Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 08, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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    i 'A pi c rt ri h
y b
) j v. oi;lc( a, Saturday, july .s. m
l i
i J F. FORD, MiM,
f DeuJ Myinei. lowi. writes under date of
V Mareu 23. I8U3:
. B. Mku. Mrr.. Co.,
Oufur, Oregon.
ntlcmen g
On arriving hime last week, I found all
all and auxiiiunly a'vaiting. Oar Jittle
irl eight and oiie-liulf years old, who hid
felted away to 38 pounds, is now well,
rooK and vigorous, and well Meshed up.
B. Cough Tura has dme its work well,
otbofthe children like it. Your S H.
ough Cure has cured and kept away all
CwntmeHt from me. So give it to evory
ae, with jjre-iiufto for all. Wishing you
tospuii y, we
Yours, AIb & Slit J F Fokh.
11 you wind to foci iieim and cheerful, n-i ready
Jf the S n id'j work, cleuimo ymir tcm wjth the
(eadache atnl 1,1 vji Cure, by taking twn r thruc
OMScmiU jtck. ,
' tU cents mr botUo by all tlru-i.
II Id under a positive euanotee by
r i
nthe County Court oj the State of Ocefon,
county of Linn:
l the matter of the estate of Clan Itierenger, tie
Ceatwl. Notice to cn-dUor:
J der-ifrucil ban been aulv afKlnteJ by the
run fiuinu L.IHII oiuriir,vjrcirnn, acimiuinruior o
lid estate and all neraii-ia hit vino- I'liimi nmina
Id estate are hareby rciiiired to present them
lestber with the proper vouchers and proofs to the
notnynwi at uie law omce oi j J n nitney, to Al
anjr, within si month from the date heresf,
DaUd the lMh lay of'Kt.
? Whitney, Ad minlat rater,
., Attf to Aduir.
The Oregon
Vltn its home
salem: - -
.ne Gray Block, corner Liberty and State ttreet, branch office In Portlan;
, : -HH
MA.KES a specialty of Sunnj'sideYruit tracts near Salem'
Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
ire small cash payment lonjrtimejon balance
by Biirkhart Bros.
One of the oldest Job printing
Offiqel in the State., "
. i
. i
The only Exclusive Job Office
We have the Largest and
best Stock of Printers' Sta
tionery, it Has ever been our
pleasure to offer the people.
For Good, Quick Printing.
Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar
ITho very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS
i Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound.....
i bs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
J lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20
Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90
S Gallons Good firm MO
1 GaUon No. 1 Syrup
' J in onftfrfft a atrlrtftfttli more, and
iV!r rflt n ref"'r Vrtr
' ti'aT fr V,OT of dsh, an U
v vkavg powder, and alwaye ple. my cTvo,ner,
ao r wver n sponsible lnsontncaocnnanie. J all a Gradwohl.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tlio taste, and acta
fenlly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers mid cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy ot Us Kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt la
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the. most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Io not accept any
louisvius. ky. new rout. .r.
JLand Co
office at
- OI?liia-ON"B '
v . t v r :
net oash, goods as follows:
. . . , .40
all tfoodn wl be ald for net' cm h tmm I
My RUx-K of Cbinaware, fanev frondn. ans
nn a enrrwl a..rtmnt of grocerif, croek-
The IVtullntoti K O hu lin t.llim
that city wiw to have 11 free delivery, that
the vtrei'U were mmihenil und everything
arranged. Then- wax u Uft slip. The K 0
says: The late poxtmater, lien Burroughs,
remitted S.K)!t.i4 for the hsinil year end
inir March III. ?!I.!I4 more' tlian en
ough to jilaeo the otiice on a second-class
basis; but it was discovered at the depart
ment that there were errors in the accounts
that make a difference of ?'() in Mr liur
rontrh'g favor, and this amount lias ljeen
credited to him. This cuts the total down
to 87.!MI.!I4. or ahout 81 1 less than is re-
'liiircd to put 1'cndlcton in the second-class
list.'' Kven had it loen in t ho second-class
list it proUihly would not have had a free
The Oregon I'acific rnilroail company
have arrnnu-d to run a Wholesale Mer-
elmntH' Kxeursion from Pan l'ranciso to
Alliany on July 27ih. Toe steamship
wiimmeiie alley" will leave with this
party on the evening of hat tlav, arnv
algal 1 siiuina on llic'J'.ith orSotli. The
San Fnncisro Hoard of Trade will at
tenj this excursion in a patry. It :s the
intention to enteitain them in the same
way that they enterlained the Oregon
merchants mi their recent trip. It is
d.'sirnble that these merchants should
visit a' many points in the Willamette
valley aj possible. 1 hey will be allowed
five days to spend throughout the valley.
Another Merchants' Kxcursion will
probably be started for Francisco on
Aug 14th. All arrangements wil be
made to entertain them nin ly upon their
arrival in c-an Francisco.
Tut Best In Ike World.
Senator Henry C Nelwin, of New York,
writes: -'On the 37th of February, 1893.
1 was taken wltn a violent pain In the re
gion of the kidneys. I buffered such
agony that I could hardly sia d up As
mvmi as nosslble I applied two Allcock's
Porous Plasters, one over each kidnev.
and laid down. In an honro rrv surprire
and delight, the pain h id vanished and I
was well. I wore the piaster for a dav or
two as a precaution, nud hen removed
them. 1 have been using AHcock's Por
ous Plasters in my family for the last ten
years, and have always found them the
quickest and best remedy for colds, strains
and rheumitic affections. From my ex
perience I believe they ere the best plasters
in the world."
New Puotckiii umikh. I have opened a
new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd
street, Albany, and will try hard to please
all who will favor me with their patronage.
I will take all sizes and styles of photos a
good as the liest ami as cheap asjthe cheai
est. I am 110 traveling photo here today
and gone tomorrow, but have come with
wife and children to make a home in your
glorious climate. I have come to stay.
I'lease call and see me and try my work,
Very respuctfiilly yours,
S. A. II A mm 1:1.1..
Late of Toronto, Canada.
See the New Improved Singer fpwing mr
ohioe. The b-1 is alws tl.e ehesnefct. 1
W Snwden, aaont. Utihie at p M French's
inweiry store
lio.Min and LonntNG of rroml tm ilitv n
reasonable rates are the strong points of the
star Loiitraciji 01 me wnrum rair Hotel
ami Boarding liureaii. For sale at all rail
road ticket oftices in Portland and at Salem.
Albany, Kngene, Cnrvnllis, Mc.Minnville
and Oregon City. Ilon't go to Chicago
without your accommodations reserved, un
less you have a big purse yon are inxinus t
empty. Call on C. K. Fronk at the depot
iur jiurcicmurFt
Shiloh'a Care, the grest ennh sod eroup
enre, is for sale by on. Pocket siio cnoUina
twenty-rive diisos, only 2Si. Children breit
Foahay ft Mason.
Shiloh's Vitstizir :m wh. yvn nred for
dytpepsifc, tcrpid liver, yfUr.w kto or kid
ney troahle. It i v-nnrnnt-efl to ejtv yon
wtilactioD. Price 73a- NId by Fnshay ft
ttrd onrt-pi nnd nM e ti Anl
eaorc k v (' Albn.iv, Oroti, and mil
ntb e PiMmriAT, hv will mall yon
ashion si. ret frt- c rh month.
. - . lirr fastoriN
-Vifn ..wnjaCliiH. -Viffi
ltf hmnin' V, t
T irt at ie raris
R-Hirdina Hood's Sarpaparit.a, at'rf th
people who the this metitciue.or itidth
tuimonia!s often piblished in thia pape
They will era vines yon that Ilo-tda'a enre
Hood's fills cure constipation.
1 acC-tr, Rj.l K-t,
Stret Portland. Cr.
Twenty Tears' experience.
C D Fredrick, the well Known pho
tographer, 770 Broadway, New York,
sajs "I have been using Allcock'a Por
ous Pisieri for 30 yeais, and found them
one rt me nest ol family medtefde.
BrleflT RummfnK up my enperlenc-, I sav
that when placed on ;he small of the back
Allcock'e Plasters fill the bodv with ner.
rou energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain
onauvion, uemny anrt kidney difficui
ties. For women and children t have
found them Invaluable. They never Inl-
ic -.ncsKin or caue tne siightert patn.
but cure sor throat, roughs, colds, pain In
the side, back or chest, Indigestion nd
iwnrei complaints.
J Uralh Dealing fjelae.
Fobt lioooE, la, July 7. Seventy-four
people dead, at least five more to die, and
over 100 injured is the result of the cyclone
that started at Quinby and ended with aw
ful results at Pomeroy last night. At the
latter place 4pJ are dead and ever 10." blocks
of residences are demolished. Nothing
remains but kinoling wood, Two hundred
families are homeless, many having lost
all. Business blocks are badly damaged,
nnd the new postollice, a drug store and
seven churches are completely demolished.
The loss in Poimroy will reach fully S'50,
000. All is chaos there.
A Bank right.
FoitT vYoktu, Tex. .lull 7 A P Tuck
ett, president of the Merchants' National
bank, which temporarily suspended IS
months ngo; A li Smith, cashier, R M
Pago, vice president, and Colonel RM
Wynne were in consultation over the affairs
of the honk vesterdny morning, in the
cashier's oiliee, when a dispute nne. I age
find Sini'h disrerrecd. nnd drew pistols.
Kielit shots were fired. Pago received a
deep flesh wound, which is not serious.
Colonel 11 M Wynne pushed between the
men and forced Smith on the other side of
brass wicket door. He then left the bank.
Smith and 1'age emptied their pistols at
each other, but neither was hit.
Tne Freslilrnl Hot Slrk
Bi-zzaiid's Bay. Masi. July 7. Presi
dnt Cleveland was tonight feeling better
than he did this morning, ms Knee is
lame and his left foot is swollen so that Le
is onliged to wear a big shoe. The pub
lished report that the president was suffer
ing' with cancer is denied. The following
was sent tonight to Secretary dresham, at
W6shington, by Secretary Lamont:
''The president is laid up with rheuina
tism in the knee and foot, but will be out
in a day or two There is no occasion for
any uneasiness."
A Xew Deceiver, July 7. Walter T Vviles
recently filed his resignation as assignee of
the Corvallis Carriage & Wagon Co., and
an election to fill the vacancy was ordered
to take nlace before the clerk of the circuit
court today. N B Avery, of this city, was
nominated nnd received all tne votes cast.
Parties representing sDiue $15,000 in claims
did not vote and propose contesting the
legality of the proceedings.
; . A Paper Huspeuds
Astoria, Oi, July 7. The F.venlng Ex
aminer, which has been run here for the
past tbre years by Gesrge tlibbert, a press
veteran of the coast, sucpended publication
last night on account of dull times. The
Examiner during i's tx sicnce was one of
the brightest and cleanest daily papers in
the slate.
The I'urllnnd and Astoria Koad
Astoria, Tuly 7. -VV II Remfpeton Iff!
hrre tonight with a receipt for all the deeds
to the railroad subsidy from Lose s bank
in his pocket. He goes, east at once to
arrange about cons'ructisn, and to bind the'
linancial pan of the Astoria : Portland
Whc Trnvrllnc.
Whether ou pleasnte bent, or basinets,
tak on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs,
it acta most plena ntly and effectively on the
kidneys; liver aud bowels, preventing f ever,
heidvh and other forma of sickness. For
sale m 50 oentaud $1 I nltle by all leading
Thf. North kiin Pacific Kau.uoad
Will Slash the Hatkh. Orficials of the
Northern PaciKc Itailroiul have decided to
place low rates into effect. They will sell
tickets from Portland to ivt Paul for 8J5
tirst-class. and make corresponding low
rates to all eastern points. World's fair
round trip rates will be greatly rcrlnicd.
Tickets can be utilized on either of their
through trains, both of which will continue
to carry the Pullman tourist upholstered
sleepers. 1 wo trains daily without cnange.
For full information and to secure your
sleeping car accommodation, call on, or
address A I) Charlton, assistant p'ueral
pajwnger agent, No. 121 First street, cor
ner of Washington, or Lit I fur k Hart, local
agent, Albany Oretron.
TforM's Fair) rra Vetera T III Have tl
The public deaiand throukh aervic hen
travaltn. t is old-fsshiond to "rhatine
Car." On th .hrengh, 'olid v stihuh i
trains of the t'hicatj Union Pctlio A
North Western Line from or to C'bico.
Omaha and intermediate points them is o
bange. This t the hoeat and listen har-
ce between the point nmed.
flat Ol atgfel
The traveling pnblie are now fuMy alive
to the f ottht the Chiengt, Union PaHtie
& North-W,f torn .tne (rTeiathn vnrv best
aooommodatinna cn the ptihlic from and to
Chicago, Omr.a and it.Wmediate point.
oot only darirg ih Wurln'a Fair, bat all
tne year round.
I'ura Crrsri cf 1 arlar Toirtlcr. No Ammonia; No Aliitu.
":iltrtu cf Homes 4r- VPa-s e'r"-
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Proof or Merit
The proof of the merits of a plaster is
the cures it effects, and the voluntary
testimonial of tbote w'.io have used All
cock's Porous Placets during the past
thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of
their superiority and should convince the
most skeptical. Self praise is no recom
mendation, but certificates from those who
have used them are.
Beware of Imitations and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask tor Al
cock's and let no solicitation or explana
tion Induce you lo accept a substitute.
Notk'K. All intrties who have been in
the habit of tyuij? eowa so they can run
over adjoining sidewalks. are hereby
notified to stop the practice, or the ordi
nance in reference to the same will lie en
forced. xVdvertihiso Novei.tiks. Wo have a
complete line of noveltiso, direct from the
makers, can furnish the name nt lowest
prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem
oranda books, nankins, funs.rulers. yard
sticks, panels, chromo cards, ca ps, calcn
dure, xnms cards, etc., in season.
And always the best Job 1'kintjnci
.CJ-V" SMILEY, Leading Printer.
Laundry Work. Every citizen of Al
bany Bhould bear in mind that the
Albany Steam Laundry fiuaranlee first
class work at very reasonable prices, and
employs nothing out white labor. bhtrtB
lone as cheaply as the Chinaman, i'at -ronize
your own race.
Wkdihnq In vrr avion s.
Wooden. Tin,
Silver, Golden
Conunon every day.
Theklllnd Iinowledse.
KsaLtul to the production of the mii pi-r-frot
and populsr 'axative remedy ltntwn,
have enabled the C.ilifo'iiia Fig Syruo Co.
to achieye a crnt snot! in tin reputation
of its remdy, Svuo of Fiu. a t i conced
ed to be the unnxetl luxstive, H For oa'e by
ail druugbts.
btatb op uhio, city of xulbdo, f
Lucas Couictv. (
Frank J. Chrnky makes oath that he Is the
senior partner oi the Arm of F. J. ChenbyACo. ,
doing businctts in the City of Toledo, County
and State aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay
the sum of ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Oatabkh Curb.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence, this 6th day oi December, A.D. 1880.
Kotarjf Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure fstaken Internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot
the system. Hend for testimonials, free.
F.J.CHENEY ACO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
4a Wat Wlaaert
The unlid voVp.u'e'll'm it of di Cn'Caii'.
Uniou ni;it& N r;n Wait, rn Line rti""n e
all ootnuetl'Ion with ( a-e. It hna the t r
est Hue, faeet time. Union dj. nd r
change or rietny n. the listnri Itiver.tiid is
the popular Wnr l a hi if route.
Catarrh Cannot be Cored
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, aa they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood
or constitutional disease, and In order to cure
it you must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Core la taken Internally, and acts
directly on the blood and m 11 cons surfaces.
n mii-s uaiarrn cure is not a quaes men 1 cine, it
was prescribed b one of the best physicians in
this country for years, and la a regular pre
scription. It is composed of the best tonics
known, combined with the best blood purine,
acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two Ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in curing
Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHKNEY A CO., Props. Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
lux WV
i 'am, Sw.
1 our. tS.fl".
' ntier, 15c.
Kg IV.
Inl, !4o.
Ptk hi:n li i a imii r- , mh.
Hay. I.a'erl IIS
uo alons Ifkni.
A plr,t Ou
Hoym 18c
iriHl f.'iilt-'p'n r,, Hn. afp!,, JJe
('blrkenq. t4 l- ilriapn.
Beef . on fool, 4 .
8i:K IlEItE
Father s, grocers,
F. M. French keeps railroad timtj
Buy your groceries of Parker Bros at Conn & HendricBon'a.
Nnw cream cheene just recuived At Conrad
P J Smiley job priutor, Flinn Block, does
first class woik.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cnt
oigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M II Kilt-, phyaioivi and surgeon
Albany, Oregon. ClU miti l:i cit ' or
ooantry .
Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil presents a
perfect food palatable,
easy of assimilation, and
;;r. appetizer; these are
everything to those who
i r.' rMjTih. The combina-
ot pure cod-liver oil,
the greatest of all fat pro
ducing foods, with Hypo
piiosphites. provides a re
markable agent for Quick
Fi-.-sh Building in all ail
ments that are associated
with loss of ;lesh.
Vurk. Si- Ui .11 druicgwta.
An agreeable Laxative and Nitn Toina
Bold hy Drugglita or sent by Ball. 86a. Mo.
and tLOOpor package. Sample, trw.
ftfA IT A The Favorite TOOTS KWVH
AV HV for the Teeth and teeath, 2ao.
Cptadn Sweeney, VJ&.A, Ban DlWTO, OalJ
ays: "Shlloh'a Catarrh Kemcdr la the first
medkrrnel have ererfound that would do mo
W7aTOod.n FrlceHOcta. Bold bj LtMttHU.
Tim Great Cough Cinta proorptlyettrat
where all others fall. ForConaumptloalthaa
no rival; haacured thouaaoda.aDdwlU cuna
Top.lttakenlntlme. arloiOcta.Bacti 11.00.
Etlllj. Quickly,
Perirantatl) Rettorcd.
ami atl train rT 11
t-i.imuit f Ut .t.t.r laU-.'
-.v m. tUe li-;. tliu cf
.vertit!t, fit 1. 1. 1- ft n,
nans ,eii'. Fulihlri-: Rih,
tlt'vcli pircut ami
Klvfr. ieery t.i ;an nd
jvitlon i t tin It- ly.
t'imil, nntnrnlmeiliutiri,
Mcn. Ki'Htirp inxi"lble.
.".oiil refprrncfn, Itufik,
eilanntlon ami pmufs
toaikd (itfKtcdj f ret?.
v. M. llcFarland,
-!- DEALER IN -!-
Harness - and- Saddler j
Display in the floor
t'fi tnrnriinn It. A( -n
I b w. oni' -
fled Crownltills
iw prockw rLona flfrfiitioa rs, eaati'ia
an BAraaa -f t
:r.ST STOlMfJP .U'lL-ffRS
ni ir 1 inirf-
w 1 5 j. r c w a