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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1899)
THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, December 13, 1899 The Sumpter Miner .Official Paper of the Town of Sumpter I'UHUMitn rvmv wrostsiMY hv H. MARSH ami J. W. CONNIiLLA UH".:mi'll()S imtis OnrVr M Month .Ij.i'i ' AlWAYS IS AIIVANU'. I ntrled l the piiktolrlce In Sumpter. Oregon Itntml.tlon lor Ihrtiugh ihe mailt clot mallet teconj DURING the past ten days Till: MINER has printed stock certificates for as many companies, seven mining two commer cial and one land. "The old tiling" is waking up for sure. THE MINER positively declines to tin dertake the Impossible task of keeping cases on all the railroad rumors that are bring circulated In eastern Oregon nt present. Hut the readers of this paper will grt their lirst Information of any definite move, affecting this part of the slate, from Its columns. And If you see It In Till: MlNER-well, there is a possi bility that there may be something in it. Till: Portland Telegram is publishing much information regarding the Sumpter district, trying to arouse the cltlens of that town to the Importance of getting in and reaping some of the financial benefits to accrue from a close alliance with this rich and rapidly developing district. On tlie other hand, the Oregoulan, the moss hack thunderer, remains sullenly silent, appearing to think It is beneath its dignity to become enthusiastic on any subject, preferring to remain coldly critical. FEW men placed in the position occu pied during the past few weeks by Man ager Stoddard, of the Sumpter Lumber company, controlling the local stock of lumber almost absolutely, with an urgent, clamorous demand far beyond the supply, could have resisted the temptation to raise prices to an exorbitant limit and make an enticingly big clean up at the ex pense of the buying public. Hut Mr. Stoddard lias resisted that temptation, and maintained only reasonable prices. I his fact should always he remembered to his credit. In another column he an nounces today that the lumber famine Is broken and that he will turn no purchaser away unsatisfied. OH course there will be other towns than Sumpter in this section of the state; good ones, too, but Sumpter will main tain its supremacy. The district Is rich enough to support a half doen nrosner- ous camps. Kvery one of them, however, will be tributary to this central business point, and will contribute to its growth. All roads will, as they now do, lead to Sumpter, and here will be the vigorous, throbbing heart of the mining and com mercial activity, Villi every road, wagon, electric and rail, serving as veins and ar teries do for the animal organ. Those who are skeptical regarding Sumpter's future, because they fear some other Camp will spring Intoeactive life, are not conversant with the limitless resources of the region. EVERY day It becomes more apparent that the prediction made in these columns some weeks since, that the "boom" would materially here before the advent of spring, will be verified. As a matter of fact, that condition of affairs, commercial, real estate and mining, generally desig nated as a boom, already prevails in Sumpter. No where else In the North west it every branch ol business so active and prosperous as it is here at the present time. Those who wait until spring before investing or arranging to go Into business anywhere in this district, will wish that they had acted sooner. The longer one waits the more money will It cost to get in on this proposition, which is surely destined to be the most intensely exciting, offering the best and more opportunities for accumulating wealth, than any yet known in this land of booms, real estate and mining excitements. THERE Is no doubt but that this is one of the richest mining regions on the globe. Said a gentleman who is familiar with the subject, a few days since: "There is In a radius of three miles from a point in the Sumpter district more good ore than there Is in all of the reservation." He referred to the richest mining region in Washing ton, the Colville reservation, of which Republic is the business and mining cen ter. Then another gentleman present, who Is also well versed In mining lore, remarked: "And you can go further and tell the truth, If you say there is more gold In the hills of eastern Oregon than In the rest of the continent of North America." These S0UnJ ke ex,ravagallt sta,ement's, but there are people here of good judg ment who believe them. One thing is certain, there is a whole lot of the yellow metal In these parts. THE Pendleton Republican quotes one, George E. Moore, as stating that he had been hi and around Sumpter for several months and that, though the town Is booming now, It will not prove to be a permanently prosperous proposition. This Is merely Mr. Moore's opinion, and he has a perfect right to express, when and where he pleases, but being human, he is liable to err. He gives as one reason for this belief that the "cheapest sort of electric machinery to furnish lights has been put In." As a matter of fact, the firest elec tric plant in the state is now being in stalled, in place of a little toy arrange ment put in a year or two ago. Again, Mr. Moore is hi error in his statements re garding wages paid here, the number of stamps dropping and the number of men employed nt the various mines. Hut his most conspicuous misstatement is relative to the development of the several proper ties, when he says the deepest working is only )jo feet. Now, had he told the whole truth regarding this matter, he would have stated that the mines here are generally opened up with tunnels, instead of shafts, and that there are a score of the former In much deeper than that; at the North Pole, for instance, they are in over a thousand feet. If the gentleman will revise his statistics to conform to facts, he will probably change his opinion. Sumpter .j Bottling Works & jt j j j j Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors. jl jt j jt jt Manufacturers of all kinds of car Nutated drinks and ciders. Or ders tilled and shipped on short notice. jt j Jt jm SUMPTER, OREGON New Bakery Jt Jt Jt AND CONFECTIONERY All kinds of Flesh Fruit in Season. O. BRECHTEL, Proprietor Opposite S. V. Ry. Depot. W. P. MURRAY, Atuyer and Cfacmbt, I am prepared to mike leiti on free mllllni living the per cent of lit value thai may be extr by the free milling proceit, alto the degree to to make tettt on free milling ore extracted which ore may be concentrated. Waal Inalaid mi RiaartH a. Retultt of attayi given only to the pertont leaving work or on their written order. SUMPTER, OREGON H. K. WHEELER. Mining and Civil Engineer, City Engineer U S Deputy Mineral Surveyor for Oregon, California and Idaho Specially Procets p E. POINDEXTER, MINING OPERATOR, SUMPTER. ORE. Mlnet examined and reparted on. Reference. any butlnett or mining man In Sumpter- gTOTT & SHELTON, ?&." Attorneys at Law. SUMPTER. OREGON W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, IIAKCM CITY, t OMIiOON Reliable riant, tpeclflcatlont and ettlmatet f urnlthed CHAS. E. ROBLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Notary Public Roomt 6 and 8 Nf III lllk. SUMPTER, OR. QARRIE V. SPALDING. Stenographer and Typewriter. Located with Erwln & Co. SUMPTER C C. STEKFEN. Justice of the Peace, Sumpler District. . General Conveyancing L T. BROCK, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter. Oregon, Special Attention Given to Surgery and to Dlt eatet of Women. Other and retldence, Nelll Block. DRS. TAPE & PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons C. M. HEABCt, M. U. O. W. TAPE, M. II. Telephone Main . SUMI'TCR. OBEGON. DRS. HENDRY & BROOKS, DENTISTS. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Office. Center Steeet, oppotlte McEwen & Sloan's Livery Barn, Sumpter, Oregon. S. NORMAN & CO. ..BROKERS.. as Republic, Rossland, Boundary, Slocan, Buffalo Humpand Civur d'Alene stocks. Information and market letter mailed free. fcUlal Ufe WW vvev VTCa intuit, uh. Basche Hardware Co. Successors to W. R. HAWLEY Sumpter, Oregon. GENERAL DEALERS IN. Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery eo Agents for " HERCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C. C. Basche MANAGER 3