Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1942)
Friday, March 13,1942 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 2 - -. SOMETHING ALL CAN DO r . H. IL JEFFRIES, INibllxher Published F riday or each w eek by the P ion eer Publishing Co . at Beaverton. Oregon. Entered aa second-class m atter at the paetofflce at Beaverton. Ore B Y LIC IO N & EN O UG H DEFENSE STA M P S— T hree Months .». .... ... ..... ....... $ .35o Subscription Payable In A dva n ce $1.00 . .50 One Year _ Btx Months B eaverton O ffice— E nterprise Bldg., P hone B eaverton 2321 H illsboro O ffice — R oom 5, Delta Bldg.. Phone 1641 Portland O ffice — 107-408 D ekum Bldg., P h o re AT. 6591 O reg |< kn P ü B LI S h [ e Thorough Cleaning and Fresh Oil people that jim crack restrictions and regulations cannot long w oik . Ijist week I urged that we the people ! trust the President. N ow 1 beg the 1 P resident to trust the people. If1 our people can be trusted to do right we will win the w ar; but if they ca n -i not be trusted we will surely lose the peace. Greed must be crushed; but this can com e about only through a spiritual aw akening startin g in AIR POW ER W a s h in g to n E v a ry b roa d ca st * Many lepairs could be avoided if w atches were given the yearly cleaning needed to keep delicate m echanism s running sm oothly. W S pTp E R rSrS O't I A TI 0 N BE A L E R T — A L W A Y S R E M A IN CALM — DO NOT L ISTE N TO RU M ORS. R E S O L V E T H A T IF D A N G ER COMES Y O U W IL L DO Y O U R P A R T . Despite decisions o. other states to elim inate their state fairs this year because o f the war. the O iegon state fair is expected to be held as scheduled L abor Day, accordin g to Leo Spitzbart, m anager. Secretary o f A griculture W ick ard has instruct ed M Spitzbart to carry out plans fo r the annual event. G overn or Sprague states, how ever, that the fair will be restricted to con form with arm y regulations. The best DEFENSE for watches M esnL& i ' Oregon State Fair to Be Held as Usual GUARANTEED W E CAN L IC K THE ^ x L » 'V V \ \ r V / v > > * \> 1 ’ / ' ' . » ' -e 0 Dials Kcflnished 0 Jewelry Repaired 0 Beads Restrung Q Diamonds Ke-set WATCH REPAIRS 5th Avenue Entrance Main Floor Portland fo r Air pow er is both sea and land the sale o f V ictory B onds should in- power. The air arm has becom e the elude an appeal fo r Integrity and controlling fa ctor In modern war. It j self-less-ness. Only R ighteousness has revolutionized m odem warfare. E xalteth a Nation today as it did Other brunches o f our armed forces 2500 y e a is ago. (P rov erb s 14 34. ure helpless w ithout adequate a lrj There are no short cuts to victory. I protection Airplanes not only extends ' O therw ise H itler would have already W W » a i 4 m W I lH J II w m I the visability and iange o f the armed won. Lawn can be d iscov ered ; but forces but also its striking power. they can not be m anufactured. W orld Airplanes ca rry two kinds o f fire W ar II cam e upon us because we Lecture on Christian pow er bombs o f various kinds and thought morte o f oui selves and forgot guns fo r attack and defense. A ir God. W e will avoid m ore troubles, Science March 13th planes have the speed, m anuverabtl- after It is Over, only as w e think less j ity and great flying range that did o f ourselves and rem em ber God. R ich ard J. Davis, C.S.B., o f San not exist in W orld W a r No. 1. ( Jose, C alifornia, will give a free lec Since air pow er has been proven i ture on C h iistian S cience, Friday to be the key to success In W orld 1 evening, M arch 13, at 8 p m. at TEACH THE TOTS W ar No. II. There is no reason why ; P ortlan d C ivic auditorium . The pub we should not gain our place as a lic is cord ially invited. At a recent T ea ch er’s Institute In great air power. W e have every Secret of Success Exposed T illam ook, the prim ary w ork ers talk- • thing that takes to give us our place H ello F olks; in the air. W e have all the essen- j £ a " d h° W ^ paSS U ° n Your Photograph A colored m inister, a ccord in ’ to tial elements to produce in volume i * " S. • a story I got hold o f som e place er and to operate the planes when pro- ™ bat ‘ » Patriotism ? T he p erfect g ift fo r you r son in j duced We should before many ¿ he / ‘S * " , ! ! * * * * * * ° n , the other, let hiz con gregation in on hiz service. P hotograp hs are P E R S O N - ! It fits so m any m oons convince M ikado that T o k y o 1 f ' aK at F ‘‘a ,1l1 “ a ' bo.r, they strurk a secret o f Suckscess. AL . . . L A S T IN G . . . IN all the o f us white folk s, I decided to b road E X P E N S IV E . as « - well as Pearl H arbor may b . 1 Ì ™ . r a' ‘ , fla* T h ie e 7x10, one col- ; i ’l The* i*— v.u, Our * right orship od in | cast it. hat is i„ m to m w wui sm|j G uiHi H ere she is; B ied erin ' an I ored, fo r $4.95 com plete. bom bed Call AT. j W e are a slow people to get started the freedom o f con scien ce, the r ig h t ' sistern: I haz recided to illuminate 9-8-8-7 fo r an appointm ent. D. P E R but when we get going we keep to live our lives to his g lo ry ; the yo clouded m inds on dey secret o f R Y E V A N S, 934 SW M orrison, St. things rolling W e certainly will keep * * ht o f frf e s Peech Not P|>PP«ts. we su ckscess az I haz dun fou n d it in Portland. I f y 6 takes my them flying until the J-I-G com bine r but men in our own iight, answ er - 1 dis flyblow ed world. has had enough o f its own medicine. able to God and none other. Out of plan y o will all be az su ck scessfu l az this has com e a w ay o f life that has ducks a ketchin June Bugs. Here se ,l a ptano? R u gs? •P made A m erica the envy o f the world. am dey grate seck ret: S T A Y A W A Y C lothing, A Classified Can the kiddies sense all th is? Babson Says FROM D E Y IM P O S S IB L E AS will bring fast results at u very small 711 SW 4th AT. 7074 Porti and, Oregon Yes, and far easier than the elders. MUCH AS P O S S IB L E BU T A L expense! Continued from page 1 | God and the things o f God are more W A Y S K E E P AS C LO SE TO D E Y AZ YOU IZ IN E V will end very suddenly without an y real in the earlier years. “ S u ffe r the IN E V IT A B L E one thinking an end is in sight; (3) little children to com e unto Me and IT A B L Y IN K L IN E D AN YO W IL L forbid them not; fo r o f such is the A LSO B E A Z SU C K SC E SSFU L AS that 20,000,000 o f these people will im kingdom o f God, said ou r Lord M O LA SSE S A K E T C H IN ' F L IE S IN mediately be thrown out o f work. Thereupon we were told o f various And He declared "E x ce p t ye be con-| d r y S U M M E R T IM E ' plans for new rules and regulations verted turned and becom e as little i S u ckscessfu lly yores, fo r all employees and w orkers as to* children ye shall not enter the k in g B IL L dom o f heaven.” The yea r o f the Just what we must do, how m uch we big drought, the sm all tot lugged an must spend, where we shall w ork or sell after the w ar! Apparently there umbrella to the church where prayer College Prepares "W h y the will be more instead o f less regulat was to be made fo r rain And the tot a n sw ered— For More Co-Eds ing when peace comes. The present u m brella?" plan is to add to the restrictions in “ T o keep o f f the rain on the way In Men’s Courses The late Dr. W. B. H inson order "to fight the peace” as one o f hom e.” W ith private industry and govern - who told the story, added with a the W ashington Higher Ups ex [ twinkle in his eye "T h e L ord sent m ent agen cies seekin g t. ai ned wo- pressed it. l the rain because o f the child's faith." men to replace m en called to service Ilon ’t M onkey with Nuture The Nazi youth w orship H itler; O regon State C ollege is p reparin g for Many o f the governm ent restric i the Japanese child the em peror. nn influx o f w om en students next tions seem crazy to statisticians fall into cou rses norm ally con fin ed W e know that when you begin to I W hat does the A m erican kiddie w or- T here bein g no assurance A newsm an returning to to men. R egulate Nature you are putting 1 sh ip? when the w ar will end or as to the you r head into a hornet's nest The I these shores, pointed out that our T hey need a con d itions follow ing the war, git Is w ar today is largely due to tariffs, | people have no belief. greater opportunity than i .W ithout vision, the people have a bonuses, and other form s o f national I faith. A vision o f God and things ever b efore to take training which j greed which have upset natural trade ' peiish. will help them be o f m axim um value and Industry. Some day we must ! o f God. Parents have firsts over the public to their cou n try with alm ost certain "g o through the corn sheller" and In the home nest, assurance that their service will be pay for our mistakes Our IIIIIJIUI- dlfflcu l- school teacher. wui ■uisuincfi. Will needed. ties will be solved only as we re tu rn 1 “ »rough the open Bible and a seek ----------------------------- to letting nature w ork out these ing to know G od's will, there Is b u ilt, problem s through natural rewards .L , . _ i . , i - nrm W ar o r ' n - North Portland Livestock W a r or no . and punishments, not through a rtifi that stands the storm . war. if the A m erican hom e breathes Market Prices cial com m issions and bureaus. A s, If artificial rationing, priorities, o f Chi 1st, the nation will stand The follow in g quotatilon s are price fixing, censorship, wage and the hom e fails, th e nation w ill rot The real battle is by based on prices being paid in Mon hour regulations, nnd the thousand from within. day's trading: Kh) yon t t f l v o w other experim ents are necessary, well the fi reside CATTLE: G ood grain -fed steers whose and good. I,et us he honest people, kl.biles listen to tho Chriot $11 to $13. G ood grain -fed heifers blood blots ou t the stain o f sin and however, and acknow ledge that they Frank works down at our plant. Carl is a service man. Mary G ood b eef cow s will not succeed In the end. They w ho sends the Holy Spirit to break $1075 to $11.50. By this you best $9.25 to $10 25. medium $s 25 to $9. are a form o f dope or anesthetic up ungodliness. is a stenographer. George installs the pipes in the streets. All com m on $7 to $8, ennners $5.75 to w hich will w ork fo r a short time hack the preacher and te a ch e r. 6.50. Bulls m edium to good $8.50 to And every hour a m iiaele hour j four are skilled members of the efficient and resourceful organi only. W ashington econom ists are Veal- P eace-Joy-C heer W is $10.25, com m on $7 50 to $8 25. today doing what doctors did In through the $14 to $16 ex- j zation that keeps gas supplied 24 hours a day, month in and G eorge W ashington's days. H istory d om Strength-P atience-C ourage, V IC ers, good to ch oice says those doctors hied our first T O R Y o f a life yielded to the In tie m e top $16.50. HOGS: G ood to ch oice carlots month out, to 90,000 users living from Vancouver to Corvallis He is able. Are President when he leally needed » dwelling Christ. $14 25, 170 to 275 lb truckins $14 t o ; blood infusion The parents o f our you yielded? and from Troutdale to Forest Grove. $14.25; 230 to 285 lb butchers $13 25 ' boys need it governm ent they feel is to $13 75; lightw eight b u tch eis $13, friendly to them. to $13 75; pack in g sow s $10 25 to I Keeping this vital service going is part of the war on the America Needs Religion $11.50. Feeder pigs 1275 to $13 50 My real appeal is that we all (and Cloverdale, Oregon S H E E P : G ood to ch oice lambs home front. It means well-cooked meals for thousands of this includes W ashington) start im m edium to good. ■ mediately to get people back to the | This space paid fo r by an O regon $11.5 Oto $12 25; soldiers and defense workers— clean, controllable heat for metal $10.50 to $11 25; com m on $8 50 to $10 , fundam entals o f life W e should tell businessman. Slaughter ewes, good to ch oice $5.75 treating and other important industrial processes— quick hot to $6. quotable to $6.25. Shorn lambs $10 25 to $1125. water or steam for all of the many needs of home and factory. III RALEIGH BLDG, _ K III T ests at the U. S. Fewest Products 1 T 1 B E A U T Y SHOP • s It also means a steady and increasing flow of chemical by L a b ora tory show sapw ood is just as III m s t r o n g a s heat t w o o d m \m M J.KN It \V,’ 3 products to play an important role in the battle of production. MGR. ill iji W estern red ced ar supplies over 90 in •Ü per cent o f the w orld's shingles Guarixiit«''a(l $0.1X1 IV rw iM lIu 'd H C *» y i. * * r r i But Frank, Carl, Mary, George and their 781 associates in = MtM'htnt'h-M J i T i H d ln ty lr , < 0C .• v l* -- \ !' »m u xn en t ShiMiqMM» .1 Rin««- the Gas Company are doing more than this. Every single one ol F orest Industry is the great w age , '* , HI m disbutser o f the P a cific Northwest s them is buying Defense Bonds to help fight the war on the All Perm anent« com píete with i 7 i slmuq**«». m It ca rries 60 per gent o f our Indus Hairstyle H a ir c u t— N O EXTRAS 1 trial payrolls, and the largest single in firing lines as well as here at home. i 7 i share o f all w ages in O regon and Open Thursday and Friday E venings! 5 in Mt W ashington. Plan Your St. Patrick's Day Dinner With Us! 10 * WANT TO - 85 * FRANGO’S CAFE 7 8 5 o! them — fig h tin g the w ar o n TWO fronts! 401 iTi » BF 2502 Above Fahey-Brockman— 617 S. W . Washington _________________ P O R T I .A N D NXMKWIHtSMBlNBMBMB Fruit. Nut. Shade, F lo w e r in g l«H IBIH gH I5lllgH lgH 1«ltli T R E E S J *cial Filbert & Peach Trees l™ 65 70 0 VARIETIES t herrtea. Apples, Plums. Prunes, Apricots Walnuts, etc. in Take advantage of our 50 y oar's experience. Plant our guar, trees for lit)', satisfaction. Quality haiy- Ing <uir motto Write be fore buying elsewhere, will save you money. We are here hi ad« tse yon if you contemplate planting a family or commercial orchard. Since the birth o f the nation. A m -1 ertcan forests have yielded, in war and peace, som e 2,200,000,000.000 boatd feet o f lum ber. ■ III I m All o ffice rs up to and including = com m anders are intro- | III lieutenant = duced by their titles and then may in = be addressed as Mister. m = in = m = m Tree 40-P age Catalog If tntcrcatcd In planting A W A L N l'l I M id lit oi > lit IT ORCHARD, in slat on buying from grow er*. SHRUBS ALL KINDS TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES SHERWOOD. O k . Drlye out Itarhur Hlul on Itlway No. ut*W Out 17 ml, I .ml past six Corn ers toward New berg. G uaranteed Satisfaction III S m 5 Hi Sill £ ill sill 5 ill Sill; "J Truck Gardeners ORDER N O W Veneer Plant Bands W e’re proud of this 100% record, just as every citizen can be proud of the splendid response of all the people of this area to the Defense Bond appeal. So when you see our meter reader at the back door— or a service man on his way to adjust an appliance— or a book keeper busy with his records— or a main worker swinging his pick— we want you to know that he, too, is fighting the war on T W O fronts! Portland Gas & Coke Com pany For Redding Plants H A L LO C K S BERRY T IN TOPS CRATES Coast Veneer Co. F oot o f N orth Pittsburg P ortland UN. 1277 BUY UNITED STATES DEFENSE SAVINGS 80NDS & STAMPS