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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1891)
gaily democrat An amateur garderner at Belfast, Me., planted his bean polei all right, but forgot to plant hl beam. Of 10,000 persons, one arrives at the geof 100 years, of 500 one attains the age of 90, and one In 100 lives to the age of elxty. A New York fakir was arrested for sticking tulip blossom into perforated Mexican beans and selling them to unsus pecting housewives as Chinese lilies. The tallest piece of waler upon earth is Lake Urumla, Persia, more than 4000 feet above the sea level. It Is very shallow" and no living thing can exist in it. The Coreans are the largest eaters known. Their stomachs are generally ab normal in size, and the one possessing the largest Is geneially considered the richest. It has been noticed in France that those persons engaged in cleaning out the ap paratus used In refining petroleum are sub ject to a skin disease 1 esembllng the cancer of chimney sweepers. In California during the gold excite ment of 1840-50 flour and rice sold for $1 a pound; bacon, $t.6o a pound; can dles were $1 each; long-legged boots brought $100, and the express on a letter was $4. The Austrian government has been try Ing the experiment of admitting women doctors to the state hospitals, but with rather unfavoiable results. The Mussul man patients resent the presence of a wo -man, and refuse to submit to her authority. The latest Indignity to be cast Into the heap upon ex-senator Ingalls is the mall- clous and wicked siander which says that the ex-senator Is about to join a church choir. The slander Is given a color of truth by the fact that nothing oflers a bet ter field for the ex-senator's talent for making mischief, and to say things about the soprano that would hurt must be tempting to him, but it is undoubtedly slanderous. It I no wonder that Mr In galls is seeking to bury himself In the soli'ude of a potato-field these days. i. ' One of the features of the convention at Columbus is the sale at ten cents each of bits of tin plate one Inch by two, stamped "McKinley." It was manufactured in Wales Imported Into the United States,and Is being devoted to the use of humbug. It will probably do Major McKinley as much good as the celebrated pot-metal medal lions did David Todd some forty odd years ago. Inpliil to n.oseeieepers. It gives Julias Grsdwobl gress satisfac tion in selling his Pne Golden Role less and baking powder, with elegant prizes or with out then, that his customers who haye purchased iovariably return and say they are well pleased, that the tea is No. 1 and the baking powder is as good as the beet. All bis teas and baking kovder boors the name of Julias Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar, and are expressly put up for his business.and he still continues to give with each pound of tea or baking powder an ele gant piece 01 glassware. NEW ADY1KTMKUBNTB. The first use of gunpowder as an agent in warfare was made In the course of the twelfth century. The Chinese demon strated Its propulsive effects in the fif teenth century, in the relirn of Yunglop, this being fully 1000 years after gunpow der was nsed In firecrackers. A wealthy ex-governor of Ohio, named John VV Bookwalter, and better known to the farming public as a manufacturer of steam engines, proposes a new scheme for the benefit of farmers. His own early life was spent on a farm, and what re most disliked about it was Its isolation. Mr Bookwalter has bought 60,000 acres In Nebiaska, whereon he proposes to estab lish several agricultural communities or villages, selling a plot of land to each householder, and none to be more than one or two miles from the rentral village, where Its owner will live. The plan alms to combine the advantage of village and farm life. It is practised In some parts of continental Europe, and Immigrants from those sections may be expected to give it a fair trial in this country. TO OHIO WOOL GROWERS. Now, that the wool growers ol Ohio are soon to be called upon to renew their faith in "protection" as represented In the McKinley bill, by voting for McKinley for governor, It will be a matter of much interest to them and the public as well, that the views of woolen manufacturers as to the effect of the McKlnler bill should be made known. Thomas Dolan, a member of the firm of Thomas Dolan Co., manufacturers of worsted coatings and woclens In Phila delphia has written a long letter to the New York World defending the McKin ley bill. In treating of the wool question, he spys: The woolen exports to this country from the consular district of Bradfo'd, England, fell off during the first five months of this vear nearly one half, as compared with the exports for the corresponding perioJ last year. The decline was, in round numbers, from $8,500,000 to $4,400,000. During the first quarter of the preient year, the general imports of woollen fa brics fell off from $15,700,000 to $10,276, 000. Simultaneously, there was a large increase of Imports of raw wool, showing nl.lnlu that Amf.rlfnn mills wore havlmr such active employment as they have not had for many years past. It is an Inter esting fact, deserving much emphasis of statement.that the prices of wool are lower now than they were one year ago. This decline was distinctly promised by pro tectionists during the discussion which ac companied the framing ol the McKinley tariff. What will our wool growing brethren think of this candid admission that the de cline In the price of wool "was distinctly promised by protectionists during the dis cussion which accompanied the framing ol the McKinley tariff." Every one re members that that bill was framed In a star chamber, secret waj . The republi can members of the ways and means com mittee would get together and agree what rate of duty should be placed upon certain articles and the full committee would be called and these rates submitted, The democrats would object but republicans being In the majority would all adhere to their star chamber agreement. What 'promises" were made In these star cham. bcr discussions the wool men would never have known had not Dolan "let the cat out of the bag." Dolan Is not surprised that wool should be lower this year than last, because It had been promised" by McKinley and other members of the ways and means committee when framing the bill. And It will be a wonderful exhibi tion of blind credulity If the wool grow ers shall again confU'e In the promises which McKinley and his friends shall make on the stump during the coming campaign. "FRUITS AND FLOWERS." , 1 N ILLUSTRATED H ORTICULT- J ural monthly Journal, edited by Prof IS. K no farmer or iruic grower can afford to be without It. It PAYS whoever takes it, $2 er year. g 1 six months, 20 cents a single number. Address, 1. II STEARNS, ' Portland, Oregon. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Capital Consolidated Gold & Silver Mining Company, of the city of Ualem, Oregon, will be held at the ofUee of the company in said city, on the second Thursday, toe 13th day of August, 1881, at 8 o'clock p m, for the election of direc tors, and tor such other business ss may come before the meeting, J. H. STRICKLBR. Sale n, Or, July 36th, 1891 See. UMBER. We wish to say to the public that we have lust added a UiMe planer to oar mill and tare prepared to furnish all kinds of lumber, dressed or rough, as the pur ebaser may ebone, as good as the best, add as cheap as it ean be sold. In payment we will take all kinds of produce, such as hay, flour, grain, bacon, butter, beans, beef by the quarter, ete. In feet anything that we can use. Please see us before you parehase your bill of lumber, as we feel confident that we can suitycu. Ton will always And one of us at onr mm, i muns rrom ijeoanon, 8 miles from ATaterioe, on Hamilton creek. WIRT A BERRIGeK, Lebanon, Oregon. J. A. Camming, Wall Paper, Drugs, I'aintta, Otis Olasr , Etc., ALBANY, 0REC0N THE OREGON HAY PRESS, MANUFACTURED BT . P. S LATH, as Corvallla, la the best hay press la aarkst. Order fer presses cent t OorralHs will be promptly fined, Aaytne infringing on ft), patent will .. prueeeated to Hie fullest eorient 0 the sw. FHOTOCRAPHER, Oor Hnonnd and Perry Ht, Albany, Ol O UPKKIOK werk. emarsnteed tn ever? O branoh of the an. jbaT-jiahuging e' an aiiiiie a spMiaiir. The Road to Wealth Cannot b, successfully traveled lth out ood heslth. To raseh wealth or any coveted position In IK, rtqulre. Hit fall possssslon and operation of all tht fao ultlos kind nsturt ha, endowed tt with. These condition, cannot eillt unless the r phrtlctl being I, In parfset working ?7!3f, and IMS It Impossible when tat Itrer and spleen art torpid, thusesstrtet In, tht secretions, eauelng lndlsstlea and dyspspsla, with all tt their teste), earning horrors. DR. HENLEY'S Englitr Dandelion Tonic tierts t tp Mt fnftetact over tht Itrer, ticltnt II healthf action, re seine It, chronic tnttrgomtntt, tnd promotes tht secretions j curst Indigestion and const! ptt'tn, sharpens Iht tppetltt, tones up tht entire tritem, lad makes lit, worth llrlng. ! City Restaurant. Having been entirely remodeled1, this old and popular reitanrant will be made ftrxU clam- n every respect. The public will bt given good meals at all hours for only 25 jents. Everything neat and attractixt. rnvaU boies. Oystars In iftry style. Moil ffaii Slier Clotlii? IF SO YOU CAN'T READ THIS "Without being Interested. There will he a Genuine II OF SUMMER GOODS, . Light WeiiM Clotls. Sinner Fnniislg Goods, Hals, Shoes, ani all of HOT WEATHER E- Wearing Apparel Now in My Store. TRADB AT rns OM II 12 1. 1 A IS L I GROCERY STORE l-o- O 323- BBOWNELL. LARGEST STOCK Provisions, Hams, Bacon, ' Pototoes, Comb Uoney, Pickles Vinegar, Apples Cheese, Krult Jars, Etc. LOWEST PRICES Tea.. Coffer, Spices. Ext,,ct. Butter, Eggs, Canned Goods, Fruits, Qucenswsre, G, wair, Etc., Etc. BUST XKHATMHIffT, Honest Weights, : Full Measure. CALL AND Bltti UK, C. E. 1UIOWNKLL. STEIMT & SOX J Russell : Engines, : Separators : and : Osborne : Binders, : Mowers : and : Rakes. L. E. BLAIN, ClOtfc ALLEN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE RETAIL GROCERS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OP ALL KINDS, INs LARGE: OR SMALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIR SEASON. Flinn Block. ALBANY, OREGON how nn Ymi nn?,c w v w r w mm w I Pfeiffer Block, ITY DBld STORE There la n. doubt thai NEW- Sloe ot B1LVERWARR, tentastjsur poos.., knlvet, nor., fruit dtthea, tt. gold and silver watehtt, tewtl y, ttt, it tht Iftrsjttt and bets la tat arftr, aad hy Jar lb. betseye brought t Al PRICKS th Most Rea.onaklt. Call tnd St th I00D8 A. STRANEY, Pft9fstB)BMSi OT TaVSk) ...... City LiTETj, M ail Sill 8 T A!B L E. HaTSSK ponhasttl nte rift eaa ha- lib flest-tsaat IsicoKe al mil. isstl M tests atttmioa tir.n to transient oarasa Of tot day or month. Cheapest Rate la tfca Cits. Teltpbont etantstion with tht it Charles Hotel. Mtphont erdtrt gtTta prompt atSansteti. Fourth Street, bet w era JIHe worth aad Streetcar lint. Albany Stanard & Cusick I torn Drugs, lltdltiata, tttsniaalt, (Taata aad Toiltt ArntlM,8catjM,israiht. Ptrfttaatry, tebeel .Hooks, aad Artists' BsptUtt, r7leians prststlftltn rally , EdCrownMills tOU, LANXIN0 4 CO., ltOPR'8. tsrtr raocaai nova to-ramisa os t amtub aid sxsuai vast. "EST STORAGE FACILITIES. CHOICE MEATS or ait KtwM Emericlc - I3.1cer OWMttllf hOIMT'l AwtTf iMhls), MM njr lo Whtatntrtt aMktvf 0'i ttor. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE. ttirrn tMftas oa Motif, . Met im tf hspteBber, lest. Tomti-ntaa. OlMslail, SUntlfln, Uimi, so, e ehovl ehutua (Wun. in .ftut ( k.. l. u V' Ora.1, rrei u Ownui. Ik. snk Is ), tm Mtt WIo.m Of farther InleiSMtWi. Amanm 4. w. i "We carry no machinery that has not been tried in thi ocality, and found to bo satisfactory, and, as wo represmi factories, no responsible dealer can give bettor terms' ' Ask Your Neighbor! Where to get the Best Bargains, Where to get the Best Value for Your Money, -' in Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., And they will Answer with One Voiee, at P"G. W. SIMPSON'S do not Run a Lotten But will selUyou anything kept in a FIRST-CLASS WEI REGULATED BOOT AND SHOE STORE at bottoJ prices, in a business way. I sell only standard makes, and guarantee everythi"! sold. Will sew up rips, or repair anything oause imperfect'material or workmanship, Free of Charge. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. We are the People Who arry th moat complete line of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, ete., in the market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. TI LADIES BAZAAR -It th Leading Millinery and Fancy Goods Stoie of ind They carry all the Latest Styles and Novelties In the Milling "' j, a complete stock ol Ladles and Children's Furnishing Sood,n" Lixtti- s-arments. Uoods tht btst. and orices the lowest, waii FIRST STREET, WOOD 8AWIKS. Ah, there! When are yon ptolnaf I aw going to Curran ft Montetth's office, to leave orders lor Owon t Qruab'. o eomej and saw mi wood, Thsy do the best tawing in town, etawlna- done on short notios i Leave orders on state. FROMAN rMW.ln entail ' Iar amounts, from "" v five years, on good A . ,ddre 1 ,ni. n..t uu. Call on or su s county real estate, uau or. E MoHeraon, First St., Albany." .u rd irei fie ma tie oo it -o . a l! tl if