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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1891)
: 9aUg Otmxrri. THE MISSISSIPPI rlUIIT. Since the day of knownothlngltm, the Planter' bank bond agita'.ion and radical reconstruction, hai Mississippi rocked un der the throe of violent political agl tatlon as during the past two weeks. Bne month ago It itemed as though the sub treasury heresy was finding lodgment among a class where it was least sxpected, The events of the past week unmistakably tell that rapid evaporation of the sub-treas. ury foul air set In from every point of the political compass, and Jwituln the next sixty days It will be expelled from the state. Senators George and Walthall.have got ten indorsements irom half a doienjcoun tles where a sub-treasury majority was conceded and where little contest was made by the antis. This action is due to two causes. Senator George is being aid ed by the ablest speakers of the state has become plain to even cursory observers that the real mission of the na tional leadeis Polk, Livingston, Willetts and McDowell recently was to sow broadcast over the states third party seed by fery appeals to Indolence and misfor tune, holding out the spoils of office to disgruntled office-seekers and preaching brimstone as a fit portion for the money power. While traveling over the state they took Into their confidence a number of local leaders, to whom they freely dis closed their future plans of action, which they admitted to be a load to the alliance, but said their retention was largely essen tial to it success as a political quantity, claiming for Macune astute ability as a tactician and organizer. The plan Is for Macune to demand of the next alliance In vestigation No. 2, when Sledge of Texas will play the role of scapegoat, by should ering his (Macune's) multitude of political (ins, committed in the Georgia senatorial contest Sledge recently disposed of his interest In the National Economist, pre paratory to this second fraud on the public, lest It might be said that he was Influenced by Macune, and so that he might appear In as disinterested a light as possible in awearlng Macune out of his troubles. The prevailing Impression here, even in alli ance circles, is that the McDowell letter to Lecturer McAllister makes out a fatal case against Macune, as McDowell was chairman of the Ocala committee that tried him, and scores a a ten-strike for the reform and anil -sub-treasury clement In the order. The great Pyramid of Egypt, or the Pyramid of Cheops,was built not less than 3,ooo years before Christ, the exact date being unknown. It was'built to be the tomb of King Cheops, investigation hav. Ing pretty well established that all tht pyramids were built simply as tombs of the Kings. The Pyramid of Cheops covers an area of between twelve and thirteen acres and is 450 feet high. Each of the sides is 74b f:et. The weight of the stone in it Is estimated at 6,316,000 tons. Its dimensions have been somewhat re duced by the removal of the outer portions to furnish stone for building in the city of Cairo. Thus despoiled the walls have lost their smooth finished surface.ln which state they were left by their builders. Other pyramids have been treated In the same way, but otherwise they remain much as they were when first built. A few days ago an old man of 93 ar rived at Barcelona, who quitted the coun try at the age of 20 to seek his fortune In America, and has now returned to Spain with his family, which Is thus made up: Sixteen daughters, of whom six are wid ows, nine married, and one young girl; twenty-three sons, of whom four are wid owers, thirteen married, and six single; thirty- four granddaughtcrs,of whom three are widows, twenty-two married, and nine maidens; forty-seven grandsons, of whom four are widowers, twenty-six married, and seventeen single; forty-rive great-granddaughters, of whom two are married and forty-three are maidens; thirty-five great grandsons, all single; three great-great-grandsons. Besides these there arc seventy-two sons and daughters-in-law. In all 279 persons. Mrs Mary L Dayton of St Paul, who amass ed a great fortune in Minnesota and South Dakota, died in San Francisco last week, and today her rather remarkable will was made public, her husband immediately thereafter announcing that he intended to break it. She first leaves $5 a week for the care and keeping of her beloved dog, Tasso. Then James C Reed of XewVork, 'private secretary of the late president Arthur, comes in for $200,000, To her husband she leaves oaly so much ol her Minnesota real estate as he would have Decn entitled to had :liere beeu do will Several Chicago, New York and Philadelphia ladies are remembered to the extent of from $t,ooo to $5,000. Computations of the prospective amount that the government will be called upon to pay out in sugar bounties, as calculated by the fi nancial editorj of various prominent news papers in different parts of the country, dis close quite a discrepancy in the amount and diversify of opinion as to the crop aggregate, While two or three estimate the total amount of the required bounty money at $8,000,000 the New York World puts it at $12,000,000 and the Philadelphia Record reckons it at $15000,000, and intimates that that may prove rather under than over the mark. At all events it will amount to enough to make the planters ftel pretty comfortable and cause the instigators and k supporters of wild-cat tariff legislation to feel strongly inc fined to kick themselves across the continent. Crop reports from Minnesota, Dakota and Montana coatinue most favorable. There has been aore rain this season than at any other corresponding period for several years, and wheat is in fine condition. Other grains are also above the average and the meadows and pastures are better than for years. The mild winter brought stock through in good order, Owing to the increased acreage and fine pros pects it is feared the crops cannot be properly harvested, particularly in Red river valley, owing to the scarcity of hands. - KIW AUT1BTIIIIUIKTI. daaeatn tels sHr. m U TvmcUt eeesaaf. Jaly la, a 'elaak: flans an ipaetfloatleas sitter at mj OTtOI TO CO!muroM.-Ths uaaeninad wm reosiT Bias lor ine MNaeirueuoa 01 a soroassofD oaakall. erallklasrasamd. Til I nIM w 1. . wallaoi. flTAHTlD, AT ONCB--A girl, either TV to do Keneral house work, or a younger girl to take care of children. Call at realdenoe of W. H. Lee. tmrOOD 8AWINO. Ah, there! Where If are 70a Bolnaf I am iiolna? in Carrau A. MonWith'a offloe. lo loan order lo Owen A Grubb'a o eome and aw mw wood. They do the ben sawing In town, awing done on abort noiloe Leave order on state. DISSOLUTION NOTICE -.Notice la hereby eiven that tae rartnerihln of Smith A Hammock, at Tallman. has been dissolved. E K Hammock retiring. A1 aoor.unt ahould be paid David Smith who will continue the business, and by whom all debta will be paid. LUMBER. We wiaa to say to the nnbllo that we nave just added a lar'e Dinner toour mill and re prepared to furnish all kinds of lumber, dressed or rough, as the pur obaser may ehose, a good as the best, aud asoheap aa It oan be sold. In payment we will take all kinds of produce, such as hay. flour, grain, baoon, Duster, Deans, oeer oy tne quarter, eta. in fact anything that we can use. Please see us before you purchase your bill of lumber, as we feel confident that we can suitycu. You will always And one of us at our mill. 14 mi lus from Lebanon, 8 miles from Waterlos, on Hamilton oreek, WIRT BERRIGAN, Lebanon, Oregon. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO lM whom it may concern, that waled bids will be receivedat the offioe of the oounty clerk of Linn county, Oregon, tip to 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, August 5th, 1891, for the construction of a county DriuKe aarons 1 nomas creeK,ai or netr A R MoDonald's farm, two and one half miles above Sclo. In said eountv and stale, said bridge to be of the following pattern auu uimeusmns; luain span 10 be Howe truss, covered 125 leet in length, IS feet wide In the clear, 18 teet above low water mark, north approach 50 feet in length and south approach 80 feet in length, both approaches to be protected by bannister, eaub end of the truss to rest upon eight solid oak piles. No bids will be considered unless accompanied with plans and specification, and 5 per cent ol bid In easb or certified check. The county reserves the right ta 1 elect any or all bids. Ni P. PAYNE, County C.erB. So Ton Wast Sim Mm? IT 80 YOU CANT READ THIS "Without being Interested. There will bo a Genuine The revolution in Kama, becomes easy of explanation when It is considered tint twenty -two newspapers In the state are edited by women. And this enumeration does not embrace the many wives of editors who write editorial as well as society matter for their husbands' journals, U'iMTifii nt nurm for ennnlnti nurnnivt Rojal Ann nnd filack Republican cher- j rtcft, peach plums, itarticit pearf, black rapbeiric4ftnd blackberries, for which I Mill pay the highest market price. G V Simpson, CHOICE MEATS Or All Kixns Ithuei'ielt - Ac - Kali!. Oppoaito Sihmccr's Livery Stable, next (.or to Wlfliiiiitttie rack hit? Co's store. 7HE CRY OF MILLIONS 1 OH. BKCKI STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BC TOO LATE. 1 hare been troubled man v yearn with dieciK of the kidneyi and have tried many different remedies and haTf ftmiKnt aid from different pbvsiciani without relief. About the 15th of Apr!1 I was aiitV.Tlnff from a very violent alUck that almoit prostrated me in mien a ninnncr itiai 1 was nent over. When I a', down it was almost impossible fur me tw get i.p alone, or to put on my clothe. whei kind rrovidence sent Dr. Heiilev, with C. uRimu.i tviii.t-. i. i,a, 10 my hotel. I i in uicd intcly commenced uninjf the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the astern ishuitut of alt the jruests at the hotel, in a few dnys.I am liappj" to state, that 1 wna new man. . will recommend the lea to all afflicted j iiave been. C. A. TtJPPER, lYoprietor Occidental Hotel, fiauta SXuta, Cal, ft 143 Portland, nrepnn. A. I. Armttronp. Prtn. Ih-snrli Svlionl: OAi'ir!. lUn. Coliaok, Salem, cinrgoo. (taint courses of study. Mime rates of luitlos, ltusinoss. Shorthand, TyffwritiMf, Penman t hi ami t'ftt-lish iefartmentt ttirln .ii'n tumiifftinut tli1 year, stihavntu admit IimI at an; time. Calnloifue from either kIijuI. foe ,1 ". PHOTOGRAPHER, CVr sor-onil amlKony St, All anv, Ol 81TKKIOK work, (tinrnnu e 1 In vver' brnni'li oftho an. tr-K-jlarciiiE c all kiiiiaMei:ilty i ini! iii i SUMMER GOODS, lift f eitbt Cloltoi. Suner FbhIiMdi Goods, !, and all M if :H0T WEATHER - Wearing Apparel Now in My Store. L. E. BLAIN, Hie IMli Cloti ad fctat Tailor HOW DO YflU DO? 7hr 1 no donbt tkat NKW Slosh of flLTHRWARE, onslstlqa 0 spoon. knlT, fork, fruit gold and allYr watches. JwM y, ek, is th largest and bu In Iks eitj-, aod by far th bost Tr brought te Albaky. PRICES h Most Reasonable. Call and Sec the GOODS c ITY IItl' STOKE Pfeiffer Block. Albany Stanard & Cusick, -atALsss in- Drus,' Medlolnrs, Chemical, .Fano) and Toilet Artlele, Sponges, Brushes. Perfumery, School ;i)ooks, and Artists' 8uppliea, Physicians' preavriptiuns car lully rt nipooniled. J. A. Cnmraing, Wall Paper, Jru(is, 1'n.iiitM. Oils Glaus, 12tc, ALBANY, (LBANY HMTDBB c Hss Just rsesrrsd a Isn, Ir.rol,. ,1 Dtw Jm!,,,, WMow Shatles antl Curtains, and sew and bMatiful paturas ta Wall Paper - WWII Elegant Beyers to Katih. pr.i..h,v;tu.yi j in. SHADE ! SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. ACHE?. 110 ACKEj IN rrraln. 17 In ...n an. . . - in i tiuioll y. Wll fenced and seeded to araa. Well vraurerl; tood soil, no bsitsI. 80 head allle. 10 beg, i hsrsts, farm lm plinsnu, lar house, large ntw barns, goad aebool and ehureh near liou, on plao( Fruit of all klaOw t mils postefflo and atore, ( mils from Slay ton and iii mile aeath f KIdss ststlonon Ogon ranlfl ralin,ad risraoan be dirldad nla tbrsa or fr farm with OOlinfrV tnatl tM Up , .1 thing 4 ft aera. Term easy. For flf?r.I,P"u"'",PPl'un Vemlaes ?i plt)L Line aeatly, or address a, P, MILLMB. Hastail, Oregon, (10) A. STRAW EY, rttumxTOR or TBI City LiTery, M Sail -8 T AIB L E. lab flrst.olasa turnout at call. Specif 1 attention gl Ten to transient atock Horsss boarded by the day or month. Cheap Rate In the city. Tl anhnna annnanitA-i etiL . i. n. Charles Hutel. Telephone order siren prompt attention. Fourth Street, httman vii .l . SHeet Car line. MEMBERS OF THE LINK COUNTY FARMERS' ALLIANCE: YOU ARB HEREBY NOTIFIED that I have eontrsntMit niih ,. known firm of Stewart Hoi. t aih. to anpply you with hlrders. mower, rake, twlno, barks, bUKgles, ,aion. plows, etc, a. well a all srt:l.s m tue 1'ne ol general liarilware, yJWMarlrin counly member ran buy at the Fame plrce on the tame ternie. Ask Your Neighbor! ft0PLE,0F un Wliere to get the Best Kargaina, Where to got the Best Valuo for Your Money, . in Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., And they will Answer with One Voice, at GG. W. SIMPSON'S. STEIMRT & SOX 1 -lurni in- Russell : Engines, : Separators : and : Stactoj Osborne : Binders, : Mowers : and : Rates. "We carry no machinery that ha not been tried in thii locality, and found to be satisfactory, and, as we represenl factories, no responsible dealer can give better terms" OHEGON - HOARD OF 11EGENTS STATE PRMAL MuanioBtta. Orreoa The Leading Normal School of the Northwest. Beautifully and Healthfully Located. No Saloons, STcw builitingg . new apparatus; full fsraltr; llirlil, and Isrtte altemlsnce. Noiail, AUvanccd Normal, HusiucM, Art anil guiic Di- IMTtlllOlltS. Svecial altentioit triven to physical cultun. Volunteer atilitary oncanization, TSntarcceitiit diplomas ara aulliohze.) to teaek lo any cosotr 1 Iha aSate visltout further exanihiMloni, Tuitlo in the Nnrsxal ami Runineas depart meuu nas oeen rennceo Irani to f ptrcar; and in tao 8ub-Nonaal fruaa 30 lo 0. AtatS Hoard ef Kttimtinn , At.offiein III. PllAnH- at1 Sylvester 1'cnnoycr, Governor; H U W Mcliride, Bee- A year In nrhmd lor 150 expenaia. Talltoa reiary or state; Hon B 11 MoKlroy, Nuperiutemlent of normal aim iiUHiuess, so .'.jtcr termor ten vtw. Public Inatrui'tfiai ; Benjamin Schellletil, nrealdcnttJ B Slll,'Nor,nal Rt ler term. Hoard at Nonnil V Butler, secretary. KiHei tivs Ikiasji Hon J J Daly elnina; hall, 1 50 ier week; furnilhtd ronel Hon V V llatev. and J It V ItutUr K.Ik . j...t, v..' with iiirht and dre. 1 per week. Uoani In arinu heee, Varion ; J C White, Tolkl Alfred Lacev Claaka families. e"S W ier wetk. Kimt teno entni S. aiae; A Noltaer, Multnomah; W H Ilelmos, alarieu. lud, ltivl. StutciiU may enter any time. For Catalogue, Address : I. I. OAJII'IKM, A. it Pni,ii. vi Diturr r. an Vl. e.l'rc.lUent. ' " ' -:F. L. KENTON,:- Dealer In GROCERIES Near the Post Office, Albany, Oregor We are the People "Who earry the most complete line of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. Ti LADIES BAZAAR. la th Lsading illineqf and Fancy Goods Store of Albany, They carrjr all the Latest Styles and Novelties In the Millinery He. ' a complete stock of Ladles ana Children's Furnishing goods, and ratir-n carments. Uonda the heat. ml nrir ik. in...r rnil nnd he onrinc' FIRST STREET, FROMAN BLOCK It you want the bait and moit durable fcr! tnre that is manuftctur filed in the city go to THOMAS BRINK'S r Idi in tea ion too hei hat XMl tbi Jie lud xill jOCS roai ibu I li retn tof p; nil uac a m a lo kvjk h a Hi Dn ti lai t ta le ti bp iei Fa arli J" m rei t. r. oe id E r. in Pi r al in h DUN. 11, IHV1NB. Financial Agent,