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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1903)
THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, December 16. 1903 AMERICAN MINING CONGRESS Having completed all thn arrango tnenta fur the sossiou of tbe American Minion oougrosa iu Portland and fixed tbe date as August Ti to 27, 1UOI, Biotubers of tbo executive com mitten of that organization left for their domett Saturday evening. The committeemen are well pleased with their reception aud entertain tnent iu Portland, and predict a great crowd of mining men will visit thia city to attend tbe congress. The amount of mimoy necossary to defray the oxpeuuiH of office bead quartern has practically heon secured, and no troublu will lm experienced in carryiug on the mooting, from a financial standpoint. The nxponses of the delegates will bo paid by them Helves. Hocrotary Mahou said to The Tulegrain this merning: "1 am pluHsed with the ouorgy of the pooplo, of Portland. Vou have n beautiful city utid an ideal conven tion 'town. Now that all arrange onts are completed wo will show the people of tin) west bow to got a crowd together. , There is no doubt, iu my mind, itml I speak from piiHt export uuo, tiint,, 1,'ortluiid will have the largest ipowd ever assembled for milling convention purposes. "1 believe tbut there can easily be brought here lfi.OOO people, but what can you do with them? Your lintels are ,iuadi;iuuto to house that many. How will they bo taken euro of should they come? This is the subject now,, I understand, turnover, that new hotels urn being elected. "The American .Mining congress is composed of mining men, and the jtdvnut of such a number ns will be here will bo l great moment to Port laud ami Oregon. It is it well known fact that tliu. mining man knows bow to spuml his money, and as all the dolegates pity thulr own expenses it will ho a valuable thing to Portland ( from a iliiaucial standpoint. The meeting will last about a week) ami is called for the middle of August. Secretary Mahon will establish headquarters here iu Feb ruary aud employ n force of oltlue help. Thousands of letters aud circulars will be sent throughout the country each week, aud will bo most effective advertising for the Ijewis aud Clark fair, as it is all sent with a two-cent stamp. A. L. Craig, general passenger agent for the O. It. N., has had a force of men workng on a coutour map of tbe state, which, when Mulshed, vtl be Pie tluest iu too west. This map will be used iu advertising the meeting of the congress aud the Lewi and Clark expostlou and will be distributed by the railroad com panion. The rate given for the mooting Is tba obaajmst ever granted to a like organisation. Telegram. MILL EOR THE MONITOR STARTED OUT TODAY K. Simpson Is iu town today, ou his way to Susauville. where he has ncuuirod a property, the Monitor. This is one of tbe old mlnia of tho district aud. has considerable ore blocked nut. lie has bought a small mill and will Install it on tbe property. It arrived some days since and was today loaded on wagons and started for Its final destination. Mr. Robinson was awarded tbe 'ontract for hauling the machinery. It was deolded that it would bo cheaper to load here than at Whitney, as the block and tackle and other apparatus for moving tbe heavy pieces would have to be trans ported out there. Mr. Simpson is an old time Montana miner, but has been In eastern Oregon for a coaple of years, operating most' of tbe time on Burnt liver aud making his head quarters In Baker City. In future he will live in Sumpter, when not at the mine. MAGNOLIA DEAL IS NOT CLOSED The Magnolia deal has not been closed. It Is still ponding. Hon. Geo. J. Barrett, and other interested porsous, roturued this morning from llukor City, where they went to per fect tbe transaction. Burch aud liurbrldgo, of Spokaue, will tako over tho property, aud operate It iu con nection with tho Indopondeuco, and the Intention was to sign tho papers closing tho dual in liakor City last night, but owiug to tbo abeonco of Charlio Johns, attorney for the Eug I Minion who own un interest, nothing was coucluded. Mr. Johns is at Eugouoiiud on his return It is thought tho papers will bo signed and the deal closed. 600D ORE AT THE INDEPENDENCE MINE (ieorgo J. Iliirrott, who has chargo of tho development of the Iudepeu deuco for ilurch & liurbrldgo, of Spokane, states that tbo shaft is uow down 100 foot iu oro of a satis factory grado. Tbo full width be says Is iu ore, but it Is not tbe policy of tbo owuers to stato assay values. Tho drift boyoud the shaft has gone between 300 and 400 feet, and tho showing here is highly satis factory. SHIPPING ORE FROM ALL DRIFTS Reports from the E. and E. state that a foroe of sixty men is now being employed and ore Is being atoped from practically all the drift of tbe mine. Tbo mill Is bolng gotten in shape for early rasumption, aud It Is stated that operatlods will probably be started soon after the first of tbe year. Start Work In King of West. Andy Stlnson loft this muruiug to start wrok on tbe King of the West, near tho Mammoth. It Is his pur pose to completo the assessment work for the year. BIG PUMP PLANT FOR PINE CREEK The moneyed eastern backers of tbe Merchants Gold Mining company, of Baker City, have arranged to in stall one of the largest placer mining pumping plants in Oregon to work' the rich auriferous gravels of Pine creek, in whioh region tbe oompauy owna a mineral estate of 800 acres. The plant will consist of a mam moth centrifugal pump capable of handling 1,200 gallons per minute, which will deliver that amount of water through an 8000 foot pipe line to a reservoir, affording a sluice head of approximately 1,000 feet. The water will be taken from Burnt river. The estimated cost of the pumping plant and pipe line is ICO,- 000, and according to tbe announce ment made in Baker City yesterday by an officer of tbe Merchants com pany will be in operation by June 1. Orders have already beeu placed with Allis-Cbalmers company for tbe pumps, whioh will be of a special design. Excavation at tbo reservoir Is to be begun as early as the weather will permit. Tbe Merchants compauy is com posed of promlnont Baker City busi ness and professional men, at tbo hoad of whom aro Dr. E. B. McDaniel aud V. J. Patterson, of tbo Queou City Furniture company. A controll ing iuterost in tbe stock of the com pany was recently sold to a strong syndicate of eastern men. Tho Pine Creek diggings are among the richest iu eastern Oregon, aud the holdings of tbe Mecrcbants company embrace 8,000 feet of tbo creok bed and a wldo area of bunch diggings. Part of the property uow coutrollod by tbe Morcbauts company was formotly owuod by Ex-Aldermau P. D. Ilealy, of Sumpter, who still rotaius valuable ground. They All Had Twins. Tbo Butchers aud Grocery Clerks Journal la out with a pleasaut little story of tbo mishaps of a sot of clerks who didn't look to see what they were doing. During the past few years several manufacturing Arms moved their plants outside of the oity limits. One rlrm has moved this year, and as tbe majority of tbe clerks llvo in tbe city a certain amount of grace has been allowed as to tbe promptness of tbelr arrival each morning. But they were sup posed to explain on the time register the cause of any unpunctuality. The first to arrive late generally leads off with tbe werds: "Train late." "Punctured a tire," etc, aa the oase may be, and to this the tbe clerks invariably add "Ditto." So accustomed have "they become to the formal procedure that they hardly ever take tbe trouble to see what ex cuse beads the list. The other morn ing tbe first arrival, who was late, conscientiously penciled In the words "Wife bad twins this morulng," and to the amazement of the manager this extraordinary explanation was promptly "dittoed" all the way down. Nor was bis astonishment diminished when he saw the office boy's name included. There will be a heavy Roosevelt vote In that manu factory next year. Mlneapolia Jour- Cluster of Pearls Worth $100,000. Part of the English exhibit at tbe world's fair will be a cluster of pearls valued at 1100,000. This valuable natural specimen consists of about ISO pearls in a solid buncb, and measures one and one-half inches in length by three-quarters of an inch in breadth. It is about one half an inch in thickness, and is ab solutely tbe most famous pearl dis covery existing. Tbe cluster is known among jewelers the world ovei, and la tbe property of the Common wealth Pearl Fishories. It was found at a great depth in Shark's bay, West Australia. A similar cluster, known as the Southern Cross, found a few years ago at tbe Lacepede Islands, changed hands a few yeara ago for 150, 000. Experta taking the Southern Cross as a oriterion, value thia later cluster at from 175,000 to 1100,000. The only other known clnster of great value Is owned by the British government and is exhibited In London among the crown jewels. PHILBRICK Sr FENNER MINING, 4 CIVIL ENCINEERS U. S. DEPUTY MINERALSURVEVORS EXAMINATIONS AND REP-OUTS ON MINES NKILL LOO. SUMPTER OREGON. Laidlaw&Steadman MILLWRIGHTS & ENGINEERS Plans & Estimates Furnished Office on Cracker St., opposite umpter Sampling & Testing .... Works .... SUMPTER . . OREGON Shell Novelties USEFUL AND DECORATIVE CHINA WARE SWELL LAMPS SLEDS THE BEST IN TOWN Toys That Will Fit The PURSE HAWLEY 1 Hotel I Sumpter HOUSE NEW WITH ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES CUISINE AS GOOD AS THE BEST ANYWHERE HEADQUARTERS FOR COMMERCIAL AND MININU MEN RATES $2.00 to $3.50 a Day f ".yunan wrtj i- n -