The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 13, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, April 13, 1904
For Sale
C. J. Allen, of Portland, One of Owners of
Sumpter Property, Sells Rogue River
Mine For Vast Sum.
0. J. Allen, of Portland, oue of
the owners of tbo Mounrueutal mine,
north of Granite, who has con
summated one of the biggest deals
ever mnde In the state recently in
southern Oregon, arrived here this
morning, auu left at noon for the
Monumental. Mr. Allen Is going out
to the proporty to look over the sit
uation with a view to starting up
operations again. Mr. Allen says that
the Monumental will be operated
this summer, but be deulines to
go iuto details. This is cue of tbo
old and well known properties of the
district and its development will be
watched with Interest .
Regarding Mr. Allen's deal In
southern Oregon, the Telegram prints
the follewing:
Involving a consideration of
3750.000. all but 8100,000 of which
is actual cash In hand, the Allen
mine, a copper-gold property located
on Rogue river, ttireo uud one-half
miles south of (ialllce creek, has
been sold by C. ). Allen, of Port
lurid, and his associates to Charles
d'Autremont, of Duluth, Minnesota,
and others of a company of middle
western capitalists, many of whom
reside in Michigan. Mr. Allen re
tains a heavy tiitoicst in the mine
and will !o president of the new
company. Tho deal Ih the heaviest
mining property salo ever consum
mated in Oregon. Associated with
Mr. Allen In former ownership of tho
property were u iiumbor of wealthy
residents of Cincinnati. Immeueo
development is planned.
The property consists of 111!), '.12
acres, all of which is patented j
ground. The deal was consummated ,
through tho efforts of Frank It. Rob
erts and W. T. Perry, of this city,
both of whom aro members of the
Oregon Miners' association. Tho
mine is directly across Rogue river
from the famous Almedu.
A new company has been incorpor
ated under the laws if Arizona
territory, which is known as the Ore
gon Homestead .Mining and iteduc
tiuu company, for tho development
of the property. Frank R. Roberts
Is vice president uud general man
ager, and W. T. Perry, secretary and
treasurer. The majority of the board
of directors are Michigan uud Minne
sota people.
It is the intention of the compuuy
to begin operations within thirty
days. The first move will be to build
a road from the mine to Leland, and
for this purpose the company will
work lu coujuuetlou with the Aimed
Mining company. This road will
iiive railroad facilities within nine
miles of the property.
It is the intention to also dam
Rogue river at this point, operating
two power stations, one at either end
of the dam, from which the Alm,eda
mine will seouro its power on the
north side of the river and tho Ore
gon Homestead on the south side.
The power generated is computed to
bo 12,000 horsepower, with 12 tur
bine wheels capable of producing
1,000 hnrso power each.
Active work will begin at once
blocking out ore on the property,
and for this purpose it is the inten
tion of both the Alameda and Home
stead to Install power drills. They
also propose to erect a smelter of
from 250 to KOO tons dully capacity
this season.
X. Jerry, of Now York, is lu town,
and it is understood that he is hero
lu thn interest of purchasing a cer
tain mining proporty in the neigh
borhood of the Quebec. What pro
gress in this direction had been iinido
could not bo learned.
lu addition to this, Mr. Jerry is
also interesting lilmsulf in the matter
of making u complete collection of
mineral specimens from tho various
properties lu the vicinity of Sumpter.
These he proposes to take east as an
advertisement for the district, and
states that it is more than probable
that ho will take the collection to
A report was brought to this city
yesterday and tho Domocrat Inform
ant saya tho information is reliable,
that a few days ago, after long search
for tho old channel that crosses
StlceH' gulch, sensational gold val
ues wore found, tho dirt yielding
81.25 to the pun. Tho claims upon
which this important strike has been
mude Is owned by a company and the
developments that Imvo occurred Is
the result of a long search p-osecuted
by an export California placer miner
in tho employ of tho company. The
California muu's theory was that if
the old channel could be fouud, rich
vaules would result. How well his
theory was proven Is shown by the
good results obtained. Democrat.
This is the company promoted by
the Klllen. Warner, Stewart com
pany. Dr. Mueller bad not beard of
the And, but said be was expecting
something of the kind, as they bad
been working on this theory for son
time past.
Six Placer Claims, covering nearly all the
ground on a creek emptying into Burnt River.
This property is near to and parallel with the
noted placer grounds of Pine and Cow Creeks in
Baker County. All equipped for work, with reser
voirs, ditches. Humes, pipe and Giant. For particu
lars see the undersigned.
Buys the most sightly ten roomed residence
and ground in the city. Nicely finished inside and
out. An ideal location. This property will readily I
bring a rental of 1 5 per cent on the investment.
I $2000
Will buy one of the most desirable Homes in
Sumpter, consisting of an exceptionally desirable
lot 50 by 150 feet, nicely improved, barn, and
house of six rooms with the complete furnishings.
A Piano, and other choice pieces of furniture goes
with this. This property will bring 20 per cent!
on the investment.
Will buy another six room house and lot de,
sirably located. This propeity is now bringing 18
per cent as rental on the above price.
A choice resident lot near the center of town
I $250
I $75
3 For a desirable building lot on .the hill.
If you are seeking safe and remunerative in
vestments call and see us, as we have some snaps
in the way of Business opportunities, Mines and
also mine prospects, on which considerable work
has been done, Houses and lots, and also
vacant lots, on whicn good money can be made
oy improving the same. If you have not money
enough to build you a home, we will help you,
and put you in a position, to put the rent you are
paying others in your own purse.
Inland Empire
Investment Co.