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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1903)
Wednesday, June 17, 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER SUMPTER GIVES $647. To Relieve Suffering at Hepp ner, and Sends 25 Men. Sumpter responded very geuerousl y yesterday to the call for asslatauco from the sufferers from tho cloud burst at Heppuer Sunday, iu the way of money for tho survivors and men to help bury the dead. At n citizens' meeting hold at tho opora house in the afternoon a purse of 8047 was raised in less than half an hour, aud twouty-flvo men volunteered to proceed to the sceuo of the disaster at once and render sorvico toward burying the dead. Tho city council took the initiative iu tho forenoon at a special meeting, by subscribing 6100, and calling a mass meeting at the opora houso. Mayor McColloch was mado chairman of tho mooting and W. D. 1). Dodsnu secretary. No soouor was it stated that mon aud mouoy woro noodod in tho distressed district tbau pursosworo opouod aud contributions ciimo in from all sides. Men from all parts of tho room voluutoorod to go. A hundred or more could bavo boon sout if uocossary, but it wus thought best to limit tho number to twonty-ilvo, and these wcro mostly carpoutors aud othors seloctod with a vlow to roudorlug tho best sor vico. J. V. Cowdou was made, cap tain of tho baud, aud entrusted with tho fuuds for tho roliof of tho survivors. Tho party left on tho afteruoou train, the Sumpter Valley road furnlUBuiug freo transportation to Baker City. Several of those who went had friends and relative's among tho dead or suffering in the nolo causted valley where the cloud burst occurred. As far as can bo learned those here or known here who lost relatives are as follews: Jerry Cohn, brother aud wife; Mrs. C. S. Van Duyn, sister, Mrs. Ueorgo Thornton, who was lost with her husband and little girl; J. T. Klein, father aud mothor; Mrs. F. O. Buckuum, mother, Mrs. Elder. Moutauii Co., 27 Pae. 370 aud also in the Lewis Smith case, 1 Laud Decisious 015," says attorney C. II. Chance, who appeared for plaintiffs iu the ense. "The case will bo taken up immediately to the Circuit court of Appeals at San Francisco. Under tho rulo as laid down by Judge Bollinger, it sooms that the only way iu which tho owner of a mining claim can protect himself against trespassers cuttiug down timber is by the shot-gun method." OFFICIAL RECORDS. CASE TAKEN AWAY FROM JURY. Judge Bellinger Readers Verdict in Favor of the Bonanza Mine. The case of Ira Lemon aud othors vs. the Bonanza mluo, was tried the lattor part of last weok aud Monday of this week in tho Unltod States Circuit court at Portland, before Judge Bollinger aud a jury. This Is tho caso orlgiually started in tho Circuit court at Baker City, aud which was removed to tho Fodornl court, iu which tho plaintiffs sued the Bouauza miuo for damages amounting to 89,000 sustained by the owners of the Hardly Ablo placer claim, Ira Lemon aud other plain tiffs, by reasou of tho Bouauza cutting down about one million feet of timber. After the testimony of both sides was in, the court held that the plaintiffs had no interest whatever In the timber, on which thoy could base a caso for damages, aud dirocted the jury to return a verdict for the defendant, which was accordingly done. "Tho position taken by Judge Bellinger in this case sooms to be In conflict with all tho adjudicated cases on the subject and particularly with the cases of Mr. Feters vs. Fiersou ot al. 24 Pacific Reporter, page 1070 and Ileuuy vs. Buttoaud The following Instruments wore filed at the Baker county court house during the weekending Juno 10, 11)03. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS. May 10 D. Cochran to Alice Hauuau, lots 4 aud 0 block 40 Huntington; 800. April 21 Thos. II. Hudspoth aud wife to Nat U. Wattles, lot :i block 2, Parkors adn to Baker City; 8.'100. Juno 1 John Rouse et al to Amanda Peterson, lot 0 block 7, Pacific aud to Baker City; 805. Juno .'1 M. A. Hudson and husband to J. A Johnson, oast half of lot 4 block 5, South Sumpter; 8700. Sept. 27, '97 Goo. Juuuoy to A. L. Laviers, 25x100 feet uoar old pumping station, Baker City; 830. Juno 0 A. L. Laviers to Fred Veagot, same as last; 840. Juno 5 J, F.Boyoraud wife to Soc. Hays, 38 E; Jos. M. Colo, E. h N. W. 33 Tp. 7 R. 40 E; 82,000. Juno 5 Joel R. Rlttor aud wife to L. Uray, 80 acres lu Sec. 29 Tp. 7 R. 40 E; 1728. Juno OS. F. Ferguson to Go. W. Moody, S. E. M S. E. H Sec. 10 Tp. 8 R. 40 E; 8475. June 8 E. Flick and husband to A. L. Cummiugs, 159 acres lu Sees. 8 and 17 Tp. 11 R. 40 E; 1400. June 8 J. Ullman to F. P. 100 acres iu Sec. 27 Tp. 8 R. 8900. MINING MATTERS. DKDI. Fob. 220 Dau Eutormillo to E. D. Lo Claro, tho Bllack Hill quartz claim; 81. Feb. 20 E. D. Lo Claroaud wifo to Chas. M. Chaplu, snmo as last; 81. Juuo 3 F. P. Hays to Cou. Bonanza G. Miuos Co., Protection aud Seaside quartz claims; 81. MORTGAGES. May 19 AHco V. Hauuau and husband to Shirk Graham, Co., lots 4 aud 5 block 04, Huntington; 8219. Juuo 5 S. and A. Lynn to J. E. Goutry Jr., eight cows; 840. Juuo 0 Louard Gohs aud wifo to Stato Laud Board, N. N. V. M Sec. 0 Tp. 9 R. 39 E; 81,000. Juuo 0 Perry A. Baisley aud wife to Stato Land Board, 220 acros iu Sees. 20 aud 35 Tp. 8 R. 39 E; 85,000. June 4 J. A. Johnson to Mrs. M. A. Hordson, E. lot 4 block 5 South Sumpter 8590. Juno 8 T. E. Bounott aud wifo to P. G. Chrlsinau, lots 5, 0 aud lot 7 aud 8 block 8, Wiloval 8308. pJuuo 8 L. S. Hamlett uud wifo to Eliza Golser, 30x12 5foot adjoin ing Haskoll blk, Baker City 8500. Dee. 10, '02 Isuao Bowmau to W. L. Myers, 200 urcea lu Sees. 3 and 30 Tp. 0 audTSecs. 1 aud 2 Tp. 7 R. 41 E; 8705J IF YOU WANT A STOCK PROPOSITION ONE WHICH IS ALSO THE MAKING OP A GREAT MINE, HERE IS THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Comany is Incorporated, has Pei'feot Title to Property, Enough Work on which has Been Done to Establish the Existence of a Strong, Rich Ledge. Good Buildings and Other Improvements on the Ground. Control Can be Bought at a . . j , j RIDICULOUSLY LOW FIGURE t3fi iSo iSo1 2f f c3f f FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS J. W. CONNELLA SUMPTER, 3 OREGON 1 A FINE LINE OF ..GROCERIES.. ALWAYS IN STOCK Fresh Vegetables Arriving Daily. Prompt Dolivory. Give Us a Trial and Wo Will Please You. EDLIN & STARBUCK Oner Houa Bleak Prion 361 SUMPTER. OREGON MOUNTING BOARD MOUNTING CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS jjjjAT fiercer Drug Co. GRANITE STREET SUMPTER. OREGON THE GEM SALOON A.J STINSON.Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stlnson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bir SUMPTER, - - " OREGON J 1