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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1903)
Wednesday, September 16, 190; !0 SHOULD INVESTIGATE. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. THE SUMPTER MINER Urged to Scrutinize Plan of Organization. At Uh liiht montliiK thi) Mluo Oper utorn' iiHHoolatlon of Scuttle, WiihIi luiltoii, adopted tho following wiini iiiK to IlivoMtorH wliu lire Holicttcd to purchiiHO thi) trviiHiiry utoekM of mill iiiK eorierntloiin: "Wo urno lnvntorH to Hcriitlul.o carofully tho plan of orKiiiilziitlon of oiiuh coinpnny offer liiK trciiHiiry Htock forwilo. Wo wnrn lnveritorn hkiiIiihI Inlying other tlmii treiiHiiry HtoukH. Money piilil for ntock oiitHldo tho treiiHiiry noon into private pockotn and Itiviirlatily Inter fereH with thu development work in which the(?oinpany iHenRBKed. Such Htocku Hre worthleHH iiiiIohh there bo a HUtllelent tieiiHiiry to piihIi develop ment work. Thu proper place to buy treamiry Htock Ih from tho oHIcorH of it company or their authorized (lo cal titfmitH. " TIiIh Ih Kood, sound advice and whould bo hooded by In ventor. A in In I UK corporation with a larKo porcontaKu of Un aitok in tho treaBury Ih a much Hafer BpecuUtlon than a company with a small treas ury. What would bo proper sized treasury is lately a matter of opin ion and must dopond somewhat upon the amount that has been expended upon tho properties before thu incor poration is olfoctod. Investors cannot bo warned too ntrougly RKuinst buying mluliiR stock of cut-rate brokers. Tho stocks off ertMl for salo through brokers are us ually those that were issued to pro moters for some Imaginary service and whenever they are thrown upon tho market the price is usually below the price fixed by the directors upon the treasury stock. Tho result is that the treasury sales aie shut olf and all stock out becomes worthless. It would Iw much easier to develop a good mining property if the corpor ation would provde a large treasury fund, and if the investors would In Hint upon buying only treasury stock, mid ill buying it from the otllcers of a company or their authorized ageiitH Mining World. ROAD TO THUNDER MOUNTAIN. Will Not be Completed More Cold Lorry Klyim, formerly connected with the Hotel Huiupter, returned this week trout it trip to Thunder Mountain in Wiirrou, Idaho, where lie has milling Interests. Mr. l-'lynu states Hint the road from HiiIho to the Thunder Mountain mining region Ih well under construc tion, but that it will be Impossible to get It completed UiIh full. TIMIM UNO, ACT JUKI J, llfl-NOTIU fOR UIUCATIORJ. United Stales land Other, f la UranJr, oirgon,Srpl. it. 190 1. i Nollcr is hereby given that In compliance with Ihr pros Isions ut Mir act tit Coiiirss ul June , 1878, en IlllrJ "An act tin the salr l tlinbr r lands In the states ot Cililotnla, Oregon, Nesada, anj Washing Ion Irnltoi)" as esleiiJrJ to nil Ihr I'ubllc Land States by ad ol August 4, IKv RALPH MI.M). l Sumpler, county ol (laker, slate ut Orrgon, hat this Jay lilc-J In this other his twoin statement Mi. 18O7. M in pun hase ut ttir r ' 1 w ',, s r ' n w 1, ana lol ot section No. t In township No. 10 south, range No. 18 I! WM, and will otter rtool to show that thr lanj sought Is more valuable tor lt ilmbri or stone than tor agricultural tut poses, an J to establish disclaim to tald land brtorr has. II. Charter, U. S. Commlsslonrt, at Sumplrr, Orrgon, on I ursday, the tilt Jas ol Prcrmbrr, iwt. He mini as witnesses: Van Rennselaer Mead, Nicholas TallaleroChetrr A. I'tay.anJ James W. Lor, all ol Sumpter, Orrgon. Any anj all prtsons claiming ajtrrsrly the abose Jrtctlbrd lands air rrqurstrd In Mr tlirlr claims In this other un or lrlorr said 8th Jay ol Ore, ivo. t. W. llAkitlTT, Mriilttrr. TIMBER UNO, ACT JUNE I, II7I.-R0TICI FOR UlllCaTIOR. United States Land Office, ) La Grande, O egon, Sept, 11,1903. ) Notice l hereby given that In compliance with the rrovltlont of the act nl congreit ol June 1, I8j8, en titled "An act lor the nale ol timber lands In the itatet ol California Oregon- Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," extended to all the I'ubllc Land states by act ol August 4, l8o MAY WRIGHT, ol Sumplrr, county ol Baker, state ol Oregon, has this Jay Med In this ollict her sworn statement No. iB6t lor the purchase ol the e H s e f Sec. 4 and w J4 s w X ol section No. j, In township No. 10 south, range No. 18 E W M, and will oiler prool to show that the land sought Is more valu able lor lis timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land belore Chas. II. Chance, U, S. Commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th day ot De cember, I00, She names as witnesses' Van Rennselaer Mead, Chester A. Pray. Nicholas Tallalero, and Nina Uell, all ol Surpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims In Itils othce on or belore said 8th day ol Dec, igo. E. -v. iiaktlbtt. Kegister, TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. ii;8.-NOTICE I OR PUBLICATION. United States Land ofllce, f La Grande, Oregon, Sept. la, iooi.( Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the nrnvltlnnt nf th act ol Cnnerea of Junt I. l8f8. entitled "An act lor the sale ol timber lands In the states ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land states by act ol August 4, i8g, NINA BELL, ol Sumpter, county ol Baker, stale ol Oregon, has this dav filed In this office her sworn state ment No, , iWl.lorlb ,purcliat,.ol thtjii w K ol Sec. o,' 10, In Tp. N6. 10 south; range No.'tf E W M, and will oiler prool 10 show that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Chas. H. Chance, U. S commis sioner al Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th day ol December, 100J; She names as witnesses: Van Rennselaer Mead, Chester A. Pray, Nicholas Tallalero, and May Wright, all ol Sua pier, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands art requested to file their claims In this office on or belore said 8ih day ol December, '90,' E. W. BARUiTT. Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICK rOR PUBLICATION. United Suits Land Office. La Grande, Oregon, Sept. is.tooi. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ol the act ol congress ol June I, lit, en titled "An act lor the salt of timber lands In the states ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the I'ubllc Land states by act ol August 4, I8qi, CLARA WINBORG, ol Sumpter, county ot Baker, state ol Oregon, hat this day hied In this office her sworn statement No. Ma, lor the purchase of Ihe s M n e X and lots and ol section No. a In township No. to south, range No. 8 KWM, and will ofler prool lo show that Ihe land sought. Is more valuable lor Us limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to estab lish her claim to said land belore Chas. H. Chanct, U, S. commissioner al Sumpter, Oregon, on Turs dav, ItieSth dayol Decembtr. tool. She names as witnesses: Van Rennselaer MeaJ, Chrstrr A. Cray, Nicholas Tallalero and Alice Love, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tht above Jrscrlbrd lands arr rrquested lo tile their claims In this ottict on or brlore said 8th davol l)ec.,iu I. W. llAHTUTT. Register. TIMBER UNO, ACT JUNE 1. 1878 -NOTICt FOR I'UIIUCATION. Unltrd States Land office. n. J oo. I La Grande, orrgon, Sept. o. loot. Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with tht provisions ol the act ot congress ol June 1, 1818, en titled "An acl tor the sate ot timber lands In the states ol California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by act ol August 4, iM. JAMES W. LOVE, ol dumpier, county ol Maker, state ol Orrgon, has this day hlrd In this other his sworn statrmrnt No. s8)8 lor thr purchasr ol Ihr Southwest H ol Section No. In Township No. to South Ranire No. t G w m, and will otter prool to show that ihr land sought Is morr valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purpotrs, and to rstabllsh his claim to said land brlotr Charles II. Chance. U. S. commissioner, al Sumpter, Oregon, on Til day, Ihr eitli Jay ol November, igot Mr names as witnesses: Van Rennselaer Mead, Chester A. I'rav, Ira W, I'aston and Nicholas Tall alero, all ol Sumplrr, Orrgon. Any and all prisons claiming advrrsrly Ihr abovr drscubrd lanJs air rrqurslcd lo Mr their claims In this oftUe on or brtorr sal I itIIi dav ot Nov., iiao). L. W llAWlltir, Rrglstrr. TIMIILR LAND. ACT JUNE t. i8?8.-NO!ICH FOR I'll III IC A1IOV Unltrd Stairs Land Office, j La Grande, Oregon, Srpt it, tool.) Notice Is heieb) glsrn that In compliance with the proslslons nl Ihr act ol congress ot Junr i, 1878, en titled "An act lor Ihr salr 01 timber lanJs In thr stairs ot Calltornla, Orrgon, Nrsada and Washington Ter ritory," as rxirndrd to all thr I'ubllc Land states by aciol August a, IN'. ALICE LOVE, ul Sumpler, county ol llaker, stair ot Orrgon, hat this Ja Mrd in this other her sum slatrmrnt No. iSd, lor the puntiasr ot thr s r ol Section No. in Township No. 10 South, Rangr No. it K w H.and will otter prool to show that thr land sought Is morr saluablr tor lis llmbrr or stone than lor agricultural puiposrs, and to rstalish hrr rlalm lu said land brtorr Chatles II. Chance. U. S. commissioner, al Sumrter Oregon, on Tuesday thr phi Jay ot Prcrmrer, io. vh names as wlinrtsrt: Van Rrnnsrlarr Atrad. Chester A. I'ray, M.holas Tallalero and Clara Win- boig,a;l ol umpttr, urrgon. Aay anj ail prrsons claiming aavrrsriy inr aruvc drsCfibeJ lands arr requesteJ to Mr thrlr claims In this othce on or brtorr said 8th day ol Dec. tool. E. W. Baktutt. Register. United States Land Office, La Grande, Oregon, Sept. 5. toot-1 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol congress ol June ), 1878, en titled "An act lor the sale of timber lands in the states ol Calltornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales by act ol Augusta, i8o, GEORGE Z. SMITH, ol Sumpter, county ol Baker, stale ol Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 984J. for the purchase ol Ihe seK swjt wH s e 1-4 and n e 1-4 itH ol section No 18, In town ship No. 11 S., range No. j?. E. W M, and will ofler prool to show that tht land sought It more valuable lor Its timber or ttone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land belore Chas. H. Chance, U, S. com missioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, tht 14 h day ol November, 1901. He names as witnesses: William A. Green, Ralph Mead, George W, While and James H. Conners, all ot Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to Me their claims In this office on or before said nth dav ol Nov,, ioo(. E. W. Uahtlbtt. Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1, 1878.- PUBLICATION. -NOTICE FOR United States Land Office, La Grande, Oregon, Sept. 5. 1001. 1 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht provisions ol the act ot congress ol June ), 1878, en titled "An act for tht sate ofllmber lands In the states ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended lo all the Public Land states by act ol August 4, t8a, JAMES R. SMURTHWAITE, ol Baker City, county ol Baker, state ol Oregon, hat this day Med In this office his sworn statement No. etir toe tht purchased ih H sw!" of Sec No, it In township No. 10 south, range No. 16 E W M, and will offer prool to thow that the land tough! It more valuable for Itt timber or ttone than lor agricultural purposes, and lo establish hit claim lo tald land belore A. B. Combs Jr., County Clerk, al Baker City, Oregon, on Tuesday, tht 14th day ol Novtmbtr, toot. Ht names as witnesses: Joseph A. West, Grant Geddes and John H. Eccles, Jr , ol Baktr City, Ore Ore eon: Ray B. West, ol Logan, Utah. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abovt descrlbed lands art rtquesled to tilt their claims In this office on or before tald tath day ol Nov., too. E. W. BARUITT, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878.- NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, ( La Grandt, Ortgon, September 5, 1001. Notlct It htrtby given thai In compllanct with tht provisions ol tht act ol congress ol Junt 1, I87I, en titled "An act for tht salt of timber landt In tht states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," at extended to all tht Public Land states by acl of August 4 l8ot, JOHN H. ECCLES. JR., ol Baker City, county of Baktr, state ol Oregon, hat this day filed n this office hit sworn statement No. tl8, for Ihe purchase of tht t t V. ol tecllon No. 11 In township No. 10 south, rangt No. j6 gWM, and will offer prool 10 thow that tht land toughl It mort valuable lor In limber or ttont than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land belort A. B. Combs, Jr., County Clerk, at Baker City, Oregon, on Tuesday, tht tath dav ol November, igo. He names as witnesses: Joseph A. West. Grant Grddes and James R, Smurthwalte, ol Baker City, Oregon; Ray B West, ol Logan, Utah. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to Me their claims In this office on or belore said 14th day ol Nov., 1001. E. W. Uahtlett, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales Land Office, f La Grande, Oregon, Se. t. j, ioo. I Notice Is hereby given that In compllanct with tht provisions ol tht act of Congress ot Junt 1, 1878, rn tilted "An act lor the sale ot timber lands In tht slates ol Calltornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington ter ritory," as exlrnded to all Public Land states by acl ol Augusta, 1801, GEORGE W. WHITE, ol Sumpler, county ol Baker, state ol Oregon, has this day Med In this office his sworn statement No. afar, tor the purchase ol Lots 1 and 4, secton 19, and Lots 1 and t ol section No p tp No. 11 south range No' 17 E W M, and will offer pioot to show that the land sought is more valuable for lis timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to rstabllsh his claim to said land brlore Chas. II. Chance, U S Commissioner at Sumplrr. Orrgon, on TursJay tht t,th day ol November, 1001. He namrs as witnesses: William A lirern, Ralph MeiJ, James II Conners and George T. Smith, all ot Sumpler, Orrgon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above Jrscrlbrd lands arr rrqurstrd to Me thrlr claims In this other un or brtore said sath day ot Nov, 1901. L-. W. IIARTLETT. Rrglstrr. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. 1B78.-NOTICE I OR PUBLICATION. Unltrd States Land Oilier, I La GranJr, Orrgon, Srpl. 100a. I Notice Is hrrrby glvrn that In cumpl ance with the provisions ot thr act ot Congress ot June 1, 1B78, entuleJ "An acl tor thr salr ot limber lanJs In thr Slates ol Calltornla, Oregon, NrvaJa and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all thr I'ubllc Land stairs by act ot August 4, &), JAMES II. CONNERS, ol Sumplrr, county ot llaker, slatr ot Orrgon, has this day Mrd In this other his sworn statrment No. 1841 lor thr purchasr ot thr se), nw, ne i-asw 1-4, Lol 1 and n w 1-4 s r 1-4 ot srctlon No. )o In township No. 11 south, range No. 17 E WM .diid will ofler prool to show that thr land sought Is mmc valu able tor Its timber or slonr than lor agricultural purposes, and to rstabllsh his clam to said land brtorr Chas. II. Chano, U, S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesda), the tath day ol November, ivoi. He names as witnesses: William A. Green, Ralph Mrad.Grorge W. Whllrand Grorge F. Smith, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advrrsrly the above described lands arr rrqurstrd to Mr thrlr claims In this ornce on or belore said talh day ol November, 190 1. E. W. BARTlkTT, Rrglstrr. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unltel Stales Land Office, t La Grande, Oregon, September i, toot. I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress ol June j, 1878, en titled "An acl for the sale of timber lands In the slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by act ol August 4, 1891, EUGENE A. CASE, ol Sumpter. county of Baker, state of Oregon, hat this day Med In this othce his sworn statement No. 98 u lor the purchased then e 1-4 n wi-4 & n w 1-4 n e 1-4 sec. t?& s)j sw i-i In town ship No. to south, range No. )7 EWM and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is rrore valuable lor lis timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and toestabllsh his claim to said land before Chas. H. Chance, U. S. Commissioner, at Sumpter, Ore gon, on Tuesday, the 17th dav ol November, 1001. He names as witnesses: Van Rennselaer Mead, Ralph Mead, John B. Tryer, and John Wilson, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adtersety the above described lands ars requested to file their claims In this othce on or before said 17th day of Nov., 190). E W. Bartlett, Register. TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, La Grande, Oregon, Aug. ta. iooi. ( Notlct Is hereby given thai In compliance with the provisions of tht act of congress of Junt 1. 1878, en titled "An act lor the sale oftlmber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory, at extended to all the Public Land states by acl of August 4, 189s, MELVIN CLARK, of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his tworn statement No. 1896, for the purchase ol Ihe ntK neJi" of tec. 8., and .tK teK and taX ntjr( of taction No. 5, In township No. it south, range No j? EWM, and will offer proof to show that thtland tough! it mort valuable for Itt timber or ttont than for agricultural fiurpotet, and to establish his claim to said land be ort Chat. H. chanct. U. S. Commissioner at Sumpler, Oregon, on Thursday, tht 5th day of November, iooj. Ht namtt at witnesses: William A, Green, David S. Clark, Augusta J. Denny and Andrtw J. Denny,, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tht above described landt art rrqurstrd to tilt thtlr claims In this ofllce on or before said sth day of Nov., toot. E. W. Bartlett. Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. 187I.-NOTICI FOR PUBLICATION Untied Suits Land Office. i La Grandt, Ortgon, Aug tt, 1001. J Notlct It htrtby given that in compllanct with tht ovltlons of tht act of comma of June 1. Hit. an- tltltd "An act for tht salt ol timber landt In tht states of California. Oret-on. Nevada and washlnrtan Ter ritory," at txlended to all tht Public Land States by act ol August 4,1891, JOHN B. FRYER. ot Sumpler, county of Baker, state of Oregon, hat thtt dav tiled In this office his tworn statement No. also, for tht purchase of tht tK ntVf nd nwV nejtf and n e i-a n w 1-4 of section No t8. In townthip No. 10 south, rangt No. 17 8 W M, and will offer proof to show that Iht land sought It mort valu able lor Hi timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore Charles H. Chance, U. S. commissioner, al Sumpter, Oregon, on Friday, tht ijth day of November, iooj. He names as witnesses: Van Renselaer Mead, Michael Lynch, Ralph Mead and Isaac Williamson, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverttly Ihe above described lands are requested to file their claims In thlt office on or belort tald 11th dayol Nov., 1901. E. W. Bartlett, Register TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. I La Grande, Oregon, Sept. 5. igoi-i Notice It hereby given that In compliance with tht provisions ol iht acl ol congress ol Junt 1, 1878, en titled "An acl for the sale oftlmber lands In tht states ol Calltornla, Ortgon, Ntvada and Washington Ter ritory, as extended to all tht Public Land states by act ol August 4, 1891, RAY B, WEST. ol Logan, county ol Cache, state of Utah, hat this dav filed In this office his sworn statement No. j89. tor the purchase ot the t sw & Lots j & 4. ol srctlon No. ji In township No. 10 south, rangt No. 6 EWM, and wilt offer proof to show that the land sought is morr valuable lor Its limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land belore A. B. Combs, Jr County Clerk, at Baker City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 14th dav ol November, 1901. He names as witnesses: Joseph A. West, Grant tied Jet, James R. Smurthwalte and John H. Eccles, Jr., all ut Baker Clly, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this office on or before said 14th Jay of Nov., 1901. E. W. Bartlett, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 187F -NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UnlleJ States Land Office, j La Grande, Oregon, Sept. , ivo. I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht provisions ot the act ol congress ol June j, 1878, en titled "An act lor the sale oftlmber lands In the states of Calltornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by act ot August 4, 189s, EUDORA MTAD, nl Spokane, county ol Spokane, state ol Washington has this day hlrd In thlt office her sworn statement no. s8o, for the purchase of the e)j nekf sec, 7 and swt" nw? of section No. 8 In township No. 10 south, range No. 36 E w m, and will offer proof to show that Iht land sought Is mort valuable for its timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land belort Chat. H, Chanct, U, S. Commissions', at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday the talh day ol November, 1901. Seh names as witnesses: William H. Mead, ol Spokane. Washingten: Burton Miller. Leonard J. Sims and Samuel Rishel, ol Whitney, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tht above described lands are requested to Me their claims In this office on or before said tath day of Nov., 1903. E. W. Bartlett. Register.