Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1943)
Friday, January, 1, 1943 Classified Rates B E A V E R T O N ENTERPR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 3 Real Estate Transfers T W O Cents a w ord per issue. M inimum 25c CASH with cop>. M inimum Charge on Classified A ds not paid at Tim e o f Inser tion — 50c. W e Publish the B E W E K T O N E N T E R P R IS E M U LTN O M AH P R E S S T Hi A lt II S E N T IN E L .ALOHA N E W S C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington C ounty and W estern M ultnomah County C overage W e assume no financial respon sibility for errors w hich m ay a p pear in advertisem ents published in these colu m n s but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertise m ent in which the typographical m istake occurs. CENTBAL LOCATION 1 Remember Pear! Harbor—Every Payday Edwin N Patton to B L Yost et ux lot 10 Beaux Arbres. Close to downtown Close to tiansportation Kate Fanno to H E A veritt et ux Farm. Title dc Trust Co. to R A Bissett et ux, part o f sec 35 T IS R1W . J. P. Finley & Son Carm en Stenberg to C N Cudaback et al. lots 15 and 16 blk 3 Stokes add Forest Grove. S\\ R W heeler et ux to E llis Leeson W orkm an et ux. part o f sec 31 T2N R2W . FOU RTH AT M ONTGOM ERY A Tw ater 2181 Riverview Cemetery John H P ointer et ux to R obert L K ram er et ux part o f sec 12 T1S R1W . W EST END S E L L W O O D B R ID G E Lloyd F E ckhardt et al to A L Van B ergen et ux, lot 13 tract 1 Boule vard Hhts. CREM ATORIUM M AUSOLEUM CEMETERY | MISCELLANEOUS R ob ert P N ixon ct ux to I'red L Anderson, E ‘s b f lot 53 Spring Hill D e a d stoc^ picked up free o f 10 acres sec 27 T IS R1W . ch arge anyw here. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call Anne E K ruger et al to R o y O CH. 2403 or UN 0449 D E N L E Y “C ob b et ux, S lu o f lots 25 at 26, Sun R E N D E R IN G CO.. Portland. ny Hill add. Com plete Funeral S ervie« in New Cathedral Chapel at No E xtra cost R iverview is a co-op erative asso ciation with assets o f over $ 800,000 H ID E S * W OOL, CAM \ It \— A Louis F E m m ott to O scar Raines. specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW 64.7 acres sec 13 T2S R3W . Ch*y, Portland. A tw ater 53S4. H T W right to Paul B runsw ick et F"OR T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E ux part lot 4 d e m o n 's sub dlv. M O TO R CO. Phone T igard 33k 1. T ow n o f B eaverton to Vernon A. POULTRY HEADQUARTERS Peterson, lot 5 blk 32 Beaverton. H ighest prices paid. our pick-up service, vr ,i . POU LTRY northwest 232 SE A sk about & D A IR Y . P ortland Oregon 5141 products Oak, E A. co A Brick, Tile, Masonary Brick & Building Tile SEE YOU R D E A L E R C o lu m b ia B rick W o r k s 1320 SE W ater— Portland Kilns at O resham -Sylvan-Salem PAINTS Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds riSH E R THORSEN PAINTS F or quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlays & Sons R E E D V IL L E £ ALO H A. O R E . Real Estate Wanted SAVE YOUR TIRES— BUY DEFENSE BONDS Ride a Bus— R ight to the door ol the J O Larson et ux to C laire W il- ' liams. part lot 176 B eaverton-R eed ville. Winter Garden Lulu May H olm es to Louis D Kel sey et ux part sec 35 T2S R2W . On T aylor Street, bt. 4th & 5th Paul B runsw ick et ux to H T j j W righ t 8EX-4 o l NE 1-4 o f MC 11 T2N R3W. ' Jam es M Allen et ux to Fred E ib s et ux 1.625 acres Johnson Est Add. Tasty Foods Dinners— Lunches Banquets BR. 1 4 2 3 for Reservation Claude Brereton PORTLAND John W Keller et al to Fred G Keller, 10 acres W W G raham cl T2S R1W . 1 AT T H E Fred G K eller to Mary C Maloney 1133 acres T2S R1W . WINTER GARDEN H T Johnson et ux to Clyde Baunr- gartner et ux. lot 27 R eedville Hom es R ose P otter to Hannah Johnson, ! lots 11 & 12 blk 7 So P ark add For- | est G rove. 100.000 J E lizabeth Kahle to R oy W Hein- ! rich et ux Benj C ornelius Sr. cl T IN R3W . Quick R aring FRUIT B H R eeher et ux to H arvey A Long, 40 acres sec 20 T3N R4W. NUT TREES LaVon B Love et ux to A lb eit N W A N T E D In acres in eastei n Wash j Stockton et ux lots in Ladd & Reeds ington county or western M ultnomah 1st add Reedville. county, partly cleared, no bldg.—K118 E nterprise, Beaverton. W ash. Co to Ellen P A rnold, lot 4 blk 8 1st add Banks. HELP W A N TE D R A W hite et ux to David O W il W A N T E D - H ousekeeper fo r c o o k liams et ux. 2 acres John H W alker ing only. Five in fam ily. W rite cl 49 T2S R3W. Boy 823, Tigard, Or. R u b y W Boyd to P L Schultz et al, H E L P W A N T E D —T w o w om en to part sec 22 T IS R1W. ca rry trays and help with clean ¡ Louise M W adsw orth et al to Jack- ing. H illsboro 1911. ; son Benton et ux lot 7 blk 50 North 1 FOR SALE Plains. Courtesy Kansua City Star. Mrs. America Goes To War The End of the Beginning BY R U T H T A Y L O R W atch ou t! D on ’t slacken! D on ’t | let the dazzling rainbow o f victories | won blind us to the fact that the U S Nat'l Bk o f Portland to Lee M F O R SALE L u g e wood corculat- Mrs. A m erica's children will get storm is not yet over, that the clouds ing heater. P hone B eaverton 3741. G eorge et ux, part blk 5 M ultnomah a taste o f what war means . . . . are still dark above us. The end is ! Country club add plat No. 2. 624 7th St., Beaverton. th ey’ll probably be tasting m oie but- not yet. Faye Schultz to Adelaide H aney ter than ice cream and m ore cocoa F O R SALE- C olored fryi W inston Churchill warned us of add I'orest than ch ocolate candy novelties as a that when he said this was the end 3 lbs, dressed or live weight. Beav part blk 13 So P aik erton, 2259, R 1, Bx 203. B eaver Grove. result o f tw o W ar P roduction Orders. o f the beginning not the beginning ton. The first designed to con serve but- o f the end. And we must take heed. Bertram Sumption F rsw ing , , ux f ol. butter will reduce by 20 It is the end o f the beginning of F O R S A L E —Chopped gray oats j to Geo L W esling et ux, part lot 1 percen t the am ount o f ice cream , the period o f indecision, o f the hour with a little vetch in it. H enry F rew ing Orchard tiacts. and other frozen desserts m anufac- in which we w oke from dream s o f Partel, 1 block east o f M cD on ald’s F .e d Bulling et ux to R oy S Y o d u ,u red An‘J th «* w p » ««Tures if Am- peace to the reality o f war, i*f the store, box 322, Tigard. et mi lot 8 Newton A cres.' e ,ica n children give up such randy days and nights in which we hRd to novelties as ch ocola te Santa Clauses, reorganize not only our lives but our F O R S A L E — R abbit hutch 320, 4- A M Scott et al to Dan Brutke et and hearts there will be m ore break- m anner o f thought, to reorient ou r room s furniture, w ick er set $15, 2- fast c o co a and ch ocolate bars. T h at’s selves to a world ruled by the ex ig wheel trailer $25. One 4-room ux, part lot 1 sec 3 T1S R 4W . because o f a shipping shortage o f co- encies o f war. house for- rent, furniture optional. Suburban Developm ent Co Inc to coa beans front which ch ocolate is W an da Jorgensen, R l, B x 243, T i G eo Burton 2.39 acres T IN R1W . But the end is not yet. W e ca n made. gard, A fter 6 p. m. not win the w ar by over-con fidence, we cannot assume the gam e is over U S Natl Bk o f Portland to Vaie B It may seem to be a fat cry from FOR S A L E — F ord A '30 Sedan, R ice et ux, lot 5 blk 7 Multnomah when the piny begins to run our way the perfum e bottle on m ilady's dress good tires, new parts, cash $75. C ountry club add plat 2. The decision will com e at the end of ; ing table to synthetic rubber and W an da Jorgensen, R l ,Bx 243 A, the gam e when the last play has | sm okeless gunpow der, but all three Tigard. Or. R E Dunlap adm to Mural been made and the last battle fought. j require alcohol, so in ord er to save lett et ux 30 acres T IS R3W . W e cannot leave the field until the an additional million gallons o f ethyl final second o f the game. Anna V anderzanden et vir to H arry alcoh ol each year for m ilitary pro- W e want to win this w ar that we M Seabold et ux, part lot 17 blk Induction the am ount which can he m ay return to what we had. W e do i Highland Park add H illsboro. ) used fo r toiletries and cosm etics is (S hingle T ow ) not want anything from any other under W ar P roduction Board restric- W e want only fo r other F or Insulation— P oultry L itter— E l.zabeth Ellen F ow ler to Frank , i()n N orm aliy a b out 5.000,000 gal nation. l.m -stork , D og & Cat B edding— I W Pease et ux pt lot* 1, 2, & 3, blk 3 jons Qf alcohol ro into toiletries and peoples that freedom which we claim ! U i n i m n n c n /l/l U i 1 l u I t r i l ' A . . . . . — Nursery Packing 1 Sim m ons add Hillsboro. cosm etics, each year but now this for ourselves the freedom o f speech, E A ST ST. JO H N S S H IN G L E CO. And your expression and religion the freedom I'rank W Linde et al to Nellie S am ount is cu t to half. 10501 N. P ortland R oad corn er d ru ggist’s' sales o f rubbing from want and fear. M H oard, lots 12 & 13 L enox acres. Portland. O regon UN. 0676 W e can not win this w ar by w ish alcohol and alcohol com pou n ds also ing W e have to win it by work. Z R Schuetz et ux to E J Sw an are restricted. A P P L E S fo r S a le- 50c, 75c per The quickest way to win thé war is son et ux part lot 45 W estdale T1S box. Please bring container. Fred H ere’s good news for Mrs Am erica. the best way to win it, and this R l W. Leuthi, W alnut ave., Tigard. that A new broom m ay sw eek clean, but m eans discarding everything To Z R Sehuetze et ux to Jam es A som e 40.000 vacuum clea n eis have w on ’t help in the all out effort. W O O D B lock & Slab m ixed $8, M uthersbaugh ux part lot 45 just been released for sale to civ il win the war we must have neither et per co rd ; straight henvy slab $7. W estdale. But ians. These are front stocks o f manu idle hours nor idle dollars. per cord T hree cord load. C J P roduction _ _ „ . . , „ i o i facturera and private brand sellers. money is not enough. Z R Schuetz et ux to F ian k Saleno . . , . r . . .. ... Stowe, box 373. Carlton, O regon Men are not enough. and had been frozen by the War is not enough. 1 et ux. part lot 45 W estdale T IS R1W Production Board since October 24 W e must add to these that extra e f fort, tha% all essential will to win. W A N TE D Otto V oges et ux to Elizabeth E In addition, housew ives will find of Fowler, part blk 2 H um phreys add f*red tor sale vacuum s in the stocks W e must accept restriction s— w illin g R ID E R S and Drivers. Swing Shift ; H illsboro. o f retailers and wholesale distribu- ly. W e must do all we can gladly. Swan Island. L eave nam e at ___________ y tors which w ere a I sc unfrozen re- W e must uot allow ourselves to be B eaverton E nterprise, phone 2321. A bout 1,300,000 women are mem- eently. On the other hand, the 'cau gh t hy Axis inspired propaganda. i bets o f A F L unions and 1,500.000 be- W P B has jus« prohibited the manu We must not be spreaders o f rumor. long to CIO unions The R ailroad factu re o f attachm ents for these W e must not be dissem inators o f ha- , 'red tow ard any o f our own people. B rotherhoods also have wom en mem products. NOTICE • • • i eg. rdless o f class, race, creed or | bers. y _______ - Civilian use o f alpaca for clothing. ■ c o lo r. W e must not be selfish hoard L a b o r e r s w a n t e d at once. C onversely, w e must w ork, we Girls in C zechoslovakia are exclud- j upholstery fa b tics or draper ies has ers I m m e d ia t e j o b p l a c e m e n t ! bv The limited sup- must sacrifice, we must fight for the I ed d b y Nazis from all but e le m e v n ;y been p roh ib ited . A p p l y w e e k da vs o n ly . And we must have schools, and so are the sons and P'V ° I I*1** m aterial in this country com m on good. aril lbe used entirely for the armed ilniiKhters " { P r o g r e s s iv e pa ren ts HOD CARRIERS forces, particularly for uniform s to AN D he worn by troops stationed In cold H undreds need used furniture — BUILDING LABORERS climates. . place a Sale Ad, if you need the cash • • • Baled Cedar Shavings £ s s « T * >1 faith in the ultimate victory, while* putting forth all our strength to win. The beginning Is ended. N ow the road lies ahead. It will be rough in many places it will go through valleys o f depression, skirt danger-1 ous precipices, descend perhaps in to, quagm ires o f tem porary defeat but 1 at the end it will lead, we are con- ' fident, to victory and to ultimate peace fo r all peoples o f all the earth \ ------------------ V --------------- B oost you r home com m unity new s paper. It boosts fo r y6u. Only $1 per year .less than 2 cen ts a week ------------------- V --------------- A dvertisin g is salesmanship. ------------------- V ----- •l 'nion Local No. 296 LABOR TEMPLE S W 4th A T J E F F E R S O N New Lennox Hotel 0e Laval S E P A R A T O R S — MH KEKS C O M P L E T E KtJI I PM E N T AND S U P P L IE S F O B T H E DAI l i t IN D U S T R Y P eter K osturos. P rop QUIET, MODERN & HOMELIKE P h o n e A T - ¡»tor 7261 S. W Third Are., cor Main Portland. Oregon ced arlleef 4fwy sd m vbf a Between now and January 31st every ca r ow n er must have tires checked by an officia l O P A in spec t o r . and here are some points to •keep in mind on tiie care: Drive only when absolutely necessary; drive under 35 miles an h our; the W artim e Speed limit, as much as you g ra n ; keep your tiles properly in flated, ch eck in g air pressure w eekly, look at your tires between officia l inspections, keeping wheels aligned and brakes equalized, and share your car with others Be counted am on g E arnest "w r a p ” seeker*. 135 NW Park AT. »441 BUY what you do need. . . S E L L what you d on ’t need. TUALATIN VALLEY NURSEBIES K t. 3 , H o i 311), M i l K l l O O O , U K t O O .V Harold loan says— >? a */\V/AR Ô0N0S TOP THAT M \ 0 % "O n the lev »l folks, w e've all g o t to buy m ore W ar B onds! L et's top that 10 % by N ew Y ear's." hwiwmcs Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS O regon Mutual Pollele* are NON-ASSF.KMABI.E. You N E V E R pay m ore than the prem ium on the fa ce o f the policy. O regon Mutual maintain!* m ore titan three tim e« the surplus required by O regon Insurance la w * . Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company o f M c M i n n v i l l e O rganized 1894— .40 year* o f R eliable Service C’haa. I.. W alker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "E v e ry F orm o f P rotection ” Phone 1732 H illsboro, O regon SHIPYARD PAINTERS Experienced for Steady Work Rain or Shine A LSi ) HUBER’S Restaurant Inexperienced M ay be Trained W ishing you the SEASON’S GREETINGS Union Wages j fgw e.du ROOM 215 Plant Tualatin Valley Nurseries quick bearing tree» for greater profit». Wt have a complete assortment of Peaches, Apple», Pear», Cherries, Plum», Prunes, Apricots. Figs. Almond». Filbert». Walnut». Chest nuts, Hickory Nuts, etc. Complete assort ment of Berry Plants, Shrubs, Poses. Most all varieties of Flowering and Shade trees Send for 40 page catalog It will pay to drive out to our nurseries. Drive out Bar bur Blvd. from Portland on Hiway 99W. Out 17 miles, 1 mile past Six Corner» toward Newberg. Or we will ship your order by parcel post or express. Turkey, Ham and Duck DINNERS APPLY 5 00 to 8 30 A lso A IJK Carte L ih h ) of R a ilw a y E xch an g e B ld g AT. 5686 E n tra m e on 3rd or Stark St*. Portland, O regon PAINTERS' UNION Room 207 Lahor Ternie Portland T