Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1943)
Friday, May 21, 1943 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE. Beaverton, Oregon Classified Rates • T W O Cents a w ord per Issue M inim um 25c CASH with cop> M inim um Charge on Classified A ds not paid at Tim e o f Inser-1 tio n —50c. W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E M lI.T X O .M A H P R E S S T IG A R D SEN T IN EL A LO H A N EW S C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington C ounty and W estern M ultnomah County C overage W e assume no financial respon sibility for errors which may a p pear in advertisem ents published In these colu m n s but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertise ment in which the typographical m istake oocurs. h e l p w a n t e d HEROES OF ARTILLERY-THEN AND NOW MEN W A N TE D FOR DEFENSE PLANT Making Steel Barrels Permanent Employment W ages 95c per hour w ith opportunity to m ake m ore under incentive rates N o experience needed Apply RHEEM MANUFACTURING CO. S a V) N W YEON. PORTLAND WANTEDMEN tor IM PORTANT SHEET M ETAL B rick , T ile , M a s o n a r y GEN. W U . M OULTRIE DEFEKTER CE CHARLESTON 17 76 WAR WORK Brick & Building Tile s g t w il l ia m ja s p e r .O u t s t a n d i n g h e r o in th e . w a k SF\)NGE STAFF AND RtMOUNTED IT ON THE RAM- PAKTS. THE ENEMY WAS DRIVEN OFF FOR HI5 B raver y ja s p e r was p r e s e n t e d with a sw ord BY GOV Run.EDGE OF SO. CAROLINA BUT DECLINED A G; EMISSION HE WAS KILllD AT SAVANNAH (779. FOR A M ER IC A N INDEPENDENCE.DISTINGUISHED HIMSELF UNTER GEN. MOULTRIE AT FORT SULLIVAN CHARLES TON (5 C) HARBOR JUNE 28,1776. WHEN HE RECOVERED THE STATE FLAG AND. IN THE FACE OF DEADLY FIRE. ATTACHED IT TO A ! E xperien ce helpful, but not necessary Best pay and w ork ing conditions I SEE YOUR D EALE R GENERAL M E TA LW A R E CO. C o lu m b ia B rick W o r k s 1320 SE W a ter— Portland Kilim at Greshain-Sylvan-Salem 2451 N W 28th Avenue. Portland H undreds need used fu r n it u r e - place a Sale Ad. if you need the cash P A IN T S I I m l a y ’ s F resh M i x e d F eed s FISHER THORSEN PAINTS 25 STRONG YOUNG WOMEN FOR DEFENSE INDUSTRY A G E 18 to 35 F or quality, fa ir price and service WAGES 75c TO 85c HOUR 18-hr week. T im e and one-half aftei 40 J. B. I m la y & S o n s R E IÍD V IL L E Page 3 A LO H A , O R E . W ANTED SI an hour and more can he ! made under incentive rates if willing to work. W A N T E D 80 S traw berry Pickers. G ood picking. W ork 6 days week, j I'll help you get gas. B aker's B erry i Field, Beaverton, betw een H azel-i dale store and K inton school W A N T E D Setting o f white Duck eggs. J. L. W illiam », R2. Bx 48, B eaverton 2608. Apg-12 -1942, IV LI ROBERT F AU6UR.COAST ARTIUWX OF PORTLAND ORE, AWARDED DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS FOR EXTRAORDINARY HEROISM DURING ENEMY FIRE IN EXTINGUISHING FLAMES THREATENING AMMUNITION PUMPS CORREGIDOR, PI. HE WAS SEVERELY WOUNDED Perm anent E m ploym ent RHEEM MFG. C< >. 3850 N W Y E O N St.. Portland WOOD W O R K E R S Men wanted for M achine W ork and assem bling ladders for D e fense industries. E xcellent w ork ing con ditions G ood wages, 48 hour w eek time and one half over 40 hours P erm anent after the war ZOSS LAD D ER X MFG. CO 190] BW Macadam a\c, Portland T E L E P H O N E AT. 2048 ---------------------------- ---------------------------- v - D£C 1942. PFC SAMIE BURNS, COAM ARHLURY OF KEN- TUCKY. AWARDED DS.C IN TUNISIA, NO AFRICA WHEN HE ENOAC j ED SEVEN ENEMY PUNES SINGLE-HANDED from a ' JEEP, >H0T DOWN THREE AND SAVED MANY LIVES A n O M U C H VALUABLE E Q U IP M E N T lij F e m a le H e lp W a n t e d NOV H .9 4 2 PFC MAX CASfRO FIELD ARTiLLFBv ns NEVVMLMCQ AWARDED SlLVE R «¡TAP mm. Jr 5 2 £ A rR iO ^ 'u N a ^ O p T k A ; IONS WHEN ------------------------------- L siwwiAHAJtf UNDER ENEMY FIRE AND SAVED HIS TRUCK WI T H VALUABLE EQUIPMENT FOR USE IN ENJUINUOPERATIONS uurt-i>u o f P ublic R elation«. U. S. W ar D ept.. W aeh . D. C. O ffice o f Price A dm inistiation .in- understood, because most ration nounced today. boards grant up to ten pounds o f W OM EN 18 TO 40 RATION BOOK NO. 3 Sugar stamp N o 13 in ration canning sugar for the mere asking. Light clean inside w ork assemh- May 20—N ew book No 3 to be is- b.iok No. 1 will becom e valid June 1. I The coupon # R A B B IT S W A N T E D sy stem is ex p ected to ling ladders for D efense industry. Tailed as replacem ent for books No. 1 and will be good for five pounds o f sim plify the han dlin g o f a p p l i c a t i o n excellent w orking con d itions Good and No 2 when needed, on basis of sugar through August 15 This without, o f f ic ia l s estim a ted ,anv ap- 24c LB. P A ID fo r live white fryers; W a8 es Wailed applications. A pplications i au.tains the current ration o f five : p , actable d i f f e r e n c e in the amount ,.f free pickup serv. E. E. Luce, 48 hour week, tim e and one half will be distributed by mail carriers T' linda o f sugar for a peiio.l o f 2 • I sugar obtain ed, W arren, Oregon. over 40 hours, Perm anent beginning May 20. months. Stamp No. 12 expires Mav I ZOSS LADDER A MEG. t O. RED STAMPS 31. I ------------------- v ------------------- 4901 SW M acadam A ve„ Portland I (For m eat products, canned B E ST P R IC E fo r R abbit fryers, D. fish. 1 he O l ’ A said it made the announ- MniC your copy o f the home paper T E L E P H O N E AT 2048 m ost edible oils and cheese) P. M acD onald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver cement o f the next ration to enable | to your son or neighbors' son In the Red Stam p E. valid April 25, re tile sugar trade to plan its operations 1 service at hom e or abroad ton. P hone 2260. m ains valid through May. well In advance, and thuB make the W ITH A ------------------V- W A N T E D Live R abbits, to buy R ed Stam p F, becom es valid May 2. heat use o f plant, labor and trans- ! now T op pi ices paid. R abbit Meat Red stam p G becom es valid May 9. | portation facilities. Co., 8917 SE Stark St., Portland. R evised point values are effectiv e j Since the hom e-canning rules per NEED SALESWOMEN May 'Soffio» r ou» P hone SUnset 1722. Open 8 a. m. . j mit a m axim um o f 25 pounds per O ur big m odern w ood w ork in g plant I for to 9 p. m daily and Sunday R etailers must register with local i person, hom e canners m ay apply to TOP THAT 1 0 k I is now w ork ing war con tra cts fo r * COUNTER SALES W O i ' K boards and receive allow able inven local ration boards for an extra 15 T This his is youi the arm ed forces E xperien ce Not N ecessary 8 Y NEW W S tories o f m eats and fats May 3-lt. ) M IS C E L L A N E O U S pounds per person in addition to the essential w ork ch a n ce to get into -------- B L U E ST A M P S ten pounds to be obtained from book FULL OR PART TIM E IN T E R IO R P A IN T IN G By h o u r ' that eally aids the w a r effort. (F or canned, frozen, and certain No. I coupons. o r con tract, 20 years experience, j \ \ f Now Have Jobs Open Your CHoice of Department: dehydrated food s T he new plan was adopted, it was Free estim ates. R o y Daniels, it J, Blue stam ps G. H. J, remain valid i Good Chance for for Day Shift Work through May. B x 215, B eaverton, Oregon. SUGAR Advancement at a Minimum Salary R . D. B O D L E C O M P A N Y will r e -' A pply at O ffice Stump No. 12 in w ar ration book ★ 4 * * : *| • of $46.80 Per Week ceive B lack cap s in 1943, H ighest ! ooe is valid for 5 pounds o f s ugiti i S\\ 5th and Morrison D O N ’T D E L A Y m arket price, Sherw ood, Oregon. | through M ay 31. Portland A PPLY TODAY A ddress ?34 SE Y am hill. Tel. EAst ( OFFER— 9467, Portland. ! A pril 26 to M ay 30—Stam p No. 23 FOR SALE I good for one pound, fo r bookholilers I I 15 years o f age o r over, in book 1 DeUil stock P 'c k e d up free of FO R S A L E B oys B icycle, baby MEAT CEILING PRICES ch arge anyw here. Call buggy. P hone T igard 3155. collect. UN. 1221; night call May 17—New slattin g date for dol- DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., 1 lar-and-cents retail ceiling _ prices on T O B R IN G F O R S A L E 4 ft Dry Slab (3 cord beef, veal, m utton and lam b. This Portland. • 1935 N Arjjvle St. lots). W rite J. O. Johneon Bx 584, date was postponed from A pril 15 tft K E N T O N S T A T IO N Carlton, Oregon. give O PA a ch ance to reexam ine pre- HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA— A Portland B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E viously ordered ceiling prices with a specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW i F O R S A L E - Seed P otatoes, B ur view to reducing them from 1 to 10 Clivi, Portland Atwater 5334. bank and W hite Rose, G ordon Snv- cents a pound. EXPANDING PLANT der, Sherw ood, R2, B 8. * Turn w ar stam ps into Bonds A GASOLINE BOOKS N E E D S S E V E R A L MEN A T O N C E May 21— E xpiration date stam ps F R Y E R S F O R S A L E -C e d a r Si F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E to get in on the ground flo o r in an 1st turn to right. Middell cor., 3rd No. 5 in A book »four gallons each ). essential industry, and one that will M O T O R CO. P hone T igard 3381. hse on right. R ay Haynes, R2, Bx ^ T IR E INSPECTION still be here a fte r the war. * 33, Beaverton. May 31— Final tire inspection date i i PERSONALS : 95c HOUR BASK R A TE t _______ ________________________________ fo r ca ia w ith C m ileage books. F O R S A L E M onarch w ood and |j T IR E INSPECTION DOGS B O A R D E D — Small. 35c a With Opportunit} of Mak-| coal range, hot w ater coils, $12; June 30— Final tire inspection date , d a y ; large 50c. H oule's Collie k lir $1.20 hour or more in kitchen) table, 2 chairs. $3; wheel- for cars with B m ileage books Knls.. Lr. B oone's l'y . Rd. nr T u barrow $8; ice box, 50 lbs., $4; TIRE IN8PI9CTION alatin. Call T igard 3115. j our incentive rates if willing ; radio. $5; iron double bed springs Septem ber 30 First inspection f ori $5. Out W alk er rd., Beaverton, to j a bookholders must have been made E lectrical .Contractor 49-Jir week Overtim e after 40 hours Beaver Lum ber yd., Mr. W hite. ! by M arch 31; subsequent in s p e ctio n 1 inquire at store. within every six-m onth period there- ; APPLY F. P. DonnellV CIl. 1291 ! ■ I . " ~ ~ ’ after, but at least 90 days apart. ! RHEEM MFG. CO. T R A C T O R W O R K Garden Plots. I Linoleum and Carpet Lav- Septem ber 30 is next tire Inspection 3850 N W Y eon Ave., P ortland prepared. C. R . R ingle, R I, bx 395,1 rr itijr. SUnset 3459, 6110 SÌ7, for A book* Lake Grove. P hone T igard 2175. i RATION BOOK REMINDER A WAR JOB KRESS'S PEACETIME FUTURE mim BONDS SPECIAL OFFER NICOLAI Door Manufacturing Co. OLD GLORY" * to Every Reader of 0e Laval SEPARATORS — M II.KERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY NOTICE Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement! Apply week davs only. * HOD CARRIERS ’ AN D ìlUmoek Mieli Hrnvbrtupfr. A (h.Mbuton C V IR Y T M IN G . , -* O A I r V m , RO O M 215 LABOR Gladstone, 1 ortl.ind, ( Me. June 15 Expiration date stam p No. 17, book No. 1 (on e pair sh oes). F am i LOST lies m ay pool stam ps TRANSPORT CERTIFICATES June 30- Final date for filing IAJST B rooder Lid on highw ay bet. Cedar Mill & T igard May 9 transport m ileage ration certificates <T-1 and T-2 )fo r third quarter o f R ew ard. T igard 2582 1SM3 B oost you r hom e com m un ity news The current sugar ration will re paper. It boosts for you. O nh main unenanged in the next ration- $1 per year leas than 2 cen ts s week 1 ing period beginning June 1, the f orti amo C m . - la t i L a m (n r A T . 6461 C lose to dow ntow n C lose to transportation ]. P. Finley & Son •»w FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater 2181 Riverview Cemetery W E ST END SELL WOOD BRIDGE CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Seri Ice in Neu Cathedral Chapel at No F.itra coat R iverview ta a co-operativa asso ciation with asseta o f over 1800.000 3x5 FT. AMERICAN FLAG? * Experienced For Steady Work MEN A N D W O M E N S H IP Would You Like This PAINTERS W ANTED for CENTRAL LOCATION * TEMPLE S W 4th A T J E F F E R S O N AN* À 185 NW Park BUILDING LABORERS Union Local No. 296 SCALERS F O R L O C A L S H IP Y A R D S . E X - PKUIK.M E r.WNK E SS A R Y , 95c A N D U P P E R H OUR ON D A Y S H IF T . C L E A N IN G A N D P R E P A R IN G S U R F A C E S BEFORE P A IN T IN G . W om en muat be age 16 and not o v e r 45, and birth ce rtifica te re quired up to 24 years Inexperienced 1 May doom 207 Labor Temple ^ / jfo u i * T ìu itty cw te Û h C READER' S COUPON I 1 M D .K T O N E N T E R P R IS E B eaverton, O regon Plea»e »end me one o f your 5 ft x 3 ft. Atnerl can fla g» and the Beav- erton Enterprise for o re year at you r R e a d e r » o ffe r price o f $2 postpaid. Be Trained Painters' Union I f unexperienced and are w illing to w o ik we will train you and pay going j w a g es Call o r w rite B lack R o ck , Or-, or A t WUi, P ortland / Â i Apply W E NEED CHOKER SETTERS AND RIGGING MEN Willamette \ alle Show your neighbors (hat you're true blue "and proud o f it” — by flying "O ld G lory” on every Am erican holiday. This great flag can be yours now — as a reader o f this paper — at the very special price o f only C 2 00 m ailed PO STPAID to your home. Also IN As a reader o f this paper, we are offering you an amazing opportunity to own a glorious, large "Stars and Stripes". Made o f fine, durable cotton bunting, with individually sewed stripes. Stars stamped in fast colors on a rich, blue background. This beautiful flag, when opened to its full majestic spread, measures FIVE feet long by THREE feet wide. OUR SPECIAL OFFER TO YO U on Housing Projects, S1.32 Per Hr. Shipyards, S1.20, Per Hour A pply haaement o f Labor T em ple I .oca I No. 1404 P ortlan d, O regon W H O . YOU DO Y O U R P A R T THE W A R E FF O R T ’ W e W IL L DO O U R S + NAMIL W « t ADDRESS, CITY STATT C STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER