The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 13, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, April ij, 1904
The Sumpter Hiner
T. rt. CiWYNNI:,
fcnlrrrd l Hie ptfflce In Sumpttr. Oregon, tor
IrinimlMlon through lh malli at trconJ ti
Oni Y...
nix Momht
t$ff CJO
Tho Lowla mill Clmkc itpprnprln
(ion hill passed tho house Friday,
carrying a straight iiiiroprliitloi) of
M75,00(I. It also authorizes tho
unhinge of 200,00(1 souvenir gold
dollars, willed tho exposition will he
ullowed lo cell lit 11 premium of 91,
When thi) lilll gota lo tho senate nn
nttompt will hu mmlt to Increase the
Tho geological survcry, saya ii
Washington report, will hooii issue
itH niport on mineral resnuices for
11(02, showing Unit In Unit year, for
thi) thud time, thi' tntitl value of tho
iicinmorolal mineral products of Hid
United Minion exceeded 1.0(1(1, 000,
000, Tim exact figures for 11102 went
81,2tl0,(i:i(l. I lri.whlrh.ciimpaiod wHh
M,OHi,r!W,HIil In lUOJ.shnnsii gain
of II. 2 percent. Tint fuels increas
ed f2(,(W7,7i:i, or II per cent. Every
VHrlnty of find IncreiiHod in value ex
eppt in anthracite until, which showed
n deurenso In iiinntity of 2:i.:il0,8:i0
long (oim hikI In value of 811(1, IlltO,
U.'U. Tho metallic, products Increased
12.',M2, .TJIi anil the non-metallic
firoduotH ri(),O72,OH0.
.According to the New Voik World,
Major John K, Lncoy, representative
from Iowa and author of tho Ihw pr.i
tooting songbirds, hun h euro for
iinoumnniu which ho Ih wIIIIiik all
1ho world hIiouIiI know, "Take nix
drops of HHiifoetiilii, mix with whisky
tir milk, and drink lieforo going to
tied, iiml you will In cured. To ho
onie, you may hiiii'H ii lilt, lint what
4h that compared with pneumonia?
Whlakey Ih lietter than milk, for the
milk tuny curdle. Vou know what
tho elTect on mosqultos Ih In tho
tinuso if you shirt a tiro mid got tho
room full of Hiuoko. In the name
tvnv the powerful fumes of tho tisa
fool Ida drive out tho germs of grip
or pneumonia. They vacate tho
lungs In short older, and I may nay,
in nil candor, I admlro their judg
iiieut. I've successfully proscribed
it for a uiiiiiher of members of con
gress thin winter."
Ilinoks AduiiiH, ot pri'Hiileiitlnl line.
ii (to, hcluu a Kieat guunlson of .lulin
Adams, iikiiiuiIhiiu of .lolin . Adams,
mid a con ol (.'hatlcs Fiaucls Adams,
mid a noted nuthoiity on tallwny
I'OouiuiiicH, made a speech the other
tiny In Hpokmio, in which ho fiivoied
ii railway commission and thinks Mich
ii trlliiinal Ih neeiled for pulillc pro
tection against the gioid of corpora
tioiiH. Ho said that railroad com
panies mo out for all they can get,
and theie tdinuldjio sumo restraint
put upon them. Speaking f the
hiiccehH of tho Massachusetts com
mission, ho said: "1 cnunot imagiue
how any community can get along
without a trllunal Let w ecu them and
the railroad,, to redress their griev
ii u con huh) nut corporations with such
great powers. A commission ha
lioeu working . Jn. Mjtaachusettii for
many yearn and. has giveii good satis-
fiictlnti. Tho tax cnmmlpslou works
well, no that the state collects tdxes
on the frHiichifpf, The vnlimtlon is
arrived tit on the basis of the value of
(lie stock. 1 think no oue In thiit
ftut wants to disturb the system."
The attorney general of Idaho has
haniled down an opinion in which he
holds that no rellniniiH cm-icIm nf
any kind can he permitted in the
k-IiooIh of the nlii(i;,iind that tenuheiH
will mil he allowed under the law to
lead the llllile, olfcr nectmiau pray
erH, or even hIiik (icuouiinatlouul
hytuiiN. The o)lulon mih due to a
chiinio that in certain oninmiiiiltleH
Mormon rellKimiR exerclcen were
lielnu held in public bcIiooIh. There
i little new in thin opinion, nor Ih
it h departure from the precedent net
hy ii unrulier of ntate supieme courtH.
Involving the Hiune principle. Tho
coiillict mid utrlfe often due to teach
iiiK rellKlou in hcIiouIh, where all tie
uoiniuatioiiH attend. Ih the operation
of the Hiimi! old feolliiK of uuiiiioaity
which Mmk Twain olmerved in the
Holy Land, where in tho church of
the Holy Hfiin chre, separate apart-1
incuts hail to be provided for the
dllfcrout ordeis and sects, if they
over koi logeiner mere was a scrap t1ib,u, if ii ia ,ln ninr nrniliuliln
on. So I,, schools. It is MI-rto""hft
eliminate every phase ol technical'
religion entliely. The vast scope of I
education has a general moral H,1(l
roliuious liitlueuce, hut the homo is
tho place to inculcate denominational
tenets, or- a ly Instruction having a
bearing In this direction.
Thi) latest Swedish imeutlnu that
Is being discussed Is a portable tele
phone. The specimens that have been
sent iibrnrd have elliclttd unstinted
praiso from Austrian, Itussiau, (Ireok,
and Tuikisb experts, who nave tested
them and, while largo demands and
Inquiries for tho new 'phono have
coino from 1'iauce, (iermauy, Italy,
Spain, Portugal, and the United
States, those from (ireat Urltalu hare
been even more noticeable. Within
the cylinder of the telephone Is a
small, dry coll, the whole apparatus
(including both receiver and mouth
piece) being small enough to go lu
tho pocket. With each Instrument is
a coil of thin copper wire, and It is
reckoned that a soldier could easily
carry HI, 000 feet of this wire with
hun. The uses suggested for tho
portable telephone aro innumerable,
military considerations being kept
specially to tho front. Outposts, It
is declined, could by its aid keep in
constant communication with the
main force, mid it Is pointed out that
It would furnish a valuable means of
keeping lu touch with heiulipiarters
for police and Hie brigades. For use
between lailway coaches on a moving
train, for engineers at work uudei-
ground or ou great pulillc works, for
steameis, for cyclists and in many
other llleds it would be uiont desir
Jack llazlewood will leave tomor
inw for the Drown Rear placers ou
East Eagle, to bo gone perphaps a
mouth. Ho had word the other day
from Tom Rrowu, who is interested
with him, that the rim of tbeclmunel
had been cut through and that the
gravel prospected twenty-live cents to
the pau.
Tho company is gettiug iu shape
for a big season's wash.
"Why did you no in search of
radium? Wouldn't ii wood Kold mine
Htiit you?" piped Colonel Joe Fnrren
yiiHtcrday uh bo slipped a little Ioopo
chiuirie into the wrinkled hand of an
old-timer who had 'approached him.
"Well I," stammered the ward,
"radium, they Bay, Ih worth 81,000,
00U an ounce and is more profitable.
A IjIk rich Hold mine Ih a ifood thing
to have; Ita product Undo a market
auy where, hut gold may be deinouo-
1ll,.l UI..I IJ ln. .... ..-. l.l....
acij. iiitu Hul iiiiutrn aic liuw liciiik
found almost everywhere, and gener
ally are lu groups; new discoveries
are being made, each richer than
the other. The conclusions ate that
a great belt of solid gold may bo dis-
covered. Such conditions would have
I their disadvantages: it might reuder
I gold too dirt cheap; it may become
too common a metal.
!gouK (o )(J (,rU ou , nmrkfl,
)t , aa Ko(li They te , the,
"it looks now as ii radium was
a moutaniti
skin range.
of it down in tho liuck
If so, I am seriously
,. i.
WuHt ,, y0H kuow, of ,)rH88 mJn.
,,Not mon , l (,0 ()f
r(iilm. n
uRVnvnn . i1B1,r,i unv ,,
who ever discovered a brass mine?'
"Yea; old man Rutts owued 100
acres uear the sink of the Carson lu
Churchill county, Nevada."
"What did be do with it?"
"He made money raising candle
sticks. "
"There la no demand for brass
audlesticka now."
"I cau raise brass cannons and flud
a market in Japan or Russia; tbero
will always be more or less use for
brass. Rarometers use quite consid
erable iu their business now." Salt
Lake Tribune.
Mining Now And Twenty Years Aqo.
Some may say mining ia too iiucer
taiu, hut here let me say that mining
of today ia not what it was twenty
years ago oven. Labor is cheaper,
epxlnslves are uot only cheaper, uu.
moie effective; mechanical devices
have been perfected, and are cheaper;
ii'id with all these, electricity is dis
tributing n cheap power, whereas lu
tlie past steam was expensive. Though
all of these have tended to advance
tho profits, yet they are only a part
of the great benefit that time unit
science done fur miuluu.
Twenty years ago the average yield
of ore value of nil tho milling iu
California was not to exceed one-half.
Today thd per cent obtainable for lit
least one-third lesss cxpetiM) is from
3i to i)i, niid this Is more eacily so
cured thmi was r0 per cent twenty
years ago. Thus it is reasoVablo to
sny that 40 per cent more value is
obtainable today at III! per cent less
cost than was the yield aud cost of
mluiug twenty years ago; aud it is
reasonable to cousider that mluiug is
one of the legitimate aud profitable
industries of this coast. I cau assert
that uo business cau be conducted
with more certainty, provided uu
questionable experience is at the
helm. Mluiug canuot be conducted
safely by nieu uneducated iu the
busiuess, aud this iuexperieuce ia
what was at the bottom of so many
failures lu the past. A. B. Paul,
.M. E.
The following instruments were riled
at the Bokur coiintv court house during
the week outline April 12, 11)04.
April (! Jus. Palmer mid wife to
W.I) . Watt, lot "25 block 7, W'llo-
vale; Soli.
April 12 Isaac Hlock to E. P. Mc
Danlel, north :0 feet lots Ii and 8
block '2 Raker City; SI.
April GF. S. Lack te ill to V.
J. Patterson, 100 actcs lu Sees. 10
and 11 T. i) S. it. 40 E.; 81.
March 1'J A. J. Touey and wifo
to Oo. Iliitton, lots 1 and '2 block
20, Levcns and; 8100.
Oct. 18 Oeo. aud Margaret Hut
ton to Mary Hutton, same aa last
above; 8000.
Sept. in. '0'J S. S. Plndelletal
to .Mary L. Caruahan, Jots 5 aud 0,
f 'arson; 820.
March 22 C. E. Nepple et al to
Raker City, 80x81) feet ou Madison
street, between 4th and 5th streets,
Raker City; 81.
March 21 Ira Hatfield aud wifo
toS. II. Hell. 100 acres in Sees. 17
aud 1 8 T. 1 1 R. :il) E. ; 8700.
March 20 S. II. Rell aud wifo
March 22 Nina Rell aud husband
to Hewitt Laud Co., X. W. ii Sec.
10 T. 10 R. :8 K. ; 8000.
Xov. i:i K. J. Martin et al to
lllllaboro 'J. M Co., Eagle Juuctiou
placer claim; 810,000.
June 1 J. II. Eatou to P. O.
Wells, Interest iu Pacific Group -Mines.;
April 7 C.C. Robinson to Wm. S.
White, "Rlack Rear" aud "Ruck
eye" quartz claims; 81.
March 12 Samuel Clougb, Jr., to
C. W. Sanderson, ' interest iu
lireen Ray quartz claim; 81.
Sumpter, Ore., April in, 1004.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of
tho Recorder of the City of Sumpter
for the furnishing of light aud water
for the city of Sumpter for the year
eudiug May Hid, 1005. Rids must
be addressed to the committee o u
Fire, Light and Water and be i u
bauds of the Recorder of the City of
Sumpter by 8 o'clock p. m. May .'ird.
Forms for bids may bo obtained by
applying to tho City Recorder.
Committee ou Fire, Light and Water.
Interest Paid on Time
Satety Deposit Vaults