre, all Lot number 12 in during summer months. Buy, borrow, share a pressure cook Steele's Addition to Beaverton. er but don’t can low-acid vege While shopping, eat at the Grey ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF OOD tables any other way. If you want Tract 5: The North 105.75 feet of hound Coffee Shop, Beaverton. Sunday School 10 a. m. further information, write Good the South Hall of Block B of the Worship 11 a. m. Housekeeping Magazine. £15 9 original Town of Beaverton. Young people 6:30 p. m. Visit our special bargain counter- - National Standard Non-Asscssable Policy Eighth Ave., New York 19. N. Y Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. ! new mdse, each week. Walkers Dept. I Tract 6i The South Half of Lots 7 CURRENT RATES FOR “ A” RATION CARDS Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. Store. j and 8, Block 29, Beaverton, as j Thursday. 5-10-5 Bodily Injury # Property Damage in W’ashiington County shown on the duly recorded maps In always pays to advertise. and plats thereof. $9.54 for the first six months Strict reductions on all mdse, at This summons is served upon you bargain counters, Walkers DspL $4.54 semi-annually thereafter j by order of the Honorable R. Frank Store. 8tf Peters, o i.dge of the above entitled Also Ask About Farmers’ 80'>-20<* Collision and Upset Insurance Court, dated June 20th, 1944. While in Beaverton be sure to eat Protection for Your Own Car "Farmers” Pays 800 of the dam P. L. PATTERSON, Hi the Greyhound Coffee Shop ages lo u pay 20'r (Your 20rc portion cannot exceed $25) Resident Attorney of Oregon, Post ' “ I lost 32 lbs. Office Address: Commercial National | wear size 14 again” Bank Bldg., Hillsboro, Oregon. B§tty Reynold*, Brooklyn Date of First Publication: June 23, ' Living Room Papers 1944. Once 156 lb«., Mies R eynolds 210 N. W . Cedar Street, Beaverton, Ore. lost weight weekly with A Y D S 18 and 30 inch width Plain Date of Last Publication: July 21, [ Vitamin C andy Reducing Plan. 1944. AGENT FOR N ow ehe hat a model • hgure and Tapestry Effects at Beaverton CHURCH of the NAZARENE w r — ~~.fergs. -swa. n s : & & & & & Opening Special For July Only FEATURING RICHFIELD GAS and OIL PRODUCTS L e o n a r d ’s S e r v ic e & A u to R e p air A u to m o b ile Insurance JULY SALE Once Fat! Now Has a Model’s Figure WALLPAPER & PAINTS Jam e s D ouglas Insurance A g e n c y lust Arrived KNEE HOLE DESKS Mahogany Finish A FINE DESK FOR ANY HOME Sir them today — Beaverton Furniture Company BROADW AY AT M ATSON For Bigger, Better Birds! TRIANGLE DEVELOPING FEEDS AT YOUR kFEED DEALERS in P n lla t or form Y ou r e ip e iie n ce m ay or m ay not he the sam e hut try this easier reducing plan. First Box H ur t AArnw Ft suits or m oney back. N o e ie rcise . N o la ia tiv e «. No drug» Fat plenty Y o u d o n 't cut ou t meals, potato*«, etc . ^ you just cut them dow n. Sim ole when you enyoy delicious A Y D S * before meal«. Only $2 25 lor iO days supply. Phone, writ« \\f MTV? *,V?AV? ■ M M M M M a M a r a M a M a iiis M a iN S M s m P a tA s is s M n la I = Ample Parking—Form Fitting Seat* m TIGARD, OREGON—TF.I. ÎM5 hi Rest Picture, — Dc l uxe Sound 5 )(( III Admission 50c. children 2<Y. indu tax Han in Uniform lOe A intime III 2nd Show Approximately 9 o'clock = Continuous Show Sunday at 2 30 ,ful> 19-22 Under new management | Wial.-Thura.-FH.-Saturday, WALLACE BEERY MR and MRS BEN LAMB GROCERIES M EATS VEGETABLES FARMERS AUTOMOBILE Inter-INSURANCE Exchange Oregon’s leading Company VE. 3191 Dining Room, Hall, Nook and Bedroom Patterns at 15, 20, 25, 35, to 75c roll B e a v e rto n P h a r m a cy B e a v e rto n , 2.311 Elmonica 25, 35, 50. 65, 75, 90c roll MARJORIE MAIN At Their Best In R A T I O N I N G Plus Pierre Aumont Gene Kelly in CROSS OF LORRAINE Sunday-MniitlU'i Ttit-Hday, July 23-25_ Oregon’s Own Victory Girl—• Jane Powell with Edgar Bergnn A Charlie McCarthy and Bonita Granville in SONG OK THE OPEN ROAD Ceilinq 1M roUs of Nvhiu' n • j and ivorv (. eil special inos 15c roll CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS SPECIAL "V E N T IL A T E D ” See your Building Material Dealer Portland Concrete Pipe & Dutch Boy Paints and Enamels $3.45 to $5.70 gal Dutch Boy Wonsover Covers with one coat white, ivory, cream, peach. It. blue and It. jjreen Gallon $2.58 Quart 72c Pebeco Enamel Special 95c quart SMITH'S Products Co. oS19 SW Macadam Ave., Portland, 1 Oregon AT 83$4 Washington County Westeners FIRST A N N U A L WESTERN HORSERACES Limited to Washington County Western Riders and Horses WALLPAPER HOUSE $5 Purse Plus Entries 427 SW 2nd. nr. W ashington SUNDAY, JULY 23 Telephone AT. 4810 1:30 P. M. Tualatin Valley Rodeo Grounds Witch Hazel— 3 Miles East of Hillsboro