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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1903)
? COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT CONSTRUCTION WORK STOPPED. Water Company and New Alpine Stamp Mill Have Closed for Winter. TIh Storm King, or in other words U0 llClllltiflll HIKIW, )IIH to HOIIHI OX- tent crippled tho construction in dustry in .Sumpter mid vicinity. Tho Siiiupti'i' Light iinil Water com puny Iiiih found it necessary, on lie- count of the extra expense itud gon oral disadvantage encountered to illHOoiitiinie work on Its now power house and pipe line. It Ih stated tliat it Ih not prohuhlo tliat auythiiiK further will lie done until tint season oieiiH up. it wiih the intention of tint company to rush work to cnmple tiou HiIh fall, lint the early hiiow Iihh made the undertaking next to Im possible. All (ho men employed Imve been laid olf. The Alpine Cold Mining company, which Iiiih under construction a twenty-stump mill, Iiiih iiIho dlscnn tinned eoiiNtriictioii work for the winter. The force of carpenters employed on the buildings liy Laid law iV Steadmaii, who hare charge of the work. Iiiih lieeu laid nir, and came in ycHterday. It in stated that it wiih found dillli'iilt, owing to the hiiow, to continue without Incurring heavy additional expense, and it wiih thought advisable to wait for lietter weather. Ill the mean time develop ment work at the Alpine will lie con tinued. .Superintendent AiIiIoiiih Iiiih letalued IiIh force and will concen trate IiIh energy in thin direct Ion. Laldlaw ,V Kteadmaii iiIho have the contract for the erection of the (inldcu Wizard mill, and the carpen ter force at the Alpine will lie trausfcricd to thin. Hut it Ih not thought that the mill can lie com pleted thin winter. Dr. L. (). Miller, president of the company, who spout h line time here, left a few days ago for IiIh home at Three Itiv ers, Michigan, it Ih understood will ndvifi the board of dlreotorn to wait until trrliiK before attempting to complete the plant. Work will con tinue, however, until advice are icceivcd from the cant cm ottlce. Thcitc advices, it Ih licllcved, will lie to clone down for the winter. Woik on the Tipton extension of the Kuiupter Valley road will uImi proliuldy he culled oil' A good many of the men have quit on account of the snow and the company Ih (hiding it a hit; undei taking to continue under the existing coudltioiiH The hiiow Iiiih come very much em Her thin season than iihiihI, and those who had counted on good weather until Christmas to complete outside work, huve U'eu simply caught in the Htnrm, and uliout thu only thiiiK left for them to do Ih to wait till spring. The construction work which wan fiirt her along wheu the huow cunio will probably ho con tinued. For instance, the Blue Dirt, Snow Creek, 1. X. L. iiud Alamo people, who either have their mills praotically completed or well under way, will proceed with oporatiaons, and have their pluntB ruuulng liefore the wluter is over. PRAIRIt DIGGINGS MINE CLOSED. REASON UNKNOWN. Development work oil the Prairie DigglngH mine, II vo miles east, of Canyon City, which had heon going on for a couple of months, was ntopped Baturday. Two of tho promiucul. ottllcnls of the Jupiter (iold Milling company, tho owners of tho property, arrived last week from the eiiHt and at once ordered work to CCIIHO, There is a good plant on tho miuo and deep winking Iiiih boon iu progiuBH. tho nhaft being nuuk to a depth of 104 foot. It Ih poHitlvely knowu only to tho miuo owuors jiiHt why work wiih ntopped. hut from the hoHt information obtainable it iu on account of a uumlier of stock holder not putting up their share of tho expenses. Tho stock in tho mine Ih iiou-assessable. Tho property consists of three quartz and thieo placer claims, with a mill Hito. Tho spleudld equipment Ih well known to all minora of tho Canyon City district. Development coiihIhIh of Hiirface outs, a tuuuel more than 000 feet long, and tho shaft that is now 101 feet ileop. Much of the ore taken out for tho llrst run of the mill wiih from surface cuts on Xon 1 and '2 veins. Blue Mountain Kngle. phouolyte district. Jim Cleary, the veterau miner and prospector, reiterates his statement that the camp Ih all right and says that regardless of tho opinions of others aud tho knocking thut has been going on, be knows that there are great values iu that camp aud that development work will justify his faith In it. O. II. Moulton, who has just returned from Mount Itastus district, brought iu a lrago quantity of ore samploN, a portion of which ho sent to tho Corvallis College for analysis. Mr. Moulton says that liko any other now camp, it will take a great deal of work thero to dovelop it aud show what Ih iu tho ground, hut be is perfoctly 'confident that gold values are there iu paying quantities, Democrat. A Choice.... New Line of Ladies and Gentlemen's Gold Watches, Chains, Fobs, Rings, Etc. Other Goods Arriving Daily f Sumptar, Oregon ...F.C.Brodie JOHNS AND BENNETT WIN DRILLING CONTEST AT BOURNE. In a double rook drilling contest at Uourno last night between Johns and liounott, Henderson und Dunn tho former team captured the stakes, making twenty-eight inches in thu allotted tlfteeti minutes, against twenty-six and ouo-eightb made by the lattor. It is reported that a good crowd was in uttoudance. After the contest was over adauoo wasgivou in tho new Minora' Unlou hall. VfVtVSySyVSySyfVtVVl Lowney's Candies One Thousand Papor Covered Novels at 15 Couts Each All the Popular Magazines. Elite Cigar Store L. HARRIS, PROP. at ANOTHER MINER SAYS 1 HAT MOUNT RASTUS IS ALL RIGHT. !. W. Sherf, an old time miner and prospector, with Charles Levis, arilved ill linker City yesterday from the new Mount llastus phouolyte Held. Mr. Sherf brought with him some samples of ore which had the right appearance. Ho says that tho phouolyte rock Ittolf has no value, but thjit with a proper contact It carries gold values the same as in tho Hull Hill Cripple Creek camp. The surface formations at Mount KastiiH, Mr. Sherf says, are identical with the formations on Hull Hill, where he mined for some time. It will take motley to prospect and iu vcstlgtato Mount Kastus the same as it took time and money to develop Cripple Creek. Mr. Sherf says there are enough gold values on tho surface iu the Mount Rastus district to justify Its development. He Is associated with the Pittsburg company which is operating there and says that tliev will uo ahead witli do- . ... . ... ... " .. I reiupiiieui nurn on ii iiiik1' miiic. "Don't condemn a mining camp until It has been thoroughly in vestigated and proven." Democrat. TO COMPLETE ASSESSMENT WORK ON THE GYPSY KING. A. C. OtucHS has been awarded tho contract to finish assessment work on the (tipsy King. Iu the Cable Cove district for this year. Ho will leavo with a force of men for tho property tomorrow. Want to purchase 1,000 shares of lllue lllrd Mining Company's Treas ury Stock, of Oregon. Must be cheap. Address "Inquirer," care Erie Hotel, Duukirk, N. Y. La id law & Stead man MILLWRIGHTS & ENGINEERS Plans & Estimates Furnished Otllco on Cracker St., opposite bumpter Sampling & Testing .... Works .... SUMPTER . . OREGON Olnca Phone No. oi KrtlJtnce I'hont No. 71 DR. L. T. BHOCK Physician and Surgeon. Sumpttr, Oregon. I am now prepared 'o recehe and treat patient toth medical and turcica!. In tht rc.i equipped prvale lanltarlum In Ihr country Nice qu'et homr, wiih trainrjand rp rltncrd nure alw In at endance. Up-lo-Jate turtrual wnik a ipeclaltv V i Hotel PHILBRICK Sr FENNER STILL. fILING ON CLAIMS IN MOUNT RASTUS DISTRICT County Recorder Heury yesterday received for record nineteen location notices from the Mount' Kastus MINING CIVIL ENCINEERS U.S. DEPUTY MINERALSURVEYORS EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS ON MINES NCILL SlDO. SUMPTER. OREGON. McEwon'sBarn First Class Livery And Feed Stable JELLISON & WORLEY Center St rift Piunptcr. Oregon THE SUMPTER GREENHOUSE CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS MRS. J. H. GRAY Rhone 131 Mill St. SumpUr I .22 v 1 Sumpter HOUSE NEW JM AI.I. J5 MODEKN JJU CONVENIENCES CM jtjtjt Z CUISINE AS GOOD AS CU THE BEST ANYWHERE )$i HEADQUARTERS FOR Si COMMERCIAL AND MINING MEN jlJjJ S RATES 2! $2.00 to S3.50 a Day SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS "