Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1944)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Friday, M arch 10, 1944 TW O Cents a word per issue NOTHING LESS THAN 25o CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS NO ADS TAKEN OVER PHONE W e Publish the BEAVERTON E N T E R P R ISE T IG A R D S E N T IN E L MULTNOMAH PRESS ALOHA NEWS Complete Eastern Wasnington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. W e assume no financial responsi-, bility for errors which may appear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of , an advertisement in which the typo- I graphical mistake occuis. FOR SALE FO R SA LE - 50x100 lot at Multno mah on bus line WE. 2303 6 FO R SALE—Several pair ladies shoes 6’ a C $2-$3 W E 2303 6 K ) R SALE—Seed Potatoes laige or small also large Victrola & 50 or 60 records mahogany case cheap Mrs Dora Hanners across from Av- , alon park R1 Box 235 6 ! FOR SALE!— 8 mo old RI Red Pullets laying $1.75 ea. Beaverton 2371 Mrs Shank R3-Bx 15-1 6 FO R SALE—Waxed Oak Dining : Table & Chairs, perfect condition. & Couch W E 2303 6 FOR SALE—Potatoes, large and small, Netted Gems $1 and $1.50 an apple box full O. Hildebrandt, 2nd ; road E of McDonalds store, Tigard Good for seed. 5-7 FO R SALE—Block and Edging mixed 2V 4 cords load delivered $20. 4 ft. green slab 2M cord lot $7. cord. H. F. Elford, Forest Grove, j Phone 56. Prompt delivery. 52tf FOR SALE—2 cords See Mrs. Magathon, Bldg.. Short and Beaverton. wood—cut. Enterprise Highway, - tf RATION BOOK REMINDER Farmers Should Im prove Their Land— Better C rops CLASSIFIED WANT ADS Page 3 Cut this out and keep it in your _____ | purse or billfold. ... . . . ADVANCE PORK RATION— The 1M AAA program includes OFA ^ vlUld ^ meat practices for Improving .pasture lands, pomt8 fo f advance use in purchase of reports Palmer S. ioryend, county on ^ farm oa lyrF ^ w a*ient. in announcing details of pro- brown u ln t>ook. No. 3 and red LOST & FOUND duction practices expressly designed sta numbered 'W and lettered output of livestock ,.A„ through M ln UHlli _No 4 u.uch FOUND—At Short street and hi for increasing way. Chauffeur license pin. State ! Products, will hoth i n ’ red ._ . *tamP 8° ° d to t 10 point«, re of Oregon, 1944. Call at Enterprise ! Abundant pastures gardless of the point value printed on office. Beaverton and identify tf ! crease Production and cut down pro- thejn auction costs, especially for the dairy ......w v n « LOST—Three keys in string If producer, the 1944 program a ffo rd s , “ UUK > u - found bring to Wayside Store Ti- county producers unlimited opportun- *-5lowa f' tan,P*> ,or purchase of meats gard by grade school 6 ; ity for carrying out proven p ra ctices! Ia*f’ et5‘ „ .. . . .. for stepping up carrying capacity ot March » - E x p ir a t io n date of brown I f F O K R K RE our pastures. “ £ ' BOOK “ J “ NO. 4 rU t l N N T I , f farm | U m M ll!in. ■t* RATION I ¡‘ i > AT FIRST Of A ! . | S 9 • H j u a o s . J A lV t NOSE DROPS SAVE MONEY ON YOUR NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES ** **■ ** r* -w * FOR R E N T—Five a cre , ¿ T in ™ «> n . will permit a farm operator ¿ ¡ « J » oi « « « Tokens will be spot, small house own water s y s -'to « " ’T out and r e c e d e payment for stan ds K. L and M as given on and after February 27, in tern and wood, electricity, chick- M many Production practice, en house with 2 batteries 132 unit farm needs- Washington county ration date of red each, chickens, barn, pasture. elec' 1 « ^ t h e ^ w i d e t ^ g e " © ! * practices in- s t a m p s ^ . B8 C8, D8, E8 and F8 in trie fence. Davis Rd . o ff High- and the wlde ,ange or ptactices in ** • f. . f land which is 1 mile v est o f Heav- <=laded >n the program offer a m a x i- Ration »wok N o o i s) ' bSch artnn on Furmtmrtnn K mum of assistance to livestock pro- cheese, canned mutt, iisn, oust r^cn r r o n k L F Rt Î R fa v fn o n Queers in building up pastures for stamp has a 10-point value. Series greater production of milk and meat. AS, B8, and C8, valid on Deb. 27; - i ■ — Practices and rates o f payment in- series D8, E8, and F8 valid on March elude: 1“ - M IS C E L L A N E O U S Application of lime and phosphate May 20 Expiration date of blue On the beaches of Italy, in the at $8.30 a ton for 95 percent lime stamps A 8, B8. C8, D8, and E8, in ta- I PAY CASH for old bldgs, Ga- and $24 a ton ior 20 percent phos-I tion book 4 »processed fruits and jungles of the Pacific— planes, tanks, rages. Barns, or what have y o u ? ; phate vegetables, jjjnis and Jellies). All artillery must move— and fast; no ( H 3390, H Minier, Garden Home Construction of drainage ditches j valid starting I-eb. 27. such stamp waiting to build roads or airfields. Oregon and tile drainage at $3 per 100 lin- has a 10-point value, That’s when our soldiers must un roll these “ steel mattresses,” as you TRACTOR W O R K By job and by ear feet for open ditches .and 40 cents I SUGAR— Stamp No. 30 in book No. 4 valid see them in this photo. Your War davs work phone Tigard 2175 6-14 a fo ^ U‘ e Control of destructive plants, such indefinitely for five pounds. Bonds m v for them NURSERY SALES Y A R D Fruit, as briars poison oak. blackberries Stamp No. 31 will become valid ‘ f . S. Treasury Veearimeni & Nut Trees on SW 64th on Bar- and similar plants, $1 to $4 an acre. ¡April 1 for five pounds. _________________________ ber Blvd across from Villa Ridge depending on degree o f infestation. Stamp No. 40 valid for five pounds Closed Sunday V M Chousse 6-7 Improving pastures by .emoval of | home canning augai to February! A great many people are finding out that they can always live on less shrubs and logs. levelling hummocks. 28, 1945. when they have more to live for. PAPERIN G— Painting, and Paper- rodent control removing loose stones. SHOES Stamp No. 18, Book 1, and Air ing, neat experienced workman. and debris, $5 an acre. L. L. Seeley, Phone Beaverton j Mowing weeds in pastures, 50 cents plane stamp No. 1, Book 3, valid indefinitely for one pair each. Loose 2516. 50tf j pel. acre for each mowing. _ . r , „ ' - Rodent control, 10 cents per pound stamps not accepted. D e a d « t ^ k plck-td up t re. o f | o f p0i80n bait u.e*i OPA has announced another shoe | charge anywhere. Call Seeding pastures. 15 cents to 45 stamp designated will become valid May 1. DEN LEY R E N D E R I N G * “ c ô " | cents Pe '\ pound üf 8ee<1' d<“pendin* FUEL OIL— Ion varieties used. tf Portland. Many o f the practices require p r l o f March 13 Expiration date of per-! K F r a d i a t o r s h o p Met/- approval of the county AAA commit- uxl 3 fuel oil coupon. Period 4 con PYKE ger i' Or Repaitinti & Cleaning of tee before payment may be a u th oi-;pon s valid bebruary 8 to September Not more than 63 per cent of 5.9 ! ized for them them, to make sure they will 30. Radiators and Motor Work. make an adequate contribution to season s rations should have been w » ,, n s r i D i a increasing production, the com m ittee used t<> date. HIDES & i WOOL, . .. , ... nuns o- men pointed out. Farmers who want GASOLINE specialty. LEE BROS., M S W , to earn payment for carrying , March 21 Expiration E out t th the March 21 date of No. Clay Portland. AT. 5334. __ I practices should make sure they work 10 coupons in A book. 3 gal. each * . f « « . I _ ________- _ 1 i V i i i n n n a m n of ivn otvrl/vt'CO/i ci£3 mwvn 11 L mD v f r m i t v ie lo u t a plan sheet with their comniun I Coupons must be endorsed as soon as rO R TOW CAR cal1 V E RM ILYE I committeeman or at the county 1 received your protection against the . . . "I can't provide you MOTOR CO., Phone Tigard 3381 tf offlce jn Hillsboro during the next I lack market. any extension 'phones in CUSTOM TRACTOR W O R K Let months, in connection with their HUE INSPECTION— by March 31, us plow your garden. H o w a rd ! sigm-up for 1944 war food production A eveiy b months. your h o m e , or other WAR BONDS a a O nly T h is N e w sp ap e r Can O ffer S u c h R e a d in g B a r g a in s A* a special service aod convenience to our subscribers, we »re offering barium prices oo your newspaper and fjvunta magazines. You can gel this pap'ir cither In combination with any one of the*« great popular magazines, or with the 5- Magaiune Special below. Select the orfef you like best . . . then fill in the coupon and send it to ua Please do it right away, before paper ahortages make it impossible t o fill all subscriptions! Any Magazine Listed and This Newspaper. Both for Price Shown ’ American Fruit Grower$ 1 . 7 S American G i r l ............ 2.50 American H orn«.......... 2.25 American Poultry JrnL 1.6} Better Cooking Si Homemaking.............. 3.45 G Better Homes & Gardens 2.25 D Bpy’a Life ................ 3.10 O Child L ife .................... 2.9$ □ Christian H era ld ........ 2.50 D Column Digest............ 2.95 G Country Gentleman. . . 1.65 O Dog W o rld .................. 2.50 D Farm Jrl. & F'rm’rs Wife 1.65 □ Flower G r o w e r.......... 2.50 O Flying Ace*................... 2.50 G Household ................... 1.90 Hygeia ......................... 2.95 D Liberty ........................ 3 95 3 Nature (10 Iss., 12 Mo.) 3 45 3 Open R’d ( 12 Iss., 14 M.) 2.25 I Outd’rt (12 Iss., 14 Mo.) 2.25 I Parents’ Magazine . . . . 2.50 I Pathfinder.................... 2.00 O Photoplay - Movie Mirr. 2.50 H Popular Mechanics . . , 3.25 I Poultry Tribune.......... 1.65 I Sports A field............ .... 2.25 I Sunset Magazine.......... 2.00 G Thte Story..................... 2.25 O The W om an ................ 2.10 G Your L i f e .................... 3.4$ □ □ □ □ O a special 28, telephone equip B every 4 months by February 1944. ment— except for defense c every 3 months by Feb. 28, 1944. ^worft— uintil this war is x every 6 mo or 5,000 miles of P A IN T S over and the victory is driving. won. STOVRe Im lay’s Fresh purchase certificates obtainable at local ration board M ixed Feeds “ Telephone materials are in WOOD, SAWDUST, COAL W ANTED the same class as automobiles FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS Fuel dealers must deliver wood, and tires, — going all-out for What did Americans do with their F'or quality, fair price and sawdust and coal on priority based National Defense. We are going W AN TED—A doll buggy; a doll Christmas turkey bones? People in service to feel the pinch, but we'll glad bed; a large tricycle. Phone England saved their Christmas tur- on consumer need, with those having 1 J. B. Im lay & Sons ly sacrifice our convenience for key bones to produce enough cordite, ’ less than thiee months supply com -. Beaverton 2191 6 ALOHA, ORE (smokeless powder) for 8.000 anti- ,n8 RE ED VILLE the vital job of licking the Axis.” aircraft shells! W AN TED—Carpenter work and No sacrifice short of the sacrifice | Your home town paper is only $1 saw filing R t 1, Bx 241, 1 mi. S a year of individual liberty, individual self Subscribe now. on Progress Rd. M. L. Pettijohn 8 Beans for baking can be extra de respect, and individual enterprise is | Ten thousand bullets to W A R BONDS are your shares in | licious if soaked in water, before too great a price to pay for perman-1 shoot down the Japs can be I baking. I ent peace. W AN TED—Woman for light laun “American Preferred." made from the coppet in dry in your house or ours, also wo one mile of telephone wire. man for housework one day a j Steel, rubber, lead, etc., fn- week. Telephone Beaverton 3847. dispemible to telephone con- J. B. Cronnelin 46tf jtmcfion, are vitally needed THIS A D V E R T I S E M E N T , O N E O F » for war production. FO R SALE WOOD—16 in. green block and slab $10 per cord in 2 cord load; green slab 16 in. $9 a cord In 2 cord loads. Ruben Johnson, Newberg Star route. Phone 193J. 51tf Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. & ion sts., Phone Beaverton -4b_ 4tf R A B B IT S W A N T E D Divis-1 Allied forces in the South Pa- cific have had to change their day for church services The Japs staged Sunday night raids hoping to find ! the men o ff duty. So now each unit has a different day for religious ser vices. TO THE w a r e e e o r t . T NT R IB U T ,O N Post March Ih h and in Co///er'fM otc ) i W ANTED—Live Katmits, to buy now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week days only until 7:30 p. m. tf American Poultry Journal....... 1 Yr. Farm Journal $t Farmer'* Wife 1 Y». $075 U S E T H IS C O U P O N | I Gentlemen: I enclose t ________ _ Píeme ¡ •end me the magazine checked, or the 5-Magazine Special, with a year s sub- •criptioo to your newspaper. C h ech m a g a tin e* d ea lred en d te n d co u p o n to th le nowapapor to d a y l Name___ St or K. r. D._ • I I - I S E N D A L L ORDERS TO WEST COAST TELEPHONE CO. f'H* hour” on the dairy sector Beaverton Enterprise Beaverton, O regon B E TTE R G O PPCO Get FOUR for ONE W it h P eople’ s Colum n ifìotiroek Crifell Hamrtictiirtn L Dl»tributors WANT ADS IV E R Y T M IN G AT. 6461 and get M ORE RESU LTS Riverview Cemetery You Get W EST END SELLWOOD BRIDGE Run M ORTICIAN SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY Tim es Y our M oney as in the Four Paper* F or the O rdinary Price Charged by Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview la a co-operative asso ciation with assets o f over $800,000 ]. P. Finley & Son Four PPCO W A N T A D S CREM ATO RIU M M AUSOLEUM CEM ETERY C EN TRALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans p ortation and walking distance from downtown. ONE PAPER ount this man among the hard fighters for a United Nations’ victory. Seven days a week, every week, he is in the front line of the battle for food His “ objective” has been set. He is to help produce more milk than the nation has ever produced before, milk and the products of milk being rich in nutrients we all need for health and strength and stamina • Because cfdtse carries important food values of milk in concentrated, shippable form, the Government's requirement for our fighting men and fighting allies is estimated at C KRAFT CH E E S E nearly 400 million pounds this year. And orer 500 million more pounds of cheese are needed . . . for you aatl other civilians to share. Winning the battle on the dairy sector will be far from easy; there are many obstacles toovercome. But our dairyman friend was in action when“ Hhonr” < ‘ the hour of attack came before sunrise today. So will he be tomorrow and the next day Hell get no decoration for hero ism in service, no medal to «tear on his Sunday-best suit. But he devsn't care. This is hi* job, hts nlal yob in the war . , . and te ll do it. C O M P A N Y Beaverton Enterprise Tigard Sentinel Multxiomah Press Aloha News Because of the tremendous demand, both military and ctrthan. you may not be able to get as much Kraft Cheese as you would like, or get rarer fatortle »aruttes—Kraft American. "Old English” , ‘ 'Philadelphia” Brand Cream Cheese. Velreeta. and so on But you may be sure, as ala ays. that any cheese or cheese food w hich bears the Kraft name represents the very highest standard of quality. -) .J De Laval A T v »1er 11*1 This Newspaper and 8 Great Psthflodsr „ . . . 1 Yr. Household Msg. 1 Yr. This Story....... 1 Yr. Ml 8 fo r only f e d O fiee ___ SEPARATORS — MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUP PI TES FOR TH E DAIRY INDUSTRY 135 NW Park 5 - M a g a z i n e Special!-!4: THE G E N E R A L p u b l i c W.TH t h f H A . . I ' EA TO H e i p a c q u a i n t BEST PRICE for Rabbit fryers, D. 1 P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We pick up. tf A V » „666 Y ou ALW AYS get M ORE fo r YOUR M oney at the BIG F O U R Fam ily Pioneer Publishing Co. Phone Beaverton 2321 A T w a le r 6591 ;{;> - » V '